Delmar SCIENTIFIC LABORATORIES - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 17, 2012 - Delmar SCIENTIFIC LABORATORIES. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33 (3), pp 72A–72A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60171a761. Publication Date: March 1961...
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glassware NEWS


CHEMOSTAT . . . a continuous, automatic culture apparatus for growing microorganisms with controlled density and growth . ., , rates. Full control is offered by r , ν Λ variation of growth factor in nuAii W trient and a timer that feeds nu­ trient at selected rates. Complete with control cabinet and all glass­ ware. Single unit. S355.00. Dou­ ble unit, $575.00. Ask for Chcmostat Bulletin A. METABOLISM CAGE . . . for carbon-14 tracer studies in rats and mice. The only available ap­ paratus for total control of input and collection for metabolic proc­ esses. Unique method separates feces and urine . .2 . virtually total absorption of CO . Complete sys­ tems in 3 cage sizes; 3·/2" for mice, S252.25; 6" for rats, $298.25; 8" for guinea pigs, $350.00. Ask for Metabolism Cage Bulletin A.

FAT EXTRACTOR (Wistreich) for rapid moisture and fat determination. Reduces 24-hour task to 3 hours (proven against AOAC method, correlation coefficient .99). Apparatus includes reflux condenser, receiver arm and special 780 ml flask with two compartments arranged so solvent returns from condenser di-




Industrial Hygienists will be held in conjunction with the A I H A . T h e technical sessions will include papers on the determination of inor­ ganic materials in air a n d biological samples, instrumental laboratory m e t h ­ ods of air analysis, air pollution, gas c h r o m a t o g r a p h y in industrial hygiene, field analysis, and detection instruments in industrial hygiene, sample collection methods a n d techniques, and panel dis­ cussion of field indicators in industrial hygiene. Copies of the 1961 preliminary p r o ­ gram are available from t h e A I H A , 14125 Prévost, Detroit 27, Mich. R e f r e s h e r C o u r s e s . One-day teaching sessions intended to bring particip a n t s u p to date on specific techniques of industrial hygiene will be offered in conjunction with the meeting. Typical topics a r e dust counting with the phase microscope, identification of solvent mixtures, a n d permissible dose for external radiation. Registration is limited for each course. A full list of courses a n d registration details a r e available from M r . George Clayton, A I H A Executive Secretary, 14125 P r é vost, D e t r o i t 27, Mich.

rectly to inner compartment. On com­ pletion of the process, fat has collected in the graduated receiver, solvent is in the inner flask cell and moisture has been dissipated or collected. Price com­ plete . . . only $75.00 each. For full details, ask for Fat Extractor Bulletin A.

Modern glassware systems for vacuum, distillation, special purposes; plus accessories, tools, gauges, valves, etc. Write for Catalog 60-DA

A SUBSIDIARY OF COLEMAN INSTRUMENTS, INC. Circle No. 121 on Readers' Service Card


Canisius College Gas Chromatography Institute


CHROMATOGRAPHY OVEN A p r o v e n , h a z a r d - s a f e o v e n for m o r e efficient, safer d r y i n g of c h r o m a t o g r a m s . H e a t e d a i r rises g e n t l y o v e r c h r o m a t o g r a m s a n d is e x h a u s t e d through 3 " diameter vent, 8 C F M . M a y be vented through hood or exh a u s t s y s t e m . T e m p e r a t u r e is c o n trolled b y accurate, calibrated hydraulic thermostat from room to 1 2 0 ° C . M a i n s w i t c h selects e i t h e r r o o m - a i r or heated-air drying. In­ t e r i o r is c o m p l e t e l y stainless steel. O p e n - f r o n t , s w i n g - o u t r a c k is e a s y to load a n d unload. P l a t e n h e a t i n g e l e m e n t is l i m i t e d t o 2 6 0 ° C . b y a f a c t o r y - s e t safety t h e r m o s t a t . B l o w e r is n o n - s p a r k i n g and corrosion-proof. Dial t h e r m o m ­ eter indicates temperatures from 4 0 ° to 1 5 0 ° C . M a i n switch, thermostat, p i l o t light a n d t h e r m o m e t e r a r e all i n c l o s e d in v a p o r - t i g h t i n s t r u m e n t p a n e l . E x t e r i o r is finished i n d e e p bronze enamel, durable and eyeappealing. Write for bulletin or complete


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