Detergent Alkylate No.2 - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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in 2 for the manufacture off household and industrial cleansers of many types

2 produces alkyl aryl sulfonates with exceptionally good color and odor characteristics, and unusually desirable detergent and foaming properties. Detergent Alkylate No. 2 is an outstanding new detergent raw material developed by Atlantic r e s e a r c h t o meet t o d a y ' s c r i t i c a l marketing requirements in household and industrial applications. Atlantic's long experience i n petrochemicals means better raw DETERGENT ALKYLATE N O .

materials, of top quality, for you to work with. These extra years of research give us wide and varied knowledge of how to help you improve your present product, a n d practical help in developing new products. You can call on us for real assistance in getting the r e s u l t s you w a n t from D e t e r g e n t Alkylate No. 2. Write for information to The Atlantic Refining Company, Dept. B-112, 260 South Broad Street, Philadelphia 1, Pa.

Philadelphia, Providence, Charlotte, Chicago. \ n the W e s t : L. H . Butcher Co. I n Canada: Naugatuck Chemicals Division of Dominion Rubber Company, L t d . t n Europe: Atlantic Chemicals S A B , Antwerp, Belgium.


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