Design and Use of Pan Control Instruments - Industrial & Engineering

Design and Use of Pan Control Instruments. Alfred L. Webre. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1935, 27 (10), pp 1157–1161. DOI: 10.1021/ie50310a020. Publication Dat...
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duced ullder very deficiellt raillfall. The differelltiatioll is rnoht, manifest in a greatly increased amino nitrogen content in the;e second-growth tobacacos.

Acknowledgment The authors acknowledge with gratitude tlie help of J . -1. Hall and E. P.Jones 71-ho carried out some of the cleterminated in the preliminary work of thi? program. Literature Cited (lj ; \ s s x . Official Agr. ('hem., Methods of .Inal) ! 19").

( 2 ) Garner, K.IT.,Dept. .Igr.. Bur. Plant Ind., Bi~ii.102, (il 11007). (31 Ibirl., 143 (1909). 414, ,1031i, (31 Garller, Iv. Ty,,Del,t, -Igr,, ( 5 ) Garner, IT. IT,, 13acon. C'. IT,,and Foubert. C ' . L... I / j i d , 79 (1914). (ti! LIunson. I,. S,, and Tyalker. P. H.. J . - i i ) i . C h e i i t . J5uc., 28, (iii3 (1906): 29, 541 (19071. ( 7 ) Treyer, -I., -4ic/i, p/i!/siol. uui w . p u f h o ! . , [ 7 ] 10,G7'7-h4 (189s). 12, L ' ~ 5t1c)12,; c'/ir.,,,,,9, 135, D , D , , J , (8) 16, 121 (19131: 23, 407 (19151. (9) Kalker, P . H . , and Bailf-, L. H . , J . ISD. Ex thi: iipiier tohe slicet; the f~illowii < icciirred :

ThereSore, it is eriilent that, t,iie coimiitrat,ion of the sirup \vent down, the boiling pciint \v(?iit down, t.he heat transmission wcnt lipI ani1 the Riiidiby of the niassecoite (not tlic

fluidity of tho airiip) went iliiwn. TVith the mechanical circulator on reiioery proiluet,s, therefore, supersaturation ilcterinines tlie irpcration only tip to the point \There the prepared. Siibseqiiently it. is t.lie that governs the operat.ion, and ated to the supersaturation of the sirup or i ~ c to n its viscusity hit, oii the rirntmry, ilepends u p i n tire qiiantity of sinili betiseen the sugar crystals necessary t o ixrokl wlirlification -in other words, to niniiitaiii Riiir1it.y. It. is not certain that the saiiie situation obtains \\-it,lirmt,irreehaniral circulatim, trnt t~hereis every reason to lieliere t,liat it does. Horn far this applies to raw sugar grodiieia of lower purity is anotlier qiicstion Ixit is \vel1 m r t h cruwi