Determination of Particle Size Distribution in GR-S Latices - American

elsewhere (10) that differences in the fluorescence spectra of such closely related substances as estrone and estradiol-17/3 are suffi- cient to permi...
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856 one half of fluorescence intensity in both, on replacing the hydroxyl group by hydrogen. Phosphoric Acid Fluorescence. Fluorescence with this acid was of particular interest only in the case of compounds XV to XVIII, where i t exceeded in intensity the sulfuric acid analogs. The wave lengthe at peak intensity were 540, 535, 530, and 530 nip, respectively, and the peak intensities were 0.25, 2.6, 3.2, and 0.5 units per y steroid, respectively. I n the few examples where fluorescence intensity was sufficient to permit structural comparisons, similar increases on addition of hydroxyl groups were observed. The group of corticoid compounds XXI to SXV yielded much less fluorescence with 85% phosphoric w i d thnn with sulfuric acid. DISCUSSIOS

From these studies it xould appear that fluorescence intensity is strongly affected by the number of hydroxyl groups. The configuration of the group is important, for a-hydroxyl is nio1.i' fluorogenic than the p isomer. except when a lie-hydroxyl is introduced in the presence of a 2-carbon 178 chain, in which case the reverse effect o ( w r s . Conjugation of a C-3 carbonyl group with a double bond a t C-4 decreases fluorescence but a double bond a t C-5 has a variable effect. The steric position of Iiydrogen a t C-5 and replacement of a li-keto group hy a n acet>-l chain also have a definite but variable effect. Steroids with an aromatic A ring behave quite differentl!; shon-ing exactly the opposite response to the influence of the a-8 configuration of C-IT hydroxyl and to the effect of converting C-17 hydroxyl to ketone. These findings suggest that fluorescence reactions can be of considerable value in the exploration of steroid molecular strucmture and, conversely, that a knowledge of molecular configuration permits a first approximation of the fluorogenic properties of a given steroid. It is also of particular importance that a numher of nonaromatic steroids fluoresce Tvith considerable intensity and that among these are the currently int'eresting compounds I3 and F (corticosterone and hydrocortisone). It has been shown elsc\vhere ( I O ) that differences in the fluorescence spectra of such closely related substances as estrone and estradiol-178 are suficient to permit the separate optical measurement of one conipound in the presence of the other; a comparable situation \\-itti nonaromat,ic steroids might arise and find a solution through inspection of the spectral fluorescence curves presented here. For t,he problem of quantitative measurement of a specific steroid in the presence of other steroids or in a relatively impure state. fluorescence twhniques have a great advantage over colorimetric mcthods in view of their estreniely high sensitivity : ~ n t l

the possibility of separating the fluorescence of the substance sought, from that, of large amounts of impurities. However, colorinietric studies, such as those of Zaffaroni (23) provide valuable information for the devclopnient of fluorescencemethods. It appears that st,eroid-sulfuric acid colors show considerable individuality in their absorption spectra, especially in the ultraviolet region. Knowledge of these absorption bands is of great value in fluorometry, for incident light energy must be availatile in a usable form-i.e.. a t a wive length a t which absorption occurs-in order for fluorescent energy to be emitted. Since these absorption bands in the ultraviolet vary from steroid to steroid, i t would appear that fluorescence studies in this region might yield valuable information toward the development of highly sensitive, specific techniques for the quantitative meapimnient of steroids. The problem of instrumentation necessary for the exploration of ultraviolet fluorescence is being studied currently. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The authors are greatly indebted to Ciba Co.. llerck c! c'o.. Inc., Organon, Inc.. and Pxrke, Davis 8- Co. for the steroiils used i n this stud?.. L1TERATI;RE CITED

Bates, R. Ti-.. and Cohen, H., E t i d ~ i c r i r i u l o g ~47, , 166. 1 3 3 (1950). Bellet, XI., A n n . pharrri. fr.anC., 8, 471 (1950). Bompiani, h.,Quaderni d i n . obsfrt. e gr'necol., 6 , 539. 553 (1951'8. Boscott,, R . J., Natzcre, 164, 140 (1949). Braunsberg, H., J . Endocrind.. 8, 11 (1952). Dhere, C., and Laszt, L., Conijif. rerid., 224, 6Rl (1947). Engel, L. L., Slaunwhite, W. R . . Carter, P., and Sathan-son. I . T., J . Bid. Cheni., 185, 255 (1950). Finkelstein, LI.,.Vaticre, 169, 929 (1952). Finkelstein. XI., Proc. SOC.E x I J ~B ~i d. . M e d . . 6 9 , 181 (1949:. Goldzieher, J. IT.,Endocritioio17y. 53, 537 (1953). J . Lah. ( ' l f / t , - U r d , , 33, 251 (1948). Goldzieher, J. W., Goldzieher, J. W.,Bodciirhuk. .J. 11.. and S o l a n , P., .I. B i d . Chem., 199, 621 (1952)). Jailer, J. W., J . Clin. Erzdocriri Linford, J. H., C a n . .I. .Wed. S c i . , 30, 199 (1952). Linford, J. H., and Paulson, 0 . R.,Ihid., 30, 213 (1952,. hliescher, K.. H e l i . C'hjm. d c t a . 2 9 , 743 (1946). Niescher, K.. and Kari, H.. Zhid,, 32, 761 (194$11. Pesez, IT.,Bicil. soc. chini. Finricr. 16, 507 (1949). Pesez, 11..and Herbain. l I , , I h i d . , 16, 760 (19493. Porter, C. C . . and Silber. H. IT., .J. Bioi. C'h?vf.,185, 201 (1950). Sweat, 31.. personal coniniunicatioii. L-mberger. E . J . . and CUI tis. .J. J I , , J . Diol. ('hem., 178, 275 (1949). Zaffarotii. .I...I. A U J C'/tem, . Soc.. 72, 38% (1950)

ALFRED NISONOFF, W. E. MESSER, and L. H. HOWLAND U. 5. Rubber Co., Naugatuck Chemical Division, P. 0. Box 110, Naugatuck, A method based on Stolkes' law, inlolting the use o f a n ordinary laboratory centrifuge, is described for the determination of particle size distribution in GR-S latices. I t was shown to be valid by tests for reproducibilit? and by comparison with the results of light and electron microscop). I n applying the method, set era1 unusually fluid high-solids latices made in the pilot plant were found to be characterized b? a wide distribution of particle sizes. Data on \arious latices in plant production are reported.



ECHNIQUES involving the use of gravitational or centrifugal force have been used for the measurement of p,articlr size and particle size distrihution in a large number of di.qpersions. Gravitational force is sufficient for the sedimentatiotl of the particles in many suspensions, but the refinements and high speed of the ultracentrifuge are necessary for the analyris of solutions. Centrifuges of moderate speed have been widely employed for analysis of suspensions in which the particles are of intermediate size, especially those in which a fine powder is di8persed in a liquid medium. AIeadors and 3Iesser (9, 10) showed

V O L U M E 2 6 , NO. 5, M A Y 1 9 5 4 that, the minimum particle diameter in a GR-S latex can be determined in an International Type SB-1 laboratory centrifuge. This indicated the possibility of using this centrifuge to detern i n e particle size distribution in GR-S latices. The principal methods employed with GR-S latices have been electron microscopy and fractionation with ammonium alginate follolved by the application of electron microscopy (12) or a turbidimetric method (8) to the fractions. Analysis by the proposed method based on Stokes' law requires no very expensive equipment or time-consuming preliminary fractionation; no changes are introduced in the process of measurement except' those attributable to R mechanical force acting on the particles; the niet,hod can be used to determine the per cent by weight of widely scattered large particles, which are significant because of their weight and for which electron microscopy is n o t vrry practical. The validity of the technique was examined by tests for reproducibility and by comparison with the results of electron and light microscopy. The method was used to determine the particle size distribution curves of various latices. Some additional data on 1atic.w in plant production were obtained. DISCUSSION

I n the use of an ordinary centrifuge for an analysis of particle bize distribution in GR-S latex, several advantages appear as a result of the fact that the particles are less dense than the aqueous medium and hence rise in the tube. When a suspension in which the particles descend is centrifuged in a cylindrical vessel, particles are continually striking the walls of t,he vessel as they move radially outward from the axis of rotation and they may set up convection currents large enough to introduce appreciable errors (16). This can be prevented by the use of a specially constructed sector-shaped vessel. However, as GR-S particles migrate toward the axis of rotation and away from the walls of the container, this problem does not arise. Another adwntage is the increased centrifugal force available as a result of the upward movement of particles. Since the reference point is the bottom of the tube and since aliquots are removed for analysis from a point near the bottom, the centrifugal force applied to the particles under consideration is about twice as great' in the apparatus used in this work as it would be if the top of the centrifuge tube were the reference point-i.e., if the particles migrated a n a y from the axis of rotation. .4 third factor is the simplification of the mathem:tt~icalanalysis of data obtained by the pipet technique (13). \\-hen gravitational force alone acts on spherical particles, such RS those in GR-S latex, data can correctly be analyzed on the assumption that the fractional loss in solids content a t a given point in the vessel, after a measured time interval, corresponds to the weight fract,ion of dispersed solids consisting of particles larger than a certain calculated diameter, d,. This diameter is that of :i particle which will just reach the point of sampling from the bottom of the vessel (or the top, if particles move downward) during the experiment. The value of d, can be calculated by Stokes' law from the experimental variables. However, when centrifugation is used, errors are introduced by the convergence of particles as they move radially toward the axis of rotation :ind by the difference in rates of movement of particles of a given diameter which initially are a t different distances from the :isis of rotation; a more distant particle will of course have a higher average velocit)-. Both of these factors will have the effect of increasing the concentration of particles smaller than d, a t the point of sampling. (This part of the discussion applies to particles less dense than the medium. If the particles move outward in the centrifuge tube the concentration of particles smaller than d, will be less a t the point of sampling than it was before centrifuging.) Hence, errors are introduced if one calculates the weight fraction of particles larger than d, on the assumption that the concentration

857 of smaller particles has not changed. The magnitude of the error caused by these effects is dependent on the ratio RIIRz,where RI is the distance from the axis of rotation to the bottom of the centrifuge tube and Rz is the distance of movement of particles to the point of sampling. Brown, who gives a mathematical analysis of these factors ( I ) , proposes that the ratio of the length of the centrifuge arm to the distance settled should exceed 2 to 1 if data of sufficientaccuracy for control tests are to be obtained. If 50-ml. tubes are used in the Type SB-1 centrifuge and the height of removal of aliquots is limited to a maximum of 2.5 cm., the ratio can be kept above 8 to 1; for most of the present work it exceeded 10 to 1 and errors caused by increased concentration of particles smaller than d, were necessarily small. This ratio would have been less than one half as large if the top of the tube were the reference pointi.e., if particles moved outward. I n the work of Sorton and Speil (11)' who constructed a long-arm centrifuge for the purpose of minimizing R1/R2,the ratio n-as about 8 to 1. Their method of analysis was similar to that used in this work, except that concentrations a t a given depth were determined by measurement of specific gravity with a hydrometer, rather than by direct determination of solids content. Stokes' lax- was used to calculate the particle diameter, de, corresponding to the point of sampling. When the centrifuge is used the basic expression takes the form (16)

where q is the viscosity; w is angular velocity; ( p - P O ) is the difference in density between particles and medium; t is the time of centrifuging; J: and ZIare the distances from the axis of rotation to the bottom of the tube and to the point of sampling, respectively. Latex particles over -20,000 .4. in diameter were estimated by allom-ing them to rise under the influence of gravity. The centrifuge was used for smaller particle sizes. The lower limit of particle diameter in a typical GR-S latex that can be investigated in 8 hours of centrifuging is about 500 A. This limit can probahly be extended by centrifuging for a longer period of time, by using a somewhat more powerful centrifuge, or by adding a suitnhle soluble material to increase the difference in density. EXPERIMENTAL

I n practice. the value of 7 is established by diluting the latex with distilled water and testing with a Brookfield viscometer until its viscosit,y differs from that of water by less than 10%. More water is then added to ensure that this condition is met. The latex is then further diluted to 2% solids. The relative viscosity is taken as 1.05 with a maximum relative error of 5%. This corresponds to a maximum relative error in particle diameter of 2.5%. The density of the polymer is determined by calculation from thr density of the latex and that of the clear serum obtained t>y creaming with ammonium alginate present in a concent'ration of 0.2%. This concentration of alginate has a negligible effect on the serum density. Also, the volume change on creaming mis not detectable in a 100-ml. volumetric flask, which indicates that the densities of serum and polymer are additive. The srruni density of the diluted latex is calculated from thr original serum density and the extent of dilution. As close to that of water, this calculated value cannot he significnntiy in error. Because of the high dilution, the uncertainty in density of serum will ordinarily be less than 0.0002 unit. TemprrLLture of the latex on centrifuging is controlled to within +2" C. of room temperature by keeping a dry ice-acetone bath in contact with the surface of the centrifuge. Experimentation showed the amount of contact surface necessary a t a given rotational speed. The relative error in particle diameter, due



to change of viscosity with temperature, is approximately 1% per degree centigrade a t room temperature. I n most experiments 2700 r.p.m., corresponding to a relative centrifugal force of 1510 times gravity, is used. Temperature of the contents is measured after each run and the appropriate viscosity is used in the calculations. Rotational speed is measured with a Waltham tachometer which w s found to agree within 100 r.p.m. with a Jones tachometer a t various speeds tested. At 2700 r.p.m. the tachometer was checked against a revolution counter and found to be correct to within 40 r.p.m. The motor of the International Type SB-1 centrifuge used is mounted in rubber, which makes i t self-balancing to some extent. Agitation is reduced by filling the 50-ml. centrifuge tubes as completely as possible and by releasing the brushes of the motor when allowing the centrifuge to come to rest. An essentially flat bottom is necessary for use of the pipet technique (IS). This condition is met by putting a few milliliters of mercury in the bottom of the centrifuge tube, After being stirred, the latex is allowed to stand or is centrifuged for a measured period of time, then an 0.8 to 1.0-ml. sample is removed with a hypodermic needle from a level, h, a t a measured distance from the bottom of the tube. The needle is moved about to a t least five different positions a t this level during removal of the sample and is kept a t least 1 mm. from the wall. The solids concentration in the sample is determined using an analytical balance. The percentage decrease in solids concentration, as compared with the value for the original, stirred latex, is taken as the per cent by weight of dispersed solids consisting of particles larger than the calculated d, (see Discussion). This percentage value must be corrected arithmetically for the per cent solids which do not migrate, such as electrolyte and shortstop. I n most GR-S latices all the soap and Daxad is attached t o polymer, so that no correction for these constituents is necessary. The value of d, is calculated by Stokes’ law from the experimental variables. By varying the time of standing or centrifuging, the centrifugal force, and the height from which the sample is removed for analysis of solids content, data are obtained from which the integral weight distribution curve can be constructed. Three points on the curve are usually determined after each period of centrifuging, by analysis of samples removed from three different heights. The estimated maximum error in the method, obtained by summation of individual errors, is 8%. The probable error, assuming random deviations of errors, is 2.5%. The error can be reduced further by more elaborate measurement of viscosity a t some expense of rapidity. TESTS OF VALIDITY OF METHOD

To test the applicability of the method to very large particles (>lOO,OOO A. in diameter), a sample of X-684 (’7) containing an unusually high concentration of s&h particles was used. After the diluted latex had been stirred, samples were removed immediately, and a t intervals up to 2 hours, from a point 2.0 cm. above the bottom of the vessel. These samples were placed on a ruled microscope slide of the type used for blood counts and photomicrographs were taken a t a magnification of 140 X. The use of this type of slide ensures the inspection of a constant volume of latex and the rulings permit direct estimation of particle diameter. As expected, the series of photomicrographs showed a continuous disappearance of the large particles as they passed the 2-cm. mark in their ascent from the bottom of the tube. For the sake of simplicity only the first and final photomicrographs are considered quantitatively. I n the first, which represents the stirred latex, there were 83 particles larger than 110,000 A. in diameter, 22 of which were over 200,000 A. According t o Stokes’ law, all particles larger than 110,000 A. in diameter should have risen beyond the 2-cm. mark within 115 minutes, a t which time the final sample was removed and photographed. Actually onlp four such particles remained, the largest of which was about

140,000 A. in diameter. The weight of these four particles, which was calculated from their diameter8 and known density, was about 0.2%of the total weight of polymer represented by the photograph. Since approximately 10% by weight of the polymer, in that particular sample, was found to consist of particles over 110,000 A. in diameter, the relative error introduced by these four remaining particles was negligible. A few very large particles were observed which were not spherical. However, these were obviously much larger than the 110,000 A. particles and did not interfere with the experiment, since they passed the 2-cm. mark before 115 minutes had elapsed, as expected. 100 x-684



F i g u r e 1. Comparison of I n t e g r a l Weight Distribution Curves I n addition to this experiment, it was necessary to show that there is no decrease in concentration of smaller particles a t the 2-cm. mark during the 115-minute interval. To check this assumption, the number of particles between 50,000 and 110,000 A. was counted in a representative area of each of the series of six photomicrographs. As there is necessarily an appreciable error in measuring the small particle images, the counts were made independently by two observers. The results, representing the photomicrographs taken a t intervals during the 115-minute period, were as follows: first observer: 79, 64, 84, 73, 83, 85 particles between 50,000 and 110,000 A.; second observer: 74, 61, 77, 73, 68, 68 particles. The significant fact is the absence of a downward trend. This contrasts with the decrease in the number of particles over 110,000 A. (from 83 to 4) in the same period. It seems very unlikely that there was any decrease a t the 2-cm. mark in the number of particles under 50,000 diameter, as these are affected even less by gravitational force. Therefore, within the limits of error of this experiment, the decrease in concentration a t the 2-cm. mark must be associated with particles over 110,000 A. in diameter, as predicted by Stokes’ law. Because good reproducibility is an indication of undisturbed movement of particles, it was felt t o be of considerablesignificance. This was an especially important point to investigate in the use of an inexpensive centrifuge, as i t was essential to prove that agitation and convection currents did not introduce errors. Duplicate determinations of solids content, a t the same height of sampling, have been made in 152 cases after centrifuging duplicate samples of diluted GR-S latices. Mean deviation was calculated for each pair of results. The arithmetic mean of all values of mean deviation is 0.23 mg. per gram. At an initial concentration of 2y0 (20 mg. per gram) this corresponds to 1.2% of the total polymer. Since values for the %,eightper cent over d, are based on the total weight of polymer, the value 1.2% is a measure of the precision of data plotted in the integral weight distribution curves.

V O L U M E 2 6 , NO. 5, M A Y 1 9 5 4



Comparison of Integral Weight Distribution Curves

Figure 2.

As another check of the validity and reproducibility of the method, ten replicate samples of diluted X-684-type latex n-ere centrifuged a t 2700 r.p.m. in five separate runs. I n each case, a sharp boundary was obtained between the latex and a transparent serum below. Minimum particle diameter Fas calculated by Stokes’ law from the height of this boundary. The mean value was 1090 A, with a mean deviation of 30 A. and a maximum deviation of 50 A. This agrees very well with electron photomicrographs of the same latex which show a large number of particles 1010 to 1050 A. in diameter, but a very few scattered particles under 1010 A. (less than 2% of the total weight of polymer). [Measured diameters were divided by the factor 1.096 to correct for the swelling of particles on bromination (Z).] I n addition, solids concentration was determined in eight of the ten replicate experiments described on samples removed from a point corresponding to d, = 1900 A. The mean relative decrease in solids, as compared with the original value, was 19.3%, with a mean deviation of 1.2% and a maximum deviation of 2.2%. Serum to latex boundaries also have been obtained by centrifuging duplicate samples of over 30 different latices produced in the pilot plant and plant. Inalmost every case, the heights of these boundaries were found to agree within 1 mm. If the boundary height is 1 cm. (a typical value), a difference of 1 mm. corresponds to a relative difference of 5% in the minimum particle diameter. These examples of reproducibility afford additional evidence of undisturbed movement of particles.








A comparison of particle size distribution curves for two latices, as obtained by centrifugation and electron microscopy, is shown in Figures 1 to 4. Data obtained in the centrifuge yield an i n t e gral weight distribution curve. This type of curve was obtained from the electron photomicrographs by measuring particle images and weighting each particle in proportion to the cube of the diameter. Although approximately 2000 particles of each latex were measured, so few particles over 3000 A. in diameter were present in the photographs that they could not be considered as representative. Therefore, for purpose of comparison, it was necessary to normalize the curves obtained by both methods so as to represent 3000 A. as the maximum diameter. Obviously, this has very little effect on the differential number distribution curves. The latter were obtained from the photomicrographs by direct measurement of particle images, and from centrifugal data by calculation from the integral weight distribution curves. T o do this, the relative weight frequency was first obtained in the usual manner by measuring the slope of the integral weight curve. The relative weight frequency a t any given point was converted to relative number frequency by dividing by the cube of the diameter. The agreement between the curves obtained by the two methods, as well as the evidence that the movement of particles is reproducible, support the applicability of the technique. 10


Figure 4.


Comparision of Differential Number Distribution Curves

It should be emphasized that 3000 A. was not the maximum diameter found in these latices; 9.2% of the weight of polymer in the X-684 and 16.5% in the X-635 were found to consist of particles larger than 3000 A. in diameter; 1.8% of the X-684 and 14% by weight of the X-635 consisted of particles larger than 100,000 A. in diameter. The method has a lower limit of particle diameters depending on the power of the centrifuge, but, for practical purposes, no upper limit. Larger diameters are investigated by reducing the time or speed of centrifuging or by using gravitational settling. DISTRIBUTION CURVES OF OTHER LATICES


Figure 3.


Comparison of Differential Number Distribution Curves

The integral weight distribution curves of several other GR-S latices, determined by centrifuging, are shown in Figures 5 and 6, where 87 to 95y0 of the total weight of each polymer is represented. The remaining percentage consists of larger particlesLe., over 4000 A. in diameter. However, less than 1 % of the total weight in each case was over 30,000 A. in diameter-Le., the selfcreaming tendency of these latices is low. Thus the percentage not represented on the graph consists almost entirely of particles between 4000 and 30,000 A. in diameter. I n Figure 5, 5-5378-A is a Type X-684 latex with part of the potassium sulfate replaced


863 by potassium pyrophosphate. I t s distribution curve is very similar to that of X-684 (Figure I), but the first abrupt change in slope in the curve, which corresponds essentially to the minimum particle size, occurs a t a particle diameter about 100 A. lower than that of X-684. Each of the remaining four latices in Figures 5 and 6 is more polydisperse than is typical of a high solids latex, as each contains considerable amounts of polymer (18 to 35% by weight) consisting of particles smaller in diameter than that corresponding to the abrupt change of slope; as a result there is less polymer in a narrow range of diameters immediately following this change. (Diisopropylbenaene hydroperoxide was the catalyst used in the preparation of each of these four high-solidslatices. 5-5608 was made with Dresinate 214 as emulsifier and hydrazine as activator; a feature was the absence of Daxad. 5-5806-1 and 5-5806-2 are duplicate latices made with 2 parts Neo-Fat K-242 per hundred monomers as emulsifier and activated by sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate. 5-5770-2 is similar to 5-5806-1, with

the major difference that only 1.25 parts of soap were used.) I n the case of 5-5770-2 there are two abrupt changes of slope, at 360 and a t 1130 A. These four latices were of especial interest, since each was unusually fluid when concentrated to a high solids content (62 to 66%). I t is suggested that this high fluidity is related to the relatively wide distribution of particle sizes, since broader distribution permits closer packing of particles.


Figure 6.

Integral Weight Distribution Curves

The distribution curves of J-5806-1 and 5-5806-2 differ mainly in that the first large body of particles appears a t a diameter of 1250 the former and at 930 the latter latex. This indicates that there are many more particles in 5-5806-2 and agrees with the considerably faster initial reaction rate observed in the polymerization of that latex. PARTICLE DIAMETER-



The results of some measurements on latices in production are given in Table I. The first three types listed ___~ are made a t higher temperatures (110" to 130" F.), while the remainder are examples Table I . Particle Size 3leasurements on Various Latices in Plant of cold, high-solids latices (410 to 500 F.). Production The per cent by weight of each latex consist(February-July 1952) ing of very large particles (fourth column, Table Butadiene/ Wt. yo above Wt. TCbetween .4r. DiamI) is a measure of the creaming tendency of Styrene 100,000 A . in 4000-100,000 -4. eter below Typea Code Chg. Ratio Diameter in Diameter 4000 .4.* the latex. as onlv such Darticles will rise a t an S-695C 602L-C 73/27 0 0.6 910 appreciable rate under the influence of gravity. GR-S 2000d 203 UA 50/50 0 0 1260 It is evident that the fraction of polymer con217 UC 0 0 1230 sisting of such particles is negligible in the hot G R - S 200Ze 219 UB 35\45 0 0 1210 0.8 0 1190 latices, but is appreciable in each of the cold 317 UA 416 U B 0 ... ... high-solids latices tested. The high values ob527 U.4 0.4 ... . . 501 UC 70/30 5.0 5.4 2010 tained for GR-S 2100 and 5-4248-I< are in accord S-Gl!) (6) 511 UA 3.8 9.3 ... with the rather large amounts of cream observed 522 U B 3.5 3.7 1790 529 Li-4 5.0 8.1 1530 to form in these latices. The data in the last 606 U A 4.8 2.9 1770 column confirm the usual findings (14) of large G R - P 2100/ 510 UA 70130 8.6 0.9 ... average part,icle size in cold high-solids latices. 526 CA 7.2 4.2 1550 530 9.1 4.5 1560 The data were obtained by centrifuging the di530 U B 12.6 0.8 1530 luted latex and determining average particle size S-684 ( 7 ) 415 U.4 70,'30 5.0 5.6 1780 420 C B 2.4 6.1 2130 by measurement' of turbidity ( 8 ) on a sample 422 U.4 2.1 8.2 2070 removed from a point in the centrifuge tube 505 UA 0.7 5.7 1950 5-5378-AQ 3.5 7.6 ... such that particles larger than 4000 ;i. in diameter J-5000-CQ 1.8 2.5 1860 were absent. J-5000-E 9.8 4.4 1790 5-635 (6) J-4248-Kh 70/30 14.0 ... ... Figure 5.

Integral Weight Distribution Curres -




4.0 C , : remainder a t turbidity (8).


5 O




This work was performed as R part of the research project sponsored by Reconstruction Finance Corp., Office of Synthetic Rubber, in c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e government synthetic rubber program.


V O L U M E 26, NO. 5, M A Y 1 9 5 4 LITERATURE CITED

(1) Brown, C., J . Phys. Cheni., 4 8 , 2 4 6 (1944). (2) Brown, W.E., paper presented at Electron Xicroscope Society of America Meeting. Pittsburgh. Pa.. Dec. 7 . 194ti. (3) IndiaRubber W o r l d , 118, 245 (1943). (4) Ibid., 1 2 2 , 7 1 (1950). (5) Ibid., 1 2 4 , 2 0 0 (195lj. (6) Ibid., p. 446. (7) Ibid.. 125, 329 (1951). (8) llaron, S. H., and Ulevitch, I. S . , private comnlunication t o Ofice of Synthetic Rubber. Reconstruction Finance Corp. (9) Ileadors, V. G., and Rlesser. W. E., United States Rubber CO., private communication t o Office of Synthetic Rubber, Recon-

struction Finance Corp.

(10) lleadors. V. G., and Xesser, \T. E., private communication,

Oct. 11, 1946. (11) Norton, F. H., and Speil, S.,J . A m . C‘erum. Soc.. 2 1 , 89 (1938). (12) Schmidt, E., and Kelsey, R. H., I n d . Eng. Chem., 43, 406 (1951). (13) Schramm. E.. and Scripture, E. IT., Jr., *J. -4m.C e r a m Soc., 8 , 243 (192.5,.

Smith, H. 3 . , J\‘erner, H. G., l\-esterhoff, C. B., and H o w l a n d L. H., I d . Eng. Chem., 43, 212 (1951). (15) Svedberg, ’I., and Nichols, ,J. R.,J . A m . Chenz. Sue.. 45, 2910


(1923). (16) Svedberg. T., and Pedersen. K. O., “The Ultracentrifwe,” p.

67, London, Oxford University Press. 1940. RECEIVED for review May 18, 1953. Accepted February

4, 19.54 Presented before the Division of Rubber Chemistry at the 123rd Meetinr of the - & h l E R i C i S C H E \ r I C . 4 1 . S O c I E T Y , Boston, 1Iass , 192:3.

Analysis of Gas Oil and Cycle Stock from Catalytic Cracking E.


Esso laboratories, Louisiana Division, Esro Standard Oil Co., Baton Rouge, La. A chromatographic technique is described for a tj-pe separation of the polynuclear aromatic hydrocarhona found in heavy gas oils and cycle oils. Vse of a sectional adsorption column is discussed, as is use of u l t r a \ iolet absorption spectra for identification of the polynuclear aromatic types found in the chromatographic fractions. .A method utilizing infrared ahsorption data, molecular weight, and carbon-hydrogen determinations in conjunction with the chromatographic separations and u l trayinlet absorption spectra is applied in the quantitative analysis of the aromatic fractions f r o m a heavy gas nil and heavy catalj-tic cj-cle nil. The compositions are presented in terms of the w-eight per cent of each molecular type found in the aromatic portions of the oils. The types are classified on the hasis of the configuration of the aromatic rings in the molecitles. Further data are presented to show the ai-erage weight per cent of aromatic rings in each of the nioleciilar types found in the gas oil and cycle oil.


ATISFACTORY methods of determining hydrocarbon types in petroleum fractions in the gasoline range have been developed and used for some time ( 5 ) . However, it has become increasingly important in the development of petroleum refining processes to learn more about the composition of higher boiling materials such as gas and cycle oils. This is especially true x i t h reference t o the various types of aromatic hydrocitrbona present. Methods which rely on the measurement of such physical properties as refractive index, depression, and gravit,y are of limitcd value when applied to these heavy fractions. Recently effort has been directed towards the estension of chromatographic techniques to the analysis of heavy petroleum fractions for hydrocarbon types. Clerc, Kincannon, and Wirr (1 ) have applied chromatographic analyses t o the detrrniinntion of monocyclic, dicyclic, and tricyclic aromatics in gas oils. Mair and his coworkers (3,6, 7 ) a t the Sational Bureau of Standards h a w ext,ended their original chromnt,ographic techniques t o the analysis of higher boiling fractions. I n the work described in this paper chromatographic techniques ustd in conjunction n-ith distillation and adsorption spectrophotometric techniques have been extended to obtain quantitativc, determination of various specific aromatic types of gas oil and catalytic cycle oil. Methods have been developed for the determination of the degree of side-chain substitution on the aromatic molecule, so that the actual percentage of aromatic carbons irl each of the various aronxitic types can be obtained.


Chromatographic Technique. -1 grrat deal has 1)een published oil the general application of chromatography to hydrocarbon separations. Fink and coworkers (9) have extensively invwtig:itetl the factors affecting efficiency of separation. Therefori,, thc gencral principles involvcd :ind the accepted procedures ire not discuswd hcri:. In each case the techniques t o 1~ uwd have to h a d n ~ ~ t ct od thc problem untlcr consideration. The v.ork tiiscuswd in thr pxpc’r w w done on a heavy c y l e oil froni c:it:ilytic cracking and on a hc1:ir.y g:w oil (Tat)le I). In both c:tsc’s the experimental trchniqucBs u s t d were similnr. Det:iileti :in:ilyticd data are prewiitcd only for t lie cycle oil.

Table I.

Inspection Data for Heavy Catalytic Cycle Oil and Heavy Gas Oil

Gravity, A P I -4niline pt , F. Pour p t . , O F. Viscosity. Saybolt a t 210’ F Conradson carbon, nt. pc Carbon Hydrogen Sulfur .iromatics Distillation (coni.ertrd f r o i l l Ilit ijS distilled lopc distilled 20% distilled 3 0 q distilled 40V distilled 30‘7 distilled “0‘% distilled ( 0 % distilled 80% distilled 9 0 7 distilled 9.5% distilled Final R e c o v e r y . vel. c;

Cycle Oil 22.2

Gas Oil 21: 4 20.3

183 80 37.5 0 . 2li.5 88.14 11.ti2

10: 6’478

86.98 I S 00 0 2!li






640 720 778 828 867 904 937 973 1020


708 71 . ..7

721’1 738 735 782 832 870


898 98.0

1045 44.0 ~~

.I diagram of the separation procedure employed is e h o w i i r i Figure 1. The oil was first separated into an aromatic arid a nonaromatic portion by adsorption on silica gel. The apparatus consisted of a conical glass percolator of 2-liter volume, 13 inches long, wit,h a 5-inch top diameter which tapers to 2.5-inch bottom diameter. The percolator was packed with a 28- to 200-mesh Davison silica gel. The sample charge, 175 ml. in the case of the heavy cycle oil, was diluted n-ith 350 ml. of n-heptane and M - ~ P allowed to drip rapidly from a separatory funnel onto a piece of filter paper placed on top of the silica gel in the adsorption vewA When all of the sample was in the gel, the nonaromativs werc~ washed from the column wit11 approsiniately 2500 mi. of n-ht,:)-