Determination of Traces of Certain Rare Earths in Zirconium ION

ACS Legacy Archive ... Ion Exchange Separation and Spectrographic Determination of Some Rare Earths in Beryllium, Uranium, Zirconium, and .... ACS on ...
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V O L U M E 2 7 , NO. 8, A U G U S T 1 9 5 5 mccessfullj- exeru(ed with test strips which contain only 5 t o 6 y of starting conipound in a spot 0.7 em. in diameter. T o conserve further the compound, t h e strip may be cut in half, thus halving the spot, and each half used is a different organic chemical reaction. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

T h e author a.ishes to express his appreciation t o Carmela Santomieri and AIadeline Goldstein for their valuable technical assistnncae. This study n-as made possible by a grant from the Jane Coffin Childs llemorial Fund for Medical Research. LITERATURE CITED (1) .kxelrod. L. 11.. J . A m . Chem. Soc.. 75, 4074 (1953). (2) Axelrod, L. I