Dendritic crystallization - ACS Publications

photographs through stereoscopic micro- scopes. The book seems to he a rather thorough review of the Russian contri- butions to the observstion and in...
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BOOK REVIEWS more than 3100 references t o colorimetric 2nd photometric methods of inorganic analysis that have appeared in the litemture since the publication of Volume 2. The hook is replete with formulas, tables, and illustrations that make d e a r the details of procedure and calculrttion. There is a complete suthor index nnd a detailed subject index. Printing, paper, and binding are good. This volume plus the four t h a t comprise the third edition of "Colorimetric Methods of Analysis," presents a n exhaustive and authoritative compilation of great value to analytical chemists, both aa a. r~ference work and a s a guide to the literature.

JOHN H. YOE University of Virqinia Charlottesoilk

General Biochemistry

Joseph S . Fruton and Sqfia Sirnmonds, both of Yale University. 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1958. xii 1077 pp. Many figs. and tahles. 16 X 23.5 cm. $15 college. $18 trade.


This is the second edition of s. very excellent biochemistry text. The review of the first edition may be consulted for further details. (J. CKEM. EDUC., 31, 50 (1954).)The second edition includes the advances in biochemiatry dwring the fiveyear period since the publication of the first edition. This material is not presented in encyclopedic form, hut is evaluated by the authors in exoellent fashion. This continues to he one of the outstanding textbooks of chemistry for instruction in biochemistry a t the graduate and advanced undergraduate level. ARTHURH. LIVERMORE Reed College Pwfland, O r e g a

Dendritic Crystallization

D. D. Saratovkin. Translated from the Russian by J . E. 8. Rradle?~. Consultants Bureau, Inc., New York, 1959. 120 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.5 X 23 cm. $6. This Russian translation adheres olosely to its title and has, in. general, a more practical rather than a theoretical emphasis. The translation is not always even, but the rough spots do not detract appreciably from comprehen~ibility. There are many illustrations, both photographic and line drawing, including a large number of photographs through stereoscopic microscopes. The book seems t o he a rather thorough review of the Russian contributions t o the observstion and interpro tabion of dendritie crystsllisatian.

J. A. CAMPBELL Harvey Mudd College Claremont, California Volume 36, Number 10, October 1959

