Determination of trace metals using an electrothermal atomizer by

walls of the graphite furnace. At the onset of die atomization cycle of the graphite tube, a pulsed Nd:YAG laser Is triggered at 10 Hz and the output ...
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AMI. them. 1991, 63,1600-1602

Determination of Trace Metals Using an Electrothermal Atomizer by Laser-Induced Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry Vahid Majidi,* Jay T. Rae, and Judy Ratliff Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506

A new technique for ultratrace domental analyrk at mkropresent in atomic emission systems (e.g., having a single excitation source and multielement capabilities). Graphite gramAtw and/or mllWgrMI/Htw cancontrationk v . b k exatomic emission spectrometry is the simplest of these lmlnod. m ~ ~ I q u # s a m p b s M u ~ e d h d d furnace e techniques that utilizes electrothermal heating as the atoma graphlte furnace, then 6kd,ashod, and atomlzed from the ization and excitation source (5,s).Since the temperatures w d b of tho graphltefmaco. At the onsel of tho atomkakn obtained in this system are relatively low (