description of color is of secondary significance only, sincr the color is

The book is addressed not to specialists but to those having sufficient training,- presumably this might mean ... revision of the list of isotopes on ...
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description of color is of secondary significance only, sincr the color is a function of the state of subdivision of the object. It seems, therefore, an exaggeration to state (p. 57): “Der Farbpunkt spielt eine ahnliche Rolle wie der Schmelzpunkt oder Siedepunkt.” I. 31. KOLTHOFF.

Structure and Properties of Matter. By HERMANT . BRISCOE.420 pp. S e w York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1935. The author states t h a t his object is to present t o students of chemistry a readily understandable account of the newer discoveries in the physical sciences which have brought about the great advances since 1900 in our knowledge of the nature of matter. The book is addressed not to specialists but to those having sufficient training,presumably this might mean Senior or possibly Junior Chemists, or graduate students in chemistry not majoring in physical chemistry. The reviewer is quite in sympathy with t h e desirability of such a course, and believes t h a t the author has furnished a very acceptable text for the purpose in mind. Among other subjects he treats the electron, the proton, the nucleus, radioactivity, crystal structure, radiation as introductory to Bohr theory, valence, and quantum mechanics. Some of the minor defects can easily be remedied in a future edition, such as revision of the list of isotopes on page 115, the substitution of the modern values of atomic weights in the actinium series (page 67), and the use of the older assumption t h a t there are free electrons in the nucleus. Probably geophysicists and cosmic physicists would not agree that any extensive formation of n e v nuclei has occurred on our planet, though this is an interesting field for speculation. While some of the material presented may be included in other courses in general and physical chemistry, the present book meets a real need for the advaiiced undergraduate in chemistry who does not intend to specialize in some phase of atomistics. S. C. LIND. Die Bierhefe als Heil-, NahT-, und Futtel’mittel. By JULIUS SCHULEIN.(Technische Fortschrittsberichte. Fortschritte der chem. Technologie in Einzeldarstellungen. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. B. Rassow, Leipsig.) 22 x 15 cm.; vi and 194 pp. Dresden und Leipzig: Theodor Steinkopff, 1935. Price: geheftet, 9RM; gebunden, 10Rh.I. This book deals with brewer’s yeast as an aid to nutrition and pharmacology. The therapeutic value of yeast is taken to depend largely on its vitamin content, and much of the book is devoted to an account of the vitamins so far as they occur in yeast or can be invoked therein by irradiation. The author includes much of the most recent work, but shows a lamentable lack of first-hand acquaintance with the English literatuie on the subject. KOreference appears t o be made to the impoitant work of the Inteinational Committee on Vitamin Standards. A detailed account, supported by references t o the medical literature, is given of the application of yeast and yeast preparations to the cure of a large number of diseases. The value of yeast as a nutrient also depends in a large measure on its vitamin content, but in addition the protein, salts, and other constituents are in themselves of great nutritive value. Dried yeast is advocated as as addition to the normal diet of human beings on the ground, no doubt valid in many districts, t h a t a t the present time the ordinary diet of large numbers of people does not contain sufficient of the various vitamins to ensure complete health and resistance to disease. I n the field of animal nutrition yeast may also play an important pait, and striking results ale quoted with respect to the increased milk production of cows fed on a diet containing irradiated yeast.