Determination of polycyclic aromatic compounds emitted from brown

Page 1 .... brown-coal-flred residential stoves with glass capillary gas chromatography and ... known that brown coal contains picene derivatives, ori...
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Anal. Chem. 1983, 55, 892-900


Table 11. Accuracy and Precision of the TEA Method

spike concn in raw biosludge 3,4-DNT at 0.05 mg/L 3,4-DNT at 1.0 mg/L 2,4-DNT at 1.0 mg/L 2,6-DNT at 1.0 mg/L nitrobenzene at 0.05 mg/L nitrobenzene at 1.0 mg/L

mean % recovery for nitroaromatics

% re1 std dev

between extractions

76 88 84 84 87

14.5 6.3 3.9 3.1 8.9



4 orders of magnitude with a lower detection limit of 0.5 ng. The capability for the trace level determination of dinitrotoluenes and nitrobenzene in complex environmental matrices has been demonstrated with a TEA-gas chromatography system operated in the nitroso/nitro selective mode. The TEA offers a rapid, sensitive, and selective method for the analysis of nitroaromatics and should have applications in the determination of other environmentally important nitroaromatic compounds such as the nitrophenolic priority pollutants: 2-nitrophenol, 4-nitrophenol, 2,4-dinitrophenol, and 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank D. S. Robey and D. U. Young for technical assistance and also acknowledge helpful discussions with J. Buckley of Thermo Electron Corp. Registry No. 3,4-DNT, 610-39-9; 2,4-DNT, 121-14-2;2,6-DNT, 606-20-2; nitrobenzene, 98-95-3.

ity Criteria for Nitrobenzene"; EPA-440-5-80-061. (3) EnvironmentalCriteria and Assessments Office "Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Dinltrotoiuene"; EPA-404-5-80-045. (4) Dalton, R. W.; Kohibeck, J. A.; Balieter, W. T. J . Chromatogr. 1070, 50, 219. (5) Jarinski, N. B.; Pcdolak, G. E.; Hess, T. L. Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J . 1075, July, 497. (6) Lopez-Avliia, V. HRC C C , J . High Resoluf. Chromatogr. Chromatogr. Commun. 1980. - - - ,3.546. - (7) Hashimoto, A.; Sakino, H.; Yamagami, E.; Tateishi, S.Ana/yst (London) 1080. 105. 787. (6) Prescott, S . R.; Phillips, J. H., Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Aiientown, PA., unpublished results, 1981. (9) Fed. Regist. 1070, 44 (233), Dec 3, Part 111, Environmental Protection Agency-Proposed Rules, 69510. (10) Lafleur, A. L.; Mills, K. M. Anal. Chem. 1081, 53, 1202. (11) Fine, D. H.; Rounbehier, D. P.; Rounbehier, A.; Silverglied, A,; Sawicki, E.; Krost, D.; DeMorros, G. A. Environ. Sci. Techno/. 1077, 1 1 , 581. (12) Fine, D. H.; Rounbehier, D. P.; Huffman, F.; Garrison, A. W.; Woife, N. L.; Epstein, S. S. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxlcol. 1975, 14, 404. (13) Kearney, P. C. Pure Appl. Chem. 1080, 5 2 , 499. (14) Parees, D. M.; Prescott, S. R. J . Chromatogr. 1081, 205, 429. (15) Envlronmental Protection Agency "Analytical Procedures for Determining Organlc Priority Pollutants in Municipal Sludges"; March 1980, EPA60012-80-030. (16) Environmental Protection Agency "Interim Methods for the Measurement of Organic Priority Pollutants in Sludges"; National Environmental Research Center: Cincinnatl, OH, Sept 1979. (17) Hail, R. E. CRC Crlf. Rev. Anal. Chem. 1078, 324. (18) Pellizzarl, E. D. J . Chromatogr. 1074, 9 8 , 323. (19) Hansen, T. J.; Archer, M. C.; Tannenbaum, S.R. Anal. Chem. 1078, 5 1 , 1526. (20) Lafleur, A. L.; Morriseau, B. D. Anal. Chem. 1080, 52, 1313. (21) Walker, E. A.; Castegnaro, M. J . Chromatogr. 1080, 187, 229. (22) Fan, T. Y.; Vita, R.; Fine, D. H. Toxicol. Lett. 1078, 2 , 5. (23) Melior, J. W. "Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry"; Longrams: London, 1967; Voi 111, Sppi. 11, p 158. (24) Fine, D. H.; Rufeh, F.; Lieb, D.; Rounbehler, D.P. Anal. Chem. 1075, 4 7 , 1188. (25) Phillips, J. H., M.S. Thesis, "The Characterization of Municipal Sludges for Thirty-two Volatile, Semi-volatile and Phenolic Trace Organic Componenf?"; Michlgan State University, 1981, 187 pp. (26) Feller, H. Fate of Priority Pollutants in Publicly Owned Treatment Works, Interim Report"; EPA-440/1-80-301.


LITERATURE CITED (1) Keith, L. H.; Teiiiard, W. A. Envlron. Sci. Techno/. 1070, 13, 416. (2) Environmental Criteria and Assessments Office "Ambient Water Quai-

RECEIVED for review October 25,1982. Accepted January 24, 1983.

Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds Emitted from Brown-Coal-Fired Residential Stoves by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Gernot Grimmer, * Jurgen Jacob, Klaus-Werner Naujack, and Gerhard Dettbarn Blochemisches Instltut fur Umweltcarclnogene, Sleker Landstrasse 79, 0-2070Ahrensburg, Federal Republic of Germany

Polycycllc aromatlc hydrocarbons (PAH) and their sulfur and oxygen analogues were determined In emlssions from brown-coal-flred resldentlal stoves with glass capillary gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Over 170 components were characterized at concentrations above 0.01 mg/kg of combusted fuel. Plcene and several derlvatlves (methylpicene, etc.) were present In slgntflcant amounts and may serve to distinguish brown coal emlsslons from those of other combustlon sources (coal- and oll-Wed systems and gasoline and diesel exhaust). Only a few thlophene derivatlves present In low concentrations were found in brown coal emissions which Is contrary to the situation of emlsslons from hard coal and oll combustlon.

The objective of the investigation was to identify polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC) such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and their sulfur- and oxygen-containing

heterocyclic analogues (S-PAC; O-PAC) emitted from residential stoves during the combustion of brown coal briquets. Of special interest was the question whether this emission contains specific polycyclic aromatic compounds. It is wellknown that brown coal contains picene derivatives, originating from triterpenoids with a- and P-amyrin structures (1-5). Thus, it may be expected that these compounds pass over to the flue gas a t the beginning of the combustion process. If so, it should be possible to distinguish the emission from brown coal combustion, coke production, oil combustion in higher pressure jet burners, or vaporizing pot burners as well as exhausts of gasoline and diesel engines, etc. In this context, attention should be drawn to a paper published by Lao et al. (6) who detected picene and derivatives in airborne pollutants. In 1980, about 3.2 X lo6 tons of brown coal briquets was burned in residential heatings in the Federal Republic of Germany. It is difficult to assess the part of this source from the total PAC load in the air of the FRG, since the PAC mass emission depends on the type of the stove as well as on op-

0003-2700/83/0355-0892$01.50/00 1983 American Chemical Society



.Table I. Concentration of Some PAH in the Condensate of Flue Gas of Brown Coal Combustion with Two Different Stove Types (Medium Load)a concentration, mg/kg stove type slow combustion stove "Durchbrandofein" permanent icombustion stove "Dauerbrmdofen"

Flu 3.30

Pyr 2.98

BNT 0.18

BaA Chr/TP Bfl 1.04 1.39 1.02

BaP 0.43



Per 0.21

INP BghiP 0.23 0.41



























14.10 10.60 0.60 3.30 5.20 2.90 1.20 1.50 0.40 0.60 0.50 0.0h Abbreviations: Flu, fluoranthene; Pyr, pyrene; BNT, benzo[b ]naphth0[2,1d]thiophene; BaA, benz[a]anthracene; TF', triphenylene; Chr, chrysene; Bfl, benzofluoranthenes; BaP, benzo[a]pyrene; BeP, benzo[e]pyrene; Per, perylene; INP, indeno [ 1,2,3-cd Ipyrene; BghiP, benzokghilperylene; Ant, anthanthrene.


erating conditions. Thus the question arises whether the pattern and the amount of PAC typical for brown coal combustion (e.g., picene derivatives) depends also on these parameters. Since two- or three-ring PAC generally are not the PAC profiles were reconsidered t o be carcinogenic (7), corded only for compounds with more than three sings. In the present investigation more than 170 PAC compounds were characterized by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), 52 of these compounds were identified by comparison to reference substances. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Material. The condensate of the emission during combustion of brown coal briquets was obtained from Bergbau Forschung GmbH, Essen, FRG. The nominal operation output of the slow-combustionstove (Frank'sche Eisenwerke AG, Dillenburg, "Durchbrandofen" type Oranier 4312 DB) was 20.93 MJ/h. The collecting systern, consisting of a glass cooler, a glass fiber filter (area ca. 1 m2, Dragerwerk AG, Liibeck, type MB 50) which separates all PAC with boiling points above 380 "C (collection efficiency for particles of 0.3-0.5 pm was 99.998%), and the regulating device were described elsewhere (8).The repeatability of the collecting procedure was checked in two to three separate experiments for all load conditions and two different stove types (Table I). The experimental conditions were in accordance with the regulation of DIN 18890. The quantities of brown coal briquets burned were 4.86 kg (full load), 2.43 kg (medium load), and 1.21 kg (low load) during periods of 4 h. The condensate consisted of three parts: (a) particulate fraction on the micron filter (trapping, e.g., 1.0 mg of BaP/kg), (b) acetone condenser washing (0.045 mg of BaP/kg), (c) condensed water (0.002 mg of BalP/kg). Accordingly, the PAC (with more than three rings) predominantly were collected on the micron glass fiber filter. The PAH profiles of the above three parts were found to be similar. Methods. (a) Enrichment Procedure. Extraction. Half of the glass fiber filter was extracted by refluxing with boiling toluene (lo00 mL, 1 h) and the residue (about 9 g) was combined with that of the acetone condenser washing (0.8 g). Cleanup. The cleanup method consisting of liquid-liquid partition (Nfl-dimethylformamide/water/cyclohexane), column chromatography (silica gel) and Sephadex LH 20 column chromatography (2-propanol elution) has been described elsewhere (9,101. For quantification of the PAC, using an aliquot of 1/20th of the filter etc., an internal standard (indeno[1,2,3-cd]fluoranthene) was added during the toluene extraction of the sample (10). (b) Enrichment Procedure for Picene Derivatives. The extraction of half of three filters from experiments using low load conditions, the liquid-liquid partitions, column chromatography on silica gel and Sephadex LH 20 were performed as described (9, IO). Removal of PAC with boiling points below 500 "C from the residue of the second fraction (230-700 mL) of the Sephadex LH 20 column chromatography was achieved by molecular distillation (50 "C, lo4 bar, 5 h). The nonvolatile residue was separated into four fractions by partition chromatography on Sephadex LH 20 (40 g) using aqueous dimethylformamide (85% DMF) as stationary and n-hexane as mobile phase. The fractions (0-150 mL, 150-350 mL, 350-450 mL, 450-800 mL n-hexane)

I _



contained picene derivatives eluting as peaks 151 153, 146 157,160 + 162, and 147 + 150, respectively (numberingsee Figure 1and Table 11). Further separation of these mixtures was achieved by preparative GC on packed columns (2 mm x 10 m, Supelcoport 100-120 mesh coated with OV-101) and chromatography on Sephadex LH 20 with 2-propanol resulting in isolated compounds with a purity :>99.0%. (c) Conditions of Gas Chromatography. Apparatus: Perkin-Elmer RE Co., Model Sigma 2B; Carlo Erba type 4160, on column injection. Columns: glass column 0.3 mm X 50 m, fused silica column 0.3 mm X 25 m coated with poly(dimethylsi1oxane) (CP sin 5 ) . Carrier gas, helium 2 mL/min. Injection port temperature 250 "C; flame ionization detector temperature 270 "C. Injections of reference mixtures containing PAH or S-PAC were made to calibrate FID response and determine retention times (IO). Relative standard deviations for 17 different PAH in the range 3.3-12.5 ng were found to be 0.5-3.2% (IO). The purified sample extracts were dissolved in toluene and injected splitless (3 pL), using a 10-pL syringe. After 5 min the split was opened and the column heated from 110 "C to 160 "C (30 "C/min) and subsequently to 270 "C (1.5 "C/min). Results were calculated by comparing the electonically recorded areas of the FID signals of each PAC with the area of the internal standard (apparaitus, Spectra Physics SP 4100-02). (a) Conditions of Mass Spectrometry. Apparatus: Varian MAT, Model 112s. The gas chromatograph of this model was replaced by a Model F 22, Perkin-Elmer Co. The capillary column was connected directly with the electron-impact (EI) ion source (80 eV, 200 "C). (e) Conditions of Ultraviolet Spectrometry. Apparatus: Spektralphotometer PM Q I1 Carl Zeiss, manually recorded 1nm. Quartz cuvettes (1cm thickness, 3.5 mL volume) and a hydrogen lamp (type H 30 DS) were used. R E S U L T S A N D DISCUSSION A chromatogram of the PAC fraction from the emission condensate of brown coal briquets analyzed on a glass capillary column and FID is shown in Figure 1 (detection limit 0.01 mg/kg of fuel). In all, about 170 compounds were char,acterized by GC/MS. The identification and quantitative composition of PAC with three to seven rings is given in Talble

11. The concentration of three-ring PAC may actually be higher than the values given in Table I1 because lower boiling components (bp < 350 "C) were not trapped quantitatively on the glass fiber filter. This was demonstrated by analysis of a second glass fiber filter and a subsequent silica gel filter (0.2 mm particle size) installed after the first filter. In contrast, less than 0.2% of fluoranthene (bp 384 "C) was detected in the second glass fiber filter and 0.05% in the third (silica gd) filter, indicating acceptable collection of higher boiling coimponents (Table 111). The identification of the compounds listed in Table I1 was performed by comparison of their GC retention times and the mass spectrometric fragmentations with reference substances. The pair triphenylene/chrysene was separated by gas chro-



Table 11. Identification and Characterization of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in the Condensate of Flue Gas of Brown Coal peak no. retention time, min mass compound amt, mg/kg dibenzofurana >0.042 1 17.00 168 fluorene 18.96 166 2 >0.065 5 >0.031 180 20.74 2-methylfluorene 23.04 180 6 >0.034 7 >0.029 1-methylfluorene 23.22 180 10 25.02 184 >0.098 dibenzo[b,d ]thiophene 11 26.32 178 >3.692 phenanthrene 178 12 B0.595 anthracene 26.69 13 27.18 192 >0.030 14 >0.267 0-PAC 29.22 192 1-phenylnaphthalene 29.44 204 15 >0.074 30.42 0.052 208 17 methyl-0-PAC 0.484 192 18 3-methylphenanthrene 31.22 2-methylphenanthrene 19 31.54 0.631 192 20 0.133 192 2-methylanthracene 32.17 4,5-methylenephenanthrene 21 190 32.44 0.793 192 4-19-methylphenanthrene 21a 32.44 192 0.882 1-methylphenanthrene 22 32.83 204 0.708 acephenanthrylene 23 34.81 24 206 0.068 dimethylphenanthrenea 35.16 dimethylphenanthrenea 25 206 0.038 35.44 dimethylphenanthrenea 206 0.082 26 35.76 dimethylphenanthrenea 27 36.74 206 0.247 1,7-dimethylphenanthrene 28 37.20 206 0.111 3,6-dimethylphenanthrene 206 28a 37.20 0.063 dimethylphenanthrenea 29 37.41 206 0.051 dimethylphenanthrene 30 37.82 206 methyl-0-PAC 31 20 6 38.24 0.215 dimethyl-178 31a 206 38.24 methyl-0-PAC 206 32 38.42 0.234 dimethyl-178 32a 38.42 206 206 methyl-0-PAC 33 39.02 0.365 dimethyl-178 206 33a 39.02 5.324 fluoranthene 202 34 39.81 0.117 206 dimethyl-178 35 40.32 1.084 acephenanthrylene 202 36 40.83 218 0-PAC 37 41.12 0.156 me thyl-0-PAC 208 41.12 37a dimethyl-17 8 41.12 206 37b 218 0-PAC 38 41.29 0.123 208 methyl-0-PAC 38 a 41.29 206 dimethyl-178 41.29 38b 3.693 pyrene 202 39 42.47 1.706 218 benzo[ b]naphtho[2,1-d]furan 40 42.95 0.561 218 0-PAC 41 43.69 0.634 benzo[b]naphtho[2,3-d]furan 218 44.53 42 0.086 218 0-PAC 44.71 43 0.074 218 0-PAC 44 44.95 0.064 220 45.47 45 0.483 218 0-PAC 45.76 46 0.430 2-methylfluoranthene 216 46.27 47 methyl-202 21 6 47.06 48 0.034 0-PAC 218 48a 47.06 1.230 methyl-20 2 216 47.55 49 0.093 0-PAC 23 2 50 48.02 0.619 methyl-2 0 2 216 51 48.54 2-methylpyrene 216 52 48.98 0.432 benzofluorenes 216 52a 48.98 0.365 220 49.74 53 4-methylpyrene 216 54 50.24 0.328 0-PAC 232 54a 50.24 1-methylpyrene 216 55 50.64 0.473 0-PAC 232 5 5a 50.64 0.084 dimethyl-204 or methyl-218 23 2 50.78 56 0.095 dimethyl-204 or methyl-218 232 57 51.00 0.114 232 58 51.36 0.139 0 -PAC 244 59 51.62 0.102 0-PAC 23 2 52.84 62 dimethyl-202 230 63 53.44 0.088 0-PAC 244 53.44 63a dimethyl-202 230 64 53.70 0.119 0-PAC 244 53.70 64a dimethyl-202 230 65 53.94 0.161 0-PAC 244 53.94 65a dimethyl- 20 2 230 54.36 66 0.143 0-PAC 244 54.36 66a


Table I1 (Continued) peak no. retention time, min 67 54.74 54.74 67a 68 55.16 68a 55.16 69 55.48 70 56.28 71 56.48 72 57.06 7 2a 57.06 57.54 73 74 58.00 75 58.58 76 58.82 7 6a 58.82 76b 58.82 77 59.68 78 60.20 79 60.72 79a 60.72 81 62.02 82 62.30 83 62.60 84 63.24 85 63.74 86 63.92 87 64.82 88 65.22 88a 65.22 89 65.82 90 66.22 91 66.64 92 67.20 92a 67.20 93 67.60 94 67.80 95 68.24 95a 68.24 96 68.80 96a 68.80 97 69.18 97a 69.18 98 69.78 100 70.76 104 74.30 74.78 105 106 75.60 107 77.16 108 78.58 108a 78.58 109 78.98 110 79.59 111 80.38 112 80.88 113 81.32 114 82.21 115 82.82 116 83.50 116a 83.50 117 84.50 117a 84.50 118 85.70 119 86.20 121 88.30 121a 88.30 122 90.08 123 91.36 124 93.18 125 94.00 126 94.58 131 108.40 133 110.80 134 114.78 134a 114.78 135 117.50 '136 119.04 137 119.72

mass 230 244 230 244 230 234 234 226 2 28 246 246 246 246 234 230 226 228 228 228 258 254 254 254 24 2 24 2 258 24 2 258 242 24 2 24 2 24 2 24 2 242 242 242 242 240 242 24 2 254 254 254 256 256 256 256 252 252 252 268 252 268 268 268 268 252 268 252 268 268 252 26 6 268 266 266 282 282 282 276 276 278 276 276 278 278

compound dimethyl-202 0-PAC dimethyl-202 0-PAC dimethyl-202 benzo[b]naphtho[2,1-d ]thiophene benzo [b Inaphtho [1,2-d thiophene benzokhilfluoranthene benzo [c ]phenanthrene dimethyl-2 18 dimethyl-218 benzo [b Inaphtho [2,3-d ]thiophene cyclopenta [cd Ipyrene benz [alanthracene chrysene triphen ylene 0-PAC dimethyl-226

0 -PAC 0-PAC 0-PAC S-PAC methyl-228 3-methylchrysene 0-PAC 2-methylchrysene 5-methylchrysene 4-methylchrysene 6-methylchrysene

amt, m d k g 0.109 0.174 0.263 0.180 0.076 1.462 0.102 0.167 0.114 0.237 0.145 1.814 2.090 0.804 0.303 0.080 0.139 0.135 0.193 0.427 0.410 0.238 0.111 0.180 0.178 0.547 0.383 0.100 0.286 0.406


met hyl-0 -PAC methyl-0-PAC dimethyl-228 methyl-0-PAC benzo [blfluoranthene benzo V]fluoranthene benzo [hlfluoranthene 0-PAC benzo [ulfluoranthene 0-PAC 0-PAC 0-PAC 0-PAC benzo [elpyrene 0-PAC benzo [alpyrene 0-PAC 0-PAC perylene 0-PAC 0-PAC


methyl-252 0-PAC 0-PAC 0-PAC dibenz [a,j ]anthracene indeno [1,2,3-cd Ifluoranthene indeno [ 1,2,3-cd Ipyrene dibenz[a,h ]anthracene dilaenz[a,c ]anthracene

0.814 0.261 0.330 0.106 0.083 0.097 0.428 2.082 0.569 0.075 0.298 0.097 0.028 0.072 0.170 0.703 1.032 0.040 0.118 0.075 0.069 0.118

0.030 0.076 0.042 0.092 0.074 0.314 0.536 0.113 0.065




NO. 6, MAY 1983

Table I1 (Continued) peak no. retention time, min

138 139 140 146 147 147a 148 149 150 150a 151 153 157 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 170 171 172 172a 173 174 174a @

122.30 123.60 126.22 141.30 145.76 145.76 146.94 148.50 153.20 153.20 156.42 161.26 170.22 178.30 181.50 184.18 185.84 187.02 191.44 195.00 198.20 201.62 207.08 209.62 214.80 214.80 221.40 240.20 240.20


compound benzo [blchrysene picene benzo [ghi lperylene methyl-278 0-PAC methylpicenea methyl-278

278 278 276 292 292 292 292 290 292 292 324 324 320 306 302 306 302 302 302 300 300 302 302 300 302 302 302 318 320

methylpicene a 0-PAC 1,2,9-trimethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropi~ene~ 2,2,9-trimethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropicene@ methyl-0-PAC dibenzo[b,e Ifluoranthene methyl-0-PAC

coronene naphtho[l,2,3,4-def]chrysene dibenzo [fg,o p ] tetracene benzo [rst lpentaphene 0-methyl-PAC 0-meth y1-PAC

Tentatively identified by mass spectrometry.






amt, mg/kg


0.092 0.831 0.410 0.239 0.438 0.056 0.025 0.441 0.110 0.063 0.088 0.514 0.030 0.683 0.128 0.234 0.145 0.079 0.022 0.008 0.015 0.081

0.091 0.014 0.051

Very small.











Flgure 1. Glass capillary gas chromatogram of polycyclic aromatic compounds from the emission of brown coal briquets. GC conditions were as follows: glass, 0.3 mm X 50 m; see "Methods".

matography on nematic phase (glass column, 2 mm X 5 m; Supelco 301, 100-120 mesh, N,N'-bis(p-phenylbenzy1idine)-cu,a'-bis(p-toluidine)),

Mass Spectrometric Characterization and Identification of Brown Coal Exhaust Constituents (80 eV). The following types of PAC have been detected in brown coal



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Table 111. Separation of Some PAH from Flue Gar by a Combination of Three Filters aml; of PAH, mgl3.77 kg of coal


glass fiber filter I

glass fiber filter I1

silica gel filter

fluoranthene pyrene benzo[b Inaphtho [2,1-d ]thiophene benzokhi Ifluoranthene + benzo [clphenanthrene cyclopenta[cd Ipyrene benz[u]anthracene chrysene t lriphenylene benzofluoranthenes ( b + j + k ) benzo [e Ipyrene benzo[u Ipyrene perylene indeno[l,2,3-cd Ipyrene benzo [ghilperylene anthanthrene coronene

33.4 25.6 8.0 6.9 4.6 8.3 11.7 17.1 5.1 11.3 1.6 3.8 3.0 0.87 0.81

0.045 0 0.023 4 0.000 22 0.000 23