Determination of Membrane Domain Size by Fluorescence

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is sensitive to lateral heterogeneity in multicomponent membranes. Recently, we developed a model that ...
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Langmuir 2007, 23, 4737-4739


Determination of Membrane Domain Size by Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer: Effects of Domain Polydispersity and Packing Kevin B. Towles* and Nily Dan Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Drexel UniVersity, Philadelphia, PennsylVania 19104 ReceiVed January 16, 2007. In Final Form: March 7, 2007 Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is sensitive to lateral heterogeneity in multicomponent membranes. Recently, we developed a model that enables the extraction of domain size from time-resolved FRET data, and here we examine the effects of domain polydispersity and spatial ordering on the accuracy of domain size determination. The model is applied to Monte Carlo calculations of membranes containing polydisperse domains, either randomly or hexagonally packed for three probe-partitioning schemes and three domain surface coverages. Statistical analysis of the model fitting results supports the conclusion that time-resolved FRET is a robust and precise technique for determining the size of small membrane domains (e4 times the Fo¨rster distance, ∼ 20 nm, of the FRET pair), regardless of domain polydispersity and packing. The confidence estimates, presented here in dimensionless domain diameters (independent of the specific FRET pairs), provide a universal tool for domain size estimation in systems containing membrane-bound fluorophores.

Introduction The role of membrane domains in cellular processes has focused interest on the study of membrane heterogeneity.1 However, to date few methodologies can determine the size of membrane domains below ∼100 nm.2-4 Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), which measures the energy transfer between two fluorescent probes, is a promising technique for the detection of small domains,5,6 but it requires a model to relate the degree of energy transfer to domain diameter. Recently, we developed a theoretical model that extracts the size of membrane domains from time-resolved FRET data.7 Applying the model to Monte Carlo calculation data of membranes containing randomly placed, monodisperse domains, we show that the method can accurately determine the size of domains that are on the order of ∼4 times the Fo¨rster distance8 or smaller.7 The high sensitivity of FRET to nanoscale distances suggests that the polydispersity (PD) and/ or the degree of domain order may affect the energy transfer significantly and thus the accuracy of the domain size determination. Indeed, recent fluorescence microscopy studies of giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) show that membrane domains may be polydisperse and/or favor hexagonal arrangements.9-11 In this letter, we examine the effect of domain arrangement and the degree of polydispersity by fitting our model to Monte Carlo calculated FRET data of polydisperse domains, whose size follows * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: (215) 8956624. Fax: (215) 895-5837. (1) Simons, K.; Vaz, W. L. C. Ann. ReV. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. 2004, 33, 269. (2) Pencer, J.; Mills, T.; Anghel, V.; Krueger, S.; Epand, R.; Katsaras, J. Eur. Phys. J. E 2005, 18, 447. (3) Pralle, A.; Keller, P.; Florin, E. L.; Simons, K.; Horber, J. K. H. J. Cell Biol. 2000, 148, 997. (4) Prior, I. A.; Muncke, C.; Parton, R. G.; Hancock, J. F. J. Cell Biol. 2003, 160, 165. (5) de Almeida, R. F. M.; Loura, L. M. S.; Fedorov, A.; Prieto, M. J. Mol. Biol. 2005, 346, 1109. (6) Silvius, R. Biophys. J. 2003, 85, 1034. (7) Towles, K. B.; Brown, A. C.; Wrenn, S. P.; Dan, N., Biophys. J., in press, 2007. (8) The Fo¨rster distance, R0, of a donor-acceptor FRET pair defines the distance at which the transfer of energy is 50% efficient, and its value ranges from 1-10 nm for typical FRET pairs.16 (9) Baumgart, T.; Das, S.; Webb, W. W.; Jenkins, J. Nature 2003, 425, 821. (10) Veatch, S.; Keller, S. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 2005, 1746, 172. (11) Veatch, S.; Gawrisch, K.; Keller, S. Biophys. J. 2006, 90, 4428.

Figure 1. Top-down view of the Monte Carlo calculation system (kA:kD ) 0.25:2.0, surface coverage ) 25%, xA:xD (mol fraction) ) 0.005:0.001, and D h d ) 10 nm). The domains appear as the large green disks, and the donors and acceptors are the small red and blue dots, respectively. The two schemes shown are for (A) 20% polydispersity (PD ) 0.2) and (B) hexagonal ordering (HD). The average distances from a donor to the nearest donor or acceptor are 8.59 and 4.43 nm, respectively, for the system shown in A.

the normal distribution around a mean domain size, D h d, comparing random, polydisperse, and hexagonally ordered (HD) domain placement (Figure 1).

Results and Discussion The results of our study are presented in Figure 2 for mean domain sizes D h d of 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, and 50 nm. D/d is the value of the domain size as determined by fitting the Monte Carlo calculation data to the theoretical model.7 The h d, and the solid line represents 100% accuracy, namely, D/d ) D darker and lighter shaded regions represent 20 and 50% deviations from the true value, D h d, respectively. For each domain size, data was calculated for three probe-partitioning schemes, three domain surface coverages, three values of PD, and a single trial of hexagonally ordered domains (36 variations for each of the 8 domain sizes) for a total of 288 domain size prediction trials. The system parameters are summarized in Table 1, where the standard deviation (SD) of the distribution is defined as PD × D h d, and the acceptor and donor probe partition coefficients, kA and kD, respectively, are defined as kA(D) ) Pd(1 - Xd)/(1 - Pd)(Xd), where Pd is the mole fraction of probes in

10.1021/la070129n CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society Published on Web 03/31/2007

4738 Langmuir, Vol. 23, No. 9, 2007


Table 1. Monte Carlo Calculation Input Parameters Showing Schemes of Probe Partitioning, Surface Coverage, and Polydispersity (PD) or Hexagonal Ordering (HD)a kA:kD

surface coverage (%)


0.25:1.5 0.25:2.0 0.25:4.0

10 25 50

0.0 (+HD) 0.1 0.2

a All 36 possible combinations of these values were used for input. Domain sizes at each PD are chosen randomly according to the probability density function of the normal distribution with mean D h d and standard deviation PD × D h d.

Figure 3. Standard deviation (SD) of the predicted domain diameter plotted as a function of the dimensionless predicted domain diameter, D/d/R0, showing two distinct regions of SD (low SD, high SD) for a wide variety of Monte Carlo calculation parameters. (Note that R0 ≈ 1-10 nm for typical FRET pairs and SD is given in nm.) Linear fits of the SD, shown by dashed lines, give a slope 0.325(2.06) and an intercept of 8.03(-64.9) for the low(high) SD regions. The transition between the two regimes occurs at ∼4.2 (D/d/R0).

Figure 2. Model predicted domain diameters, D/d, plotted as a function of the actual mean Monte Carlo calculation diameters, D h d, for three polydispersities and both hexagonal and random packing of domains (all values in nm).

the domain phase and Xd is the mole fraction of lipids in the domain phase. The use of time-resolved FRET for the determination of membrane domain size requires the confidence interval as a function of the calculated, or predicted, domain size, D/d, regardless of the degree of PD or the type of domain ordering. Considering that a priori knowledge of the degree of domain polydispersity and ordering is rare, we chose to analyze the data as a whole rather than at each polydispersity; however, there is one systematic trend in the data worth mentioning; namely, as the degree of polydispersity increases, the average predicted domain size decreases. This trend is almost assuredly due to the decrease in sensitivity of FRET to larger domain sizes as previously shown.7 Therefore, the predicted domain diameter will be slightly biased toward smaller domain sizes. Again, although one could examine each data set for each PD separately, it seems more appropriate to estimate confidence intervals that are more generally applicable for any polydispersity or ordering. In Figure 3, we plot the SD of the data as a function of the mean predicted diameter, D/d, for the Monte Carlo calculation data plotted in Figure 2. We see two distinct regions: for small domain sizes, SD is low and nearly insensitive to domain diameter, whereas for larger domains, SD increases sharply with D/d, indicating that the spread of the prediction around the mean is much larger or that the value of D/d is inaccurate. The transition between the two regimes is sharp and takes place at ∼4R0, where R0 is the Fo¨rster distance, defined as the distance within which exactly 50% of the energy transfer occurs. The location of this transition may or may not be a coincidence; 99.8% of the energy transfer occurs within 4R0. Therefore, probes almost completely lose their ability to directly sense other probes beyond this distance.

Figure 4. Confidence interval estimation for the dimensionless predicted domain diameter, D/d/R0, based on a single estimate of domain size and the standard deviation as shown in Figure 3. (Note that R0 ≈ 1-10 nm for typical FRET pairs.)

When the SD of a population is known, confidence intervals can be estimated on the basis of the normal distribution.12 On the basis of the fits of the SD as a function of predicted domain diameter, confidence intervals were calculated for a single estimate of the predicted domain diameter. (The normality of the data was also checked.) Figure 4 plots the calculated confidence intervals where the solid line represents the linear fit of the mean dimensionless predicted domain diameter, given by (D h d/R0) ) 0.915(D/d/R0). The plot is essentially an inverted version of Figure 2, where the raw data have been replaced with normalized confidence intervals based on the standard deviation of the predictions as a function of the predicted domain size. The slope of 4R0 have nearly the same lower bound for diameter predictions ranging from (4-10)R0. Clearly, the use of FRET for domain size measurement is more reliable for smaller domains that are in the low SD region; however, it may yield some estimates, albeit less quantitatively, for larger domain sizes. It should be noted that all values of R0 discussed in this study refer to an average value of the two phases; practically, this assumption should have very little effect on the domain size prediction because variations in R0 are typically only a few angstroms between the two phases.13 Homotransfer14 has been previously exploited to estimate the size of membrane domains in cells.15 Here we examine the potential negative impact of homotransfer on heterotransfer experiments. We conduct a simple calculation based on the Monte Carlo system pictured in Figure 1A: 105 donors from this system were sampled to obtain the average distance from a single donor to the nearest donor as 8.59 nm and to the nearest acceptor as (13) Loura, L. M. S.; Fedorov, A.; Prieto, M. Biophys. J. 2001, 80, 776. (14) Homotransfer, or homo-FRET, occurs when the emission and absorption spectra of the donor overlap.16 If homotransfer is large relative to heterotransfer (donor-acceptor transfer), then the validity of the model becomes questionable. (15) Varma, R.; Mayor, S. Nature 1998, 394, 798.

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4.43 nm. For the sake of an order of magnitude estimate, we assume that all donor-donor and donor-acceptor pairs are at these fixed separations and that R0 for the donor-donor and donor-acceptor pairs equals 2.5 and 5.0 nm, respectively. The efficiency of energy transfer for a single FRET pair is defined as E ) R06/(R06 + r6), where r is the separation distance.16 Accordingly, the efficiencies of homo- and heterotransfer in this situation are 6.07 × 10-4 and 0.674, respectively, a difference of roughly 3 orders of magnitude. This simple calculation suggests that homotransfer should have a negligible impact on any carefully designed experiment.

Conclusions We find that fitting time-resolved FRET data using a theoretical model7 yields accurate estimates for small domain sizes (less than 4R0, where R0 can be up to ∼10 nm), even when the domains are polydisperse. Moreover, the degree of domain ordering (hexagonal or randomly placed) does not affect the accuracy in this limit. We have also shown that the effects of homotransfer should be negligible in any carefully designed experiment. Although the practical application of this technique may seem limited to a narrow size range, it is precisely this range that has been suggested for lipid rafts.3 Furthermore, this technique will enable a quantitative identification of small heterogeneities in membranes, thereby shedding light on the processes of initial phase separation and domain nucleation and growth. These initial stages are quantitatively undetectable using other techniques, including fluorescence microscopy,11 fluorescence correlation spectroscopy,17 and single-particle tracking,18,19 because these techniques are generally limited to domains that are larger than ∼50 nm. Acknowledgment. We thank Angela Brown and Steve Wrenn for helpful discussions. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (ECS 0304453). LA070129N (16) Lakowicz, J. Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, 3rd ed.; Springer: New York, 2006. (17) Korlach, J.; Baumgart, T.; Webb, W. W.; Feigenson, G. W. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 2005, 1668, 158. (18) Pinaud, F.; Michalet, X.; Bentolila, L. A.; Tsay, J. M.; Doosee, S.; Li, J. J.; Iyer, G.; Weiss, S. Biomaterials 2006, 27, 1679. (19) Ritchie, K.; Xiao-Yuan, S.; Kondo, J.; Iwasawa, K.; Fujiwara, T.; Kusumi, A. Biophys. J. 2005, 88, 2266.