Determination of Thresholds for Capsaicin in Aqueous and Oil-Based

2Department of Process Engineering in Food and Servicing Business, ... and capsaicin is the most important active sensory component and provides the o...
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Chapter 13

Determination of Thresholds for Capsaicin in Aqueous and Oil-Based Solutions

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Désirée Schneider,*,1 Ingrid Seuß-Baum,1 and Elmar Schlich2 1Department

of Food Technology, University of Applied Sciences Fulda, Marquardstr. 35, 36039 Fulda, Germany 2Department of Process Engineering in Food and Servicing Business, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Stephanstr. 24, 35390 Giessen, Germany *E-mail: [email protected].

The pungency detection thresholds for capsaicin in an aqueous and an oil-based solution were determined and compared. Thresholds were measured for 21 students (12 chili users and 9 non-users) using a 3-Alternative Forced Choice sensory test with ascending concentrations of capsaicin in either an aqueous (0.0225 ppm, 0.045 ppm, 0.090 ppm, 0.180 ppm and 0.360 ppm) or an oil solution (0.150 ppm, 0.450 ppm, 1.350 ppm, 4.050 ppm). In addition, the panelists were asked to identify the site of irritation (throat, tongue or both). The Best Estimate Thresholds for capsaicin were determined to be 0.080 ppm in the aqueous solution and 0.826 ppm in the oil solution. Chili users generally showed lower thresholds compared to non-users. Differences between users and non-users were not significant, suggesting that no desensitization effects occur; however, differences were more pronounced in the oil-based solution. In most cases, the primary irritation was experienced in the throat.

© 2015 American Chemical Society In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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Introduction Chili peppers are very popular and are often used as spices throughout the world. Capsaicinoids are the pungent components in plants of the genus Capsicum, and capsaicin is the most important active sensory component and provides the oral sensation of heat (1). The primary sensory responses to this component include burning, tingling, and pain (2). Capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin, the two major capsaicinoids in chili peppers, are responsible for approximately 90 % of the total pungency (3). The most common method for the sensory determination of pungency attributed to capsaicinoids was defined by Wilbur Scoville in 1912 (4). According to this method, an alcoholic extract of the dried pepper is produced. The alcoholic solution is then added drop by drop to sweetened water until a distinct but weak pungency is perceptible on the tongue. The degree of dilution represents a value on the Scoville scale and is then expressed in Scoville Heat Units (SHU). According to this method, pure capsaicin shows a Scoville rating of approximately 16.000.000 SHU. Additional examples of Scoville ratings are listed in Table 1:

Table 1. Examples for Capsicum Fruits and Preparations and Their Corresponding Scoville Rating (Modified from BfR (5)) Product

Scoville rating (in SHU)

Paprika powder (piquant)

100 -500

Tabasco sauce


Green Jalapeno chili, fresh


Chili powder


However, the accuracy of this test is often criticized, and modified versions have been developed.

Problems with Heat Determination in Foods Although multiple methods to analyze the pungency of chilies exist, there are only a few studies (6–10) on the pungency thresholds for capsaicin, and these studies display inconsistent results. Another problem is that the intensity and duration of the heat are dependent on the food system (11–13). Amongst other ingredients, the fat content varies in food. Capsaicin is lipophilic, which could be a potential reason for the difference in the perception of pungency in products with a high fat content (12). Therefore, a prediction of capsaicin’s sensory impact based on an aqueous system may overestimate the perceived intensity in fat-based foods. Furthermore, individual differences in the perception of the pungency of chili consumption (14) and burn localization were determined (8). 172 In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

The objectives of this study were to determine and compare the absolute thresholds for capsaicin in aqueous versus oil-based solutions, to determine whether chili users and non-users differ with respect to the perception of capsaicin, and to analyze the localization of the first sensation triggered by capsaicin.

Materials and Methods Capsaicin Threshold Determination

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Panel The capsaicin threshold study included 21 healthy subjects (4 males, 17 females) between the ages of 20 and 25. The subjects were all students of the Department of Food Technology at the University of Applied Sciences Fulda. The selection criteria included availability, basic experience in sensory methods and evaluation, and an interest in participation. Chocolate and book vouchers were offered as incentives. The subjects filled out a simple questionnaire on the frequency of consumption of pungent food and preferred intensity. The subjects were subsequently designated as either chili pepper users or non-users. Those who consumed chili at least once a week and who scored 5 or higher on a scale from 0-10 for preferred intensity of pungency were classified as users, and those with an intensity score lower than 5 and a chili consumption of less than once a week were classified as non-users. In this study, 12 subjects were classified as users and 9 as non-users.

Stimuli/Sample Preparation The irritant stimulus was capsaicin, the main pungent component of the chili pepper. For the threshold determination in water, the test samples consisted of capsaicin dissolved in water. Capsaicin is not soluble in water, and therefore, the food-grade emulsifier polysorbate 80 was used to dissolve the stimulus in water. Because polysorbate 80 has a slightly bitter taste, the polysorbate 80-water mixture served as a reference sample. For the threshold determination in oil, the test samples consisted of sunflower oil containing capsaicin. Pure sunflower oil served as a reference sample. The concentrations of capsaicin in the test samples are shown in Figure 1.

Experimental Procedure The detection threshold values of capsaicin were determined through the use of the 3-Alternative Forced Choice (3-AFC) procedure according to ISO 13301:2002 (15). The subjects were asked to identify the odd sample in the triangle sets at each concentration. The experimental design of the 3-AFC sensory test is illustrated in Figure 1. 173 In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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Figure 1. Experimental design of the 3-AFC sensory test: determination of thresholds of capsaicin in water (left) and in sunflower oil (right).

Each 5 ml sample was given a 3-digit code and presented to the panelists in a laboratory glass at room temperature. Five rows (in water) or four rows (in oil) of three samples in ascending concentrations, one test sample and two reference samples were presented to the panelists on a tray. To avoid positional bias, three combinations of orders of presentation (ABB, BAB, BBA) were balanced across the tray and among the panelists. The panelists were instructed to test each sample in the presented sequence, from left to right. The panelists were requested to put the whole sample into the mouth, swirl it around and then swallow it completely. The subjects were asked to identify the odd sample in the set of three at each concentration. If the panelists were uncertain, they were instructed to guess according to the forced choice principle. The threshold concentrations of the sample solutions were 0.0225 ppm, 0.045 ppm, 0.090 ppm, 0.180 ppm and 0.360 ppm capsaicin; the concentrations of the series increased in 2-unit steps and were chosen based on pilot work. The concentrations for threshold testing in sunflower oil were 0.150 ppm, 0.450 ppm, 1.350 ppm and 4.050 ppm and increased in 3-unit steps. The panelists also identified the localization of the burning sensation (tongue, throat or both) by placing a cross in the corresponding box at each concentration (Table 2). Furthermore, they were instructed not to give an answer if the exact localization of the burn was unknown. If they were uncertain and guessed which sample was odd, they were instructed to make a note. The corresponding scoresheet of the 3-AFC test is shown in Table 2. 174 In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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Table 2. Scoresheet 3-AFC Test (Threshold Determination of Capsaicin in Oil)

Data Analysis The Best Estimate Threshold (BET) for each panelist was determined by calculating the geometric mean of the last missed concentration and the first concentration with a correct response followed by correct answers in the remaining sequence. The BET of the group (group threshold) was determined as the geometric mean of the individual BETs (15). An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to test the significance of differences in thresholds of capsaicin between water and oil and between chili users and non-users.

Results Threshold Comparison of Capsaicin in Water versus Oil The individual thresholds of the panel in water and in oil are illustrated in Figure 2. The x-axis represents the concentrations of the individual thresholds, and the y-axis represents the percentage of panelists with the corresponding individual thresholds. Most of the panelists recognized the pungency at a concentration of 0.0636 ppm in water and 0.7794 ppm in oil. The group BETs for capsaicin were 0.080 ppm in aqueous and 0.826 ppm in oil solutions as shown in Figure 3. ANOVA showed that the threshold in water was significantly lower (p < 0.01) than in oil-based solutions. 175 In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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The thresholds in oil were higher than those in water by a factor of approximately 10. The differences between users and non-users were not statistically significant in either water or oil. Users of pungent food, however, tended to show lower thresholds in water and oil than non-users. This observation was particularly notable in the oil-based solution, where users showed lower thresholds than non-users, suggesting that sensitization effects may play a role. However, because of the small number of panelists, there was no statistical significance. Figure 4 illustrates the capsaicin concentrations plotted against the percentage of correct answers. The percentage of correct answers increased at the higher concentrations of capsaicin in water and oil. No clear differences between users and non-users can be observed in water (data not shown). However, compared to non-users, more chili users perceived the pungency at lower concentrations in the oil-based solution. For example, 50% of the chili users perceived the pungency at a concentration of approximately 0.5 ppm, but 50% of the non-users did not perceive the pungency until a concentration of approximately 1.3 ppm.

Figure 2. Individual thresholds for capsaicin in water (left) and in oil (right). 176 In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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Figure 3. Comparison of Best Estimate Thresholds (group BET, geometric mean in ppm) for capsaicin in water and oil for users and non-users of chili peppers.

Figure 4. Capsaicin concentrations plotted against the percentage of correct answers (3AFC-test). 177 In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

Determination of the Burn Localization

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At each concentration, the panelists had to determine the localization of the first sensation triggered by capsaicin: either in the throat, on the tongue, or both. Only the panelists who gave correct answers in the triangles were accepted for the analysis. The results for the localization of the burning sensation caused by capsaicin in water and oil are shown in Figure 5. Most of the panelists perceived the burn predominantly in the throat with both the water and oil solutions. However, other panelists perceived a burn on the tongue or both on the tongue and in the throat.

Figure 5. Localization of the burning sensation (number of answers).

Discussion Thresholds in Oil and Water As shown in Table 3, the results of the present study are consistent with the results of other groups (6) that reported lower thresholds for capsaicin in water compared to oil. Lawless and colleagues reported a threshold in water of approximately 0.31 ppm and in oil of approximately 11.75 ppm (6). 178 In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

Table 3. Comparison of Thresholds for Capsaicin with Results from the Literature

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Lawless and Hartono (2000) (6)

Present study

In oil

11.75 ppm

0.83 ppm

In water

0.31 ppm

0.08 ppm

The clear difference between the thresholds in Table 3 was most likely caused by the use of different methods. In this study, the panelists were instructed to swallow the sample, but in the study from Lawless and Hartono (6), the panelists were presumably instructed to expectorate the sample after “swirling” the sample around in the mouth (6). These results support previous findings (8), which indicated that the oral cavity is not uniformly sensitive to chemical irritants and that the throat plays an important role in the perception of chemesthetic stimuli during ingestion. Other studies have shown an inverse relationship between response to heat intensity and fat content (11, 12, 16). Threshold differences in oil versus water can be explained by the idea that the lipophilic capsaicin dissolves better in an oily carrier than in water, and thus less capsaicin interacts with the trigeminal receptors in the oral cavity (11, 13). However, other groups could not confirm that a higher fat content leads to a reduction in the burning sensation evoked by capsaicin (17, 18). One possible reason for these findings may be that the oral irritant is suppressed in an oily carrier rather than a pre-triggered stimulus because of the capsaicin-receptor interaction.

Differences between Users and Nonusers Differences between users and non-users were not statistically significant (p > 0.05) in either water or oil. Users of pungent food, however, showed a lower threshold in water and oil compared to non-users. A trend could be observed, especially in oil, that users showed lower thresholds compared to non-users, suggesting that sensitization effects occur (6, 19). In addition, Lawless and Hartono observed that higher chili consumption is associated with lower thresholds but that these differences were less pronounced in the water-based stimuli (6). Orellana-Escobedo et al. (2012) (9) reported an absolute threshold concentration of 0.050 ppm for the total amount of capsaicinoids, defining the total capsaicinoid content as the sum of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin in the tested samples (9). Thus, Mexican participants, who regularly consume chili products, showed marginally lower thresholds compared to the current German participants. This outcome begs the question: why is the difference between chili users and non-users, more pronounced in oil than in water? It is possible that the group size in the present study was too small to achieve statistical power, especially in the aqueous media group. 179 In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

Conversely, other authors have reported that chili users show a lower response to irritants because of desensitization effects evoked by regular chili consumption, which led to lower intensity scores of pungency compared to non-users (14, 20). It is possible that chili users perceive pungency at lower concentrations than nonusers, but rate higher concentrations with a lower intensity.

Differences in Study Design

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As illustrated in Table 4, the study design and choice of emulsifier used to dissolve capsaicin in water may have influenced the results.

Table 4. Comparison of Thresholds for Capsaicin in Water from Different Studies Reference

Threshold in water (ppm)


Sugar added

Methods of testing



ethanol or polysorbate 80




0.039 - 0.078





0.098 (throat) 0.299 (tongue)

ethanol and polysorbate 80





polysorbate 80



polysorbate 80



current study


Emulsifiers were used because capsaicin is not soluble in water. In some studies (6–8), ethanol was used as an emulsifier. However, ethanol is also an activator of the capsaicin receptor and potentiates the response of the receptor to capsaicin (21). Accordingly, polysorbate 80 was used as an emulsifier in the current study, although Lawless and Hartono (2000) could not find a clear effect in threshold determination when comparing the use of ethanol versus polysorbate 80 as a solvent (6). Other authors, such as Krajewska and Powers (7) and Rentmeister-Bryant and Green (8), used water that contained sugar as a carrier. The latter group determined a higher threshold trend, indicating the masking effects of sugar. Despite these findings, other research groups (7) showed no clear evidence of higher thresholds when using sugar-based water solutions as carriers. Furthermore, the threshold variation may be explained by a difference in study design. In one study (6), the panelists were presumably instructed to expectorate the sample after “swirling” the sample around in the mouth. In other studies (7–9), the panelists were instructed to swallow the sample after a few minutes. 180 In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

Burn Localization

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The results support previous findings that indicated that the oral cavity was not uniformly sensitive to chemical irritants, and further suggest that the throat, which is innervated by two nerves (the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerve), plays an important role in the perception of chemesthetic stimuli during ingestion (8). Rentmeister-Bryant and Green also demonstrated that the thresholds determined for the throat were lower than the thresholds on the front or back of the tongue in aqueous solutions, and reported threshold concentrations of 0.098 ppm for the throat and 0.299 ppm for the tongue (8). In this study, it was observed that at low concentrations near the threshold, pungency was predominantly perceived in the throat, and at higher concentrations, the pungency sensation increased on the tongue and in the oral cavity.

Conclusion Lower thresholds for capsaicin were exhibited in water (0.080 ppm) compared to oil (0.826 ppm). Furthermore, participants with high chili consumption (users) exhibited lower thresholds compared to those with low chili consumption (non-users). The majority of both the users and non-users perceived the burn predominantly in the throat.

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182 In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.