368 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 27, No. 2, 1988
historical priority, we could have ignored their work altogether. In fact, we are the ones who have brought their work into the limelight, and in the right perspective (as should be noted by the comments made toward the end of this letter) of which they are apparently quite happy, as indicated in the opening sentence of their letter. I did receive a copy of their paper (Lucas et al., 1986) as a preprint, and Lucas et al. should appreciate that Mathur and Saxena (1986a) gave them their rightful credit and continued to reference them in all subsequent publications. In fact, reference to Lucas et al.’s (1983) work came to our notice at a later date, and consequently, Saxena et al. (1987) referred to this work also, though with some degree of reluctance as they had not seen this paper. The reference to Lucas et al. (1986) was originally made as a private communication but later was changed to Chem. Eng. Commun., in press, as confirmed by the office of the journal’s editor. Lucas et al. misunderstand the implications of independent works. Many colleagues in the fluidization research community have reservations in accepting this notion of the dependence of emf on temperature, and investigations by different researchers will bring persuasive evidence to popularize this concept. Lucas et al. may like to note that Mathur and Saxena (1986a) emphasized this concept and its consequences in terms of the powder classification scheme earlier proposed by Saxena and Ganzha (1984), in a basic way. The implications of the dependence of emf on temperature have been analyzed on heat-transfer research in two recent publications; viz., Mathur and Saxena (198613,1987). The latter work and the hydrodynamic works of Mathur et al. (1986) and Saxena et al. (1987)referred to above were done in the same sequence. Lucas et al. again express their concern about Mathur et al.’s (1986) work and misquote out of context their statements. In the very paper of Mathur et al. (1986), in the very beginning, reference is made in great detail to the work of Lucas et al. (1986), and all their findings are reported, as well as those of other investigators. Any reader can assess for himself what credit is to be given to the individual investigators, and this was certainly not our goal while writing the paper. Lucas et al. (1986) were unfair in writing their paper and not referencing many other previous investigators who have done similar work. They
seem to reconfirm their unfair practice further when they quote extracts from the two works; viz., Mathur et al. (1986) and Lucas et al. (1986). Why won’t our conclusions have similarities with theirs when our experiments have led to similar qualitative results in many respects? Our statement was made in reference to a particular range of Reynolds numbers and refer to group IIB of Saxena and Ganzha’s (1984) powder classification scheme. They should be happy, as we are, that our independent experiments led to similar conclusions, which to some extent were imbedded in many earlier works. Saxena and coworkers have shown that the conclusions of these hydrodynamic studies, which were received by some researchers with reservations, are consistent with the heat-transfer investigations and are thus of potential value. The concluding statement of Lucas et al. has been the goal of researchers from ages, and they should not carry the impression of monopolizing on it.
Literature Cited Botterill, J. S. M.; Teoman, Y. In Fluidization; Grace, J. R., Matsen, J. M., Eds.; Plenum: New York, 1980; pp 93-100. Botterill, J. S. M.; Teoman, Y.; Yuregir, K. R. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. 1982a, 21, 704. Botterill, J. S. M.; Teoman, Y.; kuregir, K. R. Powder Technol. 198213, 31, 101.
Lucas, A.; Arnaldos, J.; Casal, J.; Puigjaner, L. Communication presented a t the Journees Europeennes sur la Fluidisation, Compiegne, France, 1983. Lucas, A.; Arnaldos, J.; Casal, J.; Puigjaner, L. Chem. Eng. Commun. 1986, 41, 121. Mathur, A.; Saxena, S. C. Powder Technol. 1986a, 45,287. Mathur, A.; Saxena, S. C. Energy 198613, 11, 843. Mathur, A.; Saxena, S. C. AIChE J. 1987,33, 1124. Mathur, A.; Saxena, S. C.; Zhang, Z. F. Powder Technol. 1986, 47, 247. Saxena, S. C.; Ganzha, V. L. Powder Technol. 1984, 39, 199. Saxena, S. C.; Grewal, N. S. Powder Technol. 1981, 30,96. Saxena, S. C.; Mathur, A. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1987, 26, 859. Saxena, S. C.; Mathur, A.; Zhang, Z. F. AIChE J . 1987, 33, 500.
S . C. Saxena Department of Chemical Engineering T h e University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, Illinois 60680
ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS Design Calculations for Multiple-Effect Evaporators. 1. Linear Method [Volume 26, Number 1, page 1001. Richard N. Lambert, Donald D. Joye,* and Frank W. Koko Page 103. In Table I, the entries under the column labeled area should be divided by 3.6.
Design Calculations for Multiple-Effect Evaporators. 2. Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Methods [Volume 26, Number 1, page 1041. Frank W. Koko and Donald D. Joye*
Page 105. In Tables I and 11, the entries under the columns labeled area should be divided by 3.6. Page 106. In Table V, the entries under the column labeled area should be divided by 3.6.