Deriving the Gibbs-Duhem equation - Journal of ... - ACS Publications

Abstract. The derivation of the Gibbs-Duhem equation given in some textbooks involves or implies an integration that is not valid. Keywords (Audience)...
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G constant in one step and then treat i t as a variable in the next (Gibbs did), the derivation through Euler's theorem is straightforward and rigorous. which is Euler's theorem. For the special case of first order homogeneous functions, q = 1 and Euler's theorem becomes SG

n -


3G +n,= G

nd6i + Gini + n&

+ Gdn,


Subtracting equation (2) from (8) gives the GibbsDuhem equation, equation (4), without the onerous restriction of constant partial molal quantities. Many authors appear to be aware of this difficulty and get around it by integrating a t constant (7, and Gi then stating that the equation so obtained is general and by "general differentiation" equation (8) may be obtained. This is a debatable mathematical technique and is confusingto the student While, from the physical aspects of the problem, it may be defensible to hold


The author wishes to thank Prof. K. J Mysels for help in preparation of the manuscript and Mr. A. Lazaridis for suggesting this problem.


which is identical to equation (3). Differentiating equation (3) now gives dG =


/ Journal ot Lhemicol tducation

Literature Cited

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