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two minor cases to court when its orders were ignored. It obtained ... resort of court action. William R. Meyer ... 25 on Readers' Service Card. 480 E...
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(Continued from p 478)

the Engineers Council for Professional Development to provide graduate study in environmental engineering, plus many others besides, are involved in similar programs and can all testify t o the high demand for their graduates. The most cursory survey of regulatory agencies, consulting engineering organizations, and other organizations that specialize in environmental engineering will testify t o the shortage of highly qualified engineers in this field. A crash course for ill-prepared engineers will not satisfy this need. Let me take this opportunity to comment on the posture of our national administration with regard t o training in the environmental field. EPA is sharply curtailing its training grants because the administration claims that large numbers of unemployed and underemployed scientists and engineers are available. As any employer of environmental engineers can testify, the fact that a n aeronautical engineer is available does not relieve the employer of the responsibility for obtaining qualified environmental engineers to meet his very special

requirements. Curtailing resources for educating environmental engineers will have a very deleterious effect on the quality of work done, and the ultimate cost t o society will be much higher than if a proper investment is made in qualified individuals. Daniel A. Okun Department of Enuironmental Sciences and Engineering The Unicersity of North Carolina Chapel Hill, N C 27514

Enforcement in Virginia

DEAR SIR: We hate to quibble with your very helpful roundup, “Air pollution over the states” (ES&T, February 1972, p lll),but feel we must correct the statement that the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board has taken “no enforcement actions” so far. Enforcement has been a part of the Board’s work since its beginning with a noticeable upsurge in early 1970. It has conducted enforcement proceedings that produced orders to some 10 industries



and three localities to submit abatement plans with binding schedules, where they had failed to act. All complied. About half have already completed corrections o r have installation of control equipment under way. Many other industries filed control programs earlier without the Board’s having to go to this step. They are acting on those programs. The Board has issued a half-dozen cease-and-desist orders to major and minor open burning violators. Our field staffers have taken many lesser enforcement actions without their having to reach the Board. The Board has taken two minor cases to court when its orders were ignored. It obtained a consent decree injunction in one and a conviction in the other. We are seeking a state law amendment sharply increasing court fines. However, our purpose is to obtain results short of having to go to the last resort of court action.

William R. Meyer Executice Secretary Virginia Sfate Air Pollution Control Board Richmond, V A 23219



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In June, North American International will publish the second edition of Prof. Arnold W. Reitze’s treattise, Environmental Law, Volume One. Printings of the first edition (first published in January of this year) were sold out in an amazingly short time. The second edition has been expanded and updated. VOLUME ONE covers environmental policy and governmental action; air and water pollution; solid wastes and recycling, noise pollution, and private litigation. It contains background technical inf ormat ion. VOLUME TWO will be available this summer. It will cover pesticides, energy production, land use, transportation, wildlife, estuaries, the oceans, and other topics. The set contains more than 1,200 oversize (8% x 11”) pages; the volumes are hardbound; the paper is recycled. When ordered as a set, each volume will be sent individually upon publication. Prices, payable in advance, are $19.95 for VOl. 1, $35.20 for the set, ~~~~

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