Determination of Micro Quantities of Hydrogen Combustion

Determination of Micro Quantities of Hydrogen Combustion-Manometric Method. B. D. Holt. Anal. Chem. , 1956, 28 (7), pp 1153–1157. DOI: 10.1021/ ...
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Determination of Micro Quantities of Hydrogen Combustion-Manometric Method BEN


Chemistry Division, Argonne N a t i o n a l Laboratory, Lemont,


Such a method is described here as it was applied t o uranium, zirconium hydride, and some organic compounds, the samples of which contained amounts of hydrogen ranging from 0 0-1 to 30 y. The sample is burned in a stream of oxygen and the water produced in combustion is selectively frozen out and measured in a specially designed swivel-jointed constant volume manometer (3). High precision is achieved by heating the isolated water vapor t o 100" C. before measuring its pressure. The time required for a complete microanalysis for both hydrogen and carbon is a half hour or less.

A combustion method has been developed for the determination of micro amounts of hydrogen in uranium and other materials. The water produced from the combustion of the sample in an oxygen stream is collected in a capillary trap at -78" C. The trap, a U-tube which may be swiveled upward or dow-nward by means of semiball joints, serves also as the fixed volume leg of a constant volume manometer. The vapor pressure of the entrapped water is then measured at 100" C. A low and stable blank with an average daily standard deviation of 0.02 y of hydrogen permits the method to be sensitive to quantities of hydrogen less than 0.1 y. Simultaneous microdeterminations of both hydrogen and carbon can be completed within a half hour. The sample is not subjected to low pressures.


Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the apparatus showing the relative positions of t h e component parts. Laboratory space was conserved by placing the parts shown in the left half of the diagram behind those in t h e right half. Both argon and oxygen were available for use in the combustion of uranium metal, which normally burns rapidly. Argon, flowing through the train a t the time the sample was placed in the combustion tube,. provided an inert atmosphere a t the beginning of the combustion period. A switch t o oxygen created in the purification system a gradient of gas mixtures becoming increasingly rich in oxygen. Under these conditions the uranium burned mildly and evenly, instead of violently as when ignited in pure oxygen. rl slight positive gas pressure was maintained by the manostat which consisted of two 4-liter bottles. The manostat also provided extra gas when needed, such as when the combustion tube was opened, or when additional oxygen was required during sample combustion. The rate of flow was governed by the grooved stopcock, SS, and was indicated by the carbon manometer. These controls for line pressure and flow rate were described earlier by Smiley (IO). T h e flow rate used was about 125 ml. per minute. Tank grade oxygen and argon were purified by passing them over heated copper oxide, follon-ed by silica gel, Drierite, Ascarite, and magnesium perchlorate, as indicated in Figure 1 . The fused quartz tube for the copper oside was 16 inches by 26 mni.


K T E R E S T in the properties of high purity uranium as related t o hydrogen content has created the need a t this laboratory for a suitable method for the determination of hydrogen in the microgram to submicrogram range. RIethods t h a t have been used by others for low-range hydrogen analyses include vacuum fusion ( I , 4, 6, II), warm extraction ( 6 ) , and lowpressure combustion ( 5 ) . A method employing a sensitive mercury-oil manometer with a modified Pregl apparatus has also been described (9) for microdeterminations of hydrogen and rarbon in organic compounds. Inasmuch as the capillary trap method (?, I O ) is used a t this laboratory for the determination of low carbon, it was particularly desirable to employ a complementary manometric method for the determination of micro quantities of hydrogen, so that the t w o elements might be measured simultaneously, if desired.



Oxygen AS*-)


Drierite Silica-


Vertica! Combustion Tube



Horizontal Combustion Tu be

Figure 1.

3 TI



Carbon Manometer

Hydrogen Manometer

Schematic diagram of apparatus used for microdetermination of hydrogen and carbon




(outside diameter); the vertical borosilicate glass tube holding the other reagents was 20 inches by 46 mm. Two types of combustion tubes were used, one horizontal and one vertical. The vertical tube, shown in more detail in Figure 2, gave lower blanks and a higher sensitivity, but was limited t o chunk samples added via the electromagnetic sample dumper. The horizontal tube was more convenient for finely divided samples, but the use of the quartz sample boat was found t o contribute substantially to higher and more variable blanks.

I 2lS

semib a

1 2


5 14/20-

E I e c t r omo g n e t i c S a m p l e Dumper

An electric heat gun with a turbo-type blower was used t o raise the temperature of the U-tube quickly t o 100" rt 1' C. It was manufactured by the Master Appliance Co., Racine, Wis., and, when operated a t 110 volts and 5 amperes, it had a recommended temperature range of 200' t,o 300' F. The equilibrium temperature a t full heat was regulated by adjusting the air intake. A glass T-joint, indicated in Figure 4, c, was fabricated to serve as the hot'-air flue surrounding the U-tube and as the coupling t o the barrel of the gun. An asbestos disk flange affixed to the lower end of the U-tube (upright position) prevented the hot air from emerging from the lower end of the T-joint. Furnaces F1, F z , and Fg (Figure 1) were, respectively, 12-inrh, 4-inch, and 8-inch multiple units, manufactured by the H w i Dut'y Electric Co., Milwaukee, \Vis. The operating temperntures were (300" C. for F1 and F,, and 1000" C. for Fa.

19/22 C o p p e d S a m p l e Port

O p t i c a l Window


A series of schematic diagrams in Figure 4 illustrates the manipulations involved in the use of the swivel-jointed manometer. Figure 4, a, shows the arrangement used during sample combustion.

5 34457

3 0 m m . Quartz G l o s s Wool Plug

i z


26 mm. Q u a r t z

Low Range Calibration

Alundum Chips

I mm. Copillary

t -





Copi I Iary

124 Semiboll Outward Projection ' o f Swivel Assembly, 4 cm.

Figure 2. Yertical combustion tube

The horizontal combustion tube LYas of fused quartz, 13 iriclie~ by 25 mm. (outside diameter). Copper oxide, confined to the exit end of the tube by a scrap of platinum gauze, was maintained a t 900' C. to ensure complete combustion. The glazed quartz boats were 3 1 / 8 inches long, 3 / 4 inch Ride, and 3/8 inch deep. Heat for sample combustion was supplied by a Fisher burner operating a t approximately 1000° C. Above the burner a 2l/2inch strip of platinum foil surrounded the combustion tube to provide even distribution of heat to the enclosed boat. Beyond the copper oxide bed in each combustion tube was a small tuft of silver wool for chloride removal. Connection was made from the combustion tube to the hydrogen manometer by a 12/5 semiball joint sealed with Apiezon-T giease. T h e span of apparatus between the fuinace, F?. (or F 3 ) , and stopcock, Sa, was maintained a t 100' C. by means of a Variac-controlled, 2-foot heater tape t o prevent adsorption of the water vapor on the glass walls while en route to the manometer. h detailed sketch of the sw-ivel-jointed constant volume manometer is shown in Figure 3. The capillary U-tube was designed to serve both as a cold t r a p for collection of the water vapor and as the fixed volume manometer leg v, hich was heated to 100" C. for pressure measurement. This twofold role was made possible b y the swivel arrangement provided by the two pairs of 12/2 semiball joints held firmly together by a wire coil spring. The glass wool plug was enclosed in the 7-mm. end section of the Utube to serve as a filter for retention of ice crystals formed in the capillary during condensation. The other '7-mm. section was included for an alternate calibration 1 ange. Pressure-type stopcocks were used, and colored glass extensions were fused to the plug handles of the two three-way stopcocks for position identification. For needle-valve control, stopcock Sa was tapergrooved for the position connecting the manometer to the combustion tube, and stopcock Sg was taper-grooved for both the air and the vacuum positions. T h e manipulations involved in the use of the manometer are described in the procedure. The carbon manometer (Figure 1)has been described by Smiley (IO)and Holt ( 7 ) . T h e liquid nitrogen trap, 7 ' 3 , was used t o protect the train from back-diffusion of pump oils and condensable gases. B Welch Duo-Seal pump provided vacuum for both the analytical train and the me1 cury rweivoir


Figure 3.


Swivel-jointed manometer

Water vapor is condensed from the oxygen stream in the Utube, T I ,and cooled by dry ice and acetone, while carbon dioxide is carried through t o the carbon manometer where it is condensed out with liquid nitrogen in 7'2 (Figure 1). During this operation oxygen is replacing argon (if used) throughout t h e train, with a slight ex.ess escaping through the manostat; and the grooved stopcock, Ss, is controlling the flow rate a t about 125 ml. per minute. The pressure in TI is slightly above atmospheric while that in Tp is about 50 mm. of mercury, which is low enough to prevent condensation of either oxygen or argon with the carbon dioxide. At the end of a 10-minute combustion period stopcock S4is closed and Ss (Figure 1) is completely opened to evacuate both manometers. \?'hen the pressure reading is zero on the carbon manometer, stopcocks Saand Ssare turned t o connect the hydrogen manometer to the mercury reservoir. When air is admitted to the partially evacuated reservoir through S S ,the mercury is


V O L U M E 2 8 , N O . 7, J U L Y 1 9 5 6 driven upward into the three legs, thus entrapping any water vapor frozen out in the U-tube. Then, as indicated in Figure 4,b, the U-tube is swiveled upward and the mercury is driven farther upward past the joints t o a level which can be included in the zone heated by the heat gun. The heat gun is placed in the indicated position; a 3-minute period suffices t o bring the temperature of the U-tube t o 100" i 1' C. It is during this heating period that the carbon measurement is made, if desired, by the following steps: Close stopcocks Ssand 8 9 ; remove the liquid nitrogen fron TP; warm t o room temperature and observe the depression of the mercury column. A calibration curve relating depression to micrograms of carbon gives the carbon content. Stopcocks Ss and Sgare reopened. At the end of the 3-minute heating period air is again admitted t o the mercury reservoir t o drive the mercury t o the top calibration mark on the U-tube, Figures 3 and 4, c. Because of the con-

t o the combustion tube. The train is now prepared either to make another analytical run or to close down, as for overnight. To make another run using the horizontal combustion tube, the oxide of the previous sample is discarded and the boat is quickly returned t o the mouth of the tube where the effluent purified gas, supplied by the manostat, protects it from further contamination by atmospheric moisture. The next sample is placed in the boat and it is returned to its position over the burner. The cap of the combustion tube is replaced but not snugly fitted for a few seconds t o allow the entrapped air to be flushed away. The U-tube, T I ,is turned downward and about 2 inches of the lon-er end is submerged in the mixture of dry ice and acetone. The capillary trap, T,, is immersed in liquid nitrogen and stopcock 8 8 is adjusted as before to give a flow of 125 ml. per minute. The burner is turned on; stopcock S , is turned from argon to oxygen; and an alarm timer is set for 10 minutes.




To Vacuum

:-To Vacuum

:-To Vacuum




Hot Air

Glass T-Joint\ +Reference Level


4 c


+ I 4 To b Vacuum

c Figure 4.


Manipulations of swivel-jointed manometer during run a.

6. c.


Condensation of water at -78' C. Evaporation of water with heat gun Manometer reading of water vapor pressure at 100' C. Discharge of water preparatory t o next run

finement of the water vapor to the small fixed volume, the mercury in the other leg of the manometer is driven up above the reference level t o a height which is proportional t o the amount of steam confined, and hence t o the amount of hydrogen originally present in the sample. If the amount of confined water vapor is so great that the mercury cannot be raised t o the top calibration mark, even when the mercury reservoir is subjected t o atmospheric pressure, the mercury is lowered to the high-range calibration marks (Figure 3 ) for measurement. The manometer used in this work had a low-range fixed volume of 0.225 ml., affording sensitive measurement of 0.00 to 7.00 y of hydrogen, and a highrange volume of 1.47 ml., measuring 0.0 t o 60 y of hydrogen. After the measurement is completed, the heating element of the gun is cut off and unheated air is allowed t o blow through the flue for about 1 minute t o cool the U-tube. Care must be taken to maintain stable conditions by lowering the mercury in the measuring column as the water vapor recondenses. After the U-tube is cooled t o approximately room temperature, the gun is removed and the remaining water vapor pressure is essentially eliminated by cautiously painting the bend with dry ice-acetone slush. The d and mercury is loTvered t o the original position and stopcocks S S6are closed (Figure 4,d ) . T o void the apparatus completely of moisture in preparation for the next run, stopcock S , is opened slightly to the combustion tube until the gas flow through the line is such as to effect a depression of the mercury in the carbon manometer of about 10 cm. The U-tube is now flamed to ensure thorough degassing of the glass wool plug. (If the horizontal combustion tube is being used, the gas supply is changed from ovygen t o argon a t 81.) This lowpressure flushing is continued for 2 minutes, after n-hich SSis closed and Sois opened completely

If the vertical tube is used, the sample is simply placed in the sample dumper where it remains until the entry port is closed: traps T I and T , are immersed in coolants; and the flow is adjusted as described above. The violent combustion reaction of uranium is not as objectionable in the vertical tube as in a combustion boat in a horizontal tube; hence, the use of argon may be eliminated, especially with small samples. T o close the line down rather than to prepare for another run, S7 is opened to the bubbler, B; SP is closed; and 81 is connected to oxygen. The flon- through the bubbler is adjusted to about I bubble per second with a needle valve on the oxygen supply, and 6's and 810are closed before shutting off the vacuum pump. DISCUSSION

S o oxides of nitrogen were expected to be produced by the

combustion of any of the materials analyzed; consequently, no provision was made for the removal of such. According to Johns ( 8 ) uranium nitride burns to form a uranium oxide and nitrogen, but no nitrogen oxides. The density change of the mercury in the heated G-tube, T I , had a negligible effect upon the manometer reading. The reading n-as the same, i1 mm., n-hether the tube was nearly filled Kith niercnry while heating to 100" C., or whether the mercury was freshly supplied from the unheated reservoir just before taking a reading. There TVRS no evidencc of gw accumulation in the U-tube



of the hydrogen manonietcr The mercury passing through the greased semiball joints transported some “dirt” downward but none upward into the U-tube. C 4LIBR4TION

The hydrogen manometer was calibrated by measuring the pressures of the water vapor produced when known quantities of hydrogen gas were burned in the combustion tube. .4 dosing stopcock similar to t h a t described by Bioivn (2) was in81 83 rerted into the line between the purificac tion tube and the con~bustiontube. The volumes of the two bores ground into the stopcock plug were O.OO9T and 0 0884 ml. By using the two bores in multiple doses a range of sample sizes was made available for checking the calibration along all portions of the manometer sedle. Tank hydrogen was used, each dose being taken a t barometric Dressure and room temperature. The ^calibration factor, or the average ratio of hydrogen weight to of manometer manometer reading, for the low-range trap mark was 0.0195 y of hydrogen per mm., with a standard deviation of 0.0002 y of hydrogen per mm. for seven determinations. The corresponding factor for the high-range mark ‘\vas0.1272 f 0.0011 y of hydrogen per mm. for twelve determinations. Each factor N - ~ Pconstant over its entire range.


sensitivity. The data shown in Tables I11 and IV were obtained on the early, less sensitive manometer. The blank for a complete analytical run was lowered and Etabilized by changing from the quartz horizontal t o the quartz vertical combustion tube. Table I shows comparative data for the two tubes. The vertical quartz tube had a lower average blank u-ith a much narrower range of values. The variation lvithin a single day of operation was also greatly reduced. Table I1 further displays this stability. The necessary handling of the quartz sample boat with the horizontal tube is doubtless responsible for the blank differences. The amount of water which i t absorbs during its brief exposure to the air is apparently significant when analyzing for hydrogen a t such low levels.

Table 111. Hydrogen Recovery Data on Methane, Hydrogen Gas, and Sucrose (Horizontal tube and less sensitive manometer used) Hydrogen, y Material Added Found Dev.


1.4 14.0 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9 27.8 27.8 27.8

0.0 I 1 -0.2 -0.3 0.0 0.0

1.4 13.9 14.0 13.7 13.6 13.9 13.9 14.0 28.2 28.1 27.9



+o. 1 4-0.4 +0.3 +o.







During the process of developing the method trvo modifications were made in the design of the apparat’us, both of which improved sensitivity. The fixed volume of the manometer was considerably reduced and the blank for a complete analytical run was made lower and more stable. As indicated in the t’ables, some of the reported data were gathered before and some after these improvement’s. The earlier and less sensitive design of the fixed-volume portien of the manometer is shown in Figure 5. Bend BP was submerged in the coolant for condensation, whereas for heating, all three bends, B1, B?, and BP,Ivere enveloped in the heating unit. B1and BB were constructed perpendicular t o Bz for compactness. T o make a measurement of the heated water vapor, the mercury was driven u p t o the calibration marks, C, FT-hich were the limits of volume reduction without losing control of the mercury. The change-over t o the swivel-jointed trap reduced the Epace of gas confinement, by a factor of 2.6, with a corresponding increase in

Table I. Comparison of Blanks Obtained with Three Types of Comblistion Tubes Hydrogen, Type of Combustion Tube Horizontal. quartz Vertical, quartz Vertical, sillimanite

Table 11.


of Blanks 41 28 23


Av. spread per


Range 0.04 t o 0.60 0.02to0.18 0 . 2 5 to 1 .56

Sv. 0.25 0.09 0.77

day (highrst - lowest) 0.20 0.06 0.38

Typical Daily Blank Variation Using Vertical Quartz Combustion Tube s o . of Blanks 3

5 4 3 6 4

Mean 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.10 0.14 0.14

Hydrogen, y Std. del; from mean 10.02 +0.02 10.02 10.04 10.02

A r . std. dev. from mean




0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6

n. x. 0.8 1.0 1.0 1 2 1.4 1 0


0.3 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.9



+0.1 0.0 -0.2 +0.3 -0.3 +0.2 -0.3 -0.1 +0.3 -0.4 -0.2



0.7 0.9 1.5 1.0 1 4



Table I also contains comparative blank data for a vertical sillimanite MeDaniel tube, showing that i t was inferior t o either of the other two. Attempts were made to utilize this highly refractory material because a quartz tube wall, heated to 1000° C. by the surrounding furnace, had been found to fail when subjected to the additional heat generated by a rapidly burning 1gram sample of uranium. This difficulty was overcome, however, by including the quartz liner shown in Figure 2. The attacks by heat and slag formation are spent on the liner, leaving the outside tube walls unharmed. It is possible t h a t the increased sensitivity gains may be offset by other interfering factors in the analysis of a given material. The sample may contain a heterogeneous distribution of metal hydride inclusions. Contamination of the sample by moisture or by residual cleaning solvents can easily become a serious source of error when dealing with such small amounts of hydrogen. Incomplete separation of carbon dioxide and water in trap Tl has been suspected when 20 y or more of hydrogen were involved. However, a succession of refreezing, evacuation, and reheating of the condensate failed to show any evidence that carbon dioxide cocondensed with the water during the analytical run.

V O L U M E 28, NO. 7, J U L Y 1 9 5 6


Table I11 gives recovery data obtained on methane, hydrogen gas, and sucrose, using the horizontal combustion tube and the less sensitive manometer. The methane and the hydrogen gas were added via the dosing stopcock used for calibration; consequently the analyses were unaffected by a boat blank. The sucrose samples were added t o quartz boats as aliquots of a n aqueous solution, evaporated to dryness, and placed in the combustion tube for burning. rllthough hydrogen gas in larger amounts had been used to calibrate the apparatus, the hydiogen gas analyses reported in this table n ere made t o test the recoveries in the submicrogram range. I n Table I V is given a compaiison of the results obtained by this method TTith those of the Pregl macrogravimetric method for the analysis of a pulverized zirconium hydride. For the niicromethod the samples weie ’il eighed into a tiny platinum boat using a microbalance located in a room of controlled temperature and humidity.

Table IV.

Table V.

Typical Results on Various Uranium Samples

(Swivel-jointed manometer used) Horizontal Combustion Tube Vertical Combustion Tube HvdrozG Hvdroern Uranium iouna, Uranium iiundo; samplea p.p.m. sample“ p.p.m. ~~



0.4 0.4 0.3

Results on Zirconium Hydride

(Horizontal tube and less sensitive manometer used) Macromethod, Gravimetric Micromethod, Manometric Sample, Hydrogen, Sample, Hydrogen, r, grams mp 70


6.3 tl.5

6.1 5 .8

Av. Std. dev. A S L Hi-Purity (E)

Av. Std. dev. A N L Hi-Purity (F)

.4SL Hi-Purity ( G ) S S L Hi-Purity ( H )

0.08 10.04 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.07 10.01 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.12 0.14 0.14

A\ . ti 3 Std. dev. =O 3 a ANL, Argonne Xational Laboratory sanlple; €3311, prepared by Battelle 1Iemorial Institute.


Std. d e r .


1.94 04

Representative results that have been obtained on uranium metal, using the sensitive swivel-jointed manometer and both types of combustion tubes, are shown in Table V. The precision of these results, as indicated by the standard deviation from the mean, should not be taken as a quality of the method alone, but also of the material analyzed, which JT-as added as 1-gram cubes. The use of chips or turnings might have afforded more representative sampling; however, it was necessary to use single chunks in order t h a t the surfaces might be properly cleaned prior t o analysis. Two methods of cleaning were employed. One was to remove all surfaces of a thoroughly cleaned sample with a degreased smooth file; and the other was to electropolish the sample anodirally for 1 minute a t 8 volts in a bath of 46% sulfuric acid and 6‘ glycerol. hfter the electropolished sample was thoroughly rinsed with distilled n-ater and fresh C.P. acetone, it was dried for 1 minute in the hot air stream of the heat gun, while tumbled in a small platinum basket about 8 inches away from the gun. Each sample was placed in the apparatus for analysis within 15 minutes after cleaning n-as begun. ..inalyses of some of the high-purity uranium samples (Table V) illustrates the usefulness of the high sensitivity afforded by the stability of the blank (Table 11). An estimate of t h r accuracy of the method may be obtained from the earlier data shown in Tables I11 and IV. APPLICABILITY OF M E T H O D

The method is applicable t o a vaiiety of materials which burn easily in oxygen a t 1000° C. The sample is not subjected to lorn pressures as in vacuum fusion and other methods. Large pamples may be analyzed for micro quantities of hydrogen, or micro samples for higher percentages. The quartz combustion tube may be either horizontal with versatile boat loading, or vertical with increased sensitivity. If oxides of nitrogen are released in the combustion of the sample, provision should be macle for their removal between the combustion tube and the

hydrogen manometer. A method for such removal has been described by Saughton and Frodyma (9). The manometer should be useful in measuring microgram quantities of water as moisture or as hydrate in samples being dehydrated in a dry gas stream. The manometer might also be used for collection and sensitive measurement of caibon dioxide, using liquid nitrogen as the coolant. The manometer used in the work would give a reading of 8.5 mm. per microgram of carbon. It would be necessary t o precede the cold trap of the manometer with a tube of anhydrous magnesium perchlorate and to throttle the gas flow at stopcock


The author wishes t o express appreciation to Bernhard Blumenthal of the Metallurgy Division, Argonne National Laboratory, for making available most of the uranium samples examined during this work, and to 11. IT. Rlallett of Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, for two uranium samples specially prepared for hydrogen study. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Alexander, L., M u r r a y , W. l f . , -4shley, S. E. Q.,

h . 4 ~ Cmiv. . 19, 417 (1947). (2) Brown, E. H., ISD. ESG. CHEM.,ANAL.ED. 14, 551 (1942). (3) Dodd, R. E., Robinson, P. L.. “Exuerimental Inorganic Chemistry,” p. 122, Elsevier, Yew York, 1954. (4) Griffith, C. B., llallett, 11.W.,ANAL.CHEM.25, 1085 (1953). (5) Guldner. \T, G.. Beach. A. L.. Ibid.. 26. 1199 (19.54). (6) Holm, V. C. F., Thompson, J. G., J . Re$earch k a t l - h u r . Slarrdurds 26, 246 (1941). (7) Holt, B. D., - 1 s . 4 ~ .CHEM.27, 1500 (1955). (S) Johns, I. B., U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Reuort. CC-587 (1943) (unpublished). (9) Saughton, J. J., Frodyma, 11.AI., AXAL.CHEM.22, 711 (1950). (10) Smiley, W. G., Ibid., 27, 1098 (1955). (11) Templeton, D. H., \Tatters, J. I., “Analytical Chemistry of the 3Ianhattan Project,” S X E S VIII-1, pp. 651-60, RIcGrawHill, Sew York, 1950.

RECEIVEDfor review January 6. 1956. Accepted April 5 , 19.56. Division of Analytical Chemistry, 129th Meeting, SCS, Dallas, Tex., April 1956. Work performed under t h e auspices of t h e U. 6. rltomio Energy Commission.