Determination and Stabilization of Reduced Ascorbic Acid in Extracts

H. T. Freebairn. Anal. Chem. , 1959, 31 (11), pp 1850–1851. DOI: 10.1021/ac60155a051. Publication Date: November 1959. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this...
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(2) Hillebrand, W. F., Lriqdell, G . E. F.,

Table 111.

s:l "'I


h1o11:lzitc- : t i 1 1 3

Raffirintcs ICxtracts

l'roccss strippings Precipitates Filtration wishes


.4pprorimate Composition

'I%, L', R.E.. SiO,, 1'0q-3

Thorium Present

H2S0, 1e:ic~lic~s of sands Organonitrogeii and phosphorus coinpounds in hydrocarbon diluent NaNO?, SHrS03. Na2C03, Na2S04 Thr(PO,).i, Th((=O3)1, Th(S04)~ NaOH, "+OH, H2S04,NazSO4

0.02-59; (w.!w.)

0 001-6 g./liter 0.02-3 g./liter 0,1-12 g./liter