Determination of Oil in Petroleum Waxes - American Chemical Society

that it contributes approximately 10 mg. to the quantity of salt otherwise available in the arc. The total salt content present in the arc will then b...
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972 that it contributes approximately 10 mg. to the quantity of salt otherwise available in the arc. The total salt content present in the arc will then be determined by the amount of phosphate precipitated in isolating the beryllium from a sample, so that, on occasion, the arc load may amount to 15 or even 20 mg. of salt. Under these conditions, there is a definite decrease in line intensity, yet the decrease is not sufficient to cause the disappearance of the beryllium line a t 2348 k , even with as little as 0.001 microgram of beryllium in the arc. Moreover, the decrease in intensity due to increased loading of the arc is not harmful from the quantitative standpoint, inasmuch as apparently the intensity ratios of the line pair (beryllium 2348 A. to thallium 2398 A.) is affected only slightly if the total load of salt is not in excess of 20 mg. In order not to increase the amount of phosphate obtained in isolating and concentrating beryllium, calcium phosphate is not added to samples that yield a satisfactory precipitate when neutralized with ammonium hydroxide. I n general, such additions are unnecessary except in the case of very small quantities of tissue or samples of urine of extremely low specific gravity. In these instances, the addition of 2 to 3 drops of calcium phosphate solution (1) will produce a sufficient quantity of precipitate to entrain all the beryllium in the sample. The analytical error, as can be seen from Table I, is greater a t the lower than at the upper analytical limit. Nevertheless, in view of the minuteness of the quantities of beryllium involved and the difficulties of measuring the intensities of weak lines, the error is acceptable, particularly as, in this range, specificity and sensitivity of detection are more important than absolute accuracy. In so far as sensitivity of detection is concerned, there is no difficulty in detecting as little as 0.001 microgram of beryllium in the arc. This figure, in fact, is on the conservative side, as it is based on the visibility of the line only in the step of maximum exposure of the stepped spectrum. Because each spectrum contains a portion of spectrum corresponding to the length of slit not covered by the rotating sector, a section of spectrum is always present in which the intensity of the beryllium line has not been weakened by the sector. By inspecting this portion of the spectrogram one can tell whether beryllium is present when its presence in the sector-wrpakrpnrpd step is que>tionablr Observa-

tion of the unreduced section of spectrum will serve, generally, to reveal the presence of 0.00025 microgram in the arc. In connection with methods of densitometry, calibration graphs are shown in which data based upon both separation of blackening curves and log Z ratios are employed. The latter procedure i8 preferred, particularly for the lower limits of concentration, because in this range the beryllium line may appear oply in the step of maximum exposure, and therefore it will not be possible to plot a blackening curve for the line. In using a method of such extreme sensitivity, the problem of contamination becomes a consideration of major importance, Although beryllium occurs rarely, if a t all, as a natural constituent of biological material or in the reagents used for its determination, misleading results may be obtained unless the analyst is always on guard to prevent contamination. Experience has shown that it is best to use two separate sets of glaecl. ware, one set exclusively for preparing samples of high beryllium content and the other for preparing those of low content. A piece of glassware from the first set, although scrupulous13 cleaned with acid, may contribute a trace of beryllium to a sample that is to be analyzed by volatilization from the cathode. It ip also good practice, when sufficient material is available, to analyze samples in duplicate in order to detect adventitious contamination. Beryllium dust may be introduced into the labortttory on the hands, shoes, or clothing of persons who come in contact with such dusts, whether they are engaged in production or in any type of experimental work, and such individuals, and all their operations and equipment, must be excluded entirely from the analytical laboratory. These precautionary measures have been found essential only after costly experience, and the analyst is advised to observe them if he expects to obtain reliable analytical results. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Cholak, J., and Hubbaid, D. M., BNAL. CHEM.,20,73 (1948). (2) Mannkopff, R., and Peters, C., 2.Physik, 70,444 (1931). (3) Pierce, W. C., and Nachtrieb, N. H., IND. ESG. CHEM.,ANAL ED.,13, 774 (1941). (4) Strock, L. W., “Spectrum Analysis with the Carbon Arc Cathode Layer,” London, Adam Hilger. 1936. RECEIVEDMay 5 , 1948.

Determination of Oil in Petroleum Waxes Rap id Sem im ic ro me tho d J. S. WIBERLEY





HE present standard method for the determination of oil content of paraffin wax has the A.S.T.M. designation D72147 (1). The procedure involves dissolving 25 grams of wax in 375 ml. of methyl ethyl ketone, precipitating the wax by cooling to -25” F. filtering, and determining the oil in an aliquot of the filtrate by weighing the residue after evaporation (1, 2 ) . Although D721-47 yields reliable results and is satisfactory as a referee procedure, it has two important disadvantages when considered as a refinery control test: Approximately 6 hours are required to complete a determination. In sweating, blending, and other wax processing operations, where it is important to maintain a control of the oil content, the time required for a determination is excessive. The need for a rapid accurate procedure is obvious for such purposes. The equipment required for performance of D721-47 is bulky and cumbersome. Considerable bench space is required and in practically all petroleum laboratories such space is held a t a premium.

Socony-Vacuum Laboratories, Brooklyn, N. Y .

It was felt by the authors that the present macroprocedure ir ideally suited to reduction to a semimicro scale, and that this re. duction would afford significant savings in time, space require. ment, and cost of performance. At the outset, the following three basic factors were established as conditions which this semimicromethod should meet, if it is to receive wide acceptance in the petroleum industry. Results should agree with those of D721-47 and be at least ~ k precise. All the essential features of D721-47 should be retained. This seemed important in view of the fact that the distinction be. tween “oil” and “wax” is one of definition, as no sharp physical or chemical boundary exists. The method should be readily adaptable for use in control laToratories and not require specialized equipment such as a microbalance. A nontechnical operator, after having been trained properly in the method, should be capable of obtaining satisfactory results.


V O L U M E 20, NO. 10, O C T O B E R 1 9 4 8


A rapid and accurate semimicromethod for the determination of oil in petroleum waxes has been developed. All the essentials of the standard method of test for oil content of paraffin wax, A.S.T.M. designation D721-47, are retained but the sample size is reduced to 1 gram. Results by the t w o methods agree closely. An ordinary analytical balance is used and no special training on the part of the operator is required. Savings are effected in solvents,

The most time-consuming step in D721-47 is the evaporation of about 100 ml. of solvent from the oil residue. The possibility of shortening this step by a semimicroprocedure was obvious. By scaling down to I/pgth the amount of wax and methyl ethyl ketone taken and designing apparatus to suit the smaller quantities, the evaporation actually can be completed in less than 0.5 hour as contrasted with approximately 3.5 to 4 hours in the instance of D721-47. A number of other steps are simplified and accelerated. Chilling is more rapid and a specially designed copper vessel becomes unnecessary. Dissolving and chilling are performed in a glass test tube and the transfer of the solution with its precautions is entirely eliminated. The solvent can be measured with a pipet, which eliminates one weighing. Because the amount of solvent is greatly reduced there is no need for its recovery. One batch of solvent will last for a long time, which means that blanks need be determined less often. Finally, the apparatus required for the semimicroprocedure is simple and compact and requires very little space. No method for the determination of oil in microcrystalline wax has been standardized by the A.S.T.M., although several methods are being used by petroleum refiners. The results by these procedures are purely empirical in that they are entirely dependent upon such factors as the nature of the solvent used, wax-solvent ratio, extraction temperature, and other variables. The SoconyVacuum Laboratories have developed and are now using a method which consists of dissolving the microcrystalline wax in ethylene dichloride, cooling to 0' F. for the precipitation of the wax, filtering off an aliquot portion of the ethylene dichloride containing

bench space, and cooling capacity. A determination may be made within an hour as contrasted with approximately 6 hours for D721-47. This greatly increased speed should be particularly welcomed by petroleum refinery laboratories where manufacturing control in wax processing operations calls for quick determinations. By variation of the solvent, solvent ratio, and temperature, the procedure may be applied to microcrystalline waxes.

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Figure 2.


Cooling Bath

A. E. C. D. E. F.

Thermometer, A.S.T.M. low cloud and pour 1-inch hole Bakelite top Wood box, 0.375-inch plywood Test tube, 25 X 150 mm. Kerosene and dry ice G. I-quart metal can H . Absorbent cotton J . Glass wool insulation surrounding can

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2 5 NII

40 M M




dissolved oil, and determining the oil content of this filtrate b3 evaporating the solvent and weighing the residue. The apparatus required for the method is identical to that used in D721-47. The semimicrotechnique has been applied with the same success as in the instance of paraffin wax, and the apparatus and techniques are almost identical.





Figure 1. Filter Stick and 4ssemblq

Assembly for filtration under pressure with sintered-glass filter stick. The dimensions are given in Figure 1. This is connected with rubber tubing to the pressure bottle as indicated. Pyrex test tubes, 25 X 150 mm., selected to pass easily through the 2.5-cm. (1-inch) hole in the cooling bath top. Test tubes should be permanently equipped with wire loops for suspending them from the hook of the balance during weighings. Cooling box, an insulated bath a;ith 2.5-cm. (1-inch) holes in the cover to accommodate the test tubes. It should contain sufficient kerosene (pour point below -50" F.) to cover the contents of the test tubes during chilling. I t is cooled by the addition of granulated dry ice or circulation of a coolant through coils. A cooling box of suitable dimensions is shown in Figure 2. Pressure bottle, a heavy-walled glass filter flask with two-holed stopper and stopcock for the control of pressure (Figure 3). Dropper pipets. For paraffin wax, dropper pipet with rubber bulb calibrated to deliver 1 * 0.05 gram of molten wax (Figure 3). For microcrystalline wax, a similar pipet calibrated to deliver 0.5 * 0.025 gram of molten wax.



Transfer pipets. For paraffin wax, a transfer pipet to deliver 15 rnl. of methyl ethyl ketone. For microcrystalline wax, a transfer pipet t o deliver 20 ml. of ethylene dichloride. For this a suction line or bulb should be used and not the mouth. Two thermometers, A.S.T.31. low cloud and pour -70" to t 7 0 " F. It is convenient to place additional markings with ceramic ink on one thermometer to indicate the cooling bath temperatureranges(-3O0to -35"F.forparaffinand - j a t o -10°F for microcrystalline wax) and on the other, the filtration temperatures ( - 25 and 0 F., respectively). Glass-stoppered conical weighing bottles, capacity 15 ml Rubber-tipped forceps for handling weighing bottles. Evaporation assembly consisting of an evaporating cabinet and connections similar to that in Figure 4. The temperature in the cabinet is maintained a t about 95' F., preferably by means of a thermostat. Jets are provided Kith an inside diameter of 4 * 0.2 mm. for delivering a stream of clean dry sir vertically downward into the evaporation flasks. They are supported so that the tip of each jet may be set 15 * 5 mni. above the surface of the liquid at the start of the evaporation. The size of the evaporating assembly and the number of jets are optional. The air is purified by passage through a tube of 1-cm. bore packed loosely for 20 cm. with absorbent cotton. This has proved adequate a t the Socony-Vacuum Laboratories, although others may prefer t o retain the 30-cm. column of fuller's earth as described by the A.S.T.!d. I). I t is absolutely imperative that blanks be run a t frequent intervals to check on the cleanliness of the air and absence of rwidile in the solvent.











/ 1


Figure 3.

Pressure R o t t l e and W a x Pipet

An analytical balance capable of reproducing weights to about *0.05 mg. The sensitivity of the balance should be tested and, if necessary, adjusted to assure the required precaision of weighing. All test tubes, n-eighing bottles, and caps should be numbered yith ceramic ink or other permanent markings t o prevent confii