Design and construction of glass vacuum systems—Part one

Design and construction of glass vacuum systems—Part one by S. Z. LEWIN, New York Un...
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. Chemical Instrumentation

Ediled by S.



New York University, N e w York 3, N. Y.

These articles, most of which are to be conli-ibuled by & a&s, are intended to s m e the readers of lhis JOURNAL by calling attention to new developmenls in the theory, derign, or wailobilily of chemical laboralmy instrumenlation, oi by presenting useful insights and explanations of topic8 Uurt are of practical importance to those whu use, or teach the use of, m o d m instrumentation and instrumental techniques.

XXIII. Design and Construction of Glass Vacuum Systems-Part


Roger E. Rondeau, Air Farce Materials Iaborafory, Wright-Pafferron Air Force Base, Ohio The following article supplements and extends the treatments of vacuum pumps ( 1 ) and pressure measuring instrumentation ( d ) which have appeared earlier in this series.

DIFFUSION PUMPS The basic tool of any high vacuum pumping system is the diffusion pllmp. Sometimes called a vapor pump, this pump operates on the principle of irreversibly sweeping sir or gas molecules

by means of a recycling vapor stream. The pumping action is provided by mercury or oil vapor. As the gas molecules to be evacuated diffnse into the pump, they encounter a stream of mercury or oil molecules and by molecular collisions are swept to the exhaust side of the pump



Figure 1.


Design principles of single end multiple stage gloss-oil diffusion pump*.

Roger E. Rondeau 1 . w ~ i w 4his B.S. degree in chrmiilr,v f w n r 1.0ivell Teehnol