degussa. creating essentials - C&EN Global ... - ACS Publications

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degussa. creating essentials

A forest of reasons. S o m e w h e r e a b o v e t h e Brazilian rain forest. Although you won't see a soul out here, you'll still find plenty of life f o r m s t h a t w e can do something for. Because as t h e number one specialty chemical company, we're w o r k i n g for e v e r y b o d y . Out here in t h e wild as well as everywhere else,

In Brazil, steps taken by its g o v e r n m e n t ensure that only tree planting designated for harvesting are used in paper p r o d u c t i o n . Another positive step is a paper and cellulose bleach containing active oxygen, developed-: by Degussa,that helps conserve the Earth's preciou supply of water. ι Amongst these branches snoozes a t w o toed sloth that prefers to stay put. And this species deserves to sleep peacefully under the protective canopy of the rain forest today and in the future. Degussa helps to preserve this essential resource by manufacturing a product used all over the world to reduce the a m o u n t of incineration emissions released into the atmosphere.

In an effort to replenish the natural ecosystems of the o u forest, the golden lion tamarin e b u n g reintroduced a u its natural habitat. Not only do the tamarins benefit n u n . the loving care of the country's primate center in R u dJaneiro prior to ^ i n t r o d u c t i o n , they are also f u h f u d v. ai. food supplements containing vital nutrition d u n i u i i - u i ' developed by Degussa. ι