Determining Liquid and Vapor Densities in Closed Systems. A Precise

Ed. , 1942, 14 (2), pp 129–131. DOI: 10.1021/i560102a012. Publication ... Temperature Coefficient of the McBain Sorption Balance. F. M. Ernsberger. ...
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February 15, 1942


m o d decreases the possibility of decomposition by reducing the material to the dry state in the minimum of time. Complete removal precludes the possibility of "slow creep", or inability to obtain constancy, which is defined as decomposition, loss of volatiles, etc. 2. Use of the modified Lobry de Bruyn technique of drying at 38" C., high vacuum, and extended time to obtain moisture and corresponding dry substance. Under these conditions, the temperature does not exceed that of normal storage conditions, and if decomposition is a factor, it may be expected to be present under storage conditions. 3. Use of the vacuum oven at 60" C. upwards, to determine a temperature constancy curve, whose final values correlate those obtained by the low-temperature drying method of 2. This technique involves high drying temperatures, high vacuum, and relatively short time. By it, the temperature limitations of the material are determined for this common laboratory drying practice. 4. Use of distillation methods to determine actual water. This procedure gives a range of temperature from 76' (carbon tetrachloride) to 140" C. (xylene), atmospheric pressure, and time limits which may be shorter than corresponding vacuum oven or, in any event, shorter than the modified Lobry de Bruyn technique. By distillation methods, the effect of vacuum in the removal of volatiles or other possible decomposition of the material should be substantially decreased if not entirely eliminated from the results. Thus, a drying curve should be obtained whose final values equal


those of the Lobry de Bruyn or vacuum oven methods. If no correlation can be obtained, volatiles or decomposition may be considered a factor. In any event, a closer relative moisture value will be obtained. Attention should be called to the interchanging features of the apparatus described. 1 5 t h use of standard taper joints, it is possible to oven-dry a sample and check the same sample further by distillation, or vice versa. Thus, it is often desirable, for example, to test a distillation sample upon completion by means of various oven temperatures for stability, etc. The methods described in this series of papers have been tested and approved by various laboratories of the corn products industry through the Technical Advisory Committee of the Corn Industries Research Foundation, which have been most thorough in their criticism.

Literature Cited (1) Cleland, J. E., and Fetaer, W. R., IND.E m . CHEM.,ANAL.ED., 13. 858 (1941). (2) Ibid.,'14, 27 (1942). (3) Ibid., 14, 124 (1942). (4) Evans, J. TV.,and Fetaer, W. R., Ibid., 13, 855 (1941).

*DeterminingLiquid and Vapor Densities in Closed Systems J

A Precise Method G. H . WAGSER, GRANT C. BAILEY, AND W. G. EVERSOLE State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa


HE method proposed here for measuring densities makes use of a quartz bob suspended from a quartz helix. If the helix and bob are suspended in a homogeneous medium, the system will be buoyed up according t o Archimedes' principle, causing a change in the length of the helix. Thus the length of the helix can be related to density by a calibration in a series of media of known density. Actually, it is possible to measure both liquid and vapor densities with the same bob and helix, using a separate calibration for each phase. Because of the limit imposed on the mass of the bob by the strength of the helix, this is best accomplished by using a bob with a density less than that of the liquid, so that the helix is stretched upward in the liquid when the helix assembly is totally immersed and the helix suspended from below. Total immersion in the phase whose density is being determined simplifies the buoyancy correction for the helix and eliminates errors due t o surface tension. The experimental arrangement for the measurement of both liquid and vapor density in the same system rrould then consist of a helix and bob suspended in a sealed glass tube, so that the helix assembly could be completely immersed in either phase, at will, by merely inverting the apparatus. This should serve as a n excellent method for determining densities in closed systems where the absence of air and moisture is desired or where the pressure is above atmospheric. The method is also capable of high precision through the optimum choice of helix sensitivity, bob size, and measuring instrument. The chief drawback is that a considerable amount of labor is involved in the purification of the liquids and the measuring of the several lengths necessary for the calibration for each phase at each temperature; moreover, vapor densities are not accurately known over a wide range. However, by the extensive use of helices for density measurements in this laboratory, certain properties of quartz helices and methods of calibration

have evolved which make the calibration much less laborious without sacrificing precision of measurement.

Theory and Method of Calibration RELATIVE DENSITIES. The length t o which a helix extends under the influence of gravity is a function of the temperature, T , and density, p , of the medium in which it is suspended, such that any change in length, AL, may be written



(g)pAT +


The temperature and density coefficients of the helices used in this laboratory have been found t o be constant over a 25' or greater temperature range, and over a considerable range of length, so that Equation 1 may be written for this range AL = a A T

+ bAp


For a n unloaded quartz helix, 4 X 0.9 cm., made from a fiber of 0.2-mm. diameter and consisting of 63 turns,


is approximately 0.15 per gram. A 1-cc. quartz bob suspended from the helix increases this value to approximately 5 per gram. This sensitivity can be increased indefinitely (with a corresponding decrease in the range of densities which can be measured) by increasing the volume of the bob, and using a bob density only slightly different from that of the medium in order to avoid overloading the helix. B y such means it is easily possible to measure small changes i n density with a precision which cannot be justified by the possible precision of temperature control. Under normal load ( E 1.1gram in air) a helix of the dimensions given above will extend to approximately 9.0 cm. It should stretch to from 12 to 20 em. before breaking. The temperature coefficient, a, is of a much lower order of magnitude than the density coef-



ficient, b, but it must be taken into account for precise work

at different temperatures. By measuring the length of the helix a t different temperatures in media of known density, a and b can be found by solving the simultaneous equations resulting from Equation 2. Equation 2 can be put into the useful form

Here L, is the length of the helix in the standard medium of density, p , , a t the standard temperature, T:, and L is the length in a medium of density p a t a temperature To. Equation 2b expresses density in terms of the density of a standard medium and is applicable to both liquid and vapor density measurements, once a and b are known. ABSOLUTE DENSITIES. For the vapor, the calibration can be made practically independent of standard densities. The density coefficient, b, may be written (3)

M is the apparent effective mass of the helix and bob as indicated by the length of the helix. As with sorption balances ( g ) , can be determined from the changes in length caused by the addition of small weights t o a platinum bucket which is suspended from the helix in a medium of constant density and temperature. I n this calibration the bob is removed and the calibration is exdL tended over the range of length where d~ is constant. The mass and volume of the bob should be such that all density measurements are made in this constant range.



Vol. 14, No. 2

This is one half of the actual volume of the helix. Thux V , for a perfect helix may be determined from the weight of the helix and the density of fused quartz. It will be noticed t h a t the factor '/zwill cause only one suspension end t o be included in V,. This is exactly what is desired, since the mass of the lower suspension end acts on all n turns, while the upper suspension end acts on none of the parts of the spring which is being measured. Although the helices used in this laboratory are slightly tapered, V, as determined by this simple calculation has been found to agree within * 0.002 cc. with the value Ti, ( z 0.025 cc.) determined experimentally. This corresponds to a 10 per cent error in the apparent effective volume of the helix, but introduces an error of only 0.2/vb per cent in the measured density. V, is determined experimentally from length measurements on the unloaded helix in media of known density, and from aL Equations 3 and 4 is equal to when the bob is absent. The value of for the unloaded helix must be determined by measuring the change in length caused by the addition of a small weight to the unloaded helix. This is necessary because the elongation per gram is different for small loads than for norFIGURE1 mal loads. A 0.02- to 0.03-gram piece of quartz fiber with a small hook for suspending from the suspension point of the helix (see Figure 1) makes a satisfactory weight. Any but a perfect helix will give two different values for V,, depending on which end of the helix is up. Combining Equations 2b, 3, 4, 6, and 8 and using the length of the helix loaded with bob in vacuum, L.0, a t temperature T! as standard, we obtain for the density




iMb and M , are, respectively, the apparent effective mass of the bob and the spring and Vb and V, are the corresponding volumes. Mb

where and



vb bb - P)


and p are the densities of the bob and the medium,

This is the actual volume of the bob and its value can be d e termined by weighing in liquids of known density. is not the negative of the actual On the other hand volume of the spring. The reason for this is that the apparent effective mass is obtained from L by means of a calibration which is made in terms of weights suspended from the lower end of the spring. The mass of the spring is not located a t the lower end but is distributed over the entire length. If there are n turns in a perfect helix, any given element of mass located a t turn t will stretch only the t turns which are above it, and the elongation produced will be only t/n times as great as was produced by the same mass in the calibration. If us is the volume of quartz fiber in one turn of the helix, and p s is the density of quartz, the element of mass is ud (pa - p) dt and the apparent effective mass of the spring is


M a =


and therefore

(t/n) (Po

- P)U.

(F)T =


dt =

b s

u,n/2 =







Vapor or liquid densities calculated to the fourth significant figure from Equation 9 may be considered absolute, since the standard liquid densities necessary for determining vb and V , are known with this accuracy. The size and density of the bob used will depend on the density of the material to be measured and the elastic properties of the helix. When helix and bob are to be used for both liquid and vapor density measurements, a bob density which is about the average of the densities of the two phases is preferred. This permits the use of a bob of larger volume, with correspondingly increased precision of measurement, without exceeding the load limit of the helix in either phase. The bob is blown in an oxyhydrogen flame from a quartz tube which has a diameter and wall thickness calculated to give the desired bob volume and weight, so that the extension in both phases falls within the constant range of


Precision The validity of this method of calibration has been checked for both liquid and vapor. Using a helix of the dimensions given above, a bob having a volume of about 1.35 cc. and weight (in vacuum) of about 1 gram, and a measuring microscope ( 3 ) which could be read to 0.00006 cm., the density values for water from 10" to 35' C. were checked t o 0.00003 gram per cc., using water a t 25" C. as the standard liquid. With the same helix and bob assembly, vapor densities of sulfur dioxide in equilibrium with its solutions a t 15", 20", and 25" C.checked with the densities calculated from vapor pres-

February 15, 1942


sure data to 0.00001 gram per cc., using the saturated vapor of pure sulfur dioxide as standard. Numerical data are r e ported in another paper (4). For the precision with which these measurements were carried out, it was necessary to devise suspension points for both helix and bob so that the helix was never distorted when suspended, but hung freely. Precise indices which were out of the axis of the tube were also necessary for proper focusing. The cross point in a figure-eight loop of the helix fiber ( I , Figure 1) was used to suspend the helix from a loop of 0.1-mm. (0.004-inch) platinum wire and likewise to suspend the bob from the helix. The indices ( H , Figure 1) consisted of 0.5mm. loops in the helix fiber a t either end of the helix. They had sufficient curvature to permit the most accurate setting of the microscope cross hair a t their outer edge and were in good enough alignment so that no change in the focus of the microscope was necessary when reading the two ends. It is generally recognized that quartz helices exhibit no hysteresis after once being annealed. Quartz is also not easily corroded and has a very low thermal coefficient of volumetric per O C. For a 2-cc. quartz bob, and a expansion, 1.2 X change in temperature of 15O , the volumetric expansion amounts to 0.000036 cc. This is negligible for ordinary vapor density measurements but appreciable for precise measurements of liquid density, and will account for the small diver-



gence which the authors have found in water. However, this effect can be eliminated by making the necessary correction for the change in the volume of the bob. The volume of a hollow quartz bob of substantial wall thickness is also not greatly affected by pressures of the order of 4 atmospheres (approximate vapor pressure of sulfur dioxide a t 25’). If the bob is sealed off a t atmospheric pressure, the effect of 4 atmospheres is reduced to that of 3 atmospheres. Using Bridgman’s (1) value for the compressibility of mineral quartz, the change in the volume of a 1-cc. bob would cc. per atmosphere. The error resulting from be 0.27 X this cause can be reduced if necessary by determining the approximate compressibility of the bob before it is sealed off. It is believed that this method will be found useful for the precise measurement of densities in many systems which are not accessible to measurements by the usual methods.

Literature Cited (1) Bridgman, P. W., Am. J . Sci., 15, 287 (1928). (2) McBain, J. W., and Bakr, A. M., J. Am. Chem. SOC.,48, 690 (1926). (3) Wagner, G. H., Bailey, G. C., and Eversole, W. G., IND. ENCI. CHEM.,ANAL.ED.,13, 658 (1941).

(4) Wagner, G. H., Bailey, G. C., and Eversole, W. G., J . Phys. Chem., 45, 1388 (1941).

Heats of Wetting for the Evaluation of Gas-Adsorbing Coconut Carbons HOSMER W. STONE AND RAYiMOND 0. CLINTON, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.

H E use of heat of wetting as a means of evaluating gasadsorbing carbons has been suggested by several authors in recent years (1, Y),and restricted semianalytical methods have been developed by Macy (8) and Burstin and Winkler (4). This method has the distinct advantages, in comparison with other methods, of extreme rapidity and satisfactory accuracy, and by suitable correlation affords data as to other analytical characteristics of the carbon, as is shown below. A large number of methods for evaluating the gas-adsorbing qualities of carbons have appeared in the literature, most of which have been critically discussed by Chaney, Ray, and St. John (b), and by Berl and Herbert ( 3 ) . The majority of these methods are time-consuming and not overly indicative of the value of a carbon for a particular purpose. As has been pointed out by Chaney, Ray, and St. John ( 5 ) ,the most reliable analytical data pertaining to gas-adsorbing carbons are : 1. SERVICE TIME. Time required for the break-through of a vapor under standard conditions. VALUE. The weight of a vapor adsorbed by a 2. ADSORPTION

carbon under conditions of saturation. 3. RETENTIVITY VALUE. The weight of vapor held by a carbon through secondary valence bonds, under standard condi-


All these data are more or less arbitrary, yet under suitable conditions they afford the most reliable evidence obtainable a t present as to the gas-adsorbing characteristics of a given carbon. The chief criticism of these methods arises from the lack of definition of terms and of precise descriptions of the techniques which have appeared in the literature. It is only by a rigorous standardization of the analytical procedures that quantitative results can be achieved and duplicated. Toward this end, the authors have sought to standardize their methods as thoroughly as possible.

Macy (8) and later Bell and Philip (2) have shown the existence of a quantitative relation between the heat of wetting and the retentivity value of a specific carbon, but the possi‘t, bility of a quantitative relation between adsorption value and heat of wetting has been a matter of considerable dispute. Burstin and Winkler (4)first suggested such a relation, but, unfortunately, their data were insufficient to warrant such a conclusion. Macy (8), as the result of the analysis of a large number of different carbons, found several rather large discrepancies, and, therefore, stated that no correlation between adsorption value and heat of wetting could exist. Other authors have either been undecided ( 2 ) or have confirmed in a degree (3)the data of Burstin and Winkler. Yo correlation of heat of wetting with the service time of a carbon has been found in the literature. I n view of evidence which has been obtained by the authors, a definite relation between the heat of wetting of a carbon as determined under certain conditions as stated and the other analytical characteristics listed is postulated. This relation, however, is limited to specific types of carbon-that is, to carbons which have a common raw material source. While the present paper concerns itself with gas-adsorbing carbons derived from coconut, since this is the most efficient and most common type in use at present, nevertheless the procedure, with suitable modification, should be applicable to other common-source carbons. The question of the effect of varying the method of activation on the correlation of these characteristics of commonsource material carbons has been raised. Of the thirteen coconut carbons used in this work, five are known to have been activated by the same method. The other eight carbons were commercial carbons from various sources, whose method of activation was not known. Two of these latter carbons were prepared by high-temperature steam treatment

