Determination of Silicon in Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys - Analytical

Determination of Silicon in Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys. H. V. Churchill, R Bridges, and M. F. Lee. Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed. , 1937, 9 (5), pp 201â€...
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Determination of Silicon in Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys H. Y. CHURCHILL, R. W. BRIDGES,


M. F. LEE, Aluminum Research Laboratories, New Kensington, Pa.


REVIEW of the literature shows that analytical chemists have been more or less dissatisfied with the status of procedures for the determination of silicon in aluminum and aluminum alloys. The main basis of uncertainty lies in the fact that conventional methods of acid decomposition of the sample often yield a residue after dehydration which contains both silicon and silica. This situation is satisfactorily met by an alkaline fusion of the residue which oxidizes the silicon so that all the silicon before volatilization is present as silica. Callendar @), however, pointed out the possibility and the actuality of errors in the determination of silicon by means of acid solution of the sample. The error was shown to be caused by a volatilization loss of silicon during solution of the sample. The possibility of such error has been tacitly recognized in most silicon methods by the use of oxidizing acids. Thus the inclusion of nitric acid in most acid mixtures recommended has silicon oxidation as one of its purposes. Analytical work on various aluminum alloys prepared under careful control seems to indicate that acid decomposition yields satisfactory results in most cases, although in others low results seem to be produced. It seems obvious that silicon losses would be affected by the exact kind of acid used, the physical condition of the silicon as controlled by the thermal history of the metal being analyzed, and possibly by the compounds in which the silicon occurred. Typical analytical data covering the above points are shown in Table I. In the second column 0, H, W , and T have the following meaning: 0 designates metal which is fully annealed. H designates metal in a hard temper produced by cold working. W means temper of metal produced by solution heat treatment without any subsequent precipitation heat treatment. In the case of 175, T refers to the temper of metal produced by solution heat treatment followed by aging a t room temperature. In the case of 51S, T means the temper produced by solution heat treatment followed by a precipitation heat treatment. The third column refers to the use of an acid mixture made up of 485 cc. of water, 115 cc. of sulfuric acid, 200 cc. of hydrochloric acid, and 200 cc. of nitric acid. These proportions are not fortuitous but are the resultant of evolution based upon necessity. Smaller proportions of nitric acid result in low silicon recoveries. The data in Table I are representative of a larger amount of data which cannot be presented within allowable space limitations. Data indicate satisfactory agreement between

tri-acid and sodium hydroxide results except in specific cases discussed below, and indicate a trend toward low results in the case of perchloric acid. TABLEI. SILICONCONTENT OF ALUMINUM AND ALUMINUM ALLOYS (As determined after three methods of decomposition) Metal Decomposed TriPerch!oric So um Temper or Thermal History acid acid hydroxide


Alloy 519















24 hours a t 148.89' C. (300' F.)


24 hours a t 260' C. (500' F.)




24 hours at 300" C.


24 hours at 500° C.





0.93 0 93 0.85 0.86 0.89 0.88 0.50 0.51 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.19 0.20 0.19 0.25 0.25

0.92 0 93 0.75 0.73 0.84 0.84 0.51 0.51 0.49 0.49 0 48 0.47 0.17 0.17 0.16 0.10 0.17 0.17 0.25 0.24 0.24 0.25 0.20 0.25 4.96 4.97 4.97 4.98 4.91 4.91

0.94 0.93 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.94 0.51 0.51 0.49 0.48 0.49 0.49 0.19




24 hours at 148.89' C. (300' F.)


24 hours at 260' C. (500' F.)

0.25 0.25 0.25 5.06 5.05 5.06 5.05 4.99 5.00

0 19

0.20 0.20 0.21 0.21 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.27 0.26

0.26 5.05 5.05 5.03 5.08 5.00 6.03

Marked differences between the tri-acid and the sodium hydroxide results are shown in the case of 51s-W and 51s-T. Satisfactory agreement is shown between the two methods when 51s-0 is analyzed for silicon. Table I1 shows the normal alloying constituents or impurities present in the alloys. TABLE11. NOMINAL COMPOSITION OF METALS ANALYZED 2s








I I 0.50


Silicon 10 I 5.00 Iron I I I Manganese .. 1.25 .. Copper I I I Magnesium .. I indicates element present only &I impurity












It is apparent that significantly discrepant results occur only in the case of aluminum alloyed with magnesium silicide and then only when the metal is in a heat-treated condition. In laboratories wherein aluminum and aluminum alloys are analyzed on a routine basis, the filtrate from the silicon determination is used for the determination of other elements. When the tri-acid method is used for silicon, this filtrate is a sulfate solution which is convenient for further work. The filtrate, when the sodium hydroxide method is used, may consist of either sulfates or perchlorates according to which acid is used for dehydrating silica. However, the solution contains large amounts of sodium salts which are somewhat undesirable. The tendency toward low results found when perchloric acid is used as the decomposition reagent is somewhat disappointing; the use of this acid is usually desirable in determining silica, since dehydration of silica is satisfactory and the subsequent re-solution of salts is more easily effected than when sulfuric acid is used. The data shown are representative of many other data, all of which indicate that while the tri-acid method is satisfactory in most cases the sodium hydroxide method should be used when aluminum-magnesium silicide alloys are analyzed for silicon. The following methods give satisfactory service in determining silicon in aluminum and aluminum alloys.

Tri-Acid Solution Method Place I gram of sample in a 250-cc. beaker. Keeping the beaker covered as much as possible, cautiously add 35 cc. of acid mixture No. 1 (485 cc. of water, 115 cc. of sulfuric acid, 200 cc. of hydrochloric acid, and 200 cc. of nitric, acid). When no further action can be seen, evaporate till heavy fumes of sulfuric acid are evolved for 15 minutes, cool, add 10 cc. of 1to 3 sulfuric acid and 100 cc. of hot water, and boil until salts are dissolved. Stir in some aper pulp, filter through a close-textured paper, and wash welfwith hot water. Evaporate the filtrate t o fumes, cool, dissolve in water, add pulp, filter, and wash as before. Ignite the residues in a platinum thimble. After cooling, mix with 1 to 8 grams (depending on amount of residue) of sodium carbonate. Fuse cautiously until nearly uiet, then finish with a strong heat. Run the melt up the sides the crucible, cool, and place in a beaker with 50 CC. of 1 to 3 sulfuric acid. When the melt has dissolved, remove the crucible, washing it out into the beaker. Evaporate, continue heating until heavy fuming has taken place for at least 15 minutes, and remove from heat. While still moderately warm, add a little cold water, followed by 100 cc. of hot water. Heat to complete solution of the


VOL. 9, NO. 5

soluble salts, but avoid too long treatment, aa the silica tends to redissolve. Filter, after stirring in some paper pulp, and wash thoroughly with hot water. Evaporate the filtrate and heat t o fuming again to separate silica, which may have esca ed the former dehydration, and combine with the first residue oftsined. Dry the filters with contents, then ignite in a platinum crucible at 500' C. until free from carbon, finish at 1000° C., cool, and weigh. Moisten with a few drops of diluted sulfuric acid and add several cubic centimeters of hydrofluoric acid. Evaporate dry, ignite, cool, and weigh again. The loss in weight represents silica. Deduct a determined blank. Silicon = silica X 0.4672.

Sodium Hydroxide Solution Method Dissolve 0.5 to 1.0 gram of sample in a covered Monel metal beaker, using 15 cc. of 30 per cent sodium hydroxide solution. When violent action ceases, place on a hot plate and heat gently until the volume of solution is reduced to about 5 cc. If t h e solution is still dark, add 2 or 3 cc. of 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide to hasten oxidation and again reduce the volume to about 5 cc. Transfer the concentrated sodium hydroxide solution to a Pyrex beaker containing 80 cc. of 1 t o 1 sulfuric acid. Thoroughly police the Monel metal beaker and, using a few cubic centimeters of dilute sulfuric acid, wash any adhering material into the Pyrex beaker. Add 2 cc. of concentrated nitric acid. Evaporate t o copious fumes and finish by the usual silica volatilization procedure. (This method with double dehydration was used t o obtain results shown in last column of Table I.) ALTERNATIVEMETHOD. (This procedure is now preferred to the one given above because after dehydration salts are more easily dissolved.) Transfer the solution to a Pyrex beaker containing 65 cc. of 1t o 1 sulfuric acid and 20 cc. of 60 per cent perchloric acid. Thoroughly police the Monel beaker and cover and, using a few cubic centimeters of dilute sulfuric acid, wash any adhering material into the Pyrex beaker. Make double dehydration by evaporation t o copious fumes and finish by usual silica volatilization procedure. Another alternative procedure, substantially as published by the Aluminum Research Institute (I), is: Neutralize the concentrated sodium hydroxide solution with 1 to 1 hydrochloric acid and transfer it to a Pyrex beaker. Add 20 cc. of 60 per cent perchloric acid. Evaporate to copious fumes, cool, add 50 cc. of hot water, bring to a boil, filter at once using an ashless paper pulp, and wash with warm 1per cent hydrochloric acid. Add 10 cc. of perchloric acid to filtrate, fume, and filter as before. Dry the filters with contents, then ignite in a platinum crucible at 1000" C. Add a few drops of sulfuric acid and ignite to constant weight. Cool and weigh. Finish by the usual silica volatilization procedure.

Literature Cited (1) Aluminum Research Institute, Standard Methods for Sampling and Analyning of Aluminum and Certain Aluminum Alloys, 1932. (2) Callendar, L. H., AnaEyst, 58, 81 (1933) RBCEWED February 5 , 1937.

Determining the Aniline Point of Dark Petroleum Products LEON DO",

The Texas Company, Beacon, N. Y.


HE aniline point (2) is the solution temperature of an oil with an equal part by volume of aniline. The Institution of Petroleum Technologists (1) describes a method for the determination of the aniline point of an oil, and remarks, regarding opaque oils (a), that their aniline points can usually be determined with suitable illumination or by observation of the thin film of the mixture which is splashed up on the sides of the tube during stirring.

This method works with both transparent and not too dark oils. In the case of really opaque materials, however, it is practically impossible to obtain better than a rough ap-

proximation of the correct result. In view of this, a method has been developed particularly for dark products and has been found to give results that are in excellent agreement with those obtained by the I. P. T. method. A consideration of the viscosity of a slowly cooling solution of two liquids in the region of their solution temperature reveals the following facts: 1. Above this temperature where true solution holds, the viscosity of the solution increases uniformly with decreasing temprature. 2. When, on cooling, the solution temperature is reached