Design Versatility Characterizes New Analytical Division Facilities at University of Illinois At the far end of each laboratory half module are facilities for two study desks with wall book shelf storage above each desk. Most study areas are located next to windows. Here, Mr. Kenneth W. Hanck is shown at his study desk
New East Chemistry Building addition at the University of Illinois features modular construction Many of the base cabinets in the laboratory modules are on rollers, permitting extreme mobility for analytical instrum e n t a t i o n . They may be moved f r o m one laboratory t o another and slid up on floor curbs at the wall floor line t o maintain stability for instrum e n t s . Existing leveling devices can be adjusted t o lift the cabinets completely free of t h e i r r o l l e r s . This view shows Mr. Joseph H. Carney in a n e l e c t r o a n a l y t i c a l r e search laboratory
A. Noyes Laboratory of t h e University of Illinois has been a continuing source of contributions t o the advancement of chemistry. I n recent times, because of the burgeoning growth t h a t is characteristic of chemistry dep a r t m e n t s in U . S. colleges and universities, t h e facilities of t h e famous old building have been sorely taxed. The East Chemistry Building was finished in 1951, and for a while helped meet t h e demands for new research space. I n 1967 the chemistry complex a t Illinois was expanded b y opening a new addition to t h e E a s t Chemistry Building that houses the analytical a n d organic research facilities. T h e new addition is conceptually outstanding in that it provides both for maximum utilization of research space by modular construction and for future building expansion when the need arises. 110 A
Planning for the requirements of various research groups is not an easy matter—the materials of construction, and layouts for proper lighting and ventilation and mobility of walls, must be carefully thought out. With these facts in mind, we are focusing in this article on the design facets of the new structure t h a t might be of benefit t o planners of new academic chemistry facilities. M o d u l a r Construction Each laboratory module covers 20 feet b y 30 feet and easily divides into half-modules of 10 feet b y 30 feet, with full service facilities t h a t will accommodate two research people (see Figures 1 and 2 ) . Conditioned air is piped into each module (2000 cfm—temperature controllable b y occupant) and is totally exhausted either through fume
hoods or ceiling vents or a combination of both. Full feeder service lines are fixed through each module wall with capped tees a t regular intervals which can be surfaced for use in research where needed. If the full module wall is not needed or complete, then a wall header drop a t approximately a ninefoot level can be tapped overhead for service. Module panel walls are easily removed and relocated, thus allowing minor physical changes in the laboratories with a minimum of down time. Services are available for two fume hoods in each half-module, including hot and cold water, air, vacuum, gas, steam, deionized water, a n d gaseous nitrogen. The exhaust system piped into each half-module is a three-inch pipe extension with two two-inch snorkel drops t o which two-inch flexible tubing can be attached for spot exhausting over delicate or critical pieces
Most Recent Addition to Chemistry complex at Urbana
of a p p a r a t u s or instrumentation. In addition to t h e m a n y other fea tures of modular construction, depicted in Figures 1-3, an electrical control breaker panel a n d full valve controls for all services are easily accessible in the chaseway e n t r y to each module. Materials of Construction Planners of the new Illinois facility made many of their own chemical tests to determine suitability of materials for use under a variety of laboratory con ditions. Floors of the laboratories a n d most offices are covered in linoleum tile be cause of its resistance t o solvents. Vinyl asbestos a n d lighter shades of asphalt tile were judged unsuitable be cause of their great solubility in acetone. The darker shades of asphalt tile are resistant to acetone, b u t very soluble in benzene and related solvents. F u r n i t u r e and bench surfaces for the laboratories were supplied b y Ε . Η . Sheldon E q u i p m e n t Company. F u r niture units are finished in a resin varnish that appears to be quite resist a n t to chemicals. T h e bench surfaces are made of "Iso-shel," a solid mono lithic asbestos cement composition coated with multiple coats of an epoxy resin. Repair of the "Iso-shel" surface is easily accomplished b y patching with epoxy material, a n d the finish is not damaged by temperatures usually en countered in an organic laboratory (slight damage was obtained b y plac ing a Glascol heater directly on t o p of the bench a t maximum p o w e r ) . Other materials tested, including vinyls and laminates, were found t o be dam aged by scratching, heating, or staining, despite their generally handsome a p pearance. Sinks, and mos-t of t h e plumbing, a r e in general constructed of plastic. " D u r con," a modified epoxy resin, was found to be extremely resistant t o heat and chemicals, and was used for sinks. Vertical drain plumbing risers are con structed of "Duriron." Horizontal drains leading to t h e sinks and screwcap fittings are of polypropylene, which seems to work well. Deionized water is piped through polypropylene hardware and is delivered through tinlined valves. Most other service plumbing is conventional, such as cop per pipe for water (the distilled water
A vertical steel-channel multiple arrangement is avail able in each laboratory module to which glass vacuum rack attachments can be made. Mr. Jacob H. Propp is shown with apparatus for conducting molten salt re search
Three large 50,000 cf m blow ers are used in conjunction with chillers to supply a total of 150,000 cfm filtered and cooled air (not recirculated) to the building laboratories. A fourth 35,000 cfm ventilation blower supplies cooled, fil tered air to offices and corri dors, approximately 30% of which is r e c i r c u l a t e d . Mr. Paul O v e r m y e r i n s p e c t s operation VOL. 4 0 , N O . 1, JANUARY 1968
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Laboratory floor space can be left open for m a x i m u m flexibility. In this photo assistant professor Dr. S. R. Crouch and graduate s t u d e n t Peter Zanzucchi are shown working with spectroscopic research i n s t r u m e n t s
The large spectroscopy laboratory is equipped to serve the needs of both students and researchers in the Analytical Division
Ground floor plan of East Chemistry addition shows present layout of laboratories, offices, and shops
system is tin-lined) and iron pipe for gas. Vertical surfaces of the hoods are made of green colored untreated "Colorlith" (asbestos cement) which, although subject to staining, is rela tively inexpensive. Stainless steel was used for fittings around the front open ings of the hoods, and "Galbestos" was used for the hood ducts. The inside working surfaces of the hoods are con structed of "Iso-shel," mentioned previ ously. Slate was used for blackboards be cause it withstood tests better t h a n any of the synthetic materials considered. The writing surfaces for desks are a laminate, G. E . "Textolite." Interior walls of the building are steel with a baked-on enamel finish; concrete surfaces were finished with an epoxy paint. A d d i t i o n a l Facilities
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Services associated with the labora tories were designed for maximum con venience. Both wet and dry ice are available on each of the five floors of the building, and liquid nitrogen is avail able in the basement corridor by means of a draw-off valve. Nitrogen at about 15 psi (boil-off from the liquid nitrogen tank) is delivered through 2 0 - t u m Hoke metering valves. Direct current elec trical power is available on the ground and first floors of the building from a selenium rectifier source in the base ment. Two cold rooms (one is main tained at —20° C , and the other at 4° C.) were designed to have 50 cfm of air exhausted through a small fume hood in each room.
A complete microanalytical labora tory is located on the first floor of the new addition. T e m p e r a t u r e and h u m i d i t y are controllable, to aid in achieving high accuracy in analyt ical work on test samples submit ted f r o m within t h e D e p a r t m e n t . Microanalyst Esther Yang is shown in this photo. Other service labora tories for Ν MR, ESR, i n f r a r e d , and ultraviolet work are available in the building
The mechanical equipment room in the basement of the East Chemistry Building addition contains two steam absorption units with a combined capacity of 1500 tons of cooling equivalent per hour. In this photo Mr. Clarence E. Gotschall examines part of the apparatus
The analytical division elec tronics engineering teaching facility is fully equipped to ac c o m m o d a t e s u m m e r classes. Large air conditioned spaces, carpeted floors, training cab inets, and an experienced, highly c o m p e t e n t staff pro mote m a x i m u m efficiency in a training course which served as a model for similar courses now available else where in the U.S. VOL. 4 0 , NO. 1, JANUARY 1968