departments - American Chemical Society

tamination in surface soils to tetraethyl- lead from gasoline. Editor: Russell F. Christman. Associate Editor: Charles R. O'Mclia. Associate Editor: F...
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E S T H A G 15(6) 603-716 (1981) ISSN 0013-936X

671 Chemical mass accounting of urban aerosol. Arthur W. Stelson and John H. Seinfeld* This analysis demonstrates several important points concerning mass accounting, the presence of electrolytic solutions, and aerosol pH. 680 A /3-gauge method applied to aerosol samples. Joseph M. Jaklevic,* Ray C. Gatti, Fred S. Goulding, and Billy W. Loo Results show that the /3-gauge method for determining the mass of atmosphere aerosol samples is as accurate as gravimetric methods. 687 Automatic particulate sulfur measurements with a dichotomous sampler and on-line X-ray fluorescence analysis. Joseph M. Jaklevic,* Billy W. Loo, and Ted Y. Fujita A rapid, sensitive, and accurate X-ray fluorescence method is reported for the analysis of elemental sulfur collected from ambient aerosol samples. 691 Use of lead isotopes in soils to identify the source of lead contamination near Adelaide, South Australia. Brian L. Gulson,* Kevin G. Tiller, Karen J. Mizon, and Richard H. Merry Isotopes are used to trace lead contamination in surface soils to tetraethyllead from gasoline.

Editor: Russell F. Christman Associate Editor: Charles R. O'Melia Associate Editor: François M. M. Morel WASHINGTON EDITORIAL STAFF Managing Editor: Stanton S. Miller Associate Editor: Julian Josephson Associate Editor: Stephen P. Budiansky MANUSCRIPT REVIEWING Manager: Katherine I. Biggs Associate Editor: Janice L. Fleming Editorial Assistant: Monica C r e a m e r Editorial Assistant: Yvonne D. Curry MANUSCRIPT EDITING Associate Editor: Joseph E. Yurvati Assistant Editor: John C. Webb Copy Editor: Kathleen Chaconas

697 Alkylpyridines in surface waters, groundwaters, and subsoils of a drainage located adjacent to an oil shale facility. Robert G. Riley,* Thomas R. Garland, Kazumi Shiosaki, Dale C. Mann, and Raymond E. Wildung Results indicate that alkylpyridines are useful in environmental studies as diagnostic indicators of water that has been in contact with shale oils. 701 Evaluation of Tenax-GC and XAD-2 as polymer adsorbents for sampling fossil fuel combustion products containing nitrogen oxides. Ray L. Hanson,* Charles R. Clark, Robert L. Carpenter, and Charles H. Hobbs G C - M S analysis shows that Tenax-GC would be more suitable than XAD-2 for the sampling of stack effluents from fossil fuel combustion. 705 Modeling the flux of atmospheric polychlorinated biphenyls across the air/water interface. Paul V. Doskey and Anders W. Andren* Problems involved in measuring and modeling PCB fluxes across the air/ water interface are addressed, employing Lake Michigan as an example. NOTES 711 Comparison of automated segmentedflow and discrete analyzers for the determination of nutrients in water. Vicenti C. Marti and David R. Hale*

GRAPHICS AND PRODUCTION Production Manager: Leroy L. Corcoran Art Director: Alan Kahan Artist: Linda Mattingly Advisory Board: Julian B. Andelman, Charles C. Coutant, William H. Glaze, Robert L. Harris, Jr., Michael R. Hoffmann, Rudolf B. Husar, Roger A. Mincar, Frank P. Sebastian, R. Rhodes Trussell Published by the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1155 16th Street, N . W . Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 872-4600 BOOKS AND JOURNALS DIVISION Director: D. H. Michael Bowen Head, Journals Department: Charles R. Bertsch

The "discrete" analyzer provided a 50% increase in rate of analysis com­ pared with the "segmented-flow" an­ alyzer for the four determinations studied. 713 Automobile traffic and lung cancer. An update on Blumer's report. Lincoln Polissar* and Homer Warner, Jr. In contrast with Blumer's results, this study found no significant associ­ ations between traffic volume and cancer risk. 715 Solubility behavior of three aromatic hydrocarbons in distilled water and natural seawater. Steven S. Rossi* and William H. Thomas Except for toluene, data show that when the ionic strength of an aqueous solution is constant, maximal dissolu­ tion is strongly affected by tempera­ ture. * To whom correspondence should be addressed. This issue contains no papers for which there is sup­ plementary material in microform.

DEPARTMENTS 607 608 611 641 643 645

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Head, Production Department: Elmer M. Pusey Head, Research and Development Department: Seldon W. Terrant Manager, Circulation Development, Cynthia Smith Associate, Circulation Development, Mary-Ellen Kirkbride ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT Centcom, Ltd. For officers and advertisers, see page 654. Please send research manuscripts to Manuscript Revicwing, feature manuscripts to Managing Editor. For author's guide and editorial policy, sec the January 1981 issue, page 62, or write Katherine 1. Biggs, Manuscript Reviewing Office, ES& Τ. Λ sample copyright transfer form, which may be copied, a p p c a h on the inside back cover of the January 1981 issue.

Volume 15, Number 6, June 1981