Design of potent, cyclic peptide bradykinin receptor antagonists from

ArgO-Arg1-Pro2-Hyp3-Gly4-Phes-Sers-. [D-Hype(trans pr~pyl)]~-Oi@-Ar@;s).~. Although the latter are potentially exciting therapeutic their widespread u...
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J. Med. Chem. 1993,36, 2569-2571


Communications to the Editor Design of Potent, Cyclic Peptide Bradykinin Receptor Antagonists from Conformationally Constrained Linear Peptides Sarvajit Chakravarty, Deidre Wilkins, and Donald J. Kyle' Scios Nova Inc.,6200 Freeport Centre, Baltimore, Maryland 21224 Received May 6,1993

Figure I. Stereoview of the backbone and side chain atoms in

the peptide ~ A r ~ - A r g ~ - P r o ~ - H y p s - G l y ' - P h e ~ - S e ~ - ~ - T i c ~ - O i ~ I. Introduction. Over the past several years, at least [email protected] backbone dihedral angles of the C-terminal residues two generations of peptide bradykinin receptor antagonists Se$ through Argo are set to values corresponding to those have been reported. These include the prototypical first determined by previous computational and NMR studies.lgp generation antagonist, NPC 567 (~-Ar@-Argl-Pro~-Hyp~- The 4, $ dihedral angles for Phe6 are set at -60°, -60° they Gly4-PheS-Sera-~-Phe'-Phe8-ArgQ) ,I and the more potent are proposed to be on the basis of the binding afhity of the second generation antagonistsHOE 140(DArgO-Arg1-Pro2Ca-methyl Phes-containing decapeptide, VI. Hyp3-Gly4-ThiS-Sers-~-Tic7-Oics-Args) and NPC 17731 (Dfavoring an extended backbone.13J4 The contrasting CaArgO-Arg1-Pro2-Hyp3-Gly4-Phes-Sers[D-Hype(trans methyl modification tends to favor a helical (twisted), pr~pyl)]~-Oi@-Ar@;s).~ Although the latter are potentially rather than extended, conformation.13J4 These conforexciting therapeutic their widespread use could mational preferences apply only to the backbone 6,$ angles ultimately be limited by poor oral activity, short duration (where di and $i correspond to backbone dihedral angles of action, and high cost of manufacturing. Therapeutically, for residue i defined by the four adjacent amino acid one would be most interested in a non-peptide antagonist backbone atoms Ci.l-Ni-Cai-Ci and Ni-Cai-Ci-Ni+l,respecwhich might overcome many, if not all, of these shorttively) of the amino acid residues bearing the modification. comings. Despite massive efforts in many synthetic With the exception of the C - t e r m i n ~ s , ~there ~ J ~ *have ~ laboratories as well as exhaustive random screening, no been no conformational investigations reported for any potent, selective,and competitive non-peptide bradykinin other sections of the new, second generation peptides. receptor antagonists have yet been reported. In the 11. Methods. A. Peptide Synthesis. All peptides absence of such a series of small, structurally dissimilar, were synthesized manually using tert-butyloxycarbonyl molecules upon which to formulate a structure-activity amino acids.21 Boc-Oic-OH was prepared according to relationship, one alternative strategy is the direct conpreviously reported procedures.22Boc-L-(a-methyl)phenversion of a second generation peptide antagonist into a ylalanine was prepared by treating the corresponding non-peptide antagonist in a systematic fashion. Although amino acid with di-tert-butyl dicarbonate, according to this has been accomplished recently in situations where standard protocol.23 Boc-Arg(Tos)substituted PAM resin a non-peptide "lead" molecule with modest biological (loading 0.6 mmol/g) was purchased from Applied Bioactivity was optimized via a parallel peptide series,l&l2 systems Inc. (Foster City, CA) and used for the purpose. there are no examples describing the ad hoc conversion Amino acids were introduced into the growing peptide of a peptide antagonist into a nonpeptide antagonist. chain, according to the amino acid sequence using single As a prelude to establishing the synthetic framework diisopropylcarbodiimide/hydroxybenzotriaole hydrate needed for this approach, knowledge of the relative mediated couplings according to standard procedures. The importances of individual amide bonds and side chain finished peptidyl resins were treated with anhydrous groups as well as three-dimensional backbone conformahydrogen fluoride (10 mL per gram of peptidyl-resin) in tion is required. We are currently investigating each of the presence of 10% anisole (scavenger), and the crude these three aspects but report here early results which peptides were purified by reverse phase high performance provide insight into the backbone conformation of a liquid chromatography, on a CIScolumn, using a gradient prototypical second generation bradykinin receptor anof 5 7 0 % water/acetonitrile (containing 0.1% trifluorotagonist in the biologically active state. This structural acetic acid). The purity of the peptides was determined insight led to the preparation of two cyclic peptide by analytical reverse phase HPLC (using linear a gradient bradykinin antagonists, of which there are no prior of 5-80% water/acetonitrile, containing 0.1 % trifluoroexamples. acetic acid), fast atom bombardment mass spectroscopy, This study is comprised of a series of second generation and amino acid analysis. peptide antagonists containing the well known backbone B. Modeling Procedure. All calculations were perconstraint(s1 N- and/or Ca-methyl, incorporated at poformed using the program CHARMm, Version 22 (Mosition(s) Gly4, Phes, or both, in the peptide D-Arp-ArgIlecular Simulations, Inc.) on a Silicon Graphics computer Proz-Hyp3-GlyePhes-Sers-PTic7-Oi~-~. N-methyl subworkstation. Results were graphically rendered on the stitution in the backbone of an L-amino acid is known to workstation using QUANTA 3.3 (Molecular Simulations, disfavor helical, or twisted, backbone conformationswhile Inc.). The structure shown in Figure 1 was generated by * Corresponding author. adjusting the 9 and $ backbone dihedral angles for the

0022-2623/93/ 1836-2569$04.00/0 0 1993 American Chemical Society

2570 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1993, Vol. 36, No. 17

Communications to the Editor

Table I. Peptide Series Containing N-and/or Ca-Methyl Substitutions in Residues Gly4 and/or Phe5 amino acid sequence vevtide

Kia (nM) vAab Parent Peptide I D-hg Arg Pro Hyp Gly Phe Ser D-Tic Oic Arg 0.08 8.82 N-Methyl Substituted G1y4 or Phe6 Peptides Phe Ser D-Tic oic Arg 30.77 h 15.49 I1 D-Arg Arg Pro Hyp N-methylGly Ser D-Tic Oic Arg 26.45 10.05 5.60 N-methylPhe I11 D-Arg Arg Pro Hyp Gly N-methylPhe Ser D-Tic Oic Arg 1693.33h26.03 IV D-Arg Arg Pro Hyp N-methylGly CU-Methyl Substituted Gly4 or Phe6 Peptides Ser D-Tic Oic Arg 82.30 V D-Arg Arg Pro Hyp Ca-methylGly Phe VI D-Arg Arg Pro Hyp Gly Ca-methylPhe Ser D-Tic Oic Arg 0.54 7.9 VI1 D-hg Arg Pro Hyp C*-methylGly Ca-methylPhe Ser D-Tic Oic Arg 3030 a Ki values were determinedin guineapig ileum againt PHIbradykininfollowingpreviouslydescribedmetho&.16 pA2 values were determined in guinea pig ileal tissues as reported elsewhere.24

Table 11. Cyclic Peptide Bradykinin Receptor Antagonists Designed To Enforce a Helical Twist about Phe6 peptide

amino acid sequence

Kia (nM)

VI11 D-Arg-Arg-cys-Pro-Gly-c~-Ser-D-Tic-oic-Arg 1.5 i 0.1 IX D- Arg-Arg-Cys-Pro-Gly-Phe-Cys-D-Tic-OicArg 14.83 h 3.42 . a Kivalues were determinedin guineapig ileumagainst PHI bradykininfollowingpreviously described in guinea pig ileal tissues as reported elsewhere.%

pAzb 6.62 6.3 pA2values were determined

C-terminal residues Ser-D-Tic-Oic-hg to values previously From these results, two cyclic peptides (VI11 and IX) observed in solution by NMR at 600 MHzeZ0 were designed. Via covalent cyclization through the The backbone disulfide bond, these two peptides dictate a tight kink dihedral angles about Phe5were adjusted to -60°, -60’ in accordance with the affinity results obtained for the about the midportion of the peptide, thereby testing the peptide bearing the Cu-methyl constraint at Phe5. The hypothesis posed by the results obtained for peptides IIVII. Shown in Table I1are the Ki’s and pAis corresponding geometry of the initial structure was optimized via 200 steps of Adopted-Basis-Newton-Raphsonenergy minito peptides VI11 and IX. These results indicate that the conformation of each of the two highly constrained cyclic mization. 111. Results and Discussion. Initially, six decapeppeptide antagonists is compatible with the receptor tides were prepared, each related to a common parent geometry given the respective K{s of 1.5 nM and 14.8 nM structure, I (~-Arg~-Arg~-Pro~-Hyp~-Gly4-Phe~-Ser~-~against PHI bradykinin binding. The loss in receptor affinity for each cyclic peptide (18-fold for VI11 and 180Tic7-Oic8-Argg)which is a potent competitive bradykinin fold for IX) with respect to the linear parent peptide (I) receptor antagonist (Ki= 0.08 nM, pAz = 8.8; Table I). The six peptides (11-VII)differ from peptide I only in that might be partly attributed to the added steric bulk of the disulfide bond, which may not be completely tolerated by they have incorporated N - and/or Ca-methyl substitution the receptor. Regardless, prior to this report, there have into residue(@Gly4, Phe5,or both. Table I lists this series been no disclosures of potent, cyclic peptide bradykinin of peptides, together with B2 receptor affinities as receptor antagonists. Because of the small size of these measured by Ki and pA2 values. The former were determined against PHIbradykinin in guinea pig ileal cyclized peptides, they are well suited for structure-based two-dimensional NMR studies. This work is currently membrane preparations as described previously,16and the being pursued in our laboratories and is expected to provide latter were measured in guinea pig ileal tissue following new insight into the overall bioactive conformation of conventional meth0ds.1~This tissue is known to express related peptide antagonists. only B2 receptors.l8 With the exception of peptide VI in the series of linear In conclusion, we are reporting eight new peptides, two peptides, all linear peptides caused a significant, at least of which represent the first examples of potent, cyclic 1000-fold, loss in binding affinity with respect to the peptide bradykinin receptor antagonists. These cyclized peptides were designed on the basis of the in uitro affinity unconstrained parent peptide (Table I). Aside from the profiles of a small series of linear peptides, each of which conformational impact of the N-methyl substitution, contained backbone constraints capable of introducing a another possibility is that the removal of a key hydrogen predictable geometry about Gly4 or Phe5 in the peptide bond donor in this way may have an adverse effect on ~-ArgO-Arg~-Pro~-Hyp~-Gly4-Phe~-Ser~-~-Tic~-Oic~receptor affinity. The Ca-methyl Phe5 substitution of Overall, the results favor the hypothesis that the middle peptide VI is well tolerated by the receptor as evidenced portion of this prototypical, second generation peptide by only a 7-fold loss in receptor affinity (Ki= 0.54 nM) antagonist adopts a helical twist or kink upon complexation with respect to peptide I. This implies that the 4, il. with the receptor. This is supported further by the high backbone dihedral angles about Phe5 are in the vicinity affinity of the two cyclic peptides, VI11 and IX. Admitof -60°,-60° in the biologically active conformation. This represents a helical twist or “kink” in the midsection of tedly, final verification of this proposal must be derived from X-ray diffraction studies on the ligand-receptor the peptide. Adjusting the two backbone dihedral angles about Phe5 accordingly while imposing the @-turnrecently complex. However, in the absence of such information, the peptides presented here represent a valuable surrogate. described for the remainder of the C-terminal residues Ultimately, one might be able to derive biologically (Sers-D-Tic7-Oic8-ArgQ) in aqueous s o l u t i ~ n results ,~~*~ in relevant, 3D structural information about these cyclic the proposed bio-active conformation corresponding to peptides via NMR experiments. Such information, when peptide I shown in Figure 1.

Communications to the Editor

considered together with knowledge about the relative importances of amide bonds and amino acid side chains during receptor binding, could form the basis for the ad hoc design of non- or pseudo-peptide antagonists of the bradykinin receptor. This strategy is currently being pursued in our laboratories.

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