Determination of Dinitrotoluene in Smokeless ... - ACS Publications

Hercules Experiment Station, Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington 99, Del. When present in ... Present address, Pabst Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. of the p...
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Determination of Dinitrotoluene in Smokeless Powder by the Titanous Chloride-Buff er Method P. G. BCTTS', W. J . MEIKLE2, JOHN SHOVERS*, D. L. KOUBA, AND W. W . BECKER Hercules Experiment Station, Hercules Powder Co., W i l m i n g t o n 99, Del. When present in smokeless powder, 2,4-dinitrotoluene may be extracted with ether and determined by reduction w-ith standard titanous chloride solution. By the use of sodium acetate or sodium citrate buffer, the reduction is caused to take place very rapidly at room temperature. This modification shortens the usual procedure.


S T H E manufacture of certain types of smokeless powders,

2,4-dinitrotoluene is added for specific purposes. During Korld War 11, a rapid method for its determination was essential. .After e