departments - American Chemical Society

1197. Characterization of airborne heavy metals within a primary zinc-lead smelting works. Roy M. Harrison,*. Olive R. Williams and Jan K. O'Neill. Re...
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E S T H A G 15(10)1107-1244(1981) ISSN 0013-936X

1197 Characterization of airborne heavy metals within a primary zinc-lead smelting works. Roy M. Harrison,* Olive R. Williams and Jan K. O'Neill Results show that a combination of particle size determination and chemical speciation may provide a useful indication of the sources of air­ borne heavy metals in an industrial workplace. 1204 Copper(II)- and cadmium(II)-binding abilities of some New Hampshire freshwaters determined by dialysis ti­ tration. Ralph E. Truitt and James H. Weber* This study evaluates a dialysis ti­ tration method and uses it to measure potential binding levels of seven New Hampshire freshwater samples. 1208 Structure and evolution of fugitive particles from a copper smelter. John P. Bradley,* P. Goodman, Ι. Υ. Τ. Chan, and Peter R. Buseck This study combines various ana­ lytical techniques to pinpoint the par­ ent copper smelter and the specific process during which an airborne particle is formed. 1212 Nature of bonding between metallicions and algal cell walls. Ray H. Crist,* Karl Oberholser, Norman Shank, and Ming Nguyen Data on protein displacements, pH titrations, and ion exchanges are pre­ sented for interactions of Cu, Zn, Ca, Sr, Ba, Mg, and Ν a with algal cell wall fragments. Editor: Russell F. Christman Associate Editor: Charles R. O'Melia Associate Editor: John H. Seinfeld WASHINGTON EDITORIAL STAFF Managing Editor: Stanton S. Miller Associate Editor: Julian Josephson Assistant Editor: Bette Jo Hileman MANUSCRIPT REVIEWING Manager: Katherine I. Biggs Associate Editor: Janice L. Fleming Editorial Assistant: Monica C r e a m e r Editorial Assistant: Yvonne D. Curry MANUSCRIPT EDITING Associate Editor: Joseph E. Yurvati Assistant Editor: John C. W e b b Copy Editor: Kathleen Chaconas

1217 Identification and determination of individual tetraalkyHead species in air. Walter R. A. DeJonghe, Dipankar Chakraborti, and Fred C. Adams* The determination of and chemical speciation of TAL compounds in air samples taken in and near the city of Antwerp, Belgium, are presented.

1237 Organic compounds found near dump sites in Niagara Falls, New York. Vincent A. Elder, Bertha L. Proctor, and Ronald A. Hites* Organic compounds associated with hazardous waste disposal sites are identified in water and sediment sam­ ples near the Niagara River.

1223 Adsorption of dissolved organics in lake water by aluminum oxide. Effect of molecular weight. James A. Davis* and Rolf Gloor This study focuses on the influence of molecular size and pH on the ad­ sorption behavior of dissolved organic material in a Swiss lake.

NOTE 1243 Sodium alteration of chlorine equilib­ ria. Quantitative description. Charles N. Haas Ion pair dissociation constants are computed for sodium alterations of chlorine equilibria, assuming the ex­ istence of the ion pair NaClO.

1229 Thermal decomposition rate constant of peroxybenzoyl nitrate in the gas phase. Tomohiro Ohta* and Isao Mizoguchi The thermal decomposition rate constant of PBzN as determined by a second derivative UV-vis spectrometer agrees closely with previous rate con­ stant for PAN. 1232 • Trace pollutant concentrations in a multiday smog episode in the California South Coast Air Basin by long path length fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy. Ernesto C. Tuazon, Arthur M. Winer, and James Ν. Pitts, Jr.* Ratios of total concentrations of gaseous trace pollutants to corre­ sponding ozone concentrations are presented.

GRAPHICS AND PRODUCTION Production Manager: Leroy L. Corcoran Art Director: Alan Kahan Artist: Linda Mattingly Advisory Board: Julian B. Andelman, Charles C. C o u t a n t , William H. Glaze, Robert L. Harris, Jr., Michael R. Hoffmann, Rudolf B. Husar, Roger A. Minear, Francois M. M. Morel, Frank P. Sebastian, R. Rhodes Trussell Published by the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1155 16th Street, N . W . Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 872-4600 BOOKS AND JOURNALS DIVISION Director: D. H. Michael Bowen Head, Journals Department: Charles R. Bertsch

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Volume 15, Number 10, October 1981