degree of conformity of a measure

ac*cu«ra«cy \ 'ak-yo-rs-se \n 1: freedom from mistake or error: correctness; 2: conformity to truth or to a standard or model: exactness;. 3: degree...
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ac·cu·ra·cy \ ak·ya·ra·se\n freedom from mistake or error: correctness; 2: conformity to truth or to a standard or model: exactness; 3 : degree of conformity of a measure to a standard or a true value; 4: METTLER Lots of analytical balances weigh accurately to 1/100,000 of a gram in the beginning...but after one million weighings? Now, thafs accuracy. And that's a METTLER AE Analytical Balance quality control standard. METTLER balances are available only from Fisher Scientific or VWR Scientific. All products are backed by METTLER Service Plusl";. For information, call 1-800- METTLER

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