Determination of formic acid in pyroligenous liquors

destructive distillation of agricultural wastes has neces- sitated repeated determination of the formic acid content of the pyroligneous liquors produ...
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Determination of Formic Acid in

Pyroligneous Liquors HERMAN D. WEIHE AND P. BURKE JACOBS Agricultural By-products Laboratory, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Ames, Iowa


or procedure. The use of an insoluble oxidizing agent is attended by difficulties in preventing the admission of carbon dioxide from the air during addition, securing an even rate of oxidation, avoiding possible oxidation of impurities due to the excess oxidant present, avoiding loss of carbon dioxide due to failure of absorption systems of small capacity to take care of uneven liberation of gas, etc. I n the present experimentation, since an oxidation-carbon dioxide absorption scheme seemed to offer the greatest flexibility, various modifications of the methods now in use were studied in a effort to overcome known limitations. Various substances normally present in pyroligneous liquors were studied individually to ascertain the extent of error from such presence, and to learn how much preliminary purification is required for the accurate determination of formic acid under the conditions. After a trial the use of Tmog towers (11) for absorbing carbon dioxide was abandoned because of difficulties resulting from absorption of carbon dioxide from the air during the washing of alkali from the tower, and in controlling the flow of carbon dioxide-free air a t a uniform rate. A number of soluble and insoluble oxidizing agents were tried, and mercuric acetate solution, the addition of which can be easily controlled, was finally adopted as most suitable. Barium hydroxide solution was used for absorbing the carbon dioxide, which was estimated volumetrically. As a result of these experiments a closed circulatory absorbing system was evolved which is believed to minimize the disadvantages of other systems. It is cheap, easily constructed, easily regulated, and almost automatic in action, and, when it is once assembled, formic acid determinations may be performed rapidly, in sequence, about 30 minutes being required for an accurate determination on a pure or purified sample. Rates of oxidation, circulation, and absorption can be controlled a t will without danger of admission of carbon dioxide from the air. Circulation may be maintained for any desired period, insuring complete absorption. Titration can be accomplished without air contamination, and various oxidants may be used as desired. Various methods for removal of interfering impurities have been studied by other investigators, that of Fincke (3)appearing most adaptable for the present purpose. The method of formic acid determination here presented is a combination of the desirable features of several methods, especially those of Fincke (3) and Osburn (8), used in conjunction with an absorption apparatus evolved from one used by Partridge and Schroeder (9) for carbon dioxide absorption. It is believed that the proposed apparatus, with slight modification, may be applied to other organic determinations depending on measurement of evolved carbon dioxide.

ETAILED study of the products and yields from the destructive distillation of agricultural wastes has necessitated repeated determination of the formic acid content of the pyroligneous liquors produced under different operating conditions. Methods of formic acid determination now in use are undependable or very time-consuming, when applied to such liquors, which usually contain comparatively small quantities of formic acid together with large quantities of other chemical compounds. These may interfere with or give positive reactions with the usual formic acid tests, and recommended prepurification procedures (S) have certain difficulties of application. There exists, therefore, a need for a convenient and accurate method for the determination of small quantities of formic acid in pyroligneous liquor. Present methods of determining formic acid are, in general, based on steam-distilling the volatile components from the nonvolatile and then treating the solution with mercuric chloride and weighing the calomel precipitated (1); titrating the hydrochloric acid formed ( 5 ) ; estimating total acids before and after removal of the formic acid by oxidation with mercuric oxide (2) ; or estimating the carbon dioxide evolved by oxidation of the formic acid with mercuric oxide or other oxidants, using various methods of carbon dioxide absorption (2, 8). These methods are open to certain objections. Various impurities, especially alddhydes or unsaturated bodies that may act as reducing agents, will affect the calomel precipitati0n.l Gravimetric methods are likely to show relatively large percentage errors when the quantity of formic acid is small. Oxidation methods usually require the removal of dissolved carbon dioxide from the sample before subjection to the action of oxidizing agents, involving special apparatus 1 The use of potassium acetate and hydroxylamine has been recommended as inoreasing the accuracy of the oalomel method by J. C. Carlin of the Tennessee Products Corporation, Nashville, Tenn., but prepurification is required (private communication).


Description of Absorption Apparatus The proposed apparatus (Figure 1) consists of a 200-cc. Pyrex reaction flask, A , with one center and two side outlets. Above the center outlet, T,are mounted two spiral condensers, M and N , placed vertically, in series, and connected to the flask by a ground-glass joint. Through side outlet S is inserted an airintake tube reaching nearly t o the bottom of the flask, and joined t o a pump system (Figure 2) as shown. The remaining outlet, 0, is connected by means of a rubber tube t o a threeway stopcock, C , permitting the addition of measurable amounts of the oxidizing solution through a 20-cc. pipet, which is connected


B 44

JANUARY 15, 1936


as shown for measuring and adding the oxidizing solution. TOa side arm on the upper end of the pipet is attached a capillary tube, P, which retards to about 10 minutes the time necessary for emptying the pipet. To the other end of the capillary tube is attached a U-tube, HI containing sodium hydroxide solution. This tube serves the double purpose of removing all carbon dioxide from the air drawn through ‘and of preventing the last few cubic centimeters of the solution from flowing into reaction flask A , thereby forming a liquid seal which prevents any carbon dioxide formed in the reaction from rising into the pipet. A cock at Y is opened to permit rapid filling of the pipet. Evolved carbon dioxide passes through condensers M and N and is absorbed in titration bottle B (Figure 3). This is tightly closed by means of a three-hole rubber stopper, through which tube U brings the carbon dioxide air stream to the bottom, where it bubbles through the alkaline absorbing solution. Tube D allows addition of both the barium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid titrating solutions, while W is the exit through which the gas returns to the pump. A by-pass, K , is connected across U and W to allow pressure equalization. J 1 and Ja are two air-scrubbing bottles containing 30 per cent sodium hydroxide solution. During the preliminary period required for removing carbon dioxide from the system, carbon dioxide-free air in any required amount can be introduced through this scrubber and forced through the system by means of the pump, the air exit being at the upper end of tube U,where B is disconnected. At G additional means is provided for releasing pressure or for admitting small amounts of air from which carbon dioxide has been removed by a scrubbing system containing sodium hydroxide. A mercury manometer U-tube, R, of rather small bore and registering pressure changes up to 100 mm., is attached a t F. Constant circulation of the enclosed air system is accomplished by a pump (Figure 2) consisting of an ordinary automobile windshield-wiper mechanism having a radial arm motion and bearing at the end of the arm a mercury reservoir, XI which is connected by glass and rubber tubing to a bulb, L. Vertical oscillation of reservoir X causes a fluctuating mercury level in L, forcing the enclosed gas in the system to circulate through two glass valves, VI and Vz,containing sufficient mercury for proper valve operation. This pump valve device is similar to one described by Maass (6).

Determination Steam-distill 25 cc. of crude pyroligneous acid and 5 cc. of sirupy phosphoric acid in a 500-cc. Claisen flask heated at 140” to 150” C. in a glycerol bath. (A somewhat more accurate procedure is to treat the original crude liquor with 20 per cent excess of N sodium hydroxide solution in a stoppered flask at room temperature for 24 hours, then acidify with phosphoric acid-5 cc. in excess-and distill as directed.) During the 2.5 hours (approximate) allowed for collecting the 1 liter of distillate, maintain the volume of liquor in the flask at about 10 cc. For formic acid determinations, neutralize 300 cc. of distillate (or a suitable aliquot containing from 0.05 to 0.1 gram of formic acid) t o phenolphthalein with barium hydroxide solution and evaporate to dryness on the steam bath. (The remainder of this distillate is available for determination of methanol, acetic acid, acetone, and other constituents of the crude liquor.) Dissolve the residue in 50 cc. of warm water and transfer to reaction flask A (Figure 1). Add a small piece of paraffin (to reduce foaming) and 5 cc. of N acetic acid, and dilute the contents of the flask to about 100 cc. Set stopcock Q so scrubbers J1 and JZ connect directly with intake valve VIof pump, and boil contents of flask for 10 minutes while passing carbon dioxide-free air through the solution and system to remove dissolved carbon dioxide. Connect titration bottle B, which contains a known quantity of standardized barium hydroxide (approximately 50 cc.), and continue boiling solution in the reaction flask. (Martin and Green, 7, add barium chloride to increase absorbing efficiency.) Open three-way stopcock C and allow 20 cc. of the mercuric acetate oxidizing solution (Dissolve 100 grams of mercuric acetate in 1 liter of 0.5 N acetic acid and boil 1 hour to remove carbon dioxide. Keep tightly stoppered.) to flow slowly into flask, continuing circulation for 20 minutes. Stop pump and titrate contents of bottle B with standard 0.2 N hydrochloric acid (free from carbon dioxide) using phenolphthalein (Schollenberger, 10, recommends thymolphthalein.). Near the end point gently evacuate at W a few times, to draw solution from immersed tubing. Differences of pressure may be equalized a t K, n-hich should be open when pump is not operating and when bottle B is being connected or disconnected, to avoid drawing absorbing solution up into apparatus.


Calculation of Results One cubic centimeter of 0.2 S barium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.0046 gram of formic acid. 2(CHsCOO)zHg


Formic, acetic, or other volatile acids will carry over in the apparatus to a small extent causing absorption of alkali. The total correction for such volatilized acids under the conditions set forth was 0.04 cc. of 0.2 N alkali, which is so small that it may usually be disregarded. A blank determination will correct for this and for impurity of reagents.

Time Factor During the development of the method it was found necessary to ascertain the time required to absorb a11 carbon dioxide evolved in the closed system during a determination. After the apparatus had been freed from carbon dioxide, a solution containing 0.263 gram of dried anhydrous sodium carbonate dissolved in 25 cc. of carbon dioxide-free water was added t o 75 cc. of carbon dioxide-free distilled water in flask A (Figure 1). Bottle B was then connected, and an excess of dilute sulfuric acid (free from carbon dioxide) was added to flask A through the pipet at 0. At intervals of 5 minutes the pump was stopped, titration bottle B was changed, and its contents were titrated. Absorption occurred as follows: Cc. 0.2018 N Alkali Consumed First 5 minutes Seoond.5 minutes Third 5 minutes Total

17.52 7.04 0.02


2 4 . 5 8 (equivalent t o 0 . 2 6 3 gram of sodium


il &minute circulation is therefore ample for complete absorption of the carbon dioxide in the system, unless progress of the oxidation is retarded. Effect of Certain Impurities Crude pyroligneous acid consists of a mixture of water, tar, oil, formic, acetic, and higher acids, acetone, methanol, esters, ketones, aldehydes (especially formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and furfural) , acetals, phenols, pyridine, allyl alcohol, etc. Homologs and condensation and interaction products of these compounds are probably present, the percentages varying with the temperature of the destructive distillation. The acetic content is usually in excess of the formic. I n the various existing formic acid methods which depend on oxidation many of these compounds may react, affecting the results in several ways : they may oxidize, yielding carbon dioxide; they may be carried over into the alkali and combine with it; or their presence may inhibit the liberation and oxidation of the formic acid. Experiments were individually conducted with a number of these compounds to determine their behavior under the oxidation conditions of the method described herein. The results, shown in Table I, indicate that acetone, methanol, ethanol, glycerol, and lactic acid yield no carbon dioxide under the conditions of the method, while pyridine, allyl alcohol, acetaldehyde, “soluble” tar, “high-boiling” acid, unsaponifiable “chemical wood oil,” oxalic acid, and various tar oil fractions and their phenols yield varying small amounts of carbon dioxide. Substances such as furfural and formaldehyde apparently oxidize slowly and yield carbon dioxide, the degree of oxidation depending on the time and concentration conditions. A previous saponification seems to be essential before the determination of the combined formic acid in formic esters, as in the case of the lower boiling compounds direct determination is often affected by unhydrolyzed ester passing out of the reaction flask.



VOL. 8 , KO. 1



Amount of Sample

Grams Acetone, c.

G1 cero1 Etxanol Methanol, c.

cc .







0.08 0.80


Oxalic acid, c.



50 .'O




0.0833 0.2


Lactic acid (analytical) Pyridine (analytical) Furfural (technical redistilled) Acetaldehyde (redistilled) "Soluble" tar (from pecan shells) "High-boiling acid" (Suida proceas)


.. .. ..

4.95 1.16 0.80



.... .... .... ....

"Wood chemical oil" Same (washed with sodium hydroxide) Cnmmb "ohemical oil" (redistilled)


Formaldehyde (technical formalin)


5.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 5.0


Oxidizing Agent -Carbon (Me:Length curio of Ace- Theoreti- , Run tate) cal Min. Grams Grams 20 2 0.228 20 2 1.820 20 2 ..... 20 2 ..... 20 2 0.11 20 2 1.1 20 2 0.0813 20 2 0.1956 2 20 ..... 10 2 13.77 20 2 2.66 20 2 1.60 20 2 ..... 15 2


Dioxide PresentPer cent of theoretical Found found


Grams Trace 0.00045 None None Trace 0.00090 0.000976 0.00045


.... ....

0.08 1.20 0.23

Trarn -.-__

0.00106 0.01 0.01356 0.51 0.000452 0.03 (affects alkali) 0.00227 0.0034 (esaentialh'i 'mixture of Dro' pionic, hutyric, and aietic acids and lactones) 0.0216 .. . ~ ~ . . . .. .. .. 0.0146 .... 0.0213 .... 0.00354 0.00632

2 2 2

..... .....





0.01236 0.00071 0.00217


2 2

1.465 9.71

0.00288 0.01845 0.013 0.00195

3.27 1.26 0.13



0.01495 0.001855 0.0063 0.0042 0.00177

0.15 0.19

55 0.014125 2 20 1.943 0.0108 2 30 0.0772 0.0777b 2 30 0.0777s 0.0777 2 30 0.0777s 0.0780 Saponified before determination.

1.46 0.66 99.4 100.0 100.4

20 20 20 20 20 30 4- 300 4-305 305 305

..... ..... .....

.... ....


Total Sample 2


Total Sample 3 Allyl alcohol (Eastman Kodak Co.)

1.0 4.27

Total Sample 2



+ 30 30" -


60 20 90 20a

110 10


15O ++ 15a

Total Sample 3 Ethyl formate (basis 100% ester) Additional time periods on 8ame experiment.

0.854 0.1306 0.1306 0.1306 b Equivalent to carboxyl present.

The removal of soluble and insoluble tar from the crude liquor by a preliminary distillation before estimation of formic acid, etc., seems to be necessary (as shown in Table I), since the presence of tar also seems to affect the analytical procedure. Tests were therefore made to determine the quantity of distillate needed to effect total recovery of all the acids present in the crude, using the described procedure but analybing successive 250-cc. portions of distillate. The average distribution of formic and total acid in the distillate was found to be as follows: Total Acid

% 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

00. of distillate 250 GO. of distillate 250 cc. of distillate 250 cc. of distillate


92.87 4.44 1.87 0.82


Formic Acid

% 95.87 3.29 0.84 Not analyzed 100.00

Because the results given in Table I indicated the necessity of removing certain interfering volatile constituents from this distillate before determining formic acid , experiments were undertaken to devise a convenient and efficient means for such removal (prepurification) without affecting the formic acid present. It was found that all the volatile interfering substances could be removed by neutralizing the acid mixture with barium hydroxide and evaporating to dryness on a steam bath, Since the barium salt of formic acid is stable a t temperatures well above 100' C. (4, none is lost in this procedure, but more than a slight excess of barium hydroxide must be avoided, Results of tests with this prepurification treatment are given in Table 11.


Discussion of Results Table I1 shows the accuracy of the proposed method, as applied to pure formic acid solutions and to formic acid solutions containing interfering impurities, when determined with and without preliminary steam distillation and barium hydroxide pretreatment. For pure formic acid solutions, the direct determination gave an average experimental error of -0.24 per cent, the barium hydroxide treatment, when used, apparently not affecting these results. A combination of steam distillation and subsequent barium hydroxide treatment showed a f0.99 per cent error. The results secured on pure formic acid by substituting mercuric oxide for mercuric acetate were of similar accuracy. The results on sodium formate when determined alone showed a slightly greater error than when sodium acetate was added. Experimentation with a test solution (solution A) containing known quantities of formic acid, acetic acid, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, furfural, and allyl alcohol, the mixture representing a concentration of volatile interfering components normally present in the distillate from a crude pyroligneous acid, gave results 3.17 per cent too high on direct determination of formic acid without steam distillation or pretreatment. When this mixture was subjected to the preliminary barium hydroxide treatment to remove volatile interfering substances, this excess value was reduced to +0.79 per cent. Experiments to show the extent of removal of interfering substances by steam distillation and by barium hydroxide treatment (combined or separate) , when applied to a sample of crude pyroligneous acid (solutions B and C),

JANUARY 15, 1936


indicated that with no pretreatment the results were 26 per cent higher than the actual formic acid percentage shown after the combined purification treatments. Barium hydroxide treatment alone, when applied to the same liquor, reduced the high value slightly, while subsequent steam distillation reduced this further to 13.1 per cent. Barium hydroxide pretreatment when applied subsequent to a steam distillation gave a value which is assumed to be the actual percentage of formic acid present. Since the exact amount of formic acid actually present in a crude pyroligneous acid cannot be definitely established directly, the removal of formic acid from such crudes was studied by the expedient of adding formic acid to a crude liquor of low known formic content in known amounts and determining the recovery of this added acid, the amount not recovered being determined by difference. As shown in Table 11, the percentage of formic acid not recovered by this procedure (per cent error) was less (2.3 per cent) when a saponification procedure was used than with the regular steam distillation only (3.4 per cent). Saponification of the crude liquor increased the amount of determined formic acid by about 20 per cent, indicating the presence of a significant quantity of formic esters. Fincke (3) found that the recovery of formic acid by steam distillation, from mixtures other than pyroligneous acid, was not over 95 per cent even with prolonged distillation. Quantitative recovery of formic acid by the steam distillation of pure formic acid solutions is shown in Table 11. It is probable that the recovery of formic acid from various complex mixtures will vary according to the physical and chemical properties of each mixture. REMOVAL OF FORMALDEHYDE. Special attention was also given to the behavior of formaldehyde under the conditions of the proposed method. Since part of the formaldehyde vaporizes, and since the nonvaporized portion apparently oxidizes slowly to formic acid and subsequently to carbon dioxide under distillation, there are only two alternatives, either to oxidize it completely to carbon dioxide in the original liquid, or to destroy or remove it before making the determination, the recommended prepurification methods (distillation from tar and evaporation with barium hydroxide) apparently being satisfactory. A preliminary oxidation of the formaldehyde, by Fehling’s solution, was tried. This reagent oxidized the formaldehyde to formic acid, but apparently did not oxidize the formic acid further to carbon dioxide. However, on subsequent oxidation with mercuric acetate, a portion of the excess Fehling’s solution was oxidized to carbon dioxide, giving yields in excess of the theoretical. During the oxidation of the formaldehyde by the Fehling’s solution no carbon dioxide was formed, although appreciable amounts of cuprous oxide were deposited. It may therefore be possible to determine the percentages of formaldehyde and formic acid in a mixture by selective oxidation.

Summary A method is presented for the convenient determination of formic acid in pyroligneous acid, based upon the removal of certain volatile and nonvolatile interfering substances, followed by the oxidation of the formic acid to carbon dioxide in a closed system using mercuric acetate as oxidizing agent. The evolved carbon dioxide is absorbed by circulation of the enclosed air stream through standard barium hydroxide in a special apparatus, and the amount of formic acid (equivalent to the carbon dioxide absorbed) is calculated from titration data. This method determines small amounts of formic acid in pyroligneous liquors with an accuracy of about 97.0 per cent. Greater accuracy (over 99.5 per cent) is attained on pure formic acid solutions. Mercuric acetate has been found to possess certain advan-



Material Analyzed


Formic acid (pure)

0.0617 0.0617 0.0755 0.0755 0.0814@) 0.0814(6 )

Formic acid ( 0 ) (mercuric oxide substituted for 0.0656 . mercuric acetate) 0.0656 Sodium formate, 0.1375 gram, equivalent to 0.0930 Sodium formate 0,1375 gram plus 6 chams of sodium acetate, equivalent to: 0.0930 25 cc. of solution A(d) 0.0378 0.0378 0.0378 Solution B( 8 )

Formic Acid Found 5 Gram 0.0616 0.0615 0.0756 0.0751 0.0821 0.0821


Barium Hydroxide Purification Treatment


- 0.16 +-- 0.32 0.13 0.53

No No Yes Yea Yes Yes

0.0653 0.0656

- 0.46

No No


+ 1.07


0.0 3.17 ++- 0.79 1.06

Yes Yes

- 3.4 (average)

Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Solution C(u) Solution C(o) Solution D(h) Solution D(h) (0,4968 gram of formic acid added)

0.0930 0.0390 0.0381 0.0374 0.5280 0.5200 0.4740 0.4190 0.0833 0.0855 0.570 0.553

Solution D ( h ) (saponified)

0.0997 0.1025

Solution D ( h ) (saponified and 0.4968 gram of formic acid added)

0.5822 0.5858

++ 0.99 0.99 0.0

26.0 (I) 24 1 /) 13:l [f) 0.0



Ye8 Yes

- 2.3 (average)

Yea Yes

“) Calculated from carbon dioxide produced.

b ) Steam-distilled. c, Five grams of mercuric oxide used as oxidizing agent. The mercuric ox!de was first added , carbon dioxide removed from the system and the aam le of formic acid, dissolved in carbon dioxide-free water, thin added. Solution A consists of formic acid 0.756 gram. acetic acid, 0.74. allyl alcohol, 0.18; furfural, 0.19; formalhehyde, 0.18;’ acetaldehyde, 0.ld I n m n PP e) Solution B consists of a 100-cc. sample of original crude pyroligneous a c b (undistilled) (0 These valies are calculated on the assumption that 0.4190 is the correct formic acid content. ( 0 ) Solution C consists of distilled pyroligneous acid (total distillate from 100 cc. of same crude liquor as solution B). ( h ) Solution D represents the formic acid found in the first 750 00. of steam diatill+te from 25 CC. of $rude pyroligpeous acid (crude liquor from sample B). Saponification and addltion of formic acid, where indicated, preceded steam distillation.


tages over mercurio oxide as an oxidizing agent, especially in the presence of dissolved carbon dioxide, because of its solubility in water. The effect of interfering impurities on the method is shown. Impurities may for the most part be easily removed from distilled pyroligneous acid by neutralizing with barium hydroxide solution, followed by evaporation of the sample to dryness on a steam bath. Preliminary saponification of crude pyroligneous liquors increased the formic acid percentages found, when formic esters were present. A distillation procedure is described for removing volatile acids from crude pyroligneous acid.

Literature Cited (1) Auerbach and Zeglin, 2. physik. Chem., 103, 161 (1922). (2) Bunbury, “ T h e Destructive Distillation of Wood,” p. 289, London, Benn Bros. Ltd., 1923. (3) Fincke, H., Biochem. Z., 51, 253 (1911); Z.Nahr. Genussm., 21, 1; 22, 88 (1911): “Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis,” 5 t h ed., Vol. 1, p. 690; J. Assoc. Oficial Agr. Chem., 1, 210 (1915). (4) Fischer, Tropsch, and Schellenberg, Ges. Abhandl. Kenntnis Kohle, 6,355 (1921). (5) Fuchs, Z.anal. Chem., 78, 125-7 (1929). (6) Maass, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 41, 53 (1919). (7) Martin and Green, IND.EXG.CHEM.,Anal. Ed., 5, 114 (1933). (8) Osburn, Wood, and Werkman, Ibid., 5, 247 (1933). (9) Partridge and Schroeder, Ibid., 4,274 (1932). (10) Schollenberger, IND. ENQ.CHEM.,20, 1101 (1928). (11) Truog, Ibid., 7, 1045 (1915).

RWEIVBDApril 6 , 1934. Contribution from the Agricultural By-Products Laboratory (formerly Ames Field Station), Bureau of Chemistry and Soils. Cooperative project with Iowa State College.