Derivatization of yeast cytochrome c peroxidase with

Ted Fox, Ann M. English, and Bernard F. Gibbs. Bioconjugate Chem. , 1994, 5 ... Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click ...
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Bioconjugate Chem. 1994, 5, 14-20

Derivatization of Yeast Cytochrome c Peroxidase with Pentaammineruthenium(111)t Ted Fox,$ Ann M. English,' and Bernard F. Gibbss Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Montreal, QuBbec, Canada H3G 1M8. Received April 27, 1993"

Cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) was derivatized using aquopentaammineruthenium(I1) [asRuI1H20] resulting in stable, covalently-linked derivatives that were purified by cation-exchange FPLC. Spectrophotometric determination of a5RuHis:heme ratios allowed identification of two derivatives containing one a5RuHis per CCP molecule. The histidine-specificreagent, diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC), which reacted with three histidine residues in native CCP (6,60,96) a t pH 7, reacted with only two histidines in both asRuHisCCP species. X-ray crystallography showed that a5Ru is coordinated to His60 in one derivative [Fox et al. (1990) J. Am. Chem. SOC.112, 74261; HPLC and mass spectral analysis of the tryptic peptides of the other derivative identified a peptide (MW = 1469Da) corresponding to residues 1-12 of CCP plus asRu, indicating His6 as the site of modification. Mass spectral analysis of native CCP, asRuHisGOCCP,and the a~RuHis6derivative yielded MWs of 33 536,33 717, and 33 901 Da, respectively, revealing that a second site is ruthenated in the His6 derivative. Mass spectral analysis of a shoulder separated from the asRuHis6OCCP FPLC peak also indicated the presence of CCP with bound asRu (MW = 33 718 Da). Differential pulse voltammetry of this shoulder, which has negligible asRuHis absorption, gave a peak a t -68 mV (vs NHE) which is in the range expected for reduction of asRu"'(carboxy1ato) complexes, as well as a peak a t 42 mV due to the presence of -20% asRuHis6OCCP. The extent of ruthenation at sites other than histidine was unexpected and illustrates that a5RuIIHzO is less specific for histidine than previously thought. Activity measurements and stability of enzyme intermediates were measured to further characterize the asRuCCP species and showed that the derivatives have similar properties to native CCP.

Cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP),' which catalyzes the oxidation of ferrocytochrome c by hydrogen peroxide, has a single protoporphyrin IX heme noncovalently-bound to a polypeptide of 294 residues (Bosshard et al., 1991).Figure 1shows a computer graphics display of the C, backbone of CCP indicating the location of the heme and the surfaceexposed histidines (6, 60, 96) that are the most likely candidates for modification by histidine-specific reagents. Of the three remaining histidines, His181 has a raised pK, of -8 due to hydrogen bonding with both heme propionate-7 and Asp37; His175 coordinates the heme FeIII, and His52 is buried in the distal pocket (Poulos & Finzel, 1984). Diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC) reacts specifically with histidine residues and has proven to be a useful probe of protein structure and function (Miles, 1977)and of the number of modifiable histidines (Jackman et al., 1988a). A previous study of DEPC modification of CCP (Bosshard +This research was supported by a grant from NSERC (Canada) to A.M.E. * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. t Present address: Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc., 40 Allston Street, Cambridge, MA 02139. Address: Biotechnology Research Institute, 6100 Royalmount, Montreal, Canada H4P 2R2. Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, November 15, 1993. 1 Abbreviations: AP-ESI MS, atmospheric pressure electrospray ionization mass spectrometry;a&u, pentaammineruthenium(1II)witha = NHs;a&$, pentaa"ineruthenium(I1); CCP, cytochromecperoxidase(EC;CCP-CN,cyanide complex of CCP; CAPS, 3-(cyclohexylamino)-l-propanesulfonicacid; compound I, the two-electron-oxidized intermediate of CCP containingan oxyferryliron; DEPC,diethylpyrocarbonate;DPV, differential pulse voltammetry; Fe"=O, oxyferryl iron; FPLC, fast protein liquid chromatography; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography. @

1043-1 aoz19412905-oo 14~04.5010

Figure 1. Surface histidine residues and the heme of CCP superimposed on the C, backbone generated from the X-ray structureof CCP (Finzeletal., 1984)using Sybylsoftwareversion 5.5 (Tripos Associates, Inc., St Louis, MI).

et al., 1984) showed that His6, -60, and -96 are readily modified a t pH 7, as expected. At pH 8, His52 and -181 also react with DEPC, presumably because the hydrogenbonding network involving His181 is broken and access to the heme cavity is increased. Only His175 remains unmodified since its N(3) atom is coordinated to the heme FelI1 (Bosshard et al., 1984). The N-carbethoxyhistidine derivatives formed upon reaction with DEPC are unstable to hydrolysis and cannot be isolated. Aquopentaammineruthenium(I1) (&unHzO) is another reagent used extensively for histidine derivatization. Following oxidation of Ru" to Rum, the resultant a&uHis-protein complexesare stable, and such complexes 0 1994 American Chemical Society

Derivatization of Yeast Cytochrome c Peroxidase

have been isolated and characterized for a large number of proteins including ribonuclease A (Matthews et al., 1978, 1980), lysozyme (Recchia et al., 1982), a-lytic protease (Recchia et al., 1982), cytochromes c (Yocom et al., 1982, 1983; Bowler et al., 1989), cytochrome c551 (Osvath et al., 1988), cytochrome b5 (Jacobs et al., 19911, myoglobins (Crutchley et al., 1985; Casimiro et al., 1993), HIPIP (Jackman et al., 1988b, 1988c, Sola et al., 19891, azurin (Margalit et al., 19841,plastocyanin (Jackman et al., 1988d), and glucose oxidase (Degani & Heller, 1988). Several properties of a5RuHis-derivatized proteins have been investigated including catalytic activity, ligand binding, protein fluorescence, tertiary structure, reduction potentials of metal centers, and NMR spectra. Also, electrontransfer kinetics between the native redox and ruthenium centers have been examined in detail for the heme, blue copper, and iron-sulfur proteins listed above (Bowler et al., 1990). His6, -60, and-96 of CCP are expected to show relatively high reactivity with asRuIIH20 because of their accessibility. Computer graphic analysis indicates that the imidazole ring of His60 is highly solvent-exposed, and the N(3) atom is not within hydrogen-bonding distance of neighboring residues. His6 and -96 are less exposed and their N(3) atoms are within hydrogen-bonding distance of peptide oxygens, so these residues should be less reactive toward a5Rur1H20than His6O. Modification of His181 and His52 should only occur at pH 8, and the resultant derivatives should exhibit properties very different from native CCP (Bosshard et al., 1984). This paper reports the results of an investigation of the reactivity of CCP toward a5RunH20 under various reaction conditions. Derivatives were isolated by cation-exchange FPLC and characterized using absorption spectroscopy, AP-ESI mass spectrometry, DPV, and HPLC analysis of tryptic peptides. DEPC reactivity was used to confirm a5Ru coordination to histidine (Jackman et al., 1988a); enzyme activities and stabilities of enzyme intermediates probed the effects of a5Ru-coordination on CCP function. Mass spectral analysis revealed extensive derivatization of CCP with a5Ru a t sites other than histidine, and DPV confirmed this for one FPLC fraction. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION

Materials. CCP was isolated from bakers' yeast (English et al., 1986; Smulevich et al., 19891, cytochrome c (Type 1111, horse heart myoglobin (95-100% 1, lysozyme (chicken egg white, grade I), and trypsin (TPCK-treated) were obtained from Sigma, and horse skeletal muscle myoglobin (>98%) was purchased from Calbiochem; all proteins were used without further purification. Reagentgrade chemicals were obtained from the following sources: diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC); imidazole, L-histidine, potassium cyanide (Sigma); sodium dithionite, mercuric oxide, mossy zinc metal (Fisher); chloropentaammineruthenium(II1) chloride [a5RuClICl3 (Strem); ammonium hexafluorophosphate (99% ), 4,4'-bipyridine (Aldrich). Protein and buffer solutions were preparedusing nanopure water (Barnstead) and filtered using 0.2- and 1.2-pm Acrodisc filters (Gelman Sciences). Pharmacia was the supplier of the FPLC system and all chromatographic resins. Absorption spectra were obtained on a HewlettPackard 8451A diode-array spectrophotometer, and electrochemical measurements were performed on a BAS lOOA electrochemical analyzer. Methods. Preparation of Small Ruthenium Complexes. Zn/Hg amalgam was prepared by slowly adding mercuric oxide to pieces of mossy zinc in 0.1 M H2SO4

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followed by vigorous stirring. Note: this should be performed under a fume hood. The amalgam was rinsed with nanopure water, air dried, and stored a t room temperature. [a5RuH201(PF& was prepared by the published procedure (Callahan et al., 1985) involving [asRuClICl3 reduction over the amalgam and was stored at 4 OC in a vacuum desiccator. Histidinepentaammineruthenium(II1) chloride (a5RuHis) was also prepared by the published procedure (Sundberg & Gupta, 1973). CCPEnzymatic Activity and Compound I Stability. A spectrophotometric CCP assay using ferrocytochrome c as reducing substrate (Yonetani & Ray, 1965)was used to determine the enzymatic activity of native CCP and its derivatives. Compound I forms upon the reaction of ferric CCP with peroxides (Bosshard et al., 1991)and possesses an oxyferryl heme (FerV=O)which spontaneously decays to ferric heme. The rate of compound I decay was monitored spectrophotometrically a t 424 nm which is a maximum in the difference spectrum of ferric and oxyferryl CCP. Reactions of CCP with afiuIIHZO. CCP was exposed to 20-fold molar excess a5Ru11H20 under argon a t room temperature in 0.1 M phosphate (pH 7.0) for 3 h. In a typical preparation, 5-10 mg of CCP (0.2-0.4 mM) were deaerated by bubbling argon over the protein solution for 1h, and a5RuIIH20 in degassed buffer was transferred by gas-tight syringe to the vessel containing the protein. The reaction was terminated by loading the product mixture onto a G-25gel filtration column (2.5 X 20 cm) equilibrated with reaction buffer. The products (0.1-1 mg in 25-500 pL of 50 mM acetate buffer, pH 5.1) were separated on a FPLC HR 5/5 Mono-S column. Spectrophotometric Determination of afiuHis:Heme Ratios. The absorption maximum of a5RuHis (€303 = 2.1 mM-' cm-') (Sundberg & Gupta, 1973) a t pH 5 increases and red-shifts a t pH 10 (€370 = 3.4 mM-l cm-') (Recchia et al., 19821, making spectrophotometric determination of the complex more sensitive at high pH. CCP is unstable above pH 8 (Dowe & Erman, 1985) but was stabilized by forming the cyanide complex (Erman, 1974)in 0.1 M CAPS buffer (pH 11) containing 10 mM KCN. Protein concentrations were determined spectrophotometrically assuming €422 = 103mM-1 cm-' (Erman, 1974)for the cyanide adducts of both native CCP and its derivatives. The absorption spectrum of CCP-CN was subtracted from those of cyanide adducts of the major FPLC fractions. If a resultant difference spectrum had a broad band with ,,A = 370 nm, the CCP species present was assumed to be modified a t a histidine residue, and a5RuHis:hemeratios were estimated using the extinction coefficients given above. DEPC Reactions. Concentrations (-0.1 M) of freshly prepared DEPC stock solutions in anhydrous ethanol were determined by adding known volumes to 1.0 mM histidine or imidazole solutions and measuring the absorbance increase a t 240 nm (e = 3.2 mM-l cm-l) for the histidine and 230 nm (t = 3.3 mM-' cm-l) for the imidazole derivatives, respectively (Miles, 1977). DEPC is rapidly hydrolyzed in aqueous solution, having a half-life of 9 min in phosphate buffer a t pH 7 (Miles, 19771, so following general practice >lO-fold excess was used. The concentrations of native CCP and the a5RuHis derivatives were determined spectrophotometrically assuming E408 = 98 mM-l cm-l (Yonetani & Anni, 1987). Since €408 = 0.25 mM-l cm-l for the free a5RuHis complex (Sundberg & Gupta, 1973), its contribution to the absorbance at 408 nm was not considered. Reactions of DEPC with histidine,


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asRuHis, CCP, and a5RuHisCCP in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) were monitored spectrophotometrically at 240 nm, and the number of histidines modified was determined from the final absorbance a t this wavelength. HPLC Analysis of Tryptic Digests. To identify sites of a5Ru attachment, 0.5-0.8 mg of the CCP samples in 0.1 M NHdHC03, pH 8.0, were digested at 37 "C for 16 h a t 50:l (w/w) CCP:trypsin. Samples were applied to a reversed-phase Vydak C18 column (0.46 X 25 cm) equilibrated with 0.1 % TFA in water, and the peptides were eluted using a linear 0-60% acetonitrile gradient (0.5 % / min) at a flow rate of 1 mL/min and collected for amino acid and mass spectral analysis. Absorbances a t 210,280, 303, and 400 nm were monitored to detect peptide backbone, aromatic residues, a~RuHis,and heme, respectively. Desalting of Protein Samples Prior to Amino Acid and Mass Spectral Analyses. Native CCP was dialyzed using Spectrapor dialysis tubing (6000-8000 MW cutoff) against water for 6 h. Due to the smaller amounts of material available, all derivatized CCP species were passed over the C18 column equilibrated with 0.1% TFA and were eluted using a linear 10-70% acetonitrile gradient ( l % / min) a t a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Amino Acid Analysis. HPLC-purified peptide and protein sampleswere dried by speed vacuum centrifugation in acid hydrolysis tubes. Samples were hydrolyzed (150 "C for 1h) and analyzed on a Beckman System 6300 highperformance analyzer according to the general procedure of Spackman et al. (1958) with modifications (Veeraragavan, et al., 1990). AP-ESIMass Spectra of Protein and Peptide Samples. To confirm the presence of the ajRu group, derivatized protein and peptides were subjected to mass spectrometry on a SCIEX API I11spectrometer operated in the positive ion mode for detection of protonated species (Covey et al., 1988). The lyophilized samples were dissolved in 10% acetic acid (pH 2.2) prior to injection into the mass spectrometer. Egg white lysozyme and horse skeletal muscle myoglobin were used as molecular weight standards. DPV of Fractions 4a and 4b. DPV was carried out on these fractions since sufficient sample was available. The electrochemical cell consisted of a 1-mm glassy carbon working electrode (Cypress Systems), a Ag/AgClreference electrode, and a Pt counter electrode. Protein samples were deoxygenated and blanketed with Nz during measurements. Addition of 4,4'-bipyridine, which was used as an electron-transfer promoter at gold electrodes for ruthenated heme proteins (Yocom et al., 1982; Crutchly et al., 1985),did not alter the voltammograms obtained at the glassy carbon electrode. RESULTS

CCP Reaction with a&u11H20. The modification of CCP by a5Ru"HzO was attempted under a number of different reaction conditions. Reactions carried out a t pH 5 and 8 resulted in the precipitation of large amounts of protein. Furthermore, the products of the pH 8 reaction were highly cationic and required a salt concentration of 21 M to be eluted from the cation-exchange column. The instability of the pH 5 and 8 reaction products is not surprising considering that native CCP is only stable between pH 4 and 8 (Erman, 1974; Dowe & Erman, 1985; Yonetani & Anni, 1987). Modification of CCP by 20-fold excess asRu"H20 a t pH 7.0 did not result in protein precipitation, and -95 % protein was recovered from the reaction mixture.

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Elution Volume (ml) Figure 2. Cation-exchangeFPLC (Mono S, HR 5/5 equilibrated with 50 mM acetate,pH 5.1) of 1 mg of (A) the CCP ruthenation reaction mixture, (B)band 4 from A, and (C) band 5 from A. Samples were eluted using the NaCl gradients in 50 mM acetate (pH 5.1) indicated by the dashed lines. Flow rate = 0.5 mL/min, fraction size (A) 0.5 mL, (B)and (C) 0.25 mL.

Cation-Exchange FPLC. Native CCP has a PI of 5.28 (Bosshard et al., 1991) and binds strongly to anionexchange resins such as DEAE at neutral pH. Following removal of excess small reagents, the a5RuI1H20 reaction products also bound to DEAE at pH 7 but were eluted as asingle broad band (not shown). However,good separation was obtained by cation-exchange chromatography at pH 5, and the FPLC Mono-S elution profile at NaCl I0.2 M of the products was composed of a t least five bands (Figure 2A). Band 1 was eluted in the void volume like native CCP; rechromatography revealed that bands 2-5 could be further resolved. Band 4 separated into fractions 4a, 4b, and 4c under a shallower NaCl gradient (Figure 2B); when rechromatographed isocratically a t the salt concentration corresponding to its peak position (70 mM NaCl), fraction 4a was separated from its shoulder, fraction 4b. Similarly, band 5 was resolved in 3 fractions (Figure 2C), and fraction 5b, the major component, was rechromatographed at 170 mM NaCl without further separation. The percent yields of fractions 4a and 5b from the ruthenation reaction were estimated to be 7.0 and 0.5 % , respectively. As described below, fraction 4a was found to be a singly-derivatized CCP species with a5Ru coordinated to His60 whereas fraction 4b is thought to consist mainly of CCP derivatized at a carboxylate side chain. Fraction 5b is doublyderivatized CCP with a5Ru bound to His6 and to a nonhistidine residue. Spectrophotometric Determination of a&uHis:Heme Ratios. The difference spectra (Figure 3), obtained on subtraction of the CCP-CN spectrum from those of the cyanide complexes of fractions 4a and 5b, show a positive

Bioconjugate Chem., Vol. 5, No. 1, 1994

Derlvatization of Yeast Cytochrome c Peroxidase







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Wavelength (nm) Figure 3. Difference spectra obtained by subtracting the spectrum of 10 pM CCP-CN from that of (A) a 1:l noncovalent mixture of 10pM CCP-CN and abRuHis, (B)the cyanide complex of 10 pM fraction 4a, (C) the cyanide complex of 10 pM fraction 5b. Spectra were recorded in 0.1 M CAPS buffer (pH 11.0) with 10 mM KCN. Table 1. Characterization of CCP and a&PHzO Reaction Products tl/z for decay speciesa a5RuHis:Hemeb % activity of compd Id (h) 5.5 f 0.8 (10)f 0 100 f 6 CCP" 101f9 NDS 0 band 1 99f7 ND 0 band 2 88f9 ND 0.80 f 0.12 band 3h 3.0 f 0.6 (8) 0.92 f 0.16 100 dz 5 fraction 4a 93 f 5 2.9 f 0.8(5) fraction 5b 0.97 f 0.30 0 Fractions purified by cation-exchange FPLC (see Figure 2). Estimated from asRuHis and heme absorbances at 370 and 422 nm, respectively (see text). e Enzyme activity relative to native CCP. d Half-life obtained from semilog plot of the absorbance decrease at 424 nm. e Native CCP that had not been exposed to the ruthenation procedure. f Number of measurements of tip. g ND = not determined. h Band 3 is a heterogeneous mixture (see Figure 2A).


peak at 370 nm consistent with a5Ru-derivatization at histidine. Table 1 lists the a5RuHis:heme ratios of the FPLC bands in Figure 2 estimated from their relative absorbances at 370 and 422 nm. Band 1in the void volume is assumed to be native CCP since it has no 370-nm absorption. Band 2 bound to the cation-exchange column but does not exhibit a5RuHis absorption. Band 3 appears to be a mixture of a t least four species of low abundance with an average a5RuHis:heme ratio of 0.8. Fraction 4a, and the less abundant 5b, exhibited average a5RuHis:heme ratios of >0.9, which strongly suggests that each of these derivative contains a5Ru bound to a single histidine residue. Fractions 4b and 5c, the shoulders separated from fractions 4a and 5b (Figure 2B and C), have insignificant 370-nm absorption.





Time (s) Figure 4. Reaction in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) of 50fold excess DEPC with (A) 100 pM histidine (0)and free and fraction 4a (m); and %RuHis ( 0 ) ;(B)10 pM native CCP (0) (C) 10pM CCP (v)and fraction 5b (v).The absorbance increase at 240 nm is expressed as the number of histidines modified per mole using Ac = 3.3 mM-1 cm-1. Fractions 4a and 5b are from the ruthenation reaction (Figure 2) and have &u bound a t His60 and His6, respectively.

Enzymatic Activity and Compound I Stability. The major species isolated by FPLC retained the activity of native CCP (Table 1). Compound I spontaneously decays to ferric CCP with a half-life of 5 h for the native enzyme (Erman & Yonetani, 1975). Following addition of HzOz to fractions 4a and 5b, the absorbance decrease a t 424 nm due to compound I decay was exponential over 6-9 h (correlation coefficients >0.99) with slightly shorter halflives (3 h) than native CCP. DEPC Reactions. As can be seen from Figure 4A, addition of 50-fold excess DEPC to free a5RuHis gives rise to negligible absorbance increase at 240 nm compared to that observed for histidine. Thus, a5Ru coordination effectively blocks DEPC modification of free histidine as was observed previously for histidine residues in proteins (Jackman et al., 1988a). The reaction of 50-fold excess DEPC with native CCP resulted in the rapid modification of three histidines a t pH 7.0 but modification of only two histidines in fractions 4a and 5b (Figure 4B and 4C). Also, the absorbance increase at 240 nm was reversed on addition of hydroxylamine (Miles, 1977) which removed the carbethoxygroup from the CCP species. These results confirm that a5Ru is coordinated to a reactive, surface histidine in fractions 4a and 5b. Identification of the a&u-Modified Histidines in Fractions 4a and 5b. X-ray structure determination showed that asRu is coordinated to His60 in fraction 4a (Fox et al., 1990). The crystal structure of fraction 5b could not be determined (S. Edwards, personal commu-


Bioconjugate Chem., Vol. 5,No. 1, 1994

Table 2. Molecular Weights of a&PHzO Reaction Products

sDecies lysozyme myoglobiner CCPe hem# fraction 4ae fraction 4be fraction 5be fraction 5ce

obsd calcd total MWa (Da) . . MWb(Da) asRuHis:hemec asRu:CCPd 14 305 f 1 14 305 16 952 f 1 16 952 33 536 f 1 33 533 0 0 616 616 33 717 f 3 33 71gh 1 1 33 718 f 3 33 71gh 0 1 33 901 f 3 33 905 1 2 0 33 800 f 4'

a Determined by AP-ESI mass spectrometry. Calculated from sequence data or the chemical formula for protoporphyrin IX heme. Determined spectrophotometrically (see Table 1). Determined from the MW difference between apoCCP and each fraction. e MW of apoprotein is observed due to heme dissociation at low pH (see text). f Horse skeletal muscle myoglobin. g Protoporphyrin IX heme isolated by HPLC during desalting of CCP samples prior to mass spectral analysis. MW of apoCCP plus RuNsH~s(186 Da). Mass difference (264Da) between fraction 5c and native CCP has not been assigned to a chemical species.

nication) so it was necessary to carry out HPLC analysis of the tryptic peptides of this sample. The tryptic peptide map of CCP is complex yielding >60 peaks. A diodearray detector was used to identify peaks with no protein absorbance at 280 nm (sincethe tryptic peptides containing His6 and His96 contain no Tyr or Trp residues), but which possess the 303-nm absorbance expected for a5RuHis at low pH. Mass spectral analysis identified a peptide with a molecular weight of 1469 Da corresponding to residues 1-12 plus a5Ru (TTPLVHVASVEK + RuNgH15, MW = 1281 186 Da). In addition, a much less intense peak with MW = 1285Da was assigned to peptide 1-12 that has lost a5Ru on ionization. Since no peak corresponding to residues 91-97 (FLEPIHK, MW = 884 Da) was observed in the mass spectrum, fraction 5b is assumed to contain a derivative with asRu bound to His6, and not His96, the other surface-exposed histidine in CCP (Figure 1). Mass Spectral Analysis of Ruthenated Protein and Peptide Samples. Table 2 summarizes the mass spectral data. Using lysozyme (MW = 14 305 Da) as a molecular weight standard, the mass spectrum of apoCCP (Figure 5) yielded a MW of 33 536 Da compared to the value of 33 533 Da calculated from the sequence. The heme removed during desalting by HPLC has a MW of 616 Da, as expected for protoporphyrin IX heme (FeC34N404H32). The mass spectrum of CCP desalted by dialysis was identical to that shown in Figure 5 except for an additional peak a t 616 due to heme which dissociated from the polypeptide at the low pH (2.2) used to record the spectra. Horse skeletal muscle myoglobin, which also possesses a noncovalently-bound protoporphyrin IX heme, was found to have a molecular weight of 16 952 Da identical to that calculated for the polypeptide (16 952 Da) alone (Zaia et al., 1992). Until this point it was assumed that fractions 4a and 5b contained CCP derivatized only at His60 and His6, respectively. This was confirmed for asRuHis6OCCP (MW = 33 717 f 3 = 33 536 + 186 Da), consistent with the X-ray analysis. However, a MW of 33 901 f 3 (-33 536 + 2(186) Da) indicated that fraction 5b possesses two a5Ru groups per apoCCP. Since DEPC reacted with two of its three surface histidines (Figure 4C), the second aSRu must be attached at a site other than histidine. Mass spectra were also obtained for the fractions labeled 4b and 5c in Figure 2B and C, respectively. Fraction 4b possesses one a5Ru group (MW = 33 718 f 3 Da) but has negligible a5RuHis absorption a t 370 nm. Fraction 5c has


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MW of 33 800 f 4 Da which is 264 Da higher than native CCP making it difficult to speculate as to the identity of this species of low abundance. DPVof Fractions 4a and 4b. Two peaks a t +42 and -68 mV (vs NHE) appear in the DPV of fraction 4b (Figure 6). The peak at 42 mV is assigned to the reduction of a5Ru"' coordinated to His60 since the single peak observed in the DPV of fraction 4a has the same potential within experimental error. From the observed peak currents, fraction 4b is estimated to contain -20% asRu(His60)CCP consistent with negligible a5RuHis absorption at the protein concentration (10 FM) used to obtain difference spectra like those shown in Figure 3. The appearance of a second peak at negative potential in the voltammogram of fraction 4b suggests binding of a5Ru to an anionic ligand such as -COO- since this would stabilize the Ru"1 form of the complex (Lim et al., 1972). DISCUSSION

Extensive derivatization of CCP occurred when the protein was incubated with 20-fold excess a5Ru"HzO at room temperature for 3 h in phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). This reaction time is short compared to the 1-3 days required for ruthenation of horse heart cytochrome c (Yocom et al., 1982,1983) but longer than the 60 min for horse heart myoglobin (S. Marmor, unpublished results) or the 30 min for sperm whale myoglobin (Crutchley et al., 1985). These reaction times mirror the accessibility of the histidine residues; both myoglobin and CCP have surface histidines, but in cytochrome c the histidines are buried within the protein matrix. Table 1summarizes the properties of the various species isolated by cation-exchange chromatography from the reaction of asRuIIHz0 and CCP. Two a5RuHis-containing derivatives of CCP were purified to homogeneity; fraction 4a has been identified by X-ray crystallography as a5RuHis6OCCP (Fox et al., 1990),and fraction 5b has been shown by peptide mapping to be CCP with asRu bound at His6. However, the mass spectral results revealed that fraction 5b and also fraction 4b possess coordinated a5Ru that was not detected by difference spectroscopy. Binding of a5Ru to cysteine, methionine (Kuehn & Taube, 1976), or carboxylate (Stritar & Taube, 1969) sidegroups of CCP is also possible. Since the single cysteine and five methionines in CCP are less solvent-exposed than the surface histidines, they are unlikely ruthenation sites. On the other hand, CCP carboxylates demonstrated high reactivity in crosslinking reactions with cytochrome c (Moench et al., 1987). Carboxylato complexes of a5Ru a t -290 nm (e = 1.5 exhibit UV-vis spectra with ,A, mM-l cm-') (Stritar & Taube, 1969). Weak absorption a t this wavelength would be difficult to detect under the intense absorption of CCP centered at 278 nm (t = 75 mM-' cm-') (Bosshard et al., 1991). However, the presence of a peak at -68 mV (vs NHE) in the DPV of fraction 4b is consistent with a5Ru coordination to a carboxylate side chain of CCP since anionic ligands shift a&Wnpotentials to negative values (Lim et al., 1972). Nevertheless, it should be noted that the redox properties of protein-bound Ru appear to be highly sensitive to the protein environment since the reported potentials vary by -70 mV (Bowler et al., 1990). Similar variation may be anticipated for the redox properties of a5Ru bound at nonhistidine sites. As shown here (Figure 4) and previously (Jackman et al., 1988a), DEPC is an excellent probe of histidine modification by a5Ru. However, it is not a reliable indicator of the number of histidines that will react readily

Derivatiratlon of Yeast Cytochrome c Peroxidase

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Figure 5. AP-ESI mass spectrum of native CCP (25 p g ) dissolved in 50 p L of 10% acetic acid (pH 2.2) infused at a flow rate of 2 pL/min. (Bosshard et al., 1984). Since a5RuHisGfiuCCP (fraction 5b) also exhibits full activity, the nonhistidine site modified in this derivative must not fall within the cytochrome c binding region. The half-life for compound I decay in the absence of exogenous reductants is -5 h for native CCP and -3 h for fractions 4a and 5b. Recombinant CCP from E . coli, which possesses a 3-D structure almost identical to yeast CCP (Wang et al., 19901, also has a halflife for compound I of 3 h (Erman & Vitello, 1992);hence, minor structural changes can alter the stability of compound I. The reported activities of other ruthenated enzymes vary considerably. For example, lysozyme retains 70 % activity on binding a single asRu whereas a-lytic protease is completely inactive when its single histidine, which plays a key role in catalysis, is ruthenated (Recchia e t al., 1982). Ribonuclease A retains 65 % activity when one &Ru center is attached but only 22% activity when two are present (Matthews et al., 1978, 1980). Glucose oxidase was ruthenated to promote electrochemical communication between its two FAD redox centers and electrode surfaces. The modification was carried out in 3 M urea and resulted in an average attachment of 14 ruthenium centers per enzyme molecule. Remarkably, this heterogeneous mixture of a5Ru-derivatized species retains 70% (Degani & Heller, 1988). In this study, mass spectral analysis identified two species (fractions 4b and 5b) with a5Ru attached to sites other than histidine. Thus, it appears that a s R ~ ~ ~ H is 2 0 less specific for histidine residues than previously thought. Consequently, determination of histidine-bound asRu only may lead to incomplete characterization of Ru-derivatized proteins. Without atomic absorption or mass spectral analysis other ruthenation sites may remain undetected which could pose problems in further studies. Atomic absorption has been commonly used to determine the extent of protein ruthenation (Yocom et al., 1983; Osvath


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E (VOLT1 Figure 6. Reduction of fraction 4b by differential pulse voltammetry: volts vs Ag/AgCl; l-mm glassy carbon electrode; pulse amplitude = 25 mV; scan rate = 5 mV/s; 0.16 mM ruthenated CCP in deoxygenated 70 mM NaC1, 10 mM 4,4'-bipyridine, 50 mM acetate buffer pH 5.1. with asRuIIH20. For example, in horse heart myoglobin eight histidines are modified by DEPC in 20-30 min whereas only three surface histidines are ruthenated in 60 min (S. Marmor, unpublished results). Konopka and Waskell (1988) obtained similar results and showed in addition that a t DEPC:histidine ratios >55, all eleven histidines could be modified resulting in complete dissociation of the heme from the globin. The higher reactivity of DEPC with proteins is probably due to its hydrophobic nature which should allow it greater access to buried histidines than a5Ru"HzO. The crystal structure of the 1:l complex between CCP and cytochrome c (Pelletier & Kraut, 1992) reveals that the cytochrome binding domain is below the heme as the enzyme is depicted in Figure 1. Therefore, it is not surprising that a5RuHisGOCCP possesses enzyme activity comparable to native CCP or that DEPC modification of the surface histidines does not result in activity loss


Bloconjugate Chem., Vol. 5, No. 1, 1994

e t al., 1988) but this technique is orders of magnitude less sensitive than AP-ESImass spectrometry and often suffers from interferences d u e to t h e protein matrix. The preparation of a5RuHis derivatives has provided a useful probe for studying long-range electron transfer in CCP (Fox et al., 1990) and in a large number of metalloproteins as reviewed by Bowler e t al. (1990). Also, ruthenation has aided in assigning histidine signals in NMR (Yocom e t al., 1983) and in estimating the contribution of individual tryptophans t o protein steady-state fluorescence (Recchia e t al., 1982; Fox e t al., 1993). However, i t is important to consider t h e reactivity of a5RuIIHzO with sites other than histidine, and t h e present study highlights the value of mass spectrometry in product characterization. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

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