Determination of Protactinium by Gamma Spectrometry - Analytical

Radiochemical separation of 231Pa from siliceous cake prior to its determination by gamma ray spectrometry. Aditi A. Dalvi , Rakesh Verma. Radiochimic...
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The author \vishes to acknon-ledge the assistance of R. J. Boyer who olltained most of t’he analytical data. The author also wishes to express hie thanks t o W.F. Ulrich. C. G . Peattie, J. Rae, and T. .J. Robirhaux for their aid :md suggestions in the prt.paration of this manuscript.

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( 7 ) Campbell, W.J., Carl, H. F., As.II.. CHEJI. 26, 800 (1954). (8) Ilianiond, J. J., Ibid., 27, 913 (10551, (9) Friedman, H., Birks, 1,. S., Rei’. Scr’. LITERATURE CITED Instr. 19, 323 (1948). ( 1 ) .Idler, I., Aselrod, J. M.!-1s.~~.(10) Friedmnn, H., Birks, I,. S.,Brooks, (:HEM. 27, 1002 (1955). E. J., Am. Soc. Testing .\Iateriuls, (2) .4tiler, I.. Aselrod, J. hI., Spectm-hiiti. Spec. Tech. Pirbl. 157, 3 (1054). .Icta 7 , 01 (1955). ( l l ) H i i i ~ w o r k ,0. S . , Kittnw, S. H..

Determination of Protactinium

(12) Kobe, Iniposium of American Association of Spectrographers, Chicago, Ill., hLlai- 4, 1956. Publiwtion S o . 90, Shell Development Co., I