Samples of three new quantitative papers offered. 66. Fixtures. Service fixture system cata log offered. 9. Flowmeters. Gas meter is calibrated tube s...
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Brown Hydrogenator generates catalyst in situ, operates at ambient pressure Simple, a u t o m a t i c h y d r o g é n a t i o n without high pressures and temperat u r e s — t h e s e are t h e o u t s t a n d i n g characteristics of the new Brown Hydrogenator. V a l u a b l e in o r g a n i c s y n t h e s i s , analysis, and studies of hydrogénation rates and catalysis, the unit was developed by Dr. H. C. Brown and C. A. Brown, a father-and-son team at Purdue University. The Brown unit provides in situ generation of platinum catalysts for hydrogénation, avoiding the hazards ordinarily involved in adding these highly active catalysts to organic solvents. After catalyst formation, the u n i t g e n e r a t e s h y J r o g e n for t h e hydrogénation reaction. A unique valve controls the rate of hydrogen generation to maintain the hydrogénation flask at essentially atmospheric pressure. The valve closes automatically when hydrogénation is complete. Two models of the unit are availa b l e : o n e p r o v i d e s g e n e r a t i o n of hydrogen directly in the hydrogénation flask; the other has a separate flask for generating hydrogen. References: Brown, H. C, Brown, C. Α., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 84, 149395 (1962) Write for full data.



A SUBSIDIARY OF COLEMAN INSTRUMENTS, INC. Circle No. 143 on Readers' Service Card




Collectors. Bulletin on fraction units in 400 and 216 sample capacities. 110

Flowmeters. Gas meter is calibrated tube soap film unit. 128

Colorimeters. New 12-page brochure on colorimeter/spectrophotometer. 80

Flowmeters. Catalog details family of new flowmeters. 92

Colorimeters. Transistorized unit for micro and macro analysis. 147

Furnaces. Box unit with new high temp silicon carbide elements. 94

Comparators. Handbook boiler water comparator.

Furniture. 40-page lab furniture cata­ log offered. 150

features 2

Connectors. Leak-tight fitting with single or double end shut-off. 61

Furniture. Catalog with specs and data offered.

Counters. Unit counts and sizes 100000 particles in 20 seconds. 222

Furniture. Catalog tables, sinks, fixtures.

Counters. Data on low beta manual and automatic systems. 84

Furniture. Circle 155 for full info on lab equipment, furniture. 155

Crucibles. Magnesium oxide, for dif­ ferential thermal analysis. 146

Furniture. Circle 71 for handy lab planning kit. 71

Crucibles. Porcelain units in wide range of models. 60

Furniture. work tops.

Crystals. Optical crystal blanks and optical maser crystals. 14

G. C. Accessories. Bulletin on new sample inlet system offered. 113

De-Ionizers. Bulletin on miniature unit with throw-away cartridge. 79

G. C. Accessories. Catalog on sup­ ports, adsorbents, packings, etc. 225

Desiccants. New 100-page book fea­ tures low cost drying agents. 75

G. C. Aparatus. Details on thin layer chromatography unit. 171

Detectors. Data on new, low-cost neu­ tron detectors in 4 lengths. 224

G. C. Apparatus. Bulletin on thin layer chromatography units. 220

Electrodes. fered.

Full data and samples of­ 134

G. C. Packing. Info on inert columnpacking aggregate. 85

Electrodes. Bulletin on new line of pH electrodes. 229

Gel. Brochure on gel particles for filtration. 4

Electrodes. Guaranteed 6 parts per million maximum impurities. 109

Glove Boxes. Data on plastic glove boxes in 3 models. 72

Electronics. 672-page catalog on elec­ tronic components offered. 226

Grease. Low vapor pressure grease for high vacuum work. 50

Electrophoresis Units. New unit per­ forms 3 operations. 123

Grinders. Electric mortar for mixing and grinding. Details. 62

Equipment. Details on full line of microbiological units. 37

Heating Units. Catalog on heating tapes and jackets. 207

Equipment. Bulletin on fraction col­ lectors, TJV monitors, micropumps. 26

Heating Units. Catalog on high fre­ quency induction units. 97

Evaporators. New system for uniform spot formation. 144

Hot Plates. Combination magnetic stirrer and stepless hot plate. 20

Fermentors. Catalog details fermen­ tation pilot plant. 176

Hydroxides. Sodium (50% solution) and potassium (45% solution). 40

Filaments. Details on new W-2 tung­ sten filaments. 160

Igniters. IR safety igniter for oxygen flask combustions. 131

Filter Paper. line.

Full data on complete 18

Instruments. Details on electropho­ resis units and cryostats. 202

Filter Paper. Samples of three new quantitative papers offered. 66

Instruments. New catalog on chemi­ cal-biochemical instruments. 213

Fixtures. Service fixture system cata­ log offered. 9

Instruments. Spectrophotometers, TLC units, G. C. units. 99


complete 223 hoods, 95

Data on full line of lab 208