Developing an Accelerated Radioactive Beams Facility Using an On

Nov 14, 1986 - ...
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65 Developing an Accelerated Radioactive Beams Facility Using an On-Line Isotope Separator as an Injector

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John M. D'Auria Department of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 1S6, Canada 10

High yields of separated, radioactive ions (up to 10 atoms/sec μΑ of incident protons at on-line isotope separators (ISOL), e.g. ISOLDE at CERN (SC), make it feasible to consider using such secondary ions as projectiles for nuclear reactions. A pressing need for reaction rate data involving radioactive species exists in nuclear astrophysics. This requires having available projec­ tiles (A < 60) in the energy range from about 200 keV/amu to 1.5 MeV/amu. It has been proposed to install an ISOL device at the TRIUMF facility to utilize the available intermediate energy (200-500 MeV), intense (