Determination of Water in Nitrogen Tetroxide

The authors are indebted to Roland N. Smoot for carrying out the series of experiments from which the data collected in Table. I were obtained. LITERA...
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V O L U M E 21, N O , 7, J U L Y 1 9 4 9 ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The authors are indebted to Roland N. Smoot for carrying out the series of experiments from which the data collected in Table I were obtained. LITERATURE CITED (1) Aster, E., Verfkroniek, 6, 236 (1933); Chem. Zentr., 105, 1, 88 (1934). (2) Casto, C. C., and Boyle, A. J., IR'D.ESG. CHEM.,AXAL.ED., 15, 623 (1943). (3) Donnan, F. G., and LeRossignol, K., J . Chem. Soc., 83, 703 (1903). (4) Gamsulov, Ya. I., Zavodskaya Lab., 3, 984 (1934). (5) "Gmelins Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie." 8th ed., Vol. 59A, pp. 281, 287, 290, 292;-Vol. 59B, pp. 629-30, 1932.

801 (6) Hibbard, P. L., IND.ENG.CHEM.,ANAL.ED.,6,423 (1934). (7) Jeffreys. C. E. P., and Swift, E. H., J. Am. Chem. SOC.,5 4 , 3 2 1 9 (1932). (8) Just, G., Z.phys. Chem., 63,613 (1908). (9) Kiss, A. V., Rec. trav. chim., 52, 289 (1933). (10) Kolthoff: I. M.,and Furman, N. H., "Potentiometric Titrations, 2nd ed., p. 324, New York, John Wdey & Sons, 1931. (11) Koninck, L. L. de, and Prost, E., Z angew. Chem., 9, 460, 564 (1896); J . Chem. Soc., 1896,Abstracts. 11,p. 675. (12) L ~R.,~ z . anal. ~ Chem,, , 79, 161 (1929). (13) Ibid., 93, 21 (1933). (14) Saito, S., Bull. Inst. Phya. Chem. Research (Tokyo), 8, 921, Abstracts 2, 107. (15) Swift, E. t'System of Chemical ~ ~ ~ l p. ~ 542, ~ i yew ~ , > * York, Prentice-Hall, 1939. (16) Wagner' "' ' phya' Chem" '13' 261 (1924)' RECEIVED October 11.1948.

Determination of Water in Nitrogen Tetroxide GERALD C. WHITNACK AND CLIFFORD J. HOLFORD U . S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, Inyokern, Calif. A reliable and convenient method has been developed for the determination of small amounts of water that contaminate nitrogen tetroxide. It is believed that water reacts with nitrogen tetroxide to form nitric acid and hence nitric acid is the contaminant. The gas, in the presence of a stream of dry nitrogen, is passed over anhydrous sodium carbonate at 280' C. and then over metallic copper at 600" C. Most of the acidic substances are removed by anhydrous sodium carbonate, and remaining traces of oxides of nitrogen are completely removed by passage over metallic copper, The water released by these reactions is absorbed by anhydrous calcium sulfate and weighed. For samples containing about 0.5% water the precision of the determination corresponds to a standard deviation of 0.006q0 absolute.


HE: determination of water in nitrogen tetroxide in the past has not been accomplished in a satisfactory manner. Water will react with nitrogen tetroxide, forming nitric acid or nitric and nitrous acids (4, 9). The acid or acids must be neutralized in such a manner as to release the water, which can then be collected and weighed. The present report describes in detail the construction and operation of equipment applicable for the precise and convenient analysis of water in nitrogen tetroxide. MATERIALS AND APPARATUS

The anhydrous calcium sulfate was 8-mesh indicating Drierite

(W.A. Hammond Drierite Company). The indicator for oxides of nitrogen was a solution of diphenylamine (Eastman Kodak Company) in concentrated sulfuric acid. Nitrogen tetroxide used in developing the method was Matheson Company commercial grade. Purified nitrogen tetroxide was obtained by the method of Giauque and Kemp ( 3 ) . The assembled apparatus is shown in Figure 1. The Pyrex combustion tubes were approximately 300 mm. long, 13 mm. in inside diameter, and 17 mm. in outside diameter, and fitted with T 10/30 joints a t both ends. Combustion tube Ewas packed with anhydrous sodium carbonate (J. T. Baker Chemical Com any analytical grade), which was dried for 12 hours a t 120" C. 8omI bustion tube F was packed with copper oxide (wire form, J. T. Baker Chemical Company), and then was reduced with hydrogen at 200" t o 300' C. U-tube A contained Drierite and was used to ensure dryness of the nitrogen entering the system. The reaction vessel, B , consisted of a 15 X 2.5 em. (6 X 1 inch) Pyrex tube fitted with a 5 X 1 inch hollow T 29/42 glass stopper. Attached to the inside of this glass stopper was a glass hook from which plunger C was suspended. The plunger, filled with iron filings and weighing a proximatelv 20 grams, was small enough t o fall freely the length o f t he reactio; vessel. The combustion tubes

were heated in hinged combustion tube furnaces, G and H. The furnace temperatures were controlled by rheostats. A glass coil, J, with T 10/30 joints, was placed between combustion tube F and weighing tube K for flexibility. Weighing tubes K and L were standard Schwartz calcium chloride drying tubes 100 mm. long with two hollow T 14/20 ground joint stoppers and were filled with Drierite. The absorption bulb, M, contained an indicator solution of diphenylamine for detecting the presence of oxides of nitrogen in the escaping gas stream. Connections marked X (Figure 1)were sealed with de Khotinsky cement. A good flexible grade of rubber tubing served as connections marked Y (Figure 1). For convenience in preparing ampoules of samples t o be analyzed, a stock ampoule cooled to -20" C. m'as filled with about 50 grams of liquid nitrogen tetroxide directly from the cylinder. Small sampling ampoules of nitrogen tetroxide, of such size that they would freely enter the reaction vessel, were then prepared for analysis. The cooled stock ampoule was placed in an upright position with its stem protruding upward to a small opening in a stainless steel plate (placed for safety over the stock ampoule). The tared sample ampoule was then warmed and inverted, and its stem was placed in the stock ampoule below the surface of the liquid with its bulb resting on the rim of the hole in the stainless steel plate. The bulb of the sampling ampoule was then cooled with a cloth dipped in a mixture of dry ice and acetone. When filled, the sampling ampoule was quickly sealed, using a hand torch, and placed in a desiccator over Drierite for later analysis. Analyses of several samples of pure nitrogen tetroxide, in which the samples nere obtained in an evacuated system, indicated that the former technique of sampling was entirely adequate and offered a slight advantage, because the problem of recovering small broken particles of glass was eliminated when the ampoule was broken in the reaction vessel. I t was not possible to obtain a preweight of an empty ampoule by the latter method.



A small am oule containing 0.5 to 1.0 gram of nitrogen tetroxide is weighez and carefully placed in reaction vessel B. The ground-glass stopper containing plunger C is then put in place and sealed with de Khotinsky cement. A beaker, N , containing a dry ice-acetone mixture, is laced around the lower part of the reaction vessel (Figure 1). $his lowers the vapor Pressure of the liquid, and, when the ampoule is broken, prevents too rapid passage of the gas over the anhydrous sodium carbonate. The furnace temperatures are adjusted to 280" C. for E and 600" C. for

0.445% water with B standard deviation of about 0.006% absolute' ;Table 1). six samples of purified nitrogeIl tetroxide Nere analyzed for Water. Data presented in Table 11 d ~ an ~ average w of 0.02% water with standard deviation of 0.01% absolute. On the basis of these results a confidence range of 0.02 * 0.01% may be expected On Samples of purified nitrogen tetroxide containing traces of water

Figure 1. Assembled Apparatus K, L . U-tubes (weighing)

A . U-tube (drying) B. Reaction vessel C. Plunger D. Ampoule of nitrogen tetroxide

Combustion tube Combustion tube H . Electric furnaces Thermometer J . Glass coil E. F. G, I.

F. The air and water are removed from the apparatus in a stream of dr nitrogen. Complete removal is assumed when U-tubes K and Egive constant weight within +0.2 mg. on successive weighings a t 1-hour intervals. The plunger is then removed from the glass hook in the glass stopper with the aid of two bar magnets, S, and allowed to drop, breaking the ampoule of nitrogen tetroxide. The dry ice-acetone bath is now removed from the reaction vessel and the liberated gases are allowed to pass over the heated anhydrous sodium carbonate and metallic copper in the stream of dry nitrogen. At the end of the run the reaction vessel and exposed portions of the apparatus preceding the weighing tubes are heated with an alcohol lamp to expel the last traces of the sample through the reaction tubes and the water into the weighing tubes. The weighing tubes are then removed from the apparatus, wiped with lens paper, and weighed. The percentage of water in the liquid nitrogen tetroxide is computed from the increase in weight of the weighing tubes.

Data. A sample from a cylinder of Matheson commercial nitrogen tetroxide was analyzed for aater by the method described. Six aliquots from this sample showed an average of

M. Absorption vessel (diphenylamine)

N. Ice bath 0. Glass wool P . Asbestos (wrapping) R . Drierite S. Bar magnets X. Connections (cup and cone) Y. Connections (rubber)

To ascertain the precision and reliability of the method, B few experiments were made in which a known amount of distilled water was added to a known amount of pure nitrogen tetroxide by breaking ampoules of water and nitrogen tetroxide simultaneously in the reaction vessel. The results (Table 1111 indicate that the method has a precision, shown by a standard deviation obtained from six values, of about 7 parts per thousand The indexes of precision used in the statistical analysis of d a t a presented in Tables 1,lI,and III are as follows: Standard deviation (estimate)

Standard deviation of mean of n

Corifidence range (fiducial limits) = 5;

* tam


In the above Table I.

Determination of Water in Commercial Nitrogen Tetroxide

Nitrogen Tetroxide Grams





1.2153 6.4 0.44 1.1653 6.3 0.45 0,8079 3.6 0.45 0,8952 3.9 0.44 0,9022 4.0 0.44 0.7543 3.4 0.45 1, 2895n 13.9 1.08 0.7295O 7.5 1.03 Sample of Solvay Products nitrogen tetroxide containing 12 to 16% nitric oxide. Index of precision is based on first 6 samples (Matheson Co.

Z = mean of n observations of c. f = Student's t for the significancelevel desired and n- 1 degrees

of freedom ( 2 ) . For the 1 in 20 significance level and means of 6 ( 5 degrees of freedom) t is 2.571. DISCUSSION

The molecule of nitrogen tetroxide is considered to have the formula SnOa a t temperatures below - 11.0' C. and to dissociate into NO2 as the temperature rises (1).


e 2 NO*

ilt the temperature of the average laboratory the gas phase equilibrium is shifted to the right and the gas will contain both the simple molecule SO2 and the dimer S20+ As the liquid nitrogen tetroxide in the reaction vessel warms up, the gas passe?


V O L U M E 2 1 , NO. 7, J U L Y 1 9 4 9 Table 11. Determination of Water in Purified Nitrogen Tetroxide Nitrogen Tetroxide

Water Found


Table I l l .

0.6 0.6 0.2 0.6

0.01 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.01

n OR

Recover3 of Water Added to Purified Nitrogen Tetroxide

Nitrogen Tetroxide Present M Q


Mg. 0.2 0.4

2.0134 1.6750 2.4298 1.3237 2.1023 1,9934

Water Found

Water Idded


465.0 339.1 637.3 222.9 211.2 139.8

hater Reeoverrd




33.7 25.6 26.9 12.5 16.4 26.2

33.7 95.6 36.9 12.7 16.5 26.2

100.00 100.00 100.00 101.60 100.61

inn nn

Average, x = 100.377, Standard deviation, s = 0.65% abs. Standard deviation of mean (of 6). sn = 0.27% Confidence range, 100.37 * 0.687, Arcuraoy. 5 - true value = 0.37%






+ SazC03 +Na903 + KaSOz + CO,

The reaction of nitrogen tetroxide and water is generally writt,eri to indicate the formation of nitrous and nitric acids ( I , & . 520,

+ H20 +Hx03 + HNOz

Water in nitrogen tetroxide then would be present as acids. In obtaining the data for Table 111,it was observed that samples of purified nitrogen tetroxide and limited amounts of distilled water gave a green color when broken simultaneously in the reaction vessel. It is known that pure nitrogen trioxide is a blue liquid and that pure nitrogen tetroxide is an amber colored liquid, and the presence of the two liquids would result in a green color. The samples of nitrogen tetroxide which were used in the experiments (Table 111)had been shown to be free of water (Table II), and Free of nitric oxide by the method of Alilligan (6). Thus, the green color resulting from the reaction of pure nitrogen tetroxide and distilled water is probably due to the formation of nitrogen trioxide. The nitrogen t'rioxide would be present if nitric oxide were one of the products of the reaction of the pure nhogen tetroxide and water (9).


+ HzO 2HNO3 + SO + so, == S,Oa


+ +

+ +


When nitric or nitrous acid comes in contact with anhydrous sodium carbonate a t a temperature of 280 O C. sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite, respectively, are formed, and carbon dioxide and water arr released as gases. The water is absorbed by the Drierite in the weighing tubes. The carbon dioxide is not absorbed by the Drieritr and passes through the apparatus unchanged. To test the effect of carbon dioxide on Drierite, under the conditions of the analysis, a sample of carbon dioxide snow was used as a pure source and the gas was passed over the Drierite in the weighing tubes. Constant weight of the tubes indicated no interference from the gaseous carbon dioxide. The furnace temperature of 280" C. in the anhydrous sodium carbonate tube is high enough to ensure the release of all the water formed in the reaction and low enough to prevent any decomposition of sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite, or sodium carbonate. A t the temperature of the anhydrous sodium carbonate tube some of the nitrogen dioxide is dissociated into nitric oxide aiid oxygen (302 Ft KO l / 2 0 2 ) (8). In early experiments traces of oxides of nitrogen were found in the Drierite of the ~ e i g h i n gtubes. A solution of diphenylamine in concentratrd sulfuric acid indicated the presence of traces of oxides of nitrogen in the exit gas stream. A channeling of the gases through the anhydrous sodium carbonate was first thought to be the source of trouble. This possibility was discarded when traces of the oxides of nitrogen were still found in the exit gas stream, after the gases were allowed to pass through two tubes filled with anhydrous sodium carbonate and heated to 280" C . It is known that at a temperature of 150" C. nitrogen dioxide begins to be measurably dissociated into nitric oxide and oxygen ( 7 ) . As nitric oxide and oxygen come out of the heated anhydrous sodium carbonate tube and come in contact with the cooler part of the apparatus, they will re-form nitrogen dioxide. Consequently, oxides of nitrogen will appear in the exit gases When the escaping oxides of nitrogen come in contact with the water absorbed on the Drierite, a reaction giving nitric acid ur nitric and nitrous acids occurs. This gives rise to increased weight in thr weighing tubes and the data calculated as water are in error. To overcome this source of error, a tube containing metallic copper heated to 600" C. was placed in the apparatus in tandem with the tube of anhydrous sodium carbonate. B negative test was then obtained for oxides of nitrogen in the exit gases and on the Drierite. The final data were obtained with the apparatus including a tube filled with metallic copper and heated to 600" C. for complete removal of oxides of nitrogen. Commercial nitrogen tetroxide may contain some nitric oxide ds an impurity. If present the nitric oxide is probably in the liquid nitrogen tetroxide as the compound nitrogen trioxide


over the heated anhydrous sodium carbonate. Sodium nitrat'e and sodium nitrite arr formed and carbon dioxide is released as a gas.

following reactions which take place a t 280" C. in the anhydrous sodium carbonate tube. 2H&O '3 Na&03 +2NaN03 COZ HzO (6) 2 H 9 0 2 ?JazC03 +2SaK02 COZ -k HzO (7)



Alelvin and \T.ulf (6) studied the reaction of nitrogen tetroxide and water by ultraviolet absorption. They found that nitrous acid bands were plain only when nitric oxide was added in excebs, the nitric oxide effecting an increase in the concentration of nitrous acid. They favored the formation of nitric acid and nitric oxide, because the bands due to nitric oxide apprared in ultraviolet. The authors of this paper believe that the water present in nitrogen tetroxide under the conditions described is in the form of nitric acid. A further investigation of the products from the reaction of pure nitrogen tetroxide and limited amounts of water should solve this problem. Assuming that the water in liquid nitrogen tetroxide is present as nitric acid or as nitric and nitrous aczidq, w-r mav w i t ? the


+ xo,


Xitrogeii trioxide in the gaseous state is almost completely dissociated into nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide (C), and hence under the conditions of the analysis the equilibrium would be shifted to the left. ACKhOWLEDGMENT

The authors gratefully acknowledge the many helpful suggestions and constructive criticism of the contents of this report given them by Ross W.Moshier, G. B. L. Smith, and Sol Skolnik. The authors wish also to express their thanks to Charles M. Drew for help in construction of the apparatus, to D. S. Villars, Jersey City Junior College, for advice on statistical treatment of data, and to A. G. Khittaker and Lvnwood Barker for samples of purified nitrogen tetroxide.



This paper is published with the permission of L. T. E. Thompson, technical director of the Naval Ordnance Test Station. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Dennis, L. M., and Nichols, M. L., “Gas Analysis,” rev. ed., p. 228, New York, Macmillan Co., 1929. (2) Fisher, R. A., “Statistical Methods for Research Workers,” 10th ed., London, Oliver &Boyd, 1948. (3) Giauque, W. F., and Kemp, J. D., J . Chem. Phys., 6,40 (1938).

(4) Jacobs, M. B., “Analytical Chemistry of Industrial Poisons, Hazards and Solvents,” 1st ed., p. 281, New York, Interscience Publishers, 1941. ( 5 ) Melvin, E. H., and Wulf, 0. R., J . Chem. Phys., 3,755-9 (1935). (6) Milligan, L. H., J.Phys. Chem., 28, 545 (1924). Gen. Elec. Rev., 41,106 (1938). (7) Stack, S.S., (8) Taylor, H. S., “Treatise on Physical Chemistry,” Vol. 1, p. 328, New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1924. (9) Yost, D. M., and Russell, H., “Systematic Inorganic Chemistry,” p. 78, New York, Prentice-Hall, 1944. RECEIVED October 4, 1948.

Determination of Fungicides in Varnishes and Wood Sealers Salicylanilide, Pentachlorophenol, and Mercurial Fungicides MELVIN H. SWANN P a i n t & C h e m i c a l L a b o r a t o r y , A b e r d e e n Proving G r o u n d , M d . Methods of analysis to ensure the presence of specified quantities of fungicides in wood preservative sealers are needed. In separating salicylanilide and pentachlorophenol from varnishes, use is made of their solubility in alkalies, insolubility in acids, and slight solubility in water. They are then determined colorimetrically. Mercurial fungicides can be reduced to the metallic state, separated and determined quickly and accurately without hazards or difficulties encountered in standard procedures for determining mercury in organic substances.


.iLICYLA?;ILIDE has been determined in mildew-proofing

materials for cotton duck webbing (6) by extraction with a suitable solvent and digestion with sulfuric acid by the usual micro-Kjeldahl method. This determination is based on the nitrogen content of the fungicide and is unsuitable for resinous materials, because the determination of salicylanilide by its nitrogen content would involve the tedious and difficult decomposition of organic matter. I n addition, the determination would be questionable where such resins as urea-formaldehyde or melamine-formaldehyde resins are present, because of their high nitrogen content. Pentachlorophenol, in isolated form, has been estimated by its hydroxyl or halogen content but must be extracted from resinous materials before such determinations can be made with accuracy. When pentachlorophenol is present there is no way of proving the absence of other halogen-bearing compounds, except in production contiol where the resin and solvents can be tested qualitatively for halogens before the fungicides are added. I n addition, pentachlorophenol must be extracted from the sealer for positive qualitative identification. The solubility propelties of the two fungicides permit their separation from oil and resin bases. They are extracted with strong alkali from an ether or benzene solution, then acidified and re-extracted with ether, from which they are re-extracted n i t h a weaker alkaline solution. The final purification is made by diluting an aliquot portion to sufficient volume to hold the fungicide in aqueous solution while the remaining impurities are precipitated and separated by filtration. The violet color of ferric salicylate that results when salicylic acid or its salts react with ferric chloride, is used to determine the salicylanilide colorimetrically following its extraction. Pentachlorophenol is determined colorimetrically in the extract by the yellow color of tetrachloroquinone, formed when pentachlorophenol reacts with nitric acid ( 2 ) . The colorimetric determina-

tion of either fungicide is not affected by the presence of the other. Simple qualitative tests will show the presence or absence of either fungicide in the extract. There are several mercury compounds used as fungicides in wood sealers-phenyl mercuric oleate, phenyl mercuric naphthenate, phenyl mercuric o-benzoic sulfamide, etc. When mercurial fungicides are used, they compose approximately 1% of the nonvolatile portion of the sealer. The ratio of organic matter to mercury is so great that relatively large samples must be used. The excess of organic matter present necessitates pr+ longed digestion when the usual methods of decomposing organ+ mercury compounds are employed. A method has been described by Rauscher (S),in which amines are used for the reduction of mercury to the metallic state in such compounds as oxides, salts, and isolated organomercury compounds. This method has been modified slightly to give excellent results with wood sealers. The method is relatively brief and may be used with standard laboratory equipment. High temperatures and the complete decomposition of organic matter are avoided. Relatively large samples may be used if desired. The metallic mercury that may separate in finely divided form is washed by decantation. Possible losses from volatility of mercury are avoided by never exposing the metal to air. The method is equally effective with all types of mercurial fungicides and results are accurate and reproducible to less than 0.1%. ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE

Extraction and Purification of Salicylanilide and Pentachlorophenol. A sample of the varnish, not exceeding 3.0 grams, is weighed by difference from a test tube into a 250-ml. pear-shaped separatory funnel containing 40 ml. of absolute ethyl ether (if the resin precipitates in ether, benzene is substituted in the first and second funnels). The sample and solvent are mixed by swirling and 20 ml. of 2.5y0aqueous sodium hydroxide solution are added. The funnel is vigorously shaken and the layers are allowed to seps-