Degradable Polymers and Materials - American Chemical Society

Several chapters of this book are dedicated to natural polymers, which are inherently biodegradable due to their natural origin. Chemical modification...
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Chapter 1

Introduction 1


Carmen Scholz and Kishan Khemani 1

Department of Chemistry, University of Alabama in Huntsville, 301 Sparkman Drive, Huntsville, AL 35899 Plantic Technologies Ltd., Unit 2, Angliss Park Estate, 227-231 Fitzgerald Road, Laverton North, Victoria 3026, Australia

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Introduction This book describes some recent developments in natural and synthetic degradable and biodegradable polymers and materials, including their synthesis and assembly, characterization and degradation studies, as well as the design and exploration of such materials for specific and alternative eco-friendly and sustainable applications to conventional polymers and materials. The twenty five chapters in this book have been written by world's leading researchers in their respective areas. Here, these chapters have been organized in the order such that they describe advances in natural polymers, natural and synthetic polymers, polymer synthesis, characterization and finally degradation mechanisms. Several chapters of this book are dedicated to natural polymers, which are inherently biodegradable due to their natural origin. Chemical modifications of natural polymers lead to enhanced properties, typically tailored to specific applications and it is often possible to sustain biodegradability despite chemical conversions of the natural polymers. Since ester bonds readily undergo hydrolysis, various polyesters are considered (bio)degradable and are the focus of many studies that aim at the synthesis of novel, environmentally benign materials, from biomedical materials to lubricants and packaging. In many cases the judicious placement of selected co-monomers within the polyester backbone guarantees a controlled, time-dependent degradability. While it is easy to claim


© 2006 American Chemical Society

Khemani and Scholz; Degradable Polymers and Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

Downloaded by on January 2, 2018 | Publication Date: September 23, 2006 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2006-0939.ch001

3 degradability for a particular polymer based on its chemical nature, it is more challenging to actually prove degradability. In particular the question of the degradation timeframe has given rise to arguments and discussions. Polymeric materials can degrade physically due to the influence of heat and/or electromagnetic radiation or biologically under the impact of degrading enzymes. Recently, it became possible to identify biochemical pathways for enzymatically catalyzed polymer degradation. Several chapters are dedicated to the characterization of degradable materials, including rules and legislature that define and govern degradable materials. Known polymer analysis techniques have recently been adopted to detect the early onset of polymer disintegration and to make themselves particularly useful to natural polymers and chemically modified natural polymers. Plastic materials are used worldwide for a multitude of applications, in fact it is very difficult, if not impossible, to imagine life without plastics today. The application range for plastics is extremely wide and includes such highperformance and high-tech applications as Kevlar in bulletproof vests and lowend applications such as garbage and shopping bags. Some of the manufacturing processes for common polymers that we use on a daily basis are known for more than a century, for instance, the making of polystyrene and polyvinylchloride is known since the 183Q's. But it was only after World War II that plastics quickly conquered the materials market. Plastic materials were, and still are, appreciated for their durability, impact and tensile strength, reliability and the ability to adjust their properties to match intended uses and in addition, plastics show virtually no corrosion and age slowly. However, with a worldwide increase of plastic waste build-up, paired with a better understanding of the impact of human action on the environment and new and growing environmental awareness, new demands have arisen for plastic materials, specifically their ability to degrade according to a specific, pre-set timetable. Thus, there is a growing general awareness among consumers and government agencies in most countries around the world that conventional plastic products, although useful, are causing tremendous damage to the environment, water supplies, sewer systems as well as to the rivers and streams. While by no means all currently used plastics ought to be replaced by degradable materials, and certainly no plastics in highperformance applications should be degradable. It is paramount to take into account new procedures for plastics production that are based on renewable resources and/or lead to degradable products especially for materials in singleuse applications. This book reflects on the latest developments in the area of degradable materials by summarizing new trends in the synthesis, characterization, physical, chemical and degradation behavior as well as information on legislative regulations.

Khemani and Scholz; Degradable Polymers and Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

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4 Every year more than one hundred million tons of plastics are produced worldwide. In 2004, the United States alone produced about 52 million tons of plastics [1,2]. The packaging industry is a major area of interest when considering degradable plastic materials, primarily due to the package's limited life of usage. High and low density polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate, and polyvinyl chloride and polyvinylidene chlorides cover almost the entire packaging market. While plastics production grew slightly over the past several years, plastics used in the packaging industry stayed constant at approximately 30%, or currently 16 million tons. [2] 70% of all the plastic packaging material, which is roughly 11 million tons, is used for food packaging, thus intended explicitly for short term or single use application. The packaging industry, while it could be the largest consumer of degradable materials, is rather conservative in adopting new technologies. Partially, this is due to the fact that olefin-based polymeric materials have been well established in the industries, both from the manufacturing as well as engineering points of view. Due to the nearly hundred years of process optimization experience, the production of polymers for packaging is highly efficient, stable and hence the resulting polymers are cost-effective and difficult to replace. By contrast, the manufacturing of naturally derived polymers into packaging materials is a rather novel approach in the industry. Early attempts, dating back to the early 1990's, included embedding of starch granules into polyethylene in an effort to produce a (bio)degradable material. The production of fully biodegradable materials, as defined by the new standards (ASTM D6400, EN 13432, ISO 14855) and certified by agencies such as the Biodegradable Products Institute, the DIN Certico or the AIB Vincotte is still a niche market, with a share of less than 1% of the total market. Some large chemical companies, such as DuPont, Cargill Dow, Monsanto, Eastman and BASF have successfully pursued the development of polyester-based degradable materials. A short list of several biodegradable polymers and their basic properties as well as approximate costs currently available in the market place is given in Table 1. Smaller and start-up companies, for example Novamont, EarthShell and Plantic are more focused on converting natural renewable resource polymers, such as starch and soy-derivatives, into degradable materials. Due to low volumes and curtailed process optimization, (bio)degradable materials are currently still comparatively expensive as compared to conventional plastics. Whilst consumers in European countries seem to be more agreeable to pay extra price for environmentally friendly products, their American and Japanese

Khemani and Scholz; Degradable Polymers and Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.


Table 1: Biodegradable polymers and their manufacturers

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Polymer / Class

Product Name

Approx. Price iUSD/kgl Aliphatic-Aromatic Ecoflex F 4.00 Polyester Ecoflex S Ecoflex U AliphaticPolyester- BAK 1095 4.00 amide BAK 2195 Aliphatic Polyester PLA 3.00

Cargill/ NatureWorks DuPont Aromatic Polyester Eastman Aliphatic-aromatic Chemical Polyester / Novamont

Biomax PET EastarBio 14766 GP Ultra Aliphatic Polyester Enpol


Tm l°C]


Tg Sp. [ ° q Gravity fg/cm3] -33 1.25

125 175 175 57-65 208


1.15 1.18 1.25 1.35





1.20 1.25 1.201.30 1.26

Starch-Polyester - Mater-Bi Blend Showa High Aliphatic Polyester Bionolle Polymer




Solvay Union Carbide

4.00 4.00

61 115 114 95 102 60 61

-30 -35 -4 -60 -60

1.26 1.23 1.30 1.20 1.20

IRe Mitsui Chemicals Novamont

Aliphatic Polyester PLA

Aliphatic Polyester PCL Aliphatic Polyester Tone/ PCL



112 -30 115 -30 90-150 varies

Khemani and Scholz; Degradable Polymers and Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

Downloaded by on January 2, 2018 | Publication Date: September 23, 2006 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2006-0939.ch001

6 counterparts are less inclined to do so. Of course, the imposition of the greendot disposal fees in several European countries has a lot to do with this trend. At present, use and disposal of non-degradable plastic products is either banned or discouraged through government laws and imposed fees in several countries, and countries such as Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland etc. have levied taxes on all non-degradable plastic goods. Similar laws are under consideration throughout other European countries. Canada, Japan, Taiwan and South Africa have banned the use of plastic bags. Other developed nations, such as USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, as well as developing nations such as India, China, Mexico are all moving towards legislation discouraging the use of conventional plastic products by levying "disposal tax" for all non-degradable products. The State of Orissa in India banned the use and manufacture of non­ biodegradable plastics that is less than 20 microns thick in 2004 and plans on strongly enforcing this law under the Environment Protection Act of 1986. Even in parts of the US, the use of non-degradable plastic bags is either being banned or levied a disposal fee, thereby discouraging their usage. For instance, in Michigan, the use of plastic lawn bags for bagging fallen leaves has been banned. Similarly, in California a legislature last year considered imposing a two-cent tax on retail non-degradable plastic bags but didn't take action. It is very likely that this legislation will be reconsidered sometime in the near future. Other U.S. states will likely follow suit in due course as well. The very high landfill tipping fees in Europe, Japan and other countries also have a positive impact on the development of the biodegradable products and markets in these countries. Some optimistic estimates predict a market share of 10% for biodegradable materials by 2010. While it would certainly be of environmental benefit, it remains to be seen whether this estimate holds up. After their usability has been exhausted, packaging materials and especially food packaging materials are discarded and end-up as municipal waste. In fact, the extent of plastics production is mirrored by waste generated. In 2001, a total of 229 million tons of municipal waste were collected in the United States [3]. Of all the municipal solid waste, 11% or 25 million tons were plastics. Only 5.5% of this plastic waste was recycled, the remainder was disposed of by combustion or landfill disposal. Despite many efforts made by communities, the recycling efficiency of plastics is still very low and ranges well below the average 30% recycling of the total municipal solid waste. Considering that almost half of the amount of plastics produced every year is discarded and is likely to be permanently deposited in a landfill, it becomes even more urgent to consider replacing current petroleum-based plastics with (bio)degradable materials. The situation is even more dire in developing countries, which often

Khemani and Scholz; Degradable Polymers and Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

7 lack the means and technologies for an effective waste removal, thus leaving plastic waste to litter entire communities and industrial sites, but also beaches and non-industrialized zones, a phenomenon that has became infamously known as "white litter". For instance in China, the "white line" along its railway lines could be seen from the space and has in fact been identified as the discarded polystyrene lunch boxes thrown out of the moving trains.

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Types of Degradable Materials Natural Polymers

Nature provides a chemically diverse variety of degradable polymers. These polymers were the first materials used by humankind. Early men dressed themselves in hides (proteins, polysaccharides), later in cotton (polysaccharide), silk and wool (proteins). Early men used wood (polysaccharides, polyphenols) for tools and construction materials. Where available natural rubber (polyisoprene) was used for a variety of daily-life functions, from construction to water-proofing storage containers. Due to their natural origin, that is, an enzyme catalyzed synthesis, all natural polymers are inherently biodegradable. For every polymerase enzyme whose action leads to a natural polymer there is a depolymerase capable of catalyzing the degradation of that natural polymer. In other words, in nature, "if there is a process to make it, there is also a process to break it." Thus, nature keeps a balance in the generation and degeneration of materials. Depolymerase enzymes for individual natural polymers are either present in the polymer-generating species itself, with poly(hydroxyalkanoate) being a prime example, where the natural polymer actually serves as an internal carbon and energy source, or the depolymerase enzyme resides in other species for which the respective natural polymer serves as food source. Fungi and molds are examples for species that are able to degrade, eventually, all natural polymer s and even lignins. We use the following natural polymers either directly or after physical and/or chemical conversions that aim at improving upon their properties or adding to characteristics. Natural polymers are derivedfromplants, animals and microorganisms, besides finding extensive use as food, many natural polymers are used as materials in applications ranging from construction and clothing to biomedical materials.

Khemani and Scholz; Degradable Polymers and Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.


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Polysaccharides are available from plants (starch, cellulose, alginate), animals (chitin), fungi (pullulan) and bacteria (dextran, emulsan, pectin). For a summary on industrial polysaccharides see Stivala et al. [4, 5]. Proteins are produced by all living species in order to maintain their metabolic functions, but from a materials point of view it is the fibrous proteins from plants (soy), animals (wool, silk) [6] and bacteria (polyglutamic acid) that are exploited. Lignin, a polyphenols compound, [7] and natural rubber, a polyisoprene, [8] are synthesized by plants. Finally, poly(hydroxyalkanoates) are synthesized naturally exclusively by bacteria [9]. Bacterial polymerase genes have also been successfully transferred to plants [10].

Polymers from Renewable Resources

Polymers from renewable resources are distinct from natural polymers by the fact that their synthesis has been purposely initiated, either a microbial cascade has been triggered or chemical means were employed. Renewable resources are of biological origin and are distinguished by their ability of seasonal (agricultural) renewal or triggered (animal, microbial) renewal. When considering renewable resources for the manufacturing of plastic materials two distinctly different approaches can be taken: (i) direct conversion of renewable resources intofinishedpolymeric products, and (ii) renewable resources are first converted into small molecules, not unlike an oil refinery, and are subsequently converted by chemical means into plastic materials. One of the

prime example for the first approach is the bacterial production of poly(hydroxyalkanoates). A renewable resource, often a sugar, is converted by enzymatic actions directly into the polymer. The physical properties of this polymer depend upon the polymerization characteristics of the bacterial strain. Every bacterial synthesis leads to one distinct polymer with a microbiologically pre-determined set of physical properties. Another example of this type of use of renewable resource raw material is the water dispersible and biodegradable chocolate trays produced from the use of 90% renewable resource material, corn starch, that are produced and marketed by an Australian start-up company, Plantic Technologies, Ltd. The second approach allows a large variety of polymeric materials with a broad spectrum of physical properties. Given the versatility provided by the second approach, this is, undoubtedly, the more viable option for the future. Currently, there is no industrial process in place yet that produces plastic materials solelyfromrenewable resources. However, there are hybrid processes

Khemani and Scholz; Degradable Polymers and Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.


Downloaded by on January 2, 2018 | Publication Date: September 23, 2006 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2006-0939.ch001

that are either chemical processes that use in part renewable resources in their syntheses or combine strictly - biotechnological procedures, that is, fermentation, with organic chemical syntheses to yield polymeric materials. Sorona, a polyester marketed by DuPont Staley Bio Products Co., LLC [11] is a good example of this. 1,3-Propanediol is the key building block for the synthesis of this polyester. Sorona, that is currently on the market is still made from petroleum-derived 1,3-propanediol, but a joint venture consisting of DuPont and Tate & Lyle PLC, was formed that is developing the technology for the fermentation of corn sugar to yield 1,3-propanediol. Thus, a polymer that is based in part on a renewable resource was developed and it is projected that by 2006 Sorona production will be converted to agriculturally derived 1,3propanediol. Poly(lactic acid), produced by Nature Works LLC, is another example for a hybrid process, in which the monomer, lactic acid is produced by fermentation of corn using lactobacilli. The subsequent polymerization is accomplished either by anionic ring-opening polymerization of the lactide dimer, or more recently by an azeotropic dehydration condensation, a chemical process. Cargill Dow now has shown that the poly lactic acid produced by it's subsidiary Nature Works LLC, is fully competitive with its synthetic counterparts, and fibers can also be melt-spun from this polymer. These Ingeo fibers are "world's first man made fiber made from 100% annually renewable resources." [12].

Degradable Materials from Petroleum

In addition to using natural polymers as degradable materials or making use of renewable resources, (bio)degradability can also be induced in chemically synthesized polymers. Polymers, mostly polyesters, polyorthoesters and polyanhydrides, especially for specialty applications, have been designed in such a way that these materials readily undergo chemical reactions, often hydrolysis, that lead to their chemical and physical disintegration. By tailoring the chemical structure of the building blocks and/or the ratio of chemically different repeat units in copolymers, it is possible to control exactly the degradation behavior and times. Naturally, this chemical approach to degradable materials allows for the largest variety in products and their properties, simply because of the rich diversity of chemical building blocks and the chemical means of their

Khemani and Scholz; Degradable Polymers and Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.


Downloaded by on January 2, 2018 | Publication Date: September 23, 2006 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2006-0939.ch001

combination. The development of degradable polymers for biomedical applications is currently one of the most active research areas. Copolymers of polylactic acid and polyglycolic acid were the first polymers considered for resorbable sutures and fixtures. Lactel Absorbale Polymers, formerly Birmingham Polymers, is one of the oldest manufacturers of biodegradable polymers for biomedical devices using polylactide, polyglycolide and polycaprolactone [13]. While the packaging industry could have a remarkable impact on the development of degradable materials, simply due to its consumption of about 16 million tons annually, there are other driving forces that are furthering the development of degradable materials. Biomedical materials research continues to be one of the pioneers in the development of degradable materials. The development and investigation of degradable materials for biomedical applications has always been on the forefront of degradable materials research, and some of the latest developments from this area together with chapters on the synthesis, characterization, physical, chemical and degradation behavior as well as information on legislative regulations constitute this book.

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Khemani and Scholz; Degradable Polymers and Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

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Khemani and Scholz; Degradable Polymers and Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.