Determination of ascorbic acid: Electromagnetic titration method

Determination of ascorbic acid: Electromagnetic titration method. Mary Mann Kirk, and Donald K. Tressler. Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed. , 1939, 11 (6), pp...
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VOL. 11, NO. 6


The antimony electrode has given satisfactory industrial performance in widely different types of commercial applications, such as in sugar-mill liquors, paper-mill solutions, watertreatment systems, aqueous starch suspensions, various silicate solutions, clay suspensions, sulfite solutions, phosphate solutions, ammonium hydroxide solutions, lime treatment, soda ash neutralization, alum solutions, beer, etc. The antimony electrode is rugged. Since the antimonysaturated-calomel electrode system represents a relatively low electrical resistance type of p H measuring equipment, the problems of electrical pickup and leakage are practically absent. An antimony electrode with a properly prepared sur-

face responds immediately to any changing pH condition of a solution. Particularly in applications where there is high humidity, high temperature, or high alkalinity, the antimony electrode seems to have advantages for continuous recording pH measurements. Best results with the antimony electrode require a good understanding of the fundamentals and specific characteristics of this electrode system, which is believed to have a definite place in the industrial field.

Literature Cited (1) Perley, G. A., IND.ESG. CHEM.,Anal. Ed., 11, 316 (1939).

Determination of Ascorbic Acid Electrometric Titration Method MARY MANN KIRK AND DONALD K. TRESSLER New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, Tu’. Y.


NTIL recently no chemical method for the determination of vitamin C has proved adequate in the presence of colored pigments. A new method using 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol in electrometric titrations is presented herewith. I n making vitamin C determinations on fruits and vegetables the titration method of Tillmans (IO), as modified by Bessey and King (6)and Mack and Tressler ( 7 ) ,has been used extensively. These authors titrate the ascorbic acid with 2,6dichlorophenolindophenol. The complete oxidation of the ascorbic acid is indicated by a change in the color of the solution titrated from colorless to a faint pink in the acid solution. This color change is obscured in juices with a natural red or pink pigment. The animal assay method can be employed in such cases, but it is expensive, must. be continued through a long time interval, is not sensitive to small differences in concentration, and is not applicable to many problems where titration methods can be used satisfactorily. Since the present investigation was completed, two publications ( I , 4) have appeared describing the use of the photoelectric colorimeter which also can be used in determinations on colored extracts. The chief difficulty in most of the methods of determination lies in the fact that the oxidizing agents are nonselective and will oxidize compounds other than ascorbic acid. The 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenoldye seems to have a high specificity for reduction by vitamin C. Very few other compounds react rapidly with the dye in acid solution. Since this dye is considered a satisfactory indicator for the estimation of vitamin C in colorless extracts, a method employing it in pigmented solutions where the end point is masked was considered advantageous. The color change a t the end point in the titration with the dye is accompanied by a decrease in oxidation-reduction potential; hence a variation in e. m. f . should be easily measured by means of suitable equipment. This is possible with an electrometric titrimeter such as the one used in the present investigation (6).

Methods Used The electrometric titrimeter can be used in two ways. If the qualitative unit is used alone, the end point of the reaction is indicated by a distinct blink of the electric eye. A titration curve can be plotted using the quantitative unit.

Both methods were employed in the titrations with 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol and with iodine. When the indophenol dye was used to oxidize the ascorbic acid, no definite blink of the electric eye of the titrimeter was noticed; the change in the oxidation-reduction potential during the reaction was so slow that it caused no pronounced movement of the eye with either the platinum-platinum electrode or the platinum-tungsten electrode. Titrations were repeated using the quantitative unit. Readings were taken a t regular intervals during the process of oxidation of the ascorbic acid in the dye titration, and the curve was plotted. The addition of dye causing the first large change of potential was taken as the end point of the reaction. This point was easily found by plotting the differences between consecutive readings. The Stevens iodine method (9) was also tried on the titrimeter. The visual color change coincided exactly with a distinct closure of the eye, giving a definite end point. No titration curve could be obtained, since a back-titration was used. However, the curve was unnecessary, since a distinct end point could be found more quickly with the blink of the eye using only the qualitative unit. Frequent standardization of the iodine and thiosulfate was unnecessary, but the dye

TABLEI. ASCORBICACID CONTENTOF VEGETABLES Iodine Titration Difference from visual titration Yellow Tomato Yellow Plum Golden Queen Ripley Yellow Marigold Golden Ball Golden Dwarf Champion Peas (frozen) Kale German Dwarf

&kl, Lettuoe




0.229 0.274 0.181 0.287 0.213

0.245 0.269 0.185 0.285 0.213

+7.0 -1.8 +Z.Z

$25.8 116.8

-0.7 0.0

0.288 0.320 0.263 0.353 0.203

0.206 0.130

0.194 0.130




1.160 0.199

-0.9 S8.6

... ...



... ,.. ...

0.102 0.109 0.362 0.348

0.096 0.105 0.849 0.365






New Zealand 0.192

Ioeberg Mignonette Lemon juioe Orange juioe




-3.7 -0.9

... ...

+45.3 +23.0 -4.7

... ... ...

JUNE 15, 1939


used was standardized daily by the thiosulfate method as described by Buck and Ritchie (3). As seen in Table I, the iodine method gave higher results for the vegetables tested than did the visual dye titration. This was in agreement with the results obtained by Stevens, but the method could be used for following the relative retention of vitamin C in different methods of processing any given fruit.

Recommended Method From this study, the method found most satisfactory for the determination of ascorbic acid in deeply pigmented extracts was the use of the electrometric titrimeter with 2,6-


32 31

5 30

: I-







TABLE 11. DETERMINATION OF PURE ASCORBIC ACID Visual titration, mg./100 cc. 1.54 Electrometrio titration, mg./100 cc. 1.57 Differenoe, % $1.95

2.38 2.52 +5.88

3.14 3.32 $2.55

4.19 4.29 $2.39

on the titrimeter about 15 seconds after each addition; if taken immediately or much after 15 seconds, reliable results were not obtained. The titration curve was plotted and the first large change of potential found. Figure 1 is a typical curve. The rate of change of readings on the titrimeter dial appears a t the top of the graph. The results of the visual dye titration and electrometric titration methods agree to within experimental error for both vegetables (Table I) and pure aslcorbic acid (Table 11). Dilution of the dye results in more accurate determinations. Since the method was proposed for colored extracts, some work was also carried out with strawberry juice. The color made visual titration difficult, but results obtained with very dilute solutions agreed with titrimeter results. The titrimeter gave 0.489 mg. of ascorbic acid per cc. of juice, while visual titration gave 0.495 mg. of ascorbic acid per cc. In order to test the specificity of the titrimeter method for vitamin C, some of the strawberry juice was filtered through Norite. This oxidized the ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbic acid which does not reduce the dye. Known quantities of ascorbic acid were added to 10 cc. of this oxidized juice plus 10 cc. of 10 per cent metaphosphoric acid. Titration showed that the presence of oxidizing or reducing agents found in the juice did not interfere with the end points. Results are given in Table 111.









25 W

a a



'0 23



Acid-Found by titrimeter




0.125 0.250 0.600

0.121 0.252 0.494

-3.2 f0.8 -1.2


0 22


Summary and Conclusions





. 3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 ML. INDOPHENOL DYE USED



dichlorophenolindophenol to determine points on a titration curve. A platinum-tungsten electrode stirrer was found to be more sensitive than a platinum-platinum electrode in the determination of the potential. Extracts were made of peas, kale, lettuce, and spinach by placing weighed samples in mortars containing 30 cc. of the extracting solutions, and grinding with acid-washed sand. They were centrifuged for at least 5 minutes and the supernatant liquid was poured off into 100-cc. volumetric flasks. Washing of the material was repeated with 30-, 20-, and 20-cc. portions of the fresh extracting solution. The extract was made up to volume with distilled water. Tomatoes were run through a Sep-ro-siv equipped with a 20-mesh screen instead of grinding with sand. This removed skin and seeds. Although only 75 cc. of the extractant were used with 25 cc. of the pulpy tomato juice, four extractions were made. Sulfuric acid ( N , 5 per cent) was used in the case of tomatoes, lettuce, and spinach, while 8 per cent trichloroacetic acid was used for peas and kale. As suggested by several workers (6, 7 , 8), 2 per cent metaphosphoric acid was used in all acid extractants to prevent catalytic oxidation of ascorbic acid, Varying concentrations of ascorbic acid dissolved in 8 per cent acetic acid were tested as checks, using both the visual titration and electrometric titration methods. For titration with the titrimeter, a 10- or 20-cc. aliquot of the extract was transferred into a 50-cc. beaker and about 25 cc. of 8 per cent acetic acid were added to increase the volume. Dye was added in 0.1-cc. aliquots until the end point was approached, after which 0.05-cc. portions were added. Readings were taken

Because of the obvious difficulty in obtaining a rapid check on the use of the electrometric titrimeter to determine ascorbic acid in colored extracts, substances were studied with which it was possible to use the usual indophenol method. If a titration curve is drawn using the titrimeter, the values derived therefrom agree consistently with those of the ordinary visual titration. The indicating eye alone cannot be used, since the change in e. m. f. in the reaction is not rapid enough to cause a noticeable blink, Reducing substances, other than ascorbic acid, which are usually found in fruit juices, did not interfere with the end point.

Literature Cited (1) Bessey, 0. A., J . Biol. Chem., 126, 771 (1938). (2) Bessey, 0. A., and King, C. G., Ibid., 103, 687 (1933). (3) Buck, R. E., and Ritchie, W. S., IND.ENG.CHEM.,Anal. Ed., 10, 26 (1938). (4)' Evelyn, K. A , , Malloy, H. T., and Rosen, C., J . Biol. Chem., 126, 645 (1938). (5) Fischer Scientific co. LaboTatoTy, 9, 46 (1938). (6) Fujita, A., and Iwatake, D., Biochern. Z., 277, 293 (1935). (7) Mack, G. L., and Tressler, D. K., J . BioE. Chem., 118, 735 (1937). (8) Musulin, R. R., and King, C. G., Ibid., 116, 409 (1936). (9) Stevens. J. W.. IND.ENG.CHEM..Anal Ed.. 10. 269 (1938). (105 Tillmans, J., Hirsch, P., and Jackisch, J., 2. U n t e k h . Lebensm., 64, 276 (1932).

APPROVED by the Director of the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station for publication as Journal Paper No. 303. Taken from the report to be submitted by Mary Mann Kirk t o the Graduate School of Cornell University in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy.