Cite This: J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Density, Speed of Sound, and Refractive Index Measurements for Binary Mixtures of Pentan-2-one with Propan-2-ol and Butan-2-ol Kuveneshan Moodley* and Youlita Vemblanathan
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Thermodynamics Research Unit, School of Engineering, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College Campus, King George V Avenue, Durban, 4041, South Africa ABSTRACT: Density, speed of sound, and refractive index measurements were conducted for the systems of pentan-2-one + propan-2-ol/ butan-2-ol in the temperature range 298.15−338.15 K and at atmospheric pressure (0.101 MPa). The excess molar volume, excess speed of sound, excess isentropic compressibility, excess thermal expansion, and excess refractive index were calculated from the measured data. A positive excess molar volume was observed for the temperature range measured here for the pentan-2-one + propan-2-ol and pentan-2-one + butan-2-ol systems with excess molar volume increasing with temperature. These behaviors, along with other calculated excess properties, were correlated by the Redlich−Kister polynomial.
where xi, Mi, and ρi are the mole fraction, molar mass, and pure component density of component i, respectively, ρ is the density of the mixture, and N is the total number of components i in the mixture. The isentropic compressibility (κs) was determined by employing the Newton−Laplace equation:
1. INTRODUCTION Oxygenated hydrocarbon mixtures composed of components such as ketones and alcohols are products of the Fischer− Tropsch process1 and must be separated, transported, and stored in order to further process them, to improve the value of the constituent components. Molecular interactions are common in mixtures of oxygenated compounds, as hydrogen bonding, association, and polar−polar interactions are likely to occur in these systems. Mixing therefore is generally not ideal, and excess properties of mixing must thus be characterized to ensure precise design, simulation, and optimization of the separation, transportation, and storage processes. Density, speed of sound, and refractive index are known to produce nonlinear relationships in nonideal systems of ketones and alcohols.2−9 In this work, density, speed of sound, and refractive index measurements were performed for the systems of pentan-2-one + propan-2-ol/butan-2-ol in the temperature range 298.15− 338.15 K, at 0.101 MPa, and for the entire composition range. These data have not been presented previously for these industrially relevant systems, apart from a subset of one study.6 The density data are used to determine the excess molar volume for the mixtures considered. Excess speed of sound, excess isentropic compressibility (via the Newton−Laplace equation), excess thermal expansion, and excess refractive index were also calculated from the relevant experimental data, in order to aid the characterization of the mixtures according to the intermolecular forces likely being exhibited. Excess molar volumes (and other excess properties) were fit to Redlich−Kister10 polynomial expansions. The excess molar volumes (VE) were calculated from the experimental density data according to the equation
κs =
∑ xiMi(ρ−1 − ρi−1)
The excess isentropic compressibility (κs ) and excess speed of sound (uE) were calculated according to the relations outlined below: by Douhéret and co-workers11−13 and Kiyohara and Benson14 by means of the following equations κs E = κs − κs id
© XXXX American Chemical Society
where κsid is the ideal isentropic compressibility given by ij ϕ V α 2 ϕ Vm,2αP,2 2 m,1 P,1 κs id = ϕ1κs,1 + ϕ2κs,2 + T jjjj 1 + 2 j C P,1 C P,2 k 2 V idα id zy − m idP zzzz z CP {
where the ideal molar volume (Vmid), ideal molar isobaric heat capacity (CPid), and ideal isobaric expansivity (αPid) are given by N
Vm id =
∑ xiVm,i i=1
Received: June 28, 2018 Accepted: October 5, 2018
(2) E
VE =
1 ρu 2
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00547 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data
Table 1. Chemical Purities and Comparison of Pure Component Physical Properties to the Literaturea 10−3ρ/kg·m−3 component
supplier (stated purity) Sigma-Aldrich (>99%)
Sigma-Aldrich (>99%)
GC relative peak area (%)
318.15 328.15
0.78244 0.77243
Sigma-Aldrich (>99%)
0.8014223 0.8013924 0.8021025 0.792726 0.7925227 0.782828 0.772828 0.762728 0.7618629
121323 121224
1133.30 1093.58
1.37782 1.37280
n at 0.101 MPa
0.7816031 0.781232 0.7811733 0.7808934 0.7808735 0.7811036 0.772632 0.7725333 0.7722834 0.7722535 0.7728836 0.7635233 0.7633234 0.7632835 0.7639736 0.7545531 0.7538835 0.7548936
114131 1138.50
1.37522 34
1097 1103.25
1.37083 34
1.3750731 1.375332 1.3750733 1.3749234 1.376137 1.371032 1.3706333 1.3704834 1.372637 1.3661033 1.3658634 1.368837
103431 1032.59
1.3614531 1.3610334 1.365037 1.3559934 1.361037
0.802017 0.802068 0.802238 0.8024139 0.8023940 0.8025041 0.8024042 0.793557 0.793988 0.793738 0.7940543 0.7938844 0.793845 0.7939246 0.7937147 0.784687 0.785008 0.784838 0.7851742 0.7851543 0.775407 0.775538 0.7758343 0.7657417
1212.138 1212.03
1.394837 1.39474
1175.838 1.391337
1173.447 1175.80
1.39011 1.390750
1139.238 1137.047 1138.7248
1.387937 1.38547 1.385950
1.384137 38
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00547 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data
Table 1. continued 10−3ρ/kg·m−3 component
supplier (stated purity)
GC relative peak area (%)
n at 0.101 MPa lit.
0.765838 0.7660343
Standard uncertainty: uc(T) = 0.01 K, u(P) = 0.0001 MPa, uc(ρ) = 0.0002 g·cm−3, uc(u) = 0.7 m·s−1, uc(n) = 0.00005.
Cp id =
Δn = n − (ϕ1n1 + ϕ2n2)
∑ xiCP,i
Δn id = (ϕ1n12 + ϕ2n2 2)0.5 − (ϕ1n1 + ϕ2n2)
N id
αP =
∑ ϕα i P, i
where Vm,i, CP,i, and αP,i are the molar volume, molar isobaric heat capacity, and isobaric expansivity of component i and ϕi is the volume fraction of component i given by
xiVm, i
Y = x1x 2 ∑ Ak (x1 − x 2)k
∑i = 1 xiVm, i
where Ak is the kth fitting parameter A which was determined by minimizing the following objective function representing the absolute average deviation (AAD)
κs,i is the isentropic compressibility of component i, and T is the temperature. Heat capacity data were estimated by interpolation of the data of Andon et al.,15 Andon et al.,16 and Katayama.17 The ideal speed of sound (uid) was calculated from the following relation
∑ ϕρ i i
and ρi is the density of component i. The excess speed of sound can be calculated according to the following relation
u E = u − u id
where u is the experimental speed of sound of the mixture. The isobaric thermal expansion coefficient (αP) was calculated by the following expression 1 i ∂ρ y αP = − jjj zzz ρ k ∂T {P
where T is the temperature and P is the experimental pressure. A simple second order polynomial fit was used to determine the temperature dependence of the density of each mixture for use in eq 12 2
ρ (T ) =
∑ biT i
where bi are the fitting coefficients. The excess isobaric expansivity was calculated from αP E = αP − αP id
(14) E
The excess refractive index (n ) was calculated by the method reported by Fialkov and Fenerli18 n E = Δn − Δn id
2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 2.1. Materials. All components used were reagent grade but were stored under a molecular sieve for 48 h prior to use to remove any trace quantities of water. Karl Fischer (MKS 500) titration confirmed that the water content of all components was less than 0.0005 mole fraction after molecular sieving. The purities of the compounds were confirmed by pure component density, refractive index, and gas chromatograph measurements and comparison of the results with values from the literature. These results are presented in Table 1. A Shimadzu GC 2014 with a POROPAK-Q column (2 m × 2.2 mm) with helium as a carrier gas and a thermal conductivity detector was used. 2.2. Apparatus and Procedure. An ATAGO RX-7000α refractometer (sodium D-line = 589 nm) with a supplier uncertainty of 0.00001 was used for refractive index measurements. The supplier temperature uncertainty is 0.01 K. The apparatus was calibrated with distilled, deionized water at atmospheric pressure (0.101 MPa) and in the range T = 298.15−338.15 K. This procedure is outlined in more detail in the apparatus instruction manual.19 These measured data were compared to the data reported in Haynes20 to determine their accuracy. An Anton Paar DSA 5000M apparatus was used for the density and speed of sound measurements. The supplier accuracy in density for this apparatus is 0.000007 g·cm−3 and is 0.5 m·s−1 for speed of sound. The apparatus uncertainty in temperature is 0.001 K. The apparatus is designed to correct for the effect of viscosity on density. More details of the apparatus can be found in the apparatus instruction material.21 The apparatus was calibrated with distilled deionized water and with dry air in the range T = 298.15−338.15 K. A daily density check was performed using distilled deionized water during the research period.
ρ =
∑i = 1 abs(Y exp − Y calc)
where Yexp and Ycalc are the experimental and calculated excess properties, respectively.
where id
u id = (ρ id κs id)−0.5
where ni are the pure component refractive indices and n is the mixture refractive index. All excess properties (Y) were fitted to a Redlich−Kister type polynomial equation as given below
ϕi =
where C
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00547 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data
Table 2. Densities, ρ, Speeds of Sound, u, Refractive Indices, n, Excess Molar Volumes, VE, Excess Speed of Sound, uE, Excess Isentropic Compressibilities, κsE, Excess Thermal Expansion Coefficients, αPE, and Excess Refractive Index, nE, as Functions of Mole Fraction (x1) for the Pentan-2-one (1) + Propan-2-ol (2) System at 298.15−338.15 K and 0.101 MPaa x1
0.0000 0.0978 0.2344 0.3338 0.4126 0.4972 0.6036 0.7125 0.8043 0.9009 1.0000
0.78110 0.78298 0.78578 0.78781 0.78950 0.79125 0.79349 0.79582 0.79780 0.79987 0.80209
1138.50 1146.53 1157.54 1165.46 1171.70 1178.36 1186.64 1195.02 1201.95 1209.14 1215.95
1.37522 1.37670 1.37860 1.37996 1.38098 1.38207 1.38340 1.38472 1.38580 1.38690 1.38782
0.0000 0.0978 0.2344 0.3338 0.4126 0.4972 0.6036 0.7125 0.8043 0.9009 1.0000
0.77251 0.77413 0.77672 0.77865 0.78023 0.78185 0.78393 0.78612 0.78805 0.79007 0.79232
1103.25 1110.64 1120.78 1128.06 1133.78 1139.92 1147.51 1155.20 1161.57 1168.17 1174.41
1.37083 1.37230 1.37412 1.37540 1.37637 1.37741 1.37867 1.37993 1.38098 1.38200 1.38284
0.0000 0.0978 0.2344 0.3338 0.4126 0.4972 0.6036 0.7125 0.8043 0.9009 1.0000
0.76351 0.76487 0.76732 0.76916 0.77069 0.77219 0.77418 0.77629 0.77816 0.78017 0.78244
1068.09 1074.88 1084.19 1090.86 1096.08 1101.72 1108.67 1115.73 1121.55 1127.60 1133.30
1.36622 1.36770 1.36948 1.37072 1.37167 1.37268 1.37390 1.37511 1.37610 1.37708 1.37782
0.0000 0.0978 0.2344 0.3338 0.4126 0.4972 0.6036 0.7125 0.8043 0.9009 1.0000
0.75419 0.75534 0.75763 0.75942 0.76087 0.76228 0.76421 0.76620 0.76809 0.77012 0.77243
1032.57 1038.96 1047.70 1053.95 1058.85 1064.10 1070.60 1077.17 1082.61 1088.26 1093.58
1.36146 1.36295 1.36471 1.36591 1.36686 1.36785 1.36905 1.37023 1.37120 1.37215 1.37280
0.0000 0.0978 0.2344 0.3338 0.4126 0.4972 0.6036 0.7125 0.8043
0.74366 0.74473 0.74699 0.74879 0.75028 0.75171 0.75367 0.75574 0.75771
997.33 1003.32 1011.45 1017.27 1021.80 1026.68 1032.68 1038.75 1043.75
1.35637 1.35790 1.35966 1.36085 1.36181 1.36280 1.36398 1.36515 1.36612
106VE/m3·mol−1 T = 298.15 0.0000 0.0898 0.1719 0.2129 0.2254 0.2350 0.2267 0.1935 0.1489 0.0902 0.0000 T = 308.15 0.0000 0.1029 0.1890 0.2280 0.2425 0.2559 0.2525 0.2229 0.1728 0.1072 0.0000 T = 318.15 0.0000 0.1204 0.2095 0.2490 0.2613 0.2814 0.2792 0.2492 0.1969 0.1215 0.0000 T = 328.15 0.0000 0.1373 0.2342 0.2726 0.2875 0.3126 0.3096 0.2869 0.2244 0.1384 0.0000 T = 338.15 0.0000 0.1556 0.2656 0.3094 0.3263 0.3547 0.3534 0.3248 0.2545 D
0.000 0.542 1.032 1.278 1.414 1.512 1.526 1.440 1.228 0.900 0.000
0.000 0.172 0.245 0.231 0.093 −0.018 −0.177 −0.397 −0.501 −0.536 0.000
0.000 1.635 1.508 1.052 0.958 1.537 1.877 2.316 2.005 1.330 0.000
0.00000 −0.00018 −0.00040 −0.00046 −0.00049 −0.00047 −0.00040 −0.00028 −0.00016 0.00000 0.00000
0.000 0.365 0.708 0.888 0.985 1.105 1.128 1.098 0.972 0.749 0.000
0.000 0.643 0.980 1.018 0.932 0.791 0.627 0.313 0.008 −0.250 0.000
0.000 1.728 1.926 1.648 1.610 2.114 2.320 2.597 2.134 1.361 0.000
0.00000 −0.00011 −0.00032 −0.00039 −0.00042 −0.00040 −0.00034 −0.00022 −0.00008 0.00004 0.00000
0.000 0.258 0.504 0.643 0.701 0.824 0.864 0.882 0.796 0.649 0.000
0.000 1.121 1.664 1.757 1.691 1.581 1.361 0.911 0.483 −0.015 0.000
0.000 1.836 2.368 2.277 2.291 2.723 2.786 2.889 2.272 1.393 0.000
0.00000 −0.00005 −0.00023 −0.00029 −0.00031 −0.00028 −0.00022 −0.00012 −0.00001 0.00010 0.00000
0.000 0.212 0.413 0.529 0.597 0.691 0.744 0.758 0.700 0.582 0.000
0.000 1.531 2.276 2.379 2.301 2.279 1.980 1.564 0.927 0.227 0.000
0.000 1.951 2.835 2.933 3.008 3.362 3.274 3.208 2.421 1.430 0.000
0.00000 −0.00001 −0.00016 −0.00024 −0.00023 −0.00020 −0.00013 −0.00004 0.00008 0.00018 0.00000
0.000 0.224 0.431 0.564 0.620 0.734 0.772 0.782 0.702
0.000 1.872 2.810 2.917 2.866 2.807 2.515 1.986 1.254
0.000 2.074 3.329 3.630 3.764 4.036 3.795 3.536 2.577
0.00000 0.00004 −0.00010 −0.00017 −0.00016 −0.00012 −0.00007 0.00003 0.00014
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00547 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data
Table 2. continued x1
0.9009 1.0000
0.75983 0.76227
1048.95 1053.84
1.36705 1.36764
106VE/m3·mol−1 T = 338.15 K 0.1571 0.0000
uE/m·s−1 0.566 0.000
1012κsE/Pa−1 0.418 0.000
105αPE/K−1 1.471 0.000
nE 0.00023 0.00000
a Standard uncertainty: uc(T) = 0.01 K, u(P) = 0.0001 MPa, uc(ρ) = 0.0002 g·cm−3, uc(u) = 0.7 m·s−1, uc(n) = 0.00005, uc(x1) = 0.005, uc(VE) = 0.005 cm3·mol−1, uc(uE) = 1.2 m·s−1, uc(κsE) = 0.07 TPa−1, uc(αPE) = 0.0006 kK−1, and uc(nE) = 0.0001.
Table 3. Densities, ρ, Speeds of Sound, u, Refractive Indices, n, Excess Molar Volumes, VE, Excess Speed of Sound, uE, Excess Isentropic Compressibilities, κsE, Excess Thermal Expansion Coefficients, αPE, and Excess Refractive Index, nE, as Functions of Mole Fraction (x1) for the Pentan-2-one (1) + Butan-2-ol (2) System at 298.15−338.15 K and 0.101 MPaa x1
0.0000 0.1227 0.2361 0.3467 0.4522 0.5521 0.6518 0.7440 0.8299 0.9190 1.0000
0.80240 0.80136 0.80045 0.80001 0.79988 0.79979 0.79988 0.80022 0.80065 0.80123 0.80209
1212.03 1212.62 1213.09 1213.53 1213.95 1214.34 1214.73 1215.07 1215.39 1215.71 1215.95
1.39474 1.39423 1.39353 1.39280 1.39205 1.39133 1.39059 1.38988 1.38922 1.38853 1.38782
0.0000 0.1227 0.2361 0.3467 0.4522 0.5521 0.6518 0.7440 0.8299 0.9190 1.0000
0.79386 0.79232 0.79124 0.79078 0.79051 0.79025 0.79023 0.79031 0.79062 0.79125 0.79232
1175.80 1175.67 1175.55 1175.41 1175.28 1175.15 1175.01 1174.87 1174.74 1174.59 1174.41
1.39011 1.38958 1.38887 1.38809 1.38731 1.38655 1.38577 1.38503 1.38434 1.38358 1.38284
0.0000 0.1227 0.2361 0.3467 0.4522 0.5521 0.6518 0.7440 0.8299 0.9190 1.0000
0.78526 0.78339 0.78207 0.78142 0.78093 0.78055 0.78041 0.78042 0.78073 0.78132 0.78244
1139.52 1138.52 1137.89 1137.25 1136.64 1136.06 1135.47 1134.91 1134.40 1133.85 1133.30
1.38547 1.38489 1.38415 1.38335 1.38254 1.38177 1.38095 1.38018 1.37943 1.37860 1.37782
0.0000 0.1227 0.2361 0.3467 0.4522 0.5521 0.6518 0.7440 0.8299 0.9190 1.0000
0.77573 0.77365 0.77215 0.77140 0.77091 0.77035 0.77002 0.77012 0.77056 0.77122 0.77243
1102.29 1101.01 1100.09 1099.18 1098.30 1097.47 1096.62 1095.84 1095.10 1094.33 1093.58
1.38022 1.37968 1.37897 1.37819 1.37740 1.37666 1.37589 1.37513 1.37437 1.37356 1.37280
0.0000 0.1227
0.76575 0.76326
1064.47 1062.97
1.37621 1.37559
106VE/m3·mol−1 T = 298.15 0.00000 0.11763 0.22436 0.27734 0.29377 0.30570 0.29550 0.25168 0.19420 0.11759 0.00000 T = 308.15 0.00000 0.15878 0.27056 0.31075 0.32860 0.34760 0.33659 0.31223 0.25863 0.15990 0.00000 T = 318.15 0.00000 0.18174 0.30590 0.35282 0.38254 0.40174 0.39037 0.36149 0.29354 0.18337 0.00000 T = 328.15 0.00000 0.20400 0.34782 0.40174 0.42695 0.46421 0.47433 0.42613 0.33319 0.20556 0.00000 T = 338.15 0.00000 0.25926 E
0.000 2.514 4.127 5.107 5.534 5.486 5.008 4.189 3.106 1.653 0.000
0.000 −2.467 −3.812 −4.763 −5.260 −5.122 −4.565 −3.799 −2.767 −1.365 0.000
0.000 2.612 2.246 1.384 1.559 1.766 2.804 3.217 3.458 2.375 0.000
0.00000 0.00046 0.00061 0.00069 0.00070 0.00066 0.00059 0.00048 0.00036 0.00022 0.00000
0.000 2.452 4.083 5.084 5.533 5.504 5.040 4.228 3.143 1.677 0.000
0.000 −2.296 −3.824 −5.071 −5.666 −5.498 −4.914 −3.890 −2.684 −1.257 0.000
0.000 2.891 3.498 3.129 3.404 3.870 4.744 4.595 4.025 2.613 0.000
0.00000 0.00048 0.00068 0.00076 0.00076 0.00073 0.00065 0.00053 0.00042 0.00023 0.00000
0.000 2.149 3.806 4.841 5.330 5.340 4.918 4.144 3.092 1.656 0.000
0.000 −1.867 −3.549 −4.964 −5.604 −5.508 −4.939 −3.901 −2.720 −1.234 0.000
0.000 3.161 4.776 4.876 5.327 6.050 6.742 6.003 4.576 2.837 0.000
0.00000 0.00049 0.00071 0.00080 0.00082 0.00081 0.00073 0.00062 0.00046 0.00024 0.00000
0.000 2.063 3.648 4.643 5.118 5.136 4.738 3.998 2.989 1.604 0.000
0.000 −1.773 −3.373 −4.839 −5.602 −5.341 −4.537 −3.630 −2.609 −1.159 0.000
0.000 3.446 6.109 6.724 7.304 8.313 8.845 7.478 5.154 3.070 0.000
0.00000 0.00050 0.00071 0.00080 0.00082 0.00081 0.00076 0.00064 0.00047 0.00024 0.00000
0.000 1.931
0.000 −1.178
0.000 3.791
0.00000 0.00058
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00547 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data
Table 3. continued x1
0.2361 0.3467 0.4522 0.5521 0.6518 0.7440 0.8299 0.9190 1.0000
0.76148 0.76059 0.76008 0.75946 0.75914 0.75929 0.75987 0.76073 0.76227
1061.83 1060.70 1059.62 1058.59 1057.56 1056.59 1055.69 1054.75 1053.84
1.37472 1.37383 1.37293 1.37206 1.37116 1.37027 1.36944 1.36852 1.36764
106VE/m3·mol−1 T = 338.15 K 0.44228 0.51521 0.54326 0.59037 0.59740 0.54082 0.42358 0.26166 0.00000
3.418 4.356 4.808 4.832 4.464 3.773 2.825 1.519 0.000
−2.405 −3.760 −4.569 −4.216 −3.433 −2.596 −1.800 −0.641 0.000
7.560 8.719 9.440 10.733 11.066 9.064 5.816 3.352 0.000
0.00078 0.00090 0.00092 0.00090 0.00083 0.00067 0.00052 0.00027 0.00000
Standard uncertainty: uc(T) = 0.01 K, u(P) = 0.0001 MPa, uc(ρ) = 0.0002 g·cm−3, uc(u) = 0.7 m·s−1, uc(n) = 0.00005, uc(x1) = 0.005, uc(VE) = 0.005 cm3·mol−1, uc(uE) = 1.2 m·s−1, uc(κsE) = 0.07 TPa−1, uc(αPE) = 0.0006 kK−1, and uc(nE) = 0.0001. a
Figure 1. Excess molar volume vs mole fraction of component 1 at 298.15 K for the pentan-2-one (1) + propan-2-ol (2) systemthis work (▲), Letcher and Nevines6 (○)and for the pentan-2-one + butan-2-ol systemthis work (■).
The liquid components were degassed before use, using a Vigreux type column. Mixtures of the solutions were prepared gravimetrically in septum-sealed vessels using gastight syringes and a Mettler-Toledo mass balance (model AB204-S) with an uncertainty of 0.0001 g. Care was taken to ensure a negligible loss of components occurred during handling and transfer. Solution mixing was conducted by shaking by hand for several minutes. A gastight syringe was used to inject the mixture sample into the apparatus. Refractive index (n) measurements were performed using the same prepared sample and injecting onto the analyzing surface according to the standard operating procedures of the apparatus.19 All experimental measurements were performed in triplicates and averaged. A deviation of less than 0.1% was found between each triplicate. The combined standard uncertainty in density was determined to be less than 0.0002 g·cm−3, 0.7 m·s−1 in speed of sound, 0.00005 in refractive index, and 0.0005 in mole fraction. For all measurements, the combined standard uncertainty in temperature was calculated to be 0.01 K, and the standard uncertainty 0.1 kPa in pressure (atmospheric pressure measured using a WIKA CPH6000 unit). The procedure of JCGM22 was used for these calculations. The combined uncertainties were calculated by propagation of errors (type A and type B) and included supplier uncertainty, uncertainty from
calibration, and uncertainty from repeatability. No nonconventional safety precautions were taken, and no nonconventional hazards were identified for the experimental work.
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In Table 1, the experimental densities, speeds of sound, and refractive indices are compared to literature data where possible. The experimental data from this work lie within the ranges of the data available in the literature. This confirms the accuracy of the apparatus and method. Limited experimental data for pentan-2-one were found, as this component is not very well studied in the literature. Minor differences in density, speed of sound, and refractive index may be attributed to uncertainty in temperature, atmospheric pressure, or chemical purity. The mixture density, speed of sound, and refractive index measurements were then performed. These results are presented in Tables 2 and 3 along with the results of the calculation of the derived properties. The system of pentan-2-one (1) + propan-2-ol (2) has been previously measured at 298.15 K.6 These data are compared with the experimental results in this work in Figure 1. It can be seen that these literature data were replicated experimentally in this work, which can be taken to confirm the procedure used for the measurement of density and excess molar volume for F
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Figure 2. Excess molar volume vs mole fraction of component 1 for the pentan-2-one (1) + butan-2-ol (2) system at various temperatures along with the Redlich−Kister model fit: (▲, ) 338.15 K, (×, ···) 328.15 K, (■, - - -) 318.15 K, (●, − − −) 308.15 K, (+, − ·· −) 298.15 K. Symbols are experimental data, and lines are model fits.
Figure 3. Excess speed of sound vs mole fraction of component 1 for the pentan-2-one (1) + butan-2-ol (2) system at various temperatures along with the Redlich−Kister model fit: (▲, ) 338.15 K, (×, ···) 328.15 K, (■, - - -) 318.15 K, (●, − − −) 308.15 K, (+, − ·· −) 298.15 K. Symbols are experimental data, and lines are model fits.
the mixtures. Other mixture data for the properties considered in this work were not found in the literature. In Figure 2, the excess molar volume for the pentan-2-one + butan-2-ol system at all measured temperatures and compositions is presented. It can be observed that a positive excess molar volume is exhibited. A similar result was observed for the pentan-2-one + propan-2-ol system; however, the magnitude of the excess molar volume is smaller in this case, as shown at 298.15 K in Figure 1. Letcher and Nevines6 showed that the excess molar volumes of mixtures of alcohols and ketones are dependent on the alcohol chain length. For instance, those authors found that pentan-2-one with methanol and ethanol exhibits negative excess molar volumes. However, pentan-2one with propan-2-ol exhibits a positive excess molar volume, as confirmed in this work, with increasing temperature. In low molecular weight alcohols, hydrogen bonding in the mixture is
the main source of nonideal mixing and causes the molecules of pentan-2-one and methanol/ethanol to associate, occupying less volume in the mixture. However, in pentan-2-one mixtures with sec-alcohols, the methyl groups surrounding the hydroxy group proton likely cause a shielding effect, preventing stronger hydrogen bonding with the ketone. In Figure 3, the excess speed of sound is presented. These values are small in magnitude at some compositions (comparable to the uncertainty in speed of sound measurement) but nevertheless were observed to follow a distinct trend of a positive excess value. The excess isentropic compressibility gives an indication of the difference in compressibility of the pure components and the mixture. It was observed for the pentan-2-one + butan-2-ol that the isentropic compressibility is negative and increases with increasing temperature. A systematic trend in the change G
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Figure 4. Excess isentropic compressibility vs volume fraction of component 1 for the pentan-2-one (1) + butan-2-ol (2) system at various temperatures along with the Redlich−Kister model fit: (▲, ) 338.15 K, (×, ···) 328.15 K, (■, - - -) 318.15 K, (●, − − −) 308.15 K, (+, − ·· −) 298.15 K. Symbols are experimental data, and lines are model fits.
Figure 5. Excess thermal expansion coefficient vs mole fraction of component 1 for the pentan-2-one (1) + butan-2-ol (2) system at various temperatures along with the Redlich−Kister model fit: (▲, ) 338.15 K, (×, ···) 328.15 K, (■, - - -) 318.15 K, (●, − − −) 308.15 K, (+, − ·· −) 298.15 K. Symbols are experimental data, and lines are model fits.
In Figure 6, the excess refractive index of the pentan-2-one + butan-2-ol can be seen. This property is small, but it is clear that a distinct trend is followed. A maximum excess refractive index occurs at approximately 0.4 mole fraction of pentan-2one at the lower temperatures. This property increases with increasing temperature; however, the property becomes more symmetrical about 0.5 mole fraction with increasing temperature. A transitional positive to negative excess refractive was observed for the pentan-2-one + propan-2-ol system. These behaviors are indicative of strong intermolecular interaction.51−53 The uncertainties in the excess molar volume, excess speed of sound, excess isentropic compressibility, isobaric thermal expansion, and excess refractive index were estimated to be 0.005 cm3·mol−1, 0.8 m·s−1, 0.07 TPa−1, 0.0006 kK−1, and 0.0001, respectively. The procedure of JCGM12 was used for these calculations. The results of the Redlich−Kister correlation of all excess property data are presented in Table 4, along with the
of this behavior with temperature is observed in Figure 4. This implies that the mixture becomes more compressible with increasing temperature. For the pentan-2-one + propan-2-ol system, a positive excess isentropic compressibility was observed with an increasing excess isentropic compressibility with temperature. In order to calculate the excess isobaric thermal expansion coefficients, the relationship between density and temperature had to be determined at constant pressure. A simple second order polynomial model was found to fit the data within 0.00002 g·cm−3. The excess isobaric thermal expansion coefficients were found to be positive for the entire composition range for the pentan-2-one + butan-2-ol system. This is shown in Figure 5. A systematic increasing trend with temperature is observed, and it can be seen that the system will tend toward a negative excess thermal expansion coefficient at lower temperatures. A similar result was observed for the pentan-2-one + propan-2-ol system. H
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Figure 6. Excess refractive index vs mole fraction of component 1 for the pentan-2-one (1) + butan-2-ol (2) system at various temperatures along with the Redlich−Kister model fit: (▲, ) 338.15 K, (×, ···) −328.15 K, (■, - - -) 318.15 K, (●, − − −) 308.15 K, (+, − ·· −) 298.15 K. Symbols are experimental data, and lines are model fits.
Table 4. Model Coefficients for Use in eq 8 for the Calculation of Derived Properties for the Pentan-2-one + Propan-2-ol/ Butan-2-ol Systems for the Temperature Range 298.15−338.15 K property
298.15 308.15 318.15 328.15 338.15 298.15 308.15 318.15 328.15 338.15 298.15 308.15 318.15 328.15 338.15 298.15 308.15 318.15 328.15 338.15 298.15 308.15 318.15 328.15 338.15
0.937 1.020 1.114 1.233 1.402 6.058 4.377 3.245 2.754 2.895 −0.082 3.230 6.335 8.945 11.128 5.523 7.899 10.390 13.008 15.773 −1.860 −1.604 −1.120 −0.797 −0.504
298.15 308.15 318.15 328.15 338.15 298.15 308.15 318.15 328.15
1.228 1.365 1.578 1.824 2.319 22.263 22.286 21.593 20.747
Pentan-2-one + Propan-2-ol −0.006 0.088 0.088 0.219 0.154 0.347 0.238 0.467 0.274 0.522 1.151 0.871 1.311 0.687 1.389 0.948 1.294 0.679 1.336 0.560 −3.062 −0.718 −3.138 0.831 −3.307 1.363 −2.863 3.777 −3.278 4.824 9.573 16.836 7.633 14.351 5.605 11.814 3.529 9.211 1.301 6.463 0.775 0.086 0.755 0.613 0.808 0.359 0.913 0.422 0.894 0.440 Pentan-2-one + Butan-2-ol 0.057 0.150 0.136 0.704 0.208 0.752 0.452 0.823 0.524 1.042 −0.811 0.387 −0.472 0.502 0.218 −0.832 0.367 −0.695 I
A3 −0.015 −0.135 −0.273 −0.413 −0.476 1.818 1.861 1.786 1.751 1.398 −2.763 −4.805 −7.110 −9.807 −10.955 −19.165 −16.776 −14.385 −11.945 −9.323 0.718 0.523 0.354 0.559 0.611 0.280 0.298 0.251 −0.139 −0.072 −0.071 0.348 1.921 1.769
3.483 3.409 2.880 2.970 2.754 −3.542 −3.751 −2.257 −3.523 −3.182
1.815 1.955 2.776 3.572 4.191
AADa 5.175 6.084 7.762 9.064 1.004 3.413 3.803 4.842 3.516 4.052 4.516 3.291 4.121 5.857 2.929 2.311 2.136 1.989 1.912 1.829 1.773 1.354 1.259 1.224 1.688
× × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
10−4 10−4 10−4 10−4 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−2 10−2 10−2 10−2 10−2 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3
1.551 1.383 1.380 2.907 3.514 4.790 9.574 3.209 2.913
× × × × × × × × ×
10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−4 10−4 10−3 10−3
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Table 4. continued property
10 κs /Pa 12
338.15 298.15 308.15 318.15 328.15 338.15 298.15 308.15 318.15 328.15 338.15 298.15 308.15 318.15 328.15 338.15
19.503 −20.790 −22.539 −22.568 −21.914 −17.473 0.612 1.461 2.337 3.249 4.224 2.763 2.988 3.280 3.302 3.655
Pentan-2-one + Butan-2-ol 0.482 −0.610 0.978 0.305 0.948 5.704 0.180 8.845 2.085 9.979 2.290 12.987 0.971 3.472 1.079 2.662 1.211 1.782 1.353 0.879 1.475 −0.030 −0.675 0.172 −0.807 1.249 −0.408 1.102 −0.183 1.208 −0.416 1.359
A3 1.665 2.302 1.732 −1.361 −5.302 −5.018 −1.231 −1.430 −1.691 −1.973 −2.212 −0.608 −0.244 −0.818 −1.277 −1.210
AADa 2.717 1.387 1.265 9.643 2.563 3.452 2.958 3.253 6.177 9.816 1.354 1.230 1.677 1.236 1.066 2.864
× × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
10−3 10−2 10−2 10−3 10−2 10−2 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−2 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3
AAD is in units reflected in the “property” column.
associated absolute average deviation. The F-test statistical criterion was used to apply a stepwise backward rejection procedure to determine the significant number of Redlich− Kister model parameters that best fit the data. This number was either four or five parameters for all cases. These deviations are generally within the estimated uncertainties for the derived properties. The plots can, in most cases, be used to interpolate to intermediary compositions that were not measured experimentally in this work.
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
4. CONCLUSION Thermophysical properties (density, speed of sound, and refractive index) were precisely measured for the system of pentan-2-one + propan-2-ol/butan-2-ol, in the temperature range 298.15−338.15 K. Derived excess properties were calculated. The excess molar volumes were found to be positive for the entire composition range for both systems at all temperatures and were attributed to methyl group shielding preventing stronger hydrogen bonding in the mixture. Excess speed of sound and excess refractive index were found to be small in magnitude and comparable to experimental uncertainty in some cases. Excess isentropic compressibility and excess isobaric thermal expansion coefficients were derived from experimental data and followed trends typical of nonideal mixtures with hydrogen bonding. All derived data were successfully correlated with a four- or five-parameter Redlich−Kister expansion for each measured temperature. The measured data give keen insight into the degree of nonideality exhibited by the ketone/alcohol mixtures considered and are hence impactful, as they allow for the more precise prediction of mixture fluid transport properties.
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Corresponding Author
*E-mail: Phone: +27 31 2601519. ORCID
Kuveneshan Moodley: 0000-0003-1544-3624 Funding
This work is based upon research supported by the JW Nelson Fund awarded by the University of KwaZulu-Natal. J
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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00547 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX