Determination of Lactose in Milk Products - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Chem. , 1949, 21 (8), pp 993–995. DOI: 10.1021/ac60032a035. Publication Date: August 1949. ACS Legacy ... Journal of Dairy Science 1950 33 (3), 176-...
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V O L U M E 21, NO. 8, A U G U S T 1949

- 27m - 9b = 0 8.725 - 96m - 2ib = 0

993 (5)



Solutions of these pairs of equations yield: For maltose

m = 0.0097 b = -0.00088

For glucose

m = 0.0840

b = 0.0245

Hence the values of 2 - log transmittance before hydrolysis ( R )and after hydrolysis ( A ) are represented by:

B A en c e

+ 0.0245) + (0.0097M - 0.00088) + M ) + 0.0246 A - B 0.0743 M + 0.00088


(0.0840 G



0.0840 ( G


= (9) The value of M so obtained is substituted in Equation 8 to ewluate G . A sample calculation is given in which not more than 5 mg. of a glucose-maltose mixture were taken. The 2 log G values were .4 = 0.435 and B = 0.146. Solving for M by Equation 9, M = 3.0 mg. and for G by Equation 8, G = 0.98 mg. Actually this mixture contained 4 mg. of maltose and 1 mg. of

glucose. The experimental results were satisfactory, as the ratio of maltose to glucose was exactly as taken. This type of determination and calculation may be applied to commercial products to analyze for maltose and glucose. One typical product (Dextrimaltose) was labeled as containing “55% maltose as total reducing sugars.” Analysis by the hlunson and Walker method gave a value of 57.5% as total reducing sugars. By using the method outlined in this paper, and resolving the equations, the results obtained were: 4i.7% maltose and 10% glucose. Such a procedure is rapid and extremely useful in cases where the ratio of maltose to glucose must be controlled, as in the preparation of partially hydrolyzed starch products. In these instances, it is necessary to remove oligosaccharides and dextrins of higher molecular weight in a quantitative manner prior to the determination.



(1) Betiham, G. H., and Despaul, J. E., ANAL.CHEM.,20, 933-5

(1948). RECEIVED October 10,1918.

Determination of lactose in Milk Products B. D. HITES




G . H. VOLKJIER Agricultural Experiment Station, Lincoln, Neb. The ferricyanide method may be used for the determination of lactose and sucrose in dairy products. It is simple, convenient, and time-saving, and requires no special equipment. The method can be used for the analysis of dairy products containing lactose and lactose in the presence of sucrose, but cannot be used when the products contain other reducing sugars.


H E unsatisfactory nature of existing methods for the determination of maltose in flour led Blish and Sandstedt ( 9 ) to seek a method that possessed reliability, simplicity, convenience, and minimum requirement for special equipment. Accordingly they adapted the ferricyanide method of Hagedorn and Jensen (9) to the estimation of maltose in flour. This adaptation was modified by Sandstedt ( d ) , who also applied it to the determination of sucrose in flour (6). In view of the agreement in the maltose values secured by the ferricyanide method as compared to the official method of the association of official agricultural chemists (1), the procedure has been eytended to the determination of lactose in milk and milk products. Therefore, comparisons were made by both the ferricyanide and the official method on the lactose determination in milk and milk products. REAGENTS

Acid Buffer Solution. Dissolve 3 ml. of glacial acetic acid, 4.1 grams of anhydrous sodium acetate, and 4.5 ml. of sulfuric acid (specific gravity 1.84)in water and dilute to 1 liter with water. Sodium Tungstate, 12%. Dissolve 12.0 grams of sodium tungstate dihydrate in water and dilute to 100 ml. with water. Acetic Acid-Salt Solution. Dissolve 70 grams of potassium chloride and 400 grams of zinc sulfate heptahydrate in water, add slowly 200 ml. of glacial acetic acid, and dilute to 1 liter with water. Soluble Starch-Potassium Iodide Solution. Suspend 2 grams of soluble starch in a small quantity of cold water and pour slowly into boiling water with constant stirring. Cool thoroughly (or the

resulting mixture will be dark colored), add 50 grams of potassium iodide, dilute to 100 ml., and add one drop of saturated sodium hydroxide solution. Thiosulfate Solution, 0.1 N . Dissolve 24.82 grams of sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate and 3.8 grams of borax and make up to 1 liter. Standardize against pure copper. Dissolve 45 to 55 mg. of pure copper in 2 ml. of concentrated nitric acid, and heat carefully until brown fumes are driven off. Dilute to 10 ml. with water. Add concentrated ammonium hydroxide a drop a t a time until the last drop produces a deep blue solution. Add 5 ml. of concentrated acetic acid and 1 ml. of potassium iodide-starch solution and titrate with the thiosulfate solution until the starchiodide color fades out. From the milligrams of copper and the milliliters of thiosulfate used the normality can readily be calculated. Alkaline Ferricyanide Solution, 0.1 N . Dissolve 33 grams of pure dry potassium ferricyanide and 44 grams of anhydrous sodium carbonate and dilute to 1 liter. To standardize, add to 10 ml. of this solution 25 ml. of acetic acid-salt solution, and 1ml. of soluble starch-potassium iodide solution, and titrate with 0.1 N thiosulfate. Exactly 10 ml. should be required to discharge the blue color. STAKDARD LACTOSE CURVE

A a.ater solution of high purity a-lactose was prepared so that 1 nil. contained 50 mg. of the anhydrous sugar. Increasing amounts of this solution were added to 50-ml. volumetric flash which contained 43 ml. of acid buffer and 2 ml. of sodium tungstate solution. Sufficient water was added, when needed, to give a final volume of 50 ml. The mixture was vigorously agitated and 5-ml. aliquots were immediately added to 10-mi. quantities of the alkaline 0.1 &Vferricyanide contained in 50-ml. Pyrex test tubes (18 to 20-mm. diameter). The tubes were immersed in boiling



water, so that the liquid in the tubes was 1.25 cm. (0.5 inch) below the surface of the water. After 20 minutes the tubes were removed from the hot water bath and cooled in running tap water, and the contents were poured into 125-ml. Erlenmeyer flasks. The tubes were rinsed twice with 12.5-ml. portions of the acetic acid reagent and the rinsings were added to the same flasks into which the previous digests were transferred. Then 1 ml. of 50y0 potassium iodidestarch mixture was added to the contents of each flask. The samples were titrated against 0.1 N thiosulfate solution. Five individual replications were made for each of the five quantities of lactose used. n -


















l 0 W





w 6.0 P, 2 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 7.0



Y 0 6.0 i 3 5.0 7.0


Figure 2.



Ferricyanide Reduced

1L. 1 part of lactose 1s. 1 part of eucrose






Figure 1.

IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 LACTOSE IN MG. Standard Lactose Curve

The results of the titrations, given in Table I, show the close agreement between the replicate determinations.

Table I. Milliliters of Ferricyanide Reduced Lactose, hl g. 5 10 15 20 25






2 a.00

9 8.0 a


1 1.97 3.78 5.43 7.02 8.48

2 1.96 3.79 5.41 6.97 8.50

Replicates 3 4 1.96 1.96 3.79 3.82 5.43 5.46 7.02 7.02 8.44 8.46

5 1.96 3.79 5.44 6.99 8.44

Av. 1.96 3.80 5.43 7.00 8.46

Figure 1 shows a standard ferricyanide-lactose curve that was drawn through the points obtained from the data in Table I. All the following results for the determination of lactose, except those for sweetened condensed milk, were obtained from this curve. DETERMINATIOY OF LACTOSE IN MILK

Add a 5-ml. aliquot of the milk sample representing a given weight of the material to 43 ml. of the acid buffer in a 125-ml. Erlenmeyer flask. (Take 5-ml. aliquots of the following milk samples that have been diluted to 20 ml. with water: 10 grams of whole or skimmed milk, buttermilk, cream, or ice cream mix; 5 grams of unsweetened condensed milk; 4 grams of sweetened condensed milk; and 1.5 grams of either dried whole milk or nonfat dry milk solids. Direct weights of the dried milks may be preferable to taking aliquots of prepared suspensions of these materials.) Add 2 ml. of sodium tungstate solution to the mixture, agitate, and immediately filter through a No. 4 Whatman mter paper. Discard the first 10 or 12 drops of the filtrate. Transfer 5 ml. of the filtrate to a 50-ml. Pyrex tube (1% to 20-mm. diameter), and introduce 10 ml. of 0.1 S alkaline ferricyanide solution. Immerse the tube and contents in s, boiling water bath, so that the liquid in the tube is 0.5 inch below the surface of the boiling water. After 20 minutes remove the tube from the bath and cool under running tap water. Pour the contents of the tube into a 125-1111, Erlenmeyer flask, rinse the tube twice with 12.5 ml. of the acetic acid reagent, and add the rinsings to the flask. Add 1 ml. of the 50% potassium iodide-starch mixture to the contents of the flask and mix thoroughly. Titrate the mixture against 0.1 N thiosul-

4 parts of sucrose

fate solution. Subtract the riumber of milliliters of thiosulfate used from the milliliters of thiosulfate required for the blank determination. Conduct a blank determination in the absence of milk or sugar by mixing together 43 ml. of acid buffer, 2 ml. of sodium tungstate solution, and 5 ml. of water. Transfer 5 ml. of the mixture to 10 ml. of the alkaline ferricyanide in a test tube, heat this preparation in a boiling water bath, and titrate in the same manner as the regular sample. The lactose in the 5-ml. aliquot is obtained from the standard curve (Figure 1). The lactose value for milk is then readily calculated. Increasing amounts of lactose were added to constant weights of whole milk and the lactose was determined by both the ferricyanide and official methods.

A comparison of the results obtained by the two methods, given in Table 11, shows them to be in excellent agreement; the nonprecipitable milk constituents do not interfere with the ferricyanide oxidation. Table I11 shows the results of the determination of lactose in whole milk, several milk products, and ice cream mix by the two methods, The residual copper was titrated with thiosulfate in the presenre of potassium iodide and starch instead of directly weighing the copper oxide. The results give a direct comparison between the tv-o procedures. Variations between the official and the ferricyanide methods are no greater than those between duplicate determinations for any particular sample. The agreement between these two procedures is very close.

Table 11. Lactose Added

Added Lactose Recovered from Whole Milk Ferricyanide Total Added



0 50

62 110 137 162 185 21.5 210

75 100 125


175 200

Copper Redaction







67 113 142 167 192


48 75 100 123 153 178


243 265


75 100 125 150

176 198


;Mole ferricyanide is reduced when lactose is oxidized in the presence of sucrose than when sucrose is absent. The greater the ratio of sucrose to a given w i g h t of lactose the larger will be the amount of ferricyanide reduced. Therefore, a different set of values must be deter mined for ronstrurting standard curves when this sugar is oxidized in the presence of sucrose. Table IV, column I, shows the number of inilliliters of 0 1 N ferricyanlde


V O L U M E 2 1 , NO. 8, A U G U S T 1 9 4 9


Table 111. Lactose Content of Milk Products Copper Reduction 1 2

Product Whole milk Condensed milk D r y whole milk Konfat dry milk solids Sweetened condensed milk Buttermilk Ice cream m i x

g)8.0 n



w 6.0 0




4.88 9.76 36.5 -18.0 13.6 7.84 9.48

4.84 9.84 36.0 48.0 13.7 7.84 9.44

4.80 9.68 36.2 48.0 13.7 7.92 9.48

0 +


K p:

% 4.80 9.76 36.2 48.2 13.7 7.86 9.60




Ferricyanide 1 2





water bath for 20 minutes and proceed according to directions given for the determination of lactose. The milliliters of ferricyanide equivalent to the sucrose in the sample are obtained by subtracting the milliliters of ferricyanide required for the lactose oxidation from the total milliliters required for the inverted sucrose and lactose combined. The amount of sucrose in the 5-ml. aliquot may be obtained from a calibration curve (Figure 3) constructed as given in the following procedure. STANDARD SUCROSE CURVES

Sucrose and Sucrose Plus Lactose. When lactose was oxidized in the presence of sucrose more ferricyanide was reduced than when it was oxidized alone. Table V shows the milliliters of ferricyanide reduced by increasing amounts of sucrose (I),by 1part of sucrose in the presence of 1 part of lactose (11),and by 4 parts of sucrose to 1 part of lactose (111). These data show that slightly less ferricyanide is reduced by these levels of sucrose in the presence of lactose than by the same amounts of sucrose alone. Nearly the same quantities of ferricyanide were reduced by the sucrose present in the two different lactose mixtures. Hence the results obtained for either of the two mixtures of sucrose and lactose may be used to construct a calibration curve which can be used for determining the sucrose in mixtures having about these compositions of the two sugars without introducing a very large error. The points plotted in Figure 3 represent the milliliters of ferricyanide reduced by increasing amounts of sucrose in the two mixtures as compared to the curve drawn through the points obtained from the oxidation of the inverted sucrose alone. These results indicate that a calibration curve should be made for sucrose in the presence of lactose of the concentration typical of the product analyzed. The ratio of 4 parts by weight of sucrose to 1 part by weight of lactose was chosen for one set of the experiment8 because it approximates the ratio of this sugar to the lactose found in sweetened condensed milk.

1 5 IO I5 20 25



Figure 3.

Ferricyanide Reduced

0 - S . Sucrose 1-S t o 1L. 1 part of eucrose to 1 part of lactose 2 4s t o 1L. 4 parts of sucrose t o 1 part of lactose


reduced by increasing quantities of lactose alone, column I1 for 1 part of lactose to 1 part of sucrose, and column I11 for 1 part of lactose to 4 parts of sucrose. These data show that if lactose is to be determined in the presence of relatively large quantities of sucrose, standard curves must be made for the lactose in the presence of sucrose in about the same ratios that they are present in the sample being analyzed. Figure 2 shows the curves constructed from the data given in Table IV. The curve for lactose alone was drawn from the data shown in column I, the curve for lactose oxidation in a mixture of 1 part of lactose to 1 part of sucrose from column 11, and the curve for 1 part of lactose to 4 parts of sucrose from column 111. The approximate quantity of lactose in a given sample may be obtained from the lactose curve constructed from data of column I and the amount of sucrose from the curves shown in Figure 3. This observation gives the ratio of lactose to sucrose in the sample and the true amount of lactose is then obtained from the curve that was constructed for lactose in the presence of this quantity of sucrose. For milk products not supplemented with sucrose the curve for lactose only is used.

Table IV. Milliliters of Ferricyanide Reduced Ratio of Lactose t o Sucrose Lactose, Mg. 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 25.0


1 to 0

0.96 1.96 2.85 3.80 4.66

5.43 6.33 7.00 8.46


1 to 1 0.97 2.00 2.96 3.90 4.82 5.72 6.66 7.46 8.88

I11 1 to 4 1.25 2.33 3.43 4.38 5.26 6.10 7.05 7.97 9.45

Table V. Milliliters of Ferricyanide Reduced Ratio of Sucrose t o Lactose sucrose, Mg.

2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 20.0


1 to 0 1.03 2.07 3.22 4.22 5.44 6.33 8.76



1to 1 1.07 2.12 3.17 4.21 5.30 6.36

4 to 1 1.11 2.06 3.11 4.05 5.21 6.31




The ferricyanide method as applied to the determination of sucrose in flours by Sandstedt ( 5 ) may be revised for application to the analysis of milk products that contain added sucrose. Determination. Dissolve a 2-gram sample of sweetened condensed milk and make to a 100-ml. volume with water (other dilutions may be necessary). After agitating this mixture, add 5 ml. of this solution to a 125-ml. Erlenmeyer flask which contains 43 ml. of the acid buffer and 2 ml. of 12% sodium tungstate solution. Shake the contents of the flask and filter through a Yo. 4 Whatman filter paper. Discard the first 10 or 12 drops of the filtrate. Determine the milliliters of ferricyanide required to oxidize the lactose in a 5-ml. aliquot of the filtrate. Transfer a second 5-ml. aliquot of the filtrate to (1% to 20-mm. diameter) 8-inch test tube, place in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, remove from the bath, cool, and add 10 ml. of the alkaline ferricyanide. Place the tube and contents in the boiling


This work was financed in part by a grant from the Roberts Dairy Company, Lincoln, Neb. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Assoc. 0 5 c . Agr. Chemists, “Official and Tentative Analysis,” p. 309, 1945.

Methods of

(2) Blish, M . J., and Sandstedt, R. M., Cereal Chem., 10, 189-202 (1933). (3) Hagedorn, H. C., and Jensen, B. N., Biochem. Z., 135, 45-58 (1923). (4) Sandstedt, R. M., Cereal Chem., 14, 603-4 (1937). (6) Ibid., 14, 767-8 (1937). RECEIVED July 19, 1947. Published with the approval of t h e director aa Paper 426, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station.