Determination of Oil in Refinery Effluent Waters

S. S. KURTZ, Jr., Sun Oil Co. A. R. RESCORLA, Cities Service Research and Development Co. F. M. ROBERTS, The Texas Co. A. J. STEPHENSON, Imperial Oil ...
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Determination of Oil in Refinery Effluent Waters Report of the Subcommittee on Refinery Effluent Water Analytical Methods, Committee on Analytical Research, Division of Refining, American Petroleum Institute J. 6. RATHER, Jr., Chairman Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc., Brooklyn 22, N.


J. A. GRANT, The American Oil Co. V. H. GUNTHER, Shell Oil Co., Inc. C. E. HEADINGTON, The Atlantic Refining Co. J. H. KARCHMER, Humble Oil & Refining Co. S. S. KURTZ, Jr., Sun Oil Co. A. R. RESCORLA, Cities Service Research and Development Co. F. M. ROBERTS, The Texas Co. A. J. STEPHENSON, Imperial Oil, Ltd. W. J. TROELLER, Jr., Esso Research and Engineering Co. E. 6. TUCKER, Standard Oil Co. (Indiana)

A , subcommittee o f the Committee on Analytical Research of the American Petroleum Institute recently has completed a cooperative study o f three procedures for the determination of total oily matter in refinery effluent water. In the test program, an infrared technique and a direct extraction-pycnometer method were comp a r e d with one of t w o approved API methods. The investigation was initiated because the group believes that there i s a need for a more r a p i d method which i s a t least as accurate as the API procedures currently published. The results indicate that the infrared i s the best of the three methods over-all. The direct extraction-pycnometer procedure has certain advantages, particularly where volatile materials are present and where the oil concentration i s low.


1948 the Subcommittee on Refinery Effluent Water Analytical Methods of the American Petroleum Institute’s Committee on Analytical Re-?arch has been engaged in investigations aimed a t the development of improved procedures for the determination of oily content of refinery effluent water. Hart ( 2 ) gave a review of the original M ork ivithin the Amwican Petroleum Institute (API) on this subject nhich, in about 1932, led to the development of the U-tube method by the Atlantic Refining Co. The latter procedure is published as method 73253, “Determination of Non-T’olatile Oily Material, Flocculation-Extraction U-Tube Method” ( 1 ) . The importance of this matter to the ISCE



petroleum refiner was reported hjHeadington, previous chairman of the subcommittee, in 1953 (3)’ who discussed the experiences of several participating laboratorirs using different oil content methods and slion-cd coniparative test data. As a result of this earlier work by the subcommit’tee, the API Committee on Disposal of Refinery \Tastes has publislid a second approved procedure. nietliod 731-53, “Determination of Tolatile and Yon-Tolatile Oily IIaterial, Reflux Distillation-Extraction hlethod” [ I ) . This is superior to rnebhod 732-53 in detrrniining total oily material in n.astc water. ITMe tlie development of nicthod 731-53 represented a definite atlv:mce. the subcommittee has continucd it? work with the objective of perfecting methods which are less time-consuming nithout sacrificing accuracy. A need was felt for more accuracy \rhere volatile hydrocarbons are present in the oil contained in the effluent \rater. Tlie infrared met’hod ( 7 , 8) and the dircct cxtraction-pycnometer method ( b ) ,both of which are discussed in the Headington report (S),offered promise,. dccordinglj-, a statistically designed program n-as undertaken to compare the two methods, against each other and with method i31-53. -211 three methods are intended t o nipasure total oily material in thc cfflucnt. n-hich includes hydrocarbons plus organic materials which are soluble in t h r solvents used.

w a t (lr with L‘a r lion tetra c lilo rid e. Tlie infrared absorption of the rstract is then mc,asured a t selected wave lengths. Tlie method used in the cooperative program diffew somewhat in details from the procedure as published. The modification K B S necessary because the published method descrihcd a procedure for tieteriiiining phenols as n-ell as oil in refinery effluent. The present program \\-as concerned only with the dcterniination of oil content. In addition to the c~liminatioiiof all procedural stcps for p h m d . tlir following modifications \v(cr(>niacle :


Direct Extraction - Pycnometer Method, The oil is eutracted from the n-ater with carbon tetrachloride. The weight of an accurately mcasured

Infrared Method. This method involves extraction of thr oil froin the

The size of the s,iniple ut’ w 5 t e n-ater to be tested is 2 . 5 liters instead of a variable quant’ity. Sodium chloride. in a&Iitioii t,o hydrochloric acid. is acltleri to the s:imple prior to extraction. The volume of c:irl)on tetracliloride is fixed at 50 nil. Ten milliliters cif the cnr1)on tetrachloride solution is renio\-etl froni the sample to fill the cell. If available. oil sin>.ilart o that found in refinery effluent ~ h o u l t lhe used for calibrat,ing the inatriiment. If not, t,he mixture oi iso-octane. cet:ine, and benzene is u;ed. dbsorbniice readingc are taken a t approximatelj- 3.42 microns and a t ex:ietly 3..iO microns. An infrared instrunleiit with a sodium chloride prism can be used, whereas formerly :i lithiiun fluoride prism was needed brc:iiise of the phenol determination.

volume of t h e carbon tetrachloride extract is compared to a n equal amountof p,lre solvent. The assumptioll of an average density of t h e oil One to the amount Of Oil* 'Ompared the published g method, there are t h e f o l l o ~ ~ i nmodifications in t h e ilrocedure cooperatively tested:

portions of carbon tetrachloride. This has been replaced by one extraction with 75 ml. of the solvent, niaking the method simpler and more rapid nithout a n y loss in precision. The pycnometer is calibrated for the volume of carbon tetrachloride a t different heights of solvent in the arms of the pycnometer, a s well as for weight of solvent. Only a few simple calculations are necessnrv. The calculation

volume of carbon tetrachloride solution in the pycnometer. The tare used when weighing the pycnometer is prepared by partially filling a 50-ml. volumetric flask Kith carbon tetrachloride, adjusting the weight desired with a little mercury, and sealing off the top of the flask. Originally, the tare was prepared by sealing both ends of a 50-ml. pipet.

includes the ratio,

Copies of the revised versions of the above methods were made available t o


The published method calls for three extractions of the sample with 25-ml.

Table I.






Oil Content Determinations on Synthetic Samples

Infrared Method Direct Extraction-Pycnometer Method API Method 731-53 Lab- 1OP.P.11. 50P.P.M. 125P.P.11. lOP.P.11. 5OP.P.lf. 125 P.P.M. ' 10P.P.M. 50P.P.M. 125P.PM. oraOil Oil Oil 011 Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil tory Added Found Added Found Added Found Added Found Added Found Added Found Added Found Added Found Added Found Samples Made with Oil 1 1

10 11

10 13

52 53

44 49




12 17 17

12 13 19 19

72 59 45 46

72 59 49 48

120 140 124

126 142 114 135









6 7 8



63 63

7G 51

140 140

147 143


13 9

49 47 75

54 42 75

122 139 137 133 125 129 118 145

121 139 147 133 129 130 95 150

16 8

0 0




112 119 91 113

11 13

2 3

12 11 11

19 16 10


19 15 20 15

51 52 50 50

44 43 75 82


98 100 125 125

69 67 175 187

13 14 1G

17 10 12 13 23 16 25 22 23

7 8 9



16 15 16 15 6 30

44 46 56 63

45 49 50 64

51 50 36 50

34 56 32 46


25 20 20



101 114



11 11

48 48

49 47 54 58 41 57

12 12 16

6 8 20 20

52 .~ 52 51 54

53 56 52

110 110 111

86 117 119







56 ..


11 11

12 8

66 61 50 46

12 12 16 17

12 12 14 12

45 _. 45 53 53



14 13 35 36

10 25 16

9 13



59 53 53

41 __

133 145 126 119 126 116

110 -__

127 131 129 123 119 112

94 .~

Samples Made with Oil 2 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

10 11

9 10 13 13 9 8 8 10 10

10 12 10 10 15 12 10

8 8 10 13

51 56 41 51 51 52 60 51 52 50 50

58 71 44 53 55 57 61 50 46 80 62

127 130 139 141 128 124 125 106 97 125 125

142 149 148 147 135 125 122 97 97 125 150

13 13 13 12 13 13 14 14 10 16 10 17 20 37

10 9 8

13 11 8



11 14 31 31 23 45

63 63 49 52 58 58 53 52 53 51 60 58 42 58

74 72 52 49 54 53 53 34 55

45 71 83 44 57

125 125 106 107 131 121 125 126 137 140 128 136 122 119

117 129 108 105 105 97 128 131 123 114 150 160 130 123

12 10 10 21 21

31 --

115 -


64 65 41 31


129 105 102

114 137 100 84

47 38 51 50

144 --_

112 -~

133 99 100


137 127

81 75 94 98 67

83 89

Samples Made with Oil 3 1

2 3 4 5

6 7 8

10 10 10 10 10 10

9 10 11

10 6




13 34 10 10

14 36 12 10

50 50 48 A6

52 52 50

42 49 50 50

42 43 50

58 43 35

129 129 112 126 125 126



43 52 55 56



125 125

123 133 112 135 110 103 106 75 82 130 140

13 13 16 13

17 16 12


16 16


17 15 23

14 14 12 19 9 11

14 4 12


10 17 16 23

63 63 53 55 70 50 54 51 64 64 61 60 39 40

46 37 42 50 51 51 44 30 36 42 78 78 34 34

125 125 104 123 133 110 121 123 183

123 154 141 106 126


84 99 110 112 91 86


97 67 168 175 100 116

10 10 16 15


11 11

16 14

63 64 54 61

53 49 31 43

124 127 122

67 67 44 51

59 53 34 29

130 130 96 108


VOL. 30, NO. 1, JANUARY 1958


132 100 56 56




Infrared Method Laboratory









110 118

85 93






Direct Extraction-Pycnometer Method 10

p.p,m. 011

API Method 731-53










p.p.m. oil

0 0 0 99 106 102 85 92 88

83 89 86 101 97 99 85 119 102

90 95 92 102 104 103 94 97 96

55 66 60

79 101

85 78 82 106 107 106



Per Cent of Oil Recovered



Samples Made with Oil 1 1

2 3 4 5

6 7

Av. Av. Av.

106 107 106


114 112

101 101 101 105 110 108




Av. Av.



120 81

102 105

106 89 110 100 101 101 101 101 106 104 89 101

104 99 100 100

95 66

63 87 91

89 89 92

91 91 103 97 92 99


90 109 114






85 28-160

98 66-120

99 81-107

74 0-125

99 79-119

10 133 72 109 109

55 65 60 97 107

109 38 57 48

102 67 82

83 97 106 102 83 95




100 107 104 101 103 102 81 101

97 150 200 175

85 150 164

67 71 69 140 149



Grand av. % ’ recovery % Recovery range

105 94-118

96 84-100

93 67-109


100 109 104

114 127

112 114

69 77

117 114

94 103



73 62 108 85 65 86

116 94 106 100 93 94

99 102 98 100 103 105

76 78 96

94 65 100

87 88 110

83 90 102

104 102 104 103 82 90



Av. Av.

84 86

101 105 103 99 109 104

92 91 64 73 80 69 87 78 69 79 74 90 102 96 46 125 130 160 115 28 98


98 78-107

Samples Made with Oil 2

2 3 4 5

Av. Av. Av. Av.

101 112

104 108

107 92 116

106 107 109 108


the participating laboratories by the chairman of the subcommittee (6). API Method 731-53. T h e sample is refluxed through a t r a p t o collect the volatile oil. The oil collected in the reflux trap is measured volumetrically. The remaining sample is extracted with two successive portions of benzene, using mechanical agitation. The benzene layers are separated from the water following each extraction, combined, and reduced to approximately 5 ml. by rapid distillation in a sample still. The 5-ml. residue is transferred to a special miniature still where the removal of the benzene is completed. The point of complete removal is deter-



104 106 105 101 105


mined by the vapor temperature as measured by a thermocouple and potentiometer. The residue is cooled and weighed, and the calculated results are reported as parts per million by weight. The cooperators used this procedure exactly as published.

81 85

therefore, nonvolatile in characteristics. Oil 2 was a mixture of two thirds of oil 1 and one third kerosine. Oil 3 was a combination of one third oil 1, one third kerosine, and one third gasoline. PROGRAM


Three standard samples were prepared for the cooperative study. They were similar to those used in the previous program (S), and were designated as oil 1, 2, and 3, respectively. They covered three volatility ranges. Oil 1 was an SAE 70 heavy motor oil and,

Each laboratory was asked to prepare synthetic refinery effluent samples using the three standard oils. The instructions were to make the samples a t three oil content concentration ranges-10, 50, and 125 p.p.m, The cooperators were cautioned to shake each sample very thoroughly to suspend as much oil

at Various Concentration Levels

Infrared Method 10 50 125 P.P:m. P.Pp p.p.m. 011 Oll oil

Laboratory Av.


85 105

81 84

239 115 121

130 98 105

118 103 106

104 71 88

95 94 96

82 84 89








103 65-142

102 82-118

89 98

92 100


100 100 130

94 123 160

96 100 120





Grand av. Torecovery yo Recovery range

102 92-116

105 89-127

103 92-114



102 106

100 100



86 117 118



API Method 731-53 10 50 125 Pqm. P.P:m. P.P..rn.

Samples Made with Oil 2 99 96 96 182 118 295 142



Direct Extraction-Pycnometer Method 10 50 125 p.p.m. P.P+ P.P+ 011 oil 011


82 10-133

86 55-107

88 81-106

Samples Made with Oil 3 1


3 4


90 100

84 86

95 103

108 108

59 73

65 67




108 75 146

66 79

66 95 89



102 104

103 104

101 107

110 53 67

71 73

92 83 84

75 77

76 85

59 79 80


103 60 153

104 68 83

104 82 89

60 36 115

72 59 81

84 71 98

76 44 71

80 57 70

80 53 62




84 50 54






52 109 124

103 107

78 87

79 104

106 108

102 106

s2 93


107 120 100

104 110 112

88 104 112







5 6 7


59 59

Av. Av.

Grand av. % recovery yo Recovery range

101 60-153

95 68-106

95 82-107


96 107

128 85 88

117 92 94

105 94 100

82 57 77

92 52 58







89 53-146





67 0-107

75 57-87

69 52-104

Omitted from recovery average and range.

as possible in the water prior to conducting the determination. It was not imperative that the oil content concentrations be exactly a t the levels just mentioned, b u t it was necessary that each laboratory report the exact amount of oil added in each case. Duplicate determinations were requested a t each concentration on the three samples using the three techniques. RESULTS

Seven of the laboratories reported results using the direct extraction-pycnometer procedure, six by the infrared

method, and five by method 731-53. Table I gives the complete results obtained. I n Table I1 is shown the per cent of oil recovered at the different concentration levels. Table I11 gives the average per cent of oil recovered by all the laboratories a t each concentration level. The results of one laboratory were discarded from the precision calculations because they were consisb ently higher than the other laboratories. Of the three methods tested the infrared method showed the best over-all recovery of oil and precision. The accuracy was determined in parts per million from the data in Table I.

An accuracy standard deviation was calculated as the root mean square of the differences between known and found values. The standard deviation was multiplied by 1.96 to indicate the 95% confidence limits of a single result. These limits are given in Table IV. Thus, at the 10-p.p.m. level on oil 1 a single test by the infrared method would be within 3 p.p.m. of the correct result 95% of the time. No figures are available for repeatability and reproducibility because the check samples were not identical. However, the accuracy data give an idea of the relative precision of the methods. VOL. 30, NO. 1 , JANUARY 1958




I n submitting their data the different laboratories included comments relating t o their experiences in the use of the three techniques. The various points are summarized below.

Table Ill.

Average Per Cent of Recovered


Direct Extract,ion. ... .

P.P.LI, Oil 1 10 50 125 Oil 2 10

50 125 Oil 3 10 50 125

Pycnom- d P I eter Method Infrared Method Method 731-53 105 96 93

85 98 99

74 99 98

102 105 103

111 103 102

82 86 88

101 95 95

89 81 84

67 75 69

INFRARED METHOD.Two of the laboratories expressed the opinion that the infrared method is superior to the others in all respects. One laboratory reported trouble in trying to extract 123 p.p.m. of oil from 2500 ml. of water with 50 ml. of carbon tetrachloride. They

Table IV.

Accuracy of Oil-in-Water Methods“

Direct Extraction.4PI PycnomMethod eter Method 731-53

Infrared P.P.J1. Method Oil 1 13 3 9 10 14 10 15 50 23 34 17 125 Oil 2 12 2 15 10 24 13 20 50 30 19 31 125 Oil 3 19 5 8 10 32 10 34 50 85 23 71 125 a Figures are 95% confidence limits of a single result.

increased the extraction time from 15 to 30 minutes for such samples and suggested using a smaller sample when the oil content is high. Another laboratory commented that this method may not be as accurate on actual samples of re40


finery effluent waters as on the standard samples n-hich were tested. This statement was based on the fact that the absorptivity of the oil is knonn in the instance of the staridard samples, vihereas on plant samplcs an average absorptivity for the effluent oil must be taken. Four of the laboratories thought the infrared nicthod gave the best accuracy, particularly n ith samples prepared from oil 3 containing gasoline and with samples in the 10-p.p.m. range. DIRECT EXTR.4CTIOT-PYCXOMETER METHOD. One of the cooperators feels that this method is as good as the infrared if the oil content of the sample tested is in excess of 10 p.p.m. and the operator is skilled in the use of the piocedure. A number of laboratories reported trouble getting good results the first time they tried the method because it requires appreciable manipulative skill. One laboratory had difficulty in preparing a calibration curve. Several participants pointed out that the pycnometers must be iyeighed accurately, because 1 mg. in error in weighing means about 2 p.p.m. in oil content. API METHOD 731-53. T o eliminate bumping or spattering in the semimicrostill, the still temperature should be kept between 550” and 575’ F. I n one case the volatile matter in the reflux trap did not form a layer but remained dispersed as droplets. Some cooperators mentioned that this method requires bulky equipment that is inconvenient to handle and that the benzene blanks were high, about 50 mg. RAPIDITY. Based on information submitted by the group, a coniparison was made as to the relative rapidity of the three methods.


Over-all Time, Minutes

Infrared method 25 Direct extraction-pycnometer 30 to 35 .4PI 731-53 dbout 240

Operator Time, Minutes 10 12 102

ADDITIOSAL COMMENTS.One laboratory gave results on regular refinery effluents and advised that the infrared method and method 731-53 gave satisfactory results on their plant effluent samples. Hon-ever, einulsions were formed n i t h the direct extractionpycnometer method. This is contrary to experience in the chairman’s laboratory, where the latter method has been used extensively and emulsions are seldom encountered on plant samples. CONCLUSIONS

The group believes that the following conclusions can be drawn as a result of this investigation: The infrared method

is superior to both the direct extractionpycnometer technique and method 73153 in respect to speed, recovery of oil, accuracy, manipulative ease, and in obtaining more accurate results iyhere volatile products are present and n here the oil concentration is very 1017 in the saniple of nater tested. The direct extraction-pycnometer method has an appreciable admntagp m e r method 73153 in analytical time. I n addition, this method involves the use of lower cost laboratory equipment than the other two procedures. Khile the samples tested were synthetic rather than true effluents] the above conclusions undoubtedly are valid for oily matter in actual refinery waste naters. If the procedures are applied to waste water containing significant amounts of materials] other than oil, which are soluble in the solvents used, such substances will be included in the determination as part of the total oily matter. These findings have been transmitted to the API Committee on Disposal of Refinery Wastes (4) 11-ith the suggestion that it publish the infrared method and direct extraction-pycnonipter method in the waste disposal manual. It is understood steps already have been taken to publish the infrared metllod. The use of infrared as an analytical tool has become widespread, but the apparatus continues to be relatively costly. Khile there has been some progress in making available 'lion-' ’ cost infrared instruments, it is hoped that the work reported here will serve as a further stimulus to manufacturers to produce equipment at a price range within the reach of the small laboratories. LITERATURE CITED

(1) ,inierican Petroleum Institute, New York, S . Y., “Manual on Disposal

of Refinery Wastes,” l e t ed., Vol. IT, 1953. (2) Hart, W. B., Proc. A m . PetrolezamInst. 111,36 (1956) in prese. (3) . . Headington, C. E., .kNAL. CHEW 2 5 , 1681 -( 1953). (4) Lake, G. R.. Union Oil Co. of California, Brea, Calif., April 11, 1956, n-ritten communication. ( 5 ) Levine, IT. S., Mapes, G. S., Roddy, 122. J., ANAL. CHEM. 2 5 , 1840 (1953). (6) Rather, J. B., Jr., Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc., Technical Service Laboratory, Brooklyn, S . Y., May 21, 1956, nritten communication (7) Simard, R. G., Hasegawa, Ichiro, Bandaruk, William, Headington, C. E., h A L . CHEM. 23, 1384 (1951). (8) Ibid., 24, 909 (1952) (corr.).

RECEIVEDfor reviem- June 10, 1957. Accepted July 10, 1957. Division of Refining, 22nd Meeting, -2merican Petroleum Institute, Philadelphia, Pa., May 1957.