Detection of thiocyanate and dissolution of silver ... - ACS Publications

Detection of thiocyanate and dissolution of silver halides. Vicente Gentil and Alcides Caldas. J. Chem. Educ. , 1959, 36 (8), p 386. DOI: 10.1021/ed03...
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Vicente Gentil and Alcider Caldas University of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Translated by Ralph E. Oesper University of Cincinnati


It is frequently desirable in qualitative analysis to separate as an insoluble silver group precipitate the following anions: SCN-, Cl-, I-, Br-. The presence of large amounts of CNS-, and/or Imay produce interference with the usual subsequent individual tests as follows: ( a ) Large amounts of Imay interfere with the detection of SCN- in that I reacts with Fe+a to liberate free iodine which masks the iron-thiocyanate color. FetJ

+ I- rr Fe+l +


(b) Large amounts of SCN- may interfere with the halide tests based on the differential oxidation of these anions to produce free halogen. The red color of the iron-thiocyante complex may mask the detection of small quantities of iodine which have been extracted into chloroform. The SCN- may also be oxidized to CN- which mav then react with iodine or bromine t3 produce volatile iodo- or bromocyanogen. since the decomposition products of sodium formate react with SCN- with the CN-and S-and also dissolve the silver halides, it was suggested that this reagent be incorporated into the group analysis scheme.' The chemical resctions are as follows: 35,545 (1958) C A ~ AA,,~w, o GENTIL,V., J. CHEM.EDUC.,



Journol o f Chemical Education

Detection of Thiocyanate and Dissolution of Silver Halides -

The NaCN and Na& are partially hydrolyzed, and the HzS produced may be detected in the usual manner. To a sample solution in a. test tube or porcelain crucible from which S-', CN; Fe(CN).-5 Fe(CN),-: S.Oa-P, and SO3-%have been removed, add AgN08 to farm the group precipitate oontaining AgSCN, AgI, AgBr, and AgC1. Wash the precipitate thoroughly. Add approximately twice the precipitate's weight of #odiumformate, and heat slightly above 400°C. Places. piece of paper moistened with a solution of lead acetateover the mouth of the test tube or crucible. The formation of lead ~ulfideon the paper indicates the presence of thiooyanate in the sample solution. Continue heating until the formate is completely d e oom~osedand the volatile ~roductsare driven off. Cool the reaction vessel, add water, i n d filter the suspension or use a centrifuge. The clear solution contains the sodium salts of the halides. Make this solution acidic with 6 N acetic acid. Apply heat, and test again for complete removal of the hydrogen sulfide. Any of the accepted procedures for the halides may then be s p plied to this solution. This procedure will deteit the presence of 1 mg of I; Br-, CI-, or SCN- in any mixture containing up to 100 mg of each of the other ions.