Determination of Hydrogen in Highly Fluorinated Carbon Compounds

appears to be lost upon passage through these materials.This amount is generally not significant for Celite No. 545, but may be significant for Hyflo ...
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washed free of pigment with water containing acetic acid. The riboflavin solutions were diluted to a volume of 100 ml., and the riboflavin content was determined in the photoelectric colorimeter. The results were corrected for the interfering pigment which equaled 1.40 micrograms per ml. of riboflavin for Hyflo Super-Cel and 0.54 microgram per ml. of iiboflavin for Celite Yo. 545. These results are shown in Table 111.

Table 111.

Recovery of Riboflavin from Hyflo Super-Cel and Celite N o . 545 Columns Riboflavin Recovered Riboflavin Added Hyflo Super-Cel Celite No. 545 Microorams/ml.



2.8 5.5 9.8 15.0 19.8

2.5 5.3 9.3 14.7 19.8

2.9 5.4 9.6 14.8 19.6

Vol. 18, No. 5

The concentration of riboflavin that could he definitely determined varied from 0.1 microgram per ml. for the most dilutc solution to 0.3 microgram per ml. for the most concentrated solution tested. The loss of riboflavin in the Celite No. 543 column is, therefore, barely significant. An appreciable loss of riboflavin was experienced upon passage of the solutions through the Hyflo Super-Cel columns.

adsorbent and siliceous earth and then eluted, as the pigment is normally discarded with the first washings from the adsorption column. Celite No. 545 is, however, preferable to Hyflo SuperCel in the preparation of adsorbent columns for chromatographic analysis. Although riboflavin does not form adsorption bands on columns of these siliceous earths, a small amount of riboflavin appears to be lost upon passage through these materials. This amount is generally not significant for Celite No. 545, but may be significant for Hyflo Super-Cel.


riffith, R. B., and Jeffrey, R. N., Im. ESG. CHEM.,ANAL. ED., 16,438 (1944). (2) Ibid., 17,448 (1945).


(3) Silker, R. E., Schrenk, W . G., and King, H. H., Ibid., 16, 513 (1944). (4) Strain, H. H., "Chromatographic ddsorption Analysis", New York, Interscience Publishers, 1942. (5) Strain, H. H., J.Biol. Chem., 105, 523 (1934). (6) Strain, H. H., Manning, W. iM., and Hardm, G., Bid. Bull., 86, 169 (1944).

To determine the loss of riboflavin in Hyflo Super-Cel and Celite No. 545, columns 3.3 cm. in diameter were filled to a height of 12 cm. n-ith these materials. A solution was made of synthetic U.S.P. riboflavin in water containing 5 ml. of glacial acetic acid to the liter. Aliquots were taken of this solution for determination of the riboflavin content in a photoelectric colorimeter. Similar aliquots were poured on thedry columns, the solutions drawn through the columns under suction, and the columns

(7) Thompson, C. R., Ewan, hi. A., Hauge, S. >I., Hohren, B. B., and Quackenbush,F. IT., IND.ENG.C H m f . , ANAL.ED.,18, 113 (1946).

(8) Wall, M. E., and Kelley, E. G., Ibii-l., 15, 18 (1943).

Determination of Hydrogen in Highly Fluorinated Carbon Compounds W. H.PEARLSON, T. 1. BRICE, AND J. H. SIMONS School of Chemistry and Physics, The Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa.


PROCEDURE for analyzing compounds of the type CnFm for carbon and fluorine has been previously described (p).

A method is described in this paper for the determination of hydrogen in similar highly fluorinated carbon compounds. The method consists of decomposing the sample with magnesium in &nevacuated quartz tube at about 7000 c., passing the residual hydrogen over hot copper oxide, and absorbing the Water formed in a weighed phosphorus pentoxide tube. &fention has been made (1) of an experiment in which the determined by repeatedly hydrogell contentof fluoroform passing the sample over heated sodium metal until it was cornpletely decomposed and then measuring the volume of t,he residual hydrogen. Attempts were made in this work to usc sodium or potassium in the decomposition, but the results were errat,ic and consistently low. While the temperature in the hottest portion of the tube was sufficiently high to decompose sodium or potassium hydrides, it is believed that combination of the metal and hydrogen took place in cooler portions of the tube. When magnesium nab used no difficultieq of this nature were encountered. The apparatus, Figure 1, roiiyiits essentially of alternate sample bulbs, C and D, a quartz tube, G , in which the nickel boat containing the magnesium is placed, a copper oxide container, J the absorption tube, I , n hich contains phosphorus pentoxide, and an automatic gas pump, H (3) to recycle unreacted hydrogen and sample. G is heated by a two-piece resistance furnace which can be removed without disconnecting the tube. J is wound with a Nichrome coil which serves as a heating element.

The sample, in the case of subExPERIhfENTAL PROCEDURE. stances boiling below about 50" c., was weighed by introduction into the previously evacuated and weighed bulb, D. For higher boiling substances the sample was weighed directly into a small glass cup which was then placed in tube C; it was necessary t o freeze and degas these samples before analysis. The samples were of such size that between 30 and 40 mg. of water would be formed. .The nickel boat, filled firit11 approximately 1 gram of magnesium turnings, is introduced into the quartz tube and the systen1 sealed and evacuated. The furnace, previously heated to 700" (:., is lowered and about the quartz tube. The copper oxide is heated t'o about 300' C. Evacuation is continued until no further gas is given off by the magnesium. The sample is then adniitt,ed to the magnesium and the circulating


Figure 1.



May, 1946

pump started. Pumping is continued until the pressure falls to approximately 3 mm., the lower operating limit of the pump. By withdrawal of the mercury from the valves, the residual gas trapped in the pump is released to the combustion system. When the pressure has fallen to essentially zero, dry air is admitted through tube A which contains phosphorus pentoxide. The absorber tube, I , is then removed, protecting ground-glass caps are placed over the ends, and the tube is reweighed. The amount of hydrogen present in the original sample, can then be readily calculated. The procedure was checked by analysis of methyl fluoride and tank hydrogen. Calculated for CHaF: H, 8.89. Found: H, 8.51. Calculated for H?:0.357 gram of €LO. Found: 0.0345, 0.0336 gram of H 2 0 . Three of the compounds analyzed are presented as examples.


331 Hydrogen Calculated 0.59 1.32 0.43

Found 0.55 1.29 0.40

This work was done under the sponsorship of Minnesota Mining and 11Ianufacturing Company. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Ruff, O., Bretschneider, O., Luchsinger, W.,and Miltschitzky, G., Ber., 69,209 (1936). (2) Simons, J. H., and Block, L. P., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 61, 2982 (1939). (3) Simons, J. H., Brice, T. J., and Pearlson, 'AT. H., IND. ENO.,

CHEY.,ANAL.ED., 17, 404 (1945).


Electronic M a k e and Break for Relay Operation R. B. HARVEY Chemical Warfare Laboratories, Ottawa, Canada


N T H E operation of a constant-temperature air bath where mechanical circulation was not permissible and convection provided the only stirring, the problem of supplying heat in small increments to prevent overregulation of the bath temperature was met. If the hcat source remained "on" Continuously,







FiyureI Figure Z + 234

Resistor and Condensers

RI. 1 me#. 0.5 watt RP. 1 meg. 0.5 watt


PO meg. 0 . 5 watt R I . 1 meg. 0.5 watt 2 meg. 0.5 watt 5 meg. 0.5 watt 9 10 meg. 0.5 watt PO mer. 0.5 watt Rc lo00 ohms 5 watts

0.95 mfd. 2 5 0 volts 1 .O mfd. 250 volts 4 mfd. 9 5 0 volb These are p i p e condensen. C?. 8-mfd. 250-volt dry electrolytic condenser

15,000 ohms P watts

Rs. 10 000 ohms P watts Q. 0 . i mfd. 2 5 0 volts

enough hcat to raise the bath some 2" or 3" had been supplied by the time the thermoregulator responded to the temperature increase. By the make and break arrangement heat was supplied for 3 to 4 seconds only of each 30 seconds, to allow dissipation by convection, and regulation to 50.2' was obtained. The first device employed to effect this was a clock with a sweep second hand brushing over a metallic strip, so that an electrical contact n-as maintained for 3 to 4 seconds in each 30 seconds. A very reliable apparat,us is described by Booth and Martin ( I ) . Itwastliought that these mechanicaldevices might be simplified by the use of an adaptation of the relaxation oscillator. However, the necessity for the auxiliary power supply equipment was undesirable and a modification of the Serfass regulator (S), employing one electron tub; and a few resistors and condensers, wa8 chosen as the simplest solution. The principle of a pickup and dropout action has bee? described by Henney ( 2 ) . The basic circuit is that of Serfass, modified by a condenser to introduce time delay into the rise and fall of the grid volta e, with a mechanical device for opening and closing &e grid circuit. This latter was accomplished by using a doublepole double-throw relay switch, one pole of which acted as a make and break in the grid circuit, S , and the other pole as an off-on switch for outside auxiliary apparatus, E. Switch S, appearing in the grid circuit of Figures 1 and 3, and switch E of Figure 1, are the t x o halves of the double-pole double-throw relay contacts. Current in the relay coil act,ivates switches E and S simultaneously. Figure 3 is a simplified version of the grid circuit. Electrons flow up through RI to the cathode of the tube. Voltage is maintained across resistance Rc by the by-pass resistor, Rg. If section S of the double-pole double-throw switch is in position B electrons will flow through Ra to charge condenser C1. Initially S is in position A , and the grid is, in effect, short-circuited to cathode by R1 and RP. Current flows in the tube and causes the relay to close, switching S from A to B positions. Electrons flow through R3, charging C1 so that the grid side becomes negative. As C, charges the plate current of the tube decreases, and when it has reached a value too weak to hold the relay closed, 8 is switched from B to A . The time delay before the relay opens is controlled by the capacity of C1 and the value of resistor RI. . C1 can now discharge through R2 and does so a t a rate controlled by t.he condenser capacity and the resistance of RP. As C, discharges, the grid poteiit,ial approaches that of t,he cathode and the plate current rises. A t a value of plate current sufficient to close the relay, S is switched from A to B again and the cycle repeats. The time of charge and discharge is regulated by condenser CI. The ratio of 0% to on periods can be varied by changing the ratio of the values of RI and RI. When R, and Rs are equal the relay will be open aiid closed roughly for equal periods of time. If R3 is greater than Rt the time for charge of C1 will be greater than for discharge and the relay contacts will be closed for a longer period than they are open. If the power fails t h e contacts open. When RPis greater