Description of the New Chemical Laboratory, University of Cincinnati

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fully taught by a capable instructor. The actual increase in students, therefore, is in itself sufficient argument for more instructors. I n the third place adequate laboratory space and equipment should be provided to meet fully all needs. This too has been well met here in this commodious building, but in many others such is not the case. Finally, all these cramping and restricting influences must make themselves felt in handicapping the efforts of the teaching force t o prosecute research to the fullest extent. For such work freedom from financial cares is necessary; time for concentrated thought and continuous experimentation cannot be dispensed with and space and necessary equipment cannot be ignored if that work is to be carried out under the most favorable conditions. When I think of the exodus of men from the universities to the industries the cure seems to be the same as is now beginning to prove so effective in the problem of urban and country life. It took many years before we fully grasped the thought that the solution of the problem of country life lay in the making of country life more attractive. So in our educational circles, if the universities are to hold their men, conditions which have now become in many cases so hard must be improved. I recognize fully the tendency for each of us to think that our own work is of greatest importance and should be therefore particularly cared for, and under normal conditions I should hesitate to make this special plea for increased funds for chemistry in our universities. But with the signing by President K7ilson of that memorable resolution of Congress which enters this nation as a n active participant in the great war, this country enters upon a new era, in which every energy of the nation must be devoted t o complete consummation of the purposes for which we entered this war and a t the earliest possible moment. In this task it is recognized by all that the chemist plays a n extremely important r8le. Upon his inventiveness the issue may be largely determined. REAL TEST OF EFFICIEKCY OF AMERICAN CHEMIST


A brilliant representative of the U. S. Navy, Admiral Fiske, I think, pointed out how often success in battle depends upon the unexpected use of some new discovery. Such a possibility will necessarily, through patriotic motives, lead our minds into many new channels, and the real test of the efficiency of the American chemist is now beginning. This test involves not only those men who :ire directly concerned with the manu-

facture of munitions, with the development of new explosives. with the perfecting of alloys to meet new demands, with the conservation of food, with the testing of army and navy supplies and with the guarding of the health of the field forces, but it also involves, fundamentally, the work of instruction in our colleges and universities which should be maintained a t its very highest possible standard in order that this country, which we all desire to serve even a t the cost of our own lives, may be served most efficiently. With such thoughts in mind I share with you that feeling of deep gratification which must fill your hearts as a result of the recognition of the needs of chemistry as expressed in the appropriation from the funds of the University of Cincinnati which has enabled the erection and equipment of this building.

DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW CHEMICAL LABORATORY UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Taken from Circular issued by the University of Cincinnati

The new chemical laboratory of the University of Cincinnati has a total frontage of 207 ft. and is, practically, four stories high, since the basement is mostly above ground, and is utilized for laboratory purposes. The west wing is 92 ft. long by 48 f t . 9 in. wide. The east wing, which is to be completed later, is 57 f t . long by 48 ft. 9 in. wide. The cross bar connecting these two wings is I I O ft. long by 5 2 it. wide. The total cost of the building was approximately $2 jo,ooo, including $25,000 for special scientific equipment. It houses the Departments of Chemistry and Metallurgy. A t the time of its occupation, in September 1916, 5 2 0 students were enrolled in the various courses in chemistry and metallurgy. FIRST FLOOR

The main auditorium for lecture purposes, which has a seating capacity of about 200, is located on this floor opposite the entrance. Adjacent to it is the lecture preparation room for setting up lecture apparatus. In the west wing are two laboratories for work in physical chemistry, and a laboratory for advanced metallurgy, together with a research laboratory for the Department of Metallurgy. In connection with these laboratories there is a dark room for metallographic work and a constanttemperature room for work in physical chemistry. The other rooms on this floor are devoted to various purposes as follow-s: the business office in which the records of the department are kept on file and through which supplies are ordered; three in-



structors’ offices and laboratories; two balance rooms, toilet and wash rooms. The east wing is devoted entirely to quantitative analysis. SECOND FLOOR

The library of the department is located in the west wing. It has approximately 3,000 volumes. It contains sets of the important journals of chemistry and metallurgy, together with the current files of these journals and many reference books. In the west wing there is, also a lecture room seating about 80 students, together with its preparation room. This lecture room is equipped for demonstrating experiments, or processes, in electrochemistry and electrometallurgy; the switchboard control and recording instruments are visible to the class. The east wing is occupied by the laboratory of organic chemistry which is adjacent to a balance room, a combustion room and a room for sealed tube experiments and experiments with gases. The other rooms include two instructors’ offices and laboratories, a special laboratory and office for the head of the department, a classroom, and a special methods room. THIRD FLOOR

The elementary course in general chemistry is given in the laboratory located in the west wing. The table tops are provided at each working place with a hood in which a suction is produced by fan systems. The east wing contains a laboratory now used for qualitative analysis, and is equipped with the same kind of equipment as that of the laboratory of general chemistry. The stock-room from which supplies and apparatus are issued is on this floor; from this stock-room the materials used in all of the laboratories are distributed. A passenger elevator which serves to carry students from other floors, enabling them to reach the

stock-room without unnecessary delay, is adjacent to it. The stock-room is two stories high, the upper story being formed by a penthouse above the roof. I n this second or balcony floor of the stock-room are located the controls for the distilled water system and the hydrogen sulfide generators, each in separate rooms in the attic. The fans connected with the various rooms in the building where suction is needed in addition to the general ventilation are controlled from the stock-room. BASEMENT

The west wing is used entirely by the Department of Metallurgy. Here the rough and more elementary types of work are carried out, such as moulding and casting, the making of samples for testing in metallography, cutting of samples, heat treating, annealing, etc., and the use of gas furnaces, electric furnaces, pot furnaces, cupola, electric welders, etc. I n a separate room in the rear of the building is located the electrical equipment for experimental work, consisting of motor generator sets, rotary convertor with transformers and necessary switchboards. The laboratory for applied electrochemistry, situated in the cross bar, is also adjacent to the motor room. The east wing is planned for experimental work in industrial chemistry. It will contain typical units of machinery used in industrial work, such as stills, autoclaves, filter presses, nitrating kettles, pumps, fusion pots, vacuum dryers, centrifuges, grinders, etc. A shop, to be put in charge of a mechanician, is located near this room. I n addition to these laboratories the basement contains a storage room for supplies, a cleaning room, a fire-proof storage room for combustible materials, a stock-room, a grinding room, instructors’ office and laboratory, a storage battery room and the general ventilating system for the entire building.



The possible uses for denatured alcohol are two: as raw material in manufacture and as fuel. After eight years of existence, the net result of the denatured alcohol act was the production of I;,OOO,OOO proof gallons of denatured alcohol in 1914,most of which was used in the industries. Here it displaced the potable article, but with so little benefit to the ultimate consumer, according to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, that in his report he advised a small tax t o cover the cost of inspection by government officers during the manufacture. In 1 9 1 5 , the manufacture of munitions had stimulated the production somewhat, but the benefits to the American people as a whole are doubtful and had the alcohol used in this industry (about 5,000,ooogallons) paid tax, a good portion of our present deficit might not have existed. It is, of course, as a fuel for explosion engines that we look for the greatest demand for alcohol and it is the production of alcohol for this purpose which will eventually determine the price. The total alcohol produced in 19x4 in the United States from all raw materials was 182,000,000proof gallons, equivalent to about 5 per cent of our present gasoline consumption. By far the largest source of this alcohol was grain, fromwhich 1 4 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 gallons were produced. To produce enough alcohol to cover our gasoline demands as a motor fuel would take 16 per cent of our total cereal production or about 26 per cent of our total corn production. , The average cost of alcohol from grain (corn) has been 1 7 . 5 cents per proof gallon for the past five years. This probably

V O ~9. , NO. 6

is a minimum figure as it is based on the cost in large distilleries and allows for the sale of the feed recovered a t the average market price. The cost this season will not be far from 2 5 cents per proof gallon or about 4 5 cents per gallon of go per cent alcohol. If the alcohol is furnished in barrels, 2 cents must be added to this per proof gallon. This cost could not be cheapened materially. The overhead here figured is about 3 cents. So far a s increasing the yield of alcohol per bushel, the possibility permits of an increase of only 5 per cent a t most. I t must be remembered that these figures carry no allowance for profit, selling expense and freight. SOURCES OF CHEAP ;ZLCOHOL

The possibility of making alcohol cheaper on the farm has been given prominence. The idea is to make alcohol and feed the slop t o cattle. There are several reasons which would make this impractical in all except rare cases. The cattle fed on slop do not furnish meat which packs well. It is very tender and juicy and perfectly healthful, but becomes flabby on keeping. Therefore, i t must be sold on a market which can absorb a large amount of it a t a time. The experience of distillers who have fed large numbers of cattle (as many as 1 2 , 0 0 0 head a t one distillery) is that such feeding is more or less of a speculation depending on the markets and the location of the plant, accessibility being necessary in order to enable them to take advantage of favorable prices. Aside from this there are fuel and water requirements which will be taken up later. In 19x2, the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station operated a zoo-bushel distillery on grain. They employed a n experienced distiller, had most careful chemical supervision of the plant and credited the feed a t a rery good price. Their yield was about 4 per cent under the average prevailing that season. The price charged for the corn was the average farm