Determination of Tetraethyllead in Gasoline - American Chemical

A method for the determination of tetraethyllead in gasoline is described in which the tetraethyllead is decomposed with iodine and the lead subsequen...
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Vol. 16, No. 1

essary to break the tip and direct the violently expelled foam into a large beaker. The synthetic rubber htex must next bo stabilized by the addition of an antioxidant. Two per cent of dispersed phenyl-beta-naphthylamine has been found convenient and satisfactory. The dispersion of the stabilizer can be ohtained by aqueous dilution of an alcoholic solution. The latex can be coagulated by any method customarily employed for breaking emulsions or coagulating natural rubber latex. Following coagulation, the rubber is washed free of soap and electrolytes, using a Biichner filter and filter paper, and dried in air, preferably at a low temperatnre. The yield, mcur&te to =k2Y0, can be obtained hv weighing to 0.1 gram. Washing Coagulated Synthetic Rubber Sampler

give an accurate basis for calculating the partial yields at any given time during the process. Reaction curves plotted using these figures will not be affected by errom due t o variations in diameter of the individual tubes. The formation of foam, which breaks with difficulty, frequently interferes with the measurement of meniscus height. In such B case the tubes oan he centrifuged by swinging in a suitable tube on the end of a SO-em. (3-foot) rope. [Aocording to Reynolds (3) the accuracy of this method can be improved hy constriction of the tube st the position where the meniscus is read, together with high-speed centrifuging and redispersion of the emulsion by shaking after the reading.] If a gel forms, or if there is much cosgulation during polymerization, the height of the meniscus cannot he determined accurately. The end of the induction period, or the beginning of polymerization, is generally indicated by the appearance of z bluish opalescence, in addition to the change in height of the meniscus.


Many manufacturers of monomers, emulsifying agents, initiators, modifiers, and other ingredients going into polymeriaation reactions find i t necessary t o have a reliable polymerization procedure for testing the quality of their products. The procedure presented, despite some shortcomings, has many advantages. Minimum amounts of material are required and large numbers of experiments can be conducted in a relatively short time. A serious effort is made to point out Some of the pitfalls which beset investigators of polymerization regardless of the type of technique employed. The best recommendation for the procedure described is that i t has been used to develop certain types of synthetic rubber which are now in commercial production. LITERATURE CITED


(1) Balandina. V.,et al., Bull. a m3. 806. U.R. S . S..olasse a&. mnlh. nat.. Ser. chin., 1936,3974107. (2) Garvey, B. S., Jr.. IND. ENO.nmnr.,34,1320-3 (1942) (3) Reynolds. W.B..personal conmunication. (4) Suess. Piloh. and Rudorfer. Z. . vhvsik. Chem.. A179. 361-70 . (1937). (5) Wollthan and Becker. U. S.Patent 2,281,613(May 5, 1942)

Opening the reaction tubes presents no difficulty except when low partial conversions are under investigation. Then it is nec-

P ~ E ~ E N Tbefore E D the Division of Rubber Chemistry at the 105th Meeting of the Ana~nronlrC n e n a l c ~SOO~ETP. ~ Detroit. Mioh.

Determination of Tet:raethyllead in Gasoline HARRY GONICK AND J. J. MILANO, 5;hell Oil Company, Incorporated, Martinez, Calif. A method for the determination of totrao tetraethyllead i s decomposed with iodine acidimetric method emnlowinc- 8-hvdrox plicablo to all typos of garolinor. NTIL recently the most widely used method far the determination of tetraethyllead in zasoline w&s the bromination method described by Edgar. and Calingaert (S) in which the tetraethyllead was decomposed by the action of bromine. Although this method was rapid and convenient for the determination of tetraethyllead in straight-run gssolinos, difficulties were encountered with cracked gasolines owing t o the rapid absorption of bromine by the olefins present, in oompetition with the tetraethyllead. With gasolines of high olefin content it was necessary to brominate the gasoline completely to ensnre complete decomposition of the tetraethyllead. Even so, low results were frequently obtained. Moreover, the qnantity of bromine required for complete bromination of a gasoline of high olefin content was rather large (frequently in exoess of 200 prams) and added substantially to the cost of the analysis. In addition, the bromination reaction was violent and was accompanied by the evolution of corrosive vapors which caused considerable hmaxd to the operator. For these reasons, the


tad in gasoline is described in which the tho lead subsequently titrated b y a new noline. The method i s rapid end i s ap-

bromination method mas not suited to the routine analysis of cracked fuels. More recently other methods have been devised in which the gasoline is treated with hydrochloric acid and the lead determined in the acid extracts. The best known of these is the method of Calingaert and Gamhrill (81, recently adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials BS a tentative standard ( 1 ) . Although this method gives satisfactory results with all types of gasolines, the over-dl time required for a determination is somewhat lengthy and specialized equipment is required. The method described in this paper was developed in &D effort t o reduce the time required for the tetraethyllead determination. By the proposed method, a single determination can be oompleted in one hour and for determinations in quantity only a small fraction of this time is required per determination. The accuracy of the method appeaxs t o be equal to previous methods and does not appear to he affected hy the type or composition of the gasoline. More than three thousand samples of gasoline,


January 15, 1944

representing all the principal brands and grades sold in the western states, have been analyzed successfully. PRINUPLE OF PROPOSED M E T H O D

As in previous methods, the determination of the tetraethyllead divides itself into two distinct parts: (1) the decomposition of the tetraethyllead to yield an inorganic lead salt, and (2) the determination of the lead. is,


IO ml 0 0624 NOUWAI

Figure 1.






rate, c.P., crystals. Hydrochloric acid, c.P., dilute solution ; 1 to 1; , Sodium chloride, c.P., crystals. 8-Hydroxyquinoline. O.OG5h i n GO per cent isopropyl alcohol. Standard sodium hydroxide, 0.0624N. Standard hydrochloric acid, 0.06245. (Standard 0.0624N acid and base were selected since these reagents are in general use in oil laboratories.) Methyl red indicator; dissolve 1 gram in 600 ml. of alcohol arid dilute to 1 liter with water. Phenol red indicator, 0.2 gram per liter of water. SEPARATION OF LEAD. Measure exactly 100 ml. (corrected to GO" F.) of the gasoline to be tested into a 500-ml. Erlenmeyer flask. Add 50 ml. of the iodine solutioii and allow to stand for a t least 5 minutes. Place the flask on a hot plate under a hot air stream and evaporate the gasoline to dryness. The velocity of the air stream and the temperature of the hot plate should be regulated so as to secure the maximum rate of evaporation without spattering or bumping. The air stream effectively suppresses the tendency toward bumping which is almost unavoidable without its use. The evaporation ordinarily takes from 15 to 20 minutes. Add 25 to 50 ml. of concentrated nitric wid (depending on the amount of the organic residue) and rotate the flask over a burner until dense fumes of iodine and nitrogen dioxide cease, Should any organic matter adhere to the walls of the flask continue rotatiiig the flask until it is completely dislodged.

S@DlL'h' HYCR?*'!)E

Effect of Sodium Chloride on Neutralization Curve of Solutions Containing Lead Ions

0.1 37 gram of Pb(NOa),

In 100 mi. of water. (1) N o NaCI added, (2) 5 grams of NaCl added

1. Ex eriments conducted in this laboratory showed t h a t tetraethyfiead is rapidly and quantitatively decomposed by the action of free iodine. Unsaturated hydrocarbons do not interfere, as they do not iodinate so rapidly as to compete with the tetraethyllead reaction. The gasoline is removed by evaporation under a hot air stream, and any organic matter remaining is subsequently oxidized with nitric acid and potassium chlorate. The inorganic residue remaining then contains all the lead in the form of inorganic salts including lead iodate, which is insoluble in water. The lead salts so obtained are converted to the more soluble chloride by treatment with hydrochloric acid. 2. The lead is determined by an acidimetric titration method: it is therefore necessary t o neutralize the solution exactly before titrating the lead. The neutralization of a solution containing lead salts ordinarily presents difficulties owing to the hydrolysis of the lead. These difficulties are obviated, however, by the presence of sufficient chloride ions which effectively suppress the hydrolysis of the lead. The effect of sodium chloride on the neutralization of a lead solution is shown by the curves in Figure 1. After the solution has been neutralized, an excess of 8-hydroxyquinoline is added. This reagent reacts with the lead ions t o liberate an equivalent quantity of acid which is then titrated with standard alkali. The reactions are assumed to be as follows:

HOCpH6N = -0CgHeNHf P b + + 2-OCgH6XHf = Pb(OCgH6NHf)z Pb(OCoHsNH+)* 20H- = Pb(OCoHsN),

(1) (2 ) 2Hz0 (3) As indicated in Equation 1, 8-hydroxyquinoline is amphoteric and goes over to the ionic form. When 8-hydroxyquinoline reagent is added to a solution containing lead ions, lead &hydroxyquinolinium ions are formed according to Equation 2. These are quantitatively titrated with standard alkali to pH 7 according to Equation 3. Other equilibrium reactions are undoubtedly involved, including reaction between lead 8-hydroxyquinolinium ions and excess reagent; however, the equations given indicate the essential result.





APPARATUS.The hot air-jet evaporator (Figure 2) is designed to direct a hot air stream into four Erlenmeyer flasks simultaneously during eva orations. Although the design shown has proved very satisfactory in actual practice, other designs which will accomplish the same urpose may be used. REAGENTS.Iodine, saturated)solution in carbon tetrachloride (technical). Sitric acid, c.P., concentrated. Potassium chlo-


X A i €


0 Z' 1

1: e)) Ouflefr

Figure 2.


E/ fV'T/ON


Hot Air-Jet Evaporator

All interior metal parts must be heat-resistant

To the actively boiling solution add crystals of potassium chlorate until the organic matter is completely destroyed. The potassium chlorate should be added cautiously. The solution should not be permitted to evaporate to dryness while there is visible organic matter present as indicated by a brownish coloration of the solution; otherwise spontaneous ignition will occur and cause losses of lead. Usually all organic matter disappears after the first 2 or 3 grams of potassium chlorate have been added; however, one or two additional portions of 2 or 3 grams each are added in order to complete the oxidation. With practice, the oxidation of residues from cracked gasolines with potassium chlorate can be effected in 1 to 3 minutes. Evaporate the clear nitric acid solution to complete dryness. Should the solution exhibit any darkening during the evaporation,


6 Table

I. Determination of Tetraethyllead in Synthetic Gasoline Blends b y the Proposed Methoda Samples

SOc; cracked gasoline gasoline

+ 20% straight-run

100rl straight-run gasoliiie

505; cracked gasoline 50tG cracked gasoline

++ 50% isopentanc 5Oc/, alcohol

Tetraethyllead Content Calculated Drtermined Ml./yallo?l 3.07 3 07,3.06,3.07 1.54 1 , 5 4 , 1.54, 1 , 5 6 0.20 0 . 1 9 , o .2 0 , o . 19 3.00 3.00,3.00 1,50


0.30 1.54 1.54

O.29,0.20 1.54


These blends were made using cthyl fluid obtained from the Ethyl Corp.

add more potassium chlorate. The uae of the hot air stream is not recommended during this operation, as the cooling effect of the air stream impedes the oxidation of possible traces of organic matter. To ensure the complete destruction of organic mat,ter, heat the residue over a burner until it is completely fused. The residue after fusion should be white (see note below on the use of potassium chlorate). Allow the flask to cool somewhat, and add sufficient 1 t o 1 hydrochloric acid to dissolve the residue completely after 2 or 3 minutes’ boiling. Usually 10 to 20 ml. of the dilute acid are sufficient. After complete solution is effected evaporate to dryness. Special care should be exercised toward the end of the evaporation, as the potassium chloride formed has a tendency to spatter. Remove the remaining acid as completely as possible by thoroughly heating the flask while blowing a hot air stream into it, DETERMIXATION OF LEAD. Dissolve the residue in the flask in 150 to 200 ml. of distilled water, add 2 or 3 drops of methyl red indicator, and exactly neutralize the solution with 0.0624.V sodium hydroxide to the alkaline (yellow) end point of the indicator. Usually there will be a sufficient concentration of chlorides as a result of the preceding operations to suppress the hydrolysis of the lead. A deficiency of chlorides will render the neutral point indefinite, in which case 5 to 10 grams of sodium chloride should be added. At the neutral point one drop of 0.0624N acid should suffice to revert the indicator color from a canary yellow to a definite pink. Occasionally the methyl red indicator will show a fading tendency, owing to remaining traces of oxidizing substances. This fadin tendency is readily overcome by the addition of a few milliyiters of 0.1N sodium thiosulfate solution. Where the quantity of lead present is a proximately known, the titration of the lead is carried out as ~!ollows: To the neutralized solution add a 2- to 3-ml. excess of the 8-hydroxyquinolime reagent and a similar excess of the standard sodium hydroxide solution. Stopper the flask and shake vigorously for a few seconds to break up the precipitate and liberate any occluded substances. Add sufficient phenol red indicator (about 3 ml.) to produce a definite pink color and back-titrate the excess alkali with standard hydrochloric acid. The hydrochloric acid should be added dropwise toward the end of the titration and the end point taken on the yellow (acid) side of the indicator change. Agitate the flask when observing the end point and ignore any plnk fluorescence which may appear after settling of the precipitate. It is advisable to redetermine the end oint by adding a further excess of alkali and repeating the baci-titration with acid. Make certain that there is a 2- to 3-ml. excess of the 8hydroxyquinoline reagent over the net volume of alkali consumed. When the approximate quantity of lead is not previously known, the titration must be carried out stepwise in order to secure the correct excess (2 t o 3 ml.) of the 8-hydroxyquinoline reagent, Add about 3 ml. of phenol red indicator to the solution which has been previously neutralized to methyl red. Now add the %hydroxyquinoline in 3-ml. increments and after each addition add an equal volume of 0.0624N sodium hydroxide. An excess of the 8-hydroxyquinoline reagent is indicated when the addition of the alkali increment renders the solution alkaline (yk) to the phenol red indicator. At this point stopper the ask, shake vigorously for a few seconds, and back-titrate the excess alkali R-ith standard acid to determine the approximate consumption of alkali. Adjust the volume of 8-hydroxyquinoline added, so that there is an excess of 2 to 3 ml. over the net volume of alkali consumed (volume of standard alkali minus volume of standard acid). A larger excess of 8-hydroxyquinoline should be avoided, as this reagent exhibits a slight buffering effect which interferes with the end-point determination. Redetermine the

Vol. 16, No. 1

end point after the addition of a further 2 to 3 ml. of standard alkali by back-titration with standard acid as already described. Two equivalents of titratable acid are formed for each mole of lead. The solutions should be standardized against a known quantity of lead, using the same titration procedure as in the analysis. Pure test lead or lead nitrate may be used as a standard. The result expressed in milliliters of tetraethyllead per gallon of gasoline is obtained by multiplying the PbO equivalent (expressed in grams) of the net volume of sodium hydroxide consumed by 33.24.

KSE OF POTASSIUM CHLORITE. In order to determine the explosion hazard attending the use of potassium chlorate-nitric acid mixtures for the oxidation of organic residues, the effects of various conditions were investigated. I t waj found that a mild explosion would sometimes occur in the vapor if the liquid not kept actively boiling during the oxidation process. In every case the explosion was preceded by a dense accumulation of greenish yellow vapors (probably a mixture of chlorine and organic vapors). The explosion hazard appeared to be completely eliminated by maintaining the solution in an actively boilin,. condition during the oxidation process, in which case the accurnulation of greenish yellow fumes Tas prevented. By following this procedure more than 3000 samples have been analyzed without an explosion. In spite of this record it is suggested that a protective mask be worn by the operator during the oxidation.

Table II.

Comparison of A.S.T.M. and Proposed Methods

Samples Competitive Q gasolines Brand I Brand I1 Brand I11 Brand IV Brand V Competitive E t h y l gasolines Brand I Brand I1 Brand I11 Brand IV Brand V Brand VI Brand VI1 Aviation gasolines Brand I Brand I1 Brand I11

Tetraethyllead Content .I.S.T.M. method Proposed method MZ./gallon 0.26 0.06 1.26 0.37 0.53

0.26 0.07 1.25 0.38 0.53

1.35 1.78 1.92 1.87 1.58 2.01 1.06

1.35 1 .EO 1.93,1.94, 1.93 1.87 1.57 2.01 1.08

3.04 3.05 2.97,2.97,2.97

3.04 3.06 3.00,3.00,2.99


h series of synthetic blends of tetraethyllead in cracked and straight-run gasolines was prepared t o check the accuracy of the method. Blends were also prepared with the addition of isopentane and alcohol and analyzed by the described method. The results of these experiments are shown in Table I. A comparison of results obtained by the proposed method and by the -4.S.T.M. method ( I ) is shown in Table 11. LITERATURE CITED

(1) .Im. Soc. Testing Materials, Designation D526-41T. (2) Calingaert and Gambrill, IND. ENO.CHEM.,.INIL. ED., 11, 324

(1939). (3) Edgar and Calingaert, Ibid., 1, 221 (1929).

American Society for Testing Materials Meetings The 1944 Spring Meeting and Committee Week of A.S.T.RI. is to be held in Cincinnati, Ohio, a t the Netherland Plaza from February 28 to March 3. The 47th Annual Meeting will be held in New York, S. T., at the Waldorf-Astoria June 26 to 30, 1944.