Delmar SCIENTIFIC LABORATORIES - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - Delmar SCIENTIFIC LABORATORIES. Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (10), pp 102A–102A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60203a794. Publication Date: September ...
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illustrate the application of the data to mass-transfer systems. Analysis of U0 2 Dissolution in Nitric Acid Solution. H. F. Johnson. Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. 30 pages. Order ORNL3297. $1. A mathematical model developed in this work is proposed to explain the dissolution of TJ02 pellets in nitric acid. The model, with a limited number of bench-scale experimental data, can predict performance of a full scale countercurrent stage dissolver.

Delmar all-glass high vacuum unit now portable! Supplied complete and ready to operate, this unit brings high vacuum techniques within the scope of any laboratory. Designated the DelmarUrry Portable Glass High Vacuum System, it is ideal for research ranging from studies of air- and moisturesensitive substances to preparation of samples for isotope geology. Classical design, adaptable—the classical design of the basic system is easily modified for special applications. Compact, movable—unit rolls through standard doorways, easily positions under ducts or near utility outlets. Money-saving—unit totally eliminates these expenses: • purchases of individual components • fabrication of individual racks • specialized glassblowing talent • supervision of glassblowers by research workers • space taken up by permanent system Wide range—10-6 mm Hg provides working range for broad spectrum of volatile substances. Grease-free—O-ring connectors end need for greased fittings and joints. Quick delivery—complete system is shipped by special carrier; it will arrive at your laboratory within one month from your order. Write for Bulletin ADSP-100 and High Vacuum Catalog



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102 A


Determination of the Fatty Acids Occurring in Paper Chromatograms as "Critical Pairs." M.

Beldowicz and others. Proceedings of the Institutes and Scientific Laboratories of the Food Industry, Vol. 10, No. 2. I960, pages 69 to 83. Tranlated from, Polish. Uf pages. Order 61-11369. SO cents. Chromatography with prior hydrogénation is explored in this work and reported to be a useful method in separating critical pairs of various fatty acids such as oleic, palmitic, and linolenic acids. Determination of Aldehydes in Glycerol by Chromatography. Ha-

lina Grynberg and Hanna Jarnuszkiewicz. Proceedings of the Institutes and Scientific Laboratories of the Food Industry, Vol. 8, No. 5, 1958. pages 55 to 66, Warsaw. Translated from, Polish. Order 61-11383. 50 cents. In this method, aldehydes are first precipitated as phenylhydrazones and separated on acetylated paper. The spots are extracted, the phenylhydrazones are determined colorimetrically and the aldehyde contents are then calculated from calibration curves. Reproducibility of results and accuracy of the method were checked. A Gaseous Scintillation Counter with Gas Multiplication. F. H. Giles, P. Sprawls, and L. Cathey. Savannah River Laboratory for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. November 1962. 2% pages. Order DP-800. 50 cents. Combining a gas proportional counter with a photomultiplier as a means of developing an improved scintillation counter for charged particles, results in a workable counter, but it has poor operating characteristics. Signal gains up to 225 were possible for gaseous

scintillation pulses by application of an electric field, such as that used in the proportional counter. This type of hybrid counter, with improvements in the collection and detection of light, appears to have potential application to the analysis of low energy x-rays.

Annual Progress Report for the Period July 1961 through June 1962. New Brunswick Laboratory. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. December 1962. 98 pages. Order NBL-188. $2.25. Most of the 21 articles listed in the report are concerned with chemical analysis. Typical articles are: spectrophotometric determination of silicon in thorium dioxide, determination of total uranium in flat fuel, elements by gamma ray absorptiometry, spectrochemical determination of boron in SN nitric acid solutions, and a chemical uranium bias check program. An x-ray fluorescence process developed by the laboratory is described as a "rapid method for determining various impurities in beryllium metal." The method requires little sample preparation, is nondestructive, and still achieves reasonable accuracy and precision.

Determination of Chloride Ion Concentration in Inhibited Engine Coolants. R. Wagner. U. S. Army.

January 1963. 10 pages. Order AD 295 585. 50 cents. A volumetric method of analysis for determining the presence of chlorides in inhibited engine coolants involves the use of the following reagents: ammonium thiocyanate, ferric alum indicator, hydrogen peroxide, nitric acid, silver nitrate, and sodium chloride. Radioactive Isotope Study of Crystallization of Aluminum during Continuous Casting. V. I. Dobatkin and B. I. Simakovskiy, in Liteynoye Proizvodatvo, No. 10, Moscow, 1960. P. 84-36. Translated from the Russian. 12 pages. Order 6321902. 50 cents. The described method enabled metallurgists to evaluate the phenomena that occur in the melt prior to crystallization. The nature of motion of the melt in the crater during continuous casting of aluminum and duraluminum ingots 280 mm. in diameter was elucidated. The molten aluminum alloy contained 1 percent Ca 45 , equivalent to about 0.7 millicurie per 1 kg. of melt.