Developing Professional Skills in a Third-Year Undergraduate

Oct 1, 1998 - "This unit gave me a broad industrial view of the chemical world and I am grateful for the professional skills I gained." That is the re...
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In the Classroom

Developing Professional Skills in a Third-Year Undergraduate Chemistry Course Offered in Western Australia Jeffrey G. Dunn, Robert I. Kagi, and David N. Phillips* School of Applied Chemistry, Curtin University of Technology, P.O. Box U1987, Perth, Western Australia, Australia 6845

One industrial chemistry course aimed at bridging the academe–industry gap identifies two major threads, namely the way industry functions and the way industrial chemists should act to be most effective (1). Covered are the chemistry of industrial processes, economic considerations, scale-up problems, marketing, sales and distribution, utilization of chemicals, product development, and environmental considerations of disposal and recycling. A course entitled “Social and Legal Aspects of Chemistry”, which aims at developing an understanding of societal impact of chemistry and the interplay between chemical issues and the courts, has been reported (2). More recently Ashmore (3) and MacFarlane (4) outlined courses stressing communication skills and safety. In his summary of the 7th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (5), Hostettler (6 ) classified its content on the basis of the chemistry involved, i.e. geochemistry, consumer chemistry, environmental chemistry, biochemistry and health. Selinger (7 ) in his text Chemistry in the Market Place, places the emphasis on the consumer product and the chemistry needed for its understanding, while Atkins (8) outlines how we should educate chemists for the next millennium by way of more “real world” content. We have reported steps taken in this direction in some of the Applied Chemistry degree course at Western Australia’s Curtin University of Technology. There, at second year, students are introduced to research through mini-projects, and at *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected].

third-year level, to the planning and design of an experimental program (9, 10). Our unit, named “Chemistry and Technology”, has been developed over 12 years. The unit is presented in the final semester of our third year and operates for 14 weeks at 3 hours per week. It comprises six modules as shown in Table 1. The content of these modules has been selected to reflect employment that our graduates will meet in Western Australia. The six modules are to illustrate the diversity of professional skills that industry demands. The Professional Practice and Consumer Chemistry modules can be included in most courses. Although the other four modules are specific to Western Australia’s needs, they could be readily modified or replaced to represent other employment circumstances. The program is taught by lecturers from industry as well as by staff of the School who have experience in applied industrial chemistry, especially in the mineral and petroleum industries. The lecturers from industry are invited to present sections of the Professional Practice module. Professional Practice Traditionally students at universities solve problems isolated from societal influences of chemistry. In the workplace success often depends not only on understanding chemical processes, but also on identifying society variables and adapting the chemical processes to them. In this module students work in small groups and prepare reports that identify the

Table 1. Unit Outline Tuition Assessment Method Hours



Professional Practice

Chemistry in context: finding the best answer Occupational hygiene and duty of care Report writing Consultancy practice Laboratory certification



Consumer Chemistry

Individual research on a consumer product culminating in an oral presentation


Quality of abstract Peer-assessed oral presentation Handling audience participation

Mineral Chemistry

Mineral processing of gold and nickel ore Instrumental techniques applied to industrial research Pilot and industrial scale operations


Written examination

Environmental Chemistry

Representative samples and clean room techniques; Target analytes set by the USEPA Standard reference materials available from NIST Speciation into inorganic and organic components Ion selective electrodes, GC, GC-MS, GC-MS-MS, GC-FTIR and HPLC


Written examination

Industrial Electrochemistry

Corrosion, especially that caused by CO2 Reduction of ilmenite and Pourbaix diagrams applied to industrial leaching


Written examination

Industrial Organic Chemistry

Economically important industrial organic chemicals Chemicals as commodities Natural gas and methane as feedstocks Rubbers and elastomers


Written examination • Vol. 75 No. 10 October 1998 • Journal of Chemical Education


In the Classroom

role that various interest groups play, for example traditional landowners, government, unions, and the media. Students soon realize that they will have to listen to diverse points of view, be affected by shifting parameters, often act as community educators, and learn what will not be tolerated, if their elegant chemical process is to be accepted by the general community. The Professional Practice module illustrates that in modern chemical manufacturing and technology there are many possible solutions, and rarely is there a single solution that satisfies everyone. The challenge is thus to find not the right solution, but the best solution. In our segment “Chemistry and Occupational Hygiene” (11–13), we invite a representative of Worksafe Western Australia to address students on legislation that affects the control of chemicals in the laboratory. We discuss Material Safety Data Sheets, together with a consolidation of chemicalshandling considerations already met in the course. Students begin to realize that when they become supervisors, it is they who will assume “Duty of Care”. The need for chemists to write good reports is well established (14–18). The hours devoted to report writing discuss structuring by using excellent, acceptable, and unacceptable illustrations. This segment helps with the report on a project they have researched in the laboratory during the final semester of the course. Some students will work in consultancies whose practice is included in this module. Here we explain professional indemnity and professional hazards of litigation, and acquaint students with the ethics of such a practice (19). Students are made aware that the laboratories in which they will practice upon graduation need to be certified by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA). An invited representative of NATA explains the laboratory certification process and the accuracy and precision of the results that are allowed to be published by laboratories. Consumer Chemistry The conventional method of teaching consumer chemistry to students other than chemistry majors is by a series of lectures by an academic on the details of the chemistry of the consumer products (20, 21). Our approach is to assign, in the first week of semester, a separate consumer topic to each student. Students then have 5 weeks in which to research their topic and make an oral presentation to the class. The list below shows typical topics, all representative of locally manufactured products. Further information on any of these topics may be obtained from the corresponding author. Alkyd resin paints Beer including proof rating Car radiator corrosion inhibitors Contact lens materials Domestic soaps and detergents Fly sprays Lead acid batteries

Margarine and fat rancidity Marketed fresh fruit juices Petrol and its additives Superphosphate fertilizers Swimming pool chemicals White ant treatment Weed killers

There are two major aims. The first is to examine the way in which chemical principles are used in developing consumer goods and services. Questions posed to students include • •


What does the product do? What are the nature and properties of the material upon which the product is used?

• • •

What are the general constituents of the product? How do the constituents of the product give the required performance? If a newly marketed version of the product became available, how could it be both analyzed and formulated? Any environmental side effects of the product?

A second aim is to provide practice in written and oral communication of technical information. This we achieve in three ways. While Selinger’s text (7 ) is used as a reference, students are expected to approach industrial companies to obtain up-to-date information. Supermarkets and hardware stores are useful sources for product labeling information, while government agencies provide the most recent information on legislation and testing. More recently, access to the Internet has proved another source of useful information. Every student produces a two-page abstract at the completion of the 5-week period using 4 or 5 references. Each student receives a set of the abstracts before the oral presentations are made. Each student speaks for 20 minutes, after which there is a 5–10 minute question period. Professional presentation standards are expected, including use of overhead transparencies and demonstrations where appropriate. Participation in the question period is strongly encouraged, since it simulates working with colleagues in industry. All the topics in the list have proved productive. The topic “Marketed Fresh Fruit Juices” is typical in that information is available from texts (22, 23), journal articles (24, 25), local government (26 ), a local company (27 ), and the Internet (28). Mineral Chemistry The mineral processing industry contributes some $12 billion to the export earnings of Western Australia. We therefore cover the chemistry associated with the recovery of metals from their ores in our second year Inorganic Chemistry. In this unit we introduce • • •

in-depth case studies of selected mineral processing industries technology that workers may encounter in a plant research associated with mineral chemistry

Recovery of gold and nickel from their ores is given special attention. Commercial gold extraction exemplifies many unit processes and solids-handling operations and use of flow diagrams. We discuss reasons different routes are used. In earlier units students learn such techniques as scanning electron microscopy, thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. However, now indicating roles these techniques play in research, pilot plant, and industrial scale operations strengthens the value of knowing these techniques. Much of the gold in Western Australia is contained in refractory sulfide minerals, which usually need to be oxidized by bioleaching or roasting before being leached for gold recovery. This complexity provides an opportunity to discuss fluidized beds (recirculating or conventional) and roasting in rotary kilns, and to demonstrate why each location uses each technology. Industrial crystallization is illustrated using the processing of bauxite to alumina at Alcoa of Australia.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 75 No. 10 October 1998 •

In the Classroom

Industrial Electrochemistry In Western Australia, the reduction of ilmenite (FeTiO3) by coal utilizes the Becher process (29). This process yields a product containing approximately 92% TiO2 with particles of Fe(0) embedded in TiO2 grains. The Fe(0) is removed by oxidation in aerated ammonium chloride solution. At 80 °C, magnetite (Fe3O4) forms, which is separated from the TiO2 magnetically. The formation of the magnetite in preference to hematite (α-Fe2O3) or goethite (α-FeOOH) depends on the correct conditions in solution and is explained by a Pourbaix diagram (30), a plot of electrode potential versus pH. By controlling the temperature and aeration rate it is possible to convert the Fe(0) into the correct oxidized product. This module provides students with an excellent example of how to relate theoretical electrochemistry to industrial mineral processing. As industrial procedures are carried out in more and more hostile environment, corrosion is of growing concern (31). Corrosion leads to huge direct maintenance and replacement costs, together with costs of unplanned shutdowns, product and environmental contamination, and leakage loss. There are large oil fields off the northwest coast of Western Australia where corrosion, especially that caused by carbon dioxide, is a major concern. The students apply their basic electrochemistry knowledge to gaining an understanding of these mechanisms of corrosion in oil wells and pipelines. Carbon dioxide dissolves in water to produce carbonic acid, which leads to many forms of corrosion damage to oil wells and pipelines. Electrochemical noise analysis is also introduced as an advanced technique for monitoring corrosion. Corrosion rates alter upon the introduction of a corrosion inhibitor, and a demonstration is used to show that electrochemical noise analysis is directly related to and is a measure of corrosion rates. We introduce a range of corrosion problems, in particular pitting, crevice and stress-cracking corrosion. Environmental Chemistry Environmental chemistry is, today, an essential part of the chemical curriculum (32). Our “Environmental Chemistry” module concentrates on water quality and in particular, on contamination of rivers and aquifers. Attention is focused on obtaining and storing representative samples, target analytes set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the standard reference materials available from the U.S. National Institute Standards and Testing, and clean-room techniques for trace level analysis. In dealing with aquatic contamination by metals, emphasis is placed on speciation into inorganic and organic components, for example, simple ionic tin and butyltin species. Ion selective electrodes are discussed for analysis of a range of pollutants. For determining organic sulfides and pesticide residues, emphasis is placed on instrumental techniques such as gas chromatography, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, gas chromatography–Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and high-performance liquid chromatography. Industrial Organic Chemistry Students entering this unit are so steeped in textbook organic chemistry that some even believe that ethanol is made

commercially by a Grignard reaction between methylmagnesium bromide and formaldehyde! This module follows Wittcoff (33–35), Wiseman (36 ), and Chenier and Artibee (37 ). It is also used as a vehicle to introduce the notion of chemicals as commodities where economies of scale are so important. The older literature describing the technology of heavy organic chemicals is contrasted with current articles illustrating, for example, the trend to use natural gas liquids as petrochemical feedstocks and the drive to develop processes that use methane as a feedstock. The need to teach polymers in undergraduate chemistry courses has been stressed by Wagener and Ford (38) and Marvel (39). Although we have a segment on polymer chemistry in the third year of organic chemistry, this professional development syllabus includes applied polymer technology, including surface coatings and elastomers. Assessment With the exception of the Consumer Chemistry section, our assessment is a mix of examination and assignment (Table 1). In the Consumer Chemistry section peer assessment is used for the oral presentation and given equal weighting with the degree of participation and the quality of the abstract. Peer assessment provides students with the opportunity to act in a professional manner. The Professional Practice and Environmental Chemistry sections are assessed by a series of assignments; the Industrial Electrochemistry, Industrial Organic Chemistry, and Mineral Chemistry sections are assessed by written examination. Graduate Responses Thirty graduates of the course, selected at random at known destinations, who have been employed in industry for a period of 3–9 years, were surveyed as to their perception of the role of the “Chemistry and Technology” unit in the course. The responses were based on a scale of 1 (Strongly Agree) to 5 (Strongly Disagree). Comments were sought on the overall unit and each subsection. Twenty-four responses were received. The scores given by the graduates, together with typical examples of their very positive responses, are shown in Table 2. The data show that the overall concept of the unit is strongly supported by our graduates, as too are the subsections, in particular those on Professional Practice, Consumer Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, and Mineral Chemistry. In addition to these responses, there were useful suggestions for future consideration, such as: Some guest speakers talking about a day in the life of a chemist at XYZ company would be beneficial. The Consumer Chemistry section demonstrates that there should be more opportunity for public speaking throughout the course. More emphasis could be placed in the Mineral Chemistry section, on the bigger picture, such as costing projects and staffing requirements. I would liked to have seen more of the Mineral Chemistry section on an industrial scale.

As is to be expected in such a broad unit, some graduates indicated that not all subsections of the unit were appropriate to their needs. • Vol. 75 No. 10 October 1998 • Journal of Chemical Education


In the Classroom Table 2. Survey Responses from Graduates Section

Score Typical Comments



It has helped, professionally, to see the broader picture about industry as a whole, not simply being narrow-minded about the industry in which I now work. The unit gave me a broad industrial view of the chemical world and I am grateful for the professional skills I gained. This unit is very important in providing a link between the studied "pure" chemistry and the "real world" chemistry in which the majority of graduates will find employment.

Professional Practice


NATA accreditation is most important and must continue to be included in the future. It is very important that students are made aware of industry standards and company certifications such as NATA and ISO 9000. My company is trying to get a QA certification and I have at least a basic understanding of it from C&T 302. Report writing is a very important part of a chemist's role and as such is an essential part of the unit.

Consumer Chemistry


Practising oral presentation skills is very important. The oral presentation skills were important as too was the feedback. This was the most useful section of the unit as it encouraged students to seek out “real world” chemistry in practice.

Mineral Chemistry


A very useful section, particularly in Western Australia. A large number of my peers have jobs in this industry. Provided a good overview of the concepts of mineral processing.

Industrial Organic


This section has been very useful background for my current employment in the petroleum industry. While not in my chosen field of chemistry, nevertheless very interesting.

Industrial Electrochemistry


The information gained on the application of Pourbaix diagrams was extremely useful. Ion Selective Electrodes were also quite useful. Carbon dioxide corrosion in the oil/gas industry is of direct importance to me.

Environmental Chemistry


Environmental chemistry is an important part of most chemical laboratories. Topics such as standard reference materials and representative samples especially useful when first starting in the workplace.

Conclusions Our “Chemistry and Technology” unit is most appropriate for the final semester of undergraduate chemistry because it helps prepare students for their careers. A survey of graduates who have worked in industry for many years has shown a high degree of satisfaction with the unit. The unit is also highly commended by the School’s Advisory Board, which is primarily composed of industrial chemists. Acknowledgments We wish to acknowledge the contributions of Stuart Bailey, Alan Jefferson, Brian Kinsella, Roland De Marco, Lindsay Mullings, Dierdre Pearce, and the many other guest speakers who have helped make this a very rewarding unit. Literature Cited 1. Szmant, H. H. J. Chem. Educ. 1985, 62, 736–741. 2. Levy, G. C. J. Chem. Educ. 1995, 72, 289–294. 3. Ashmore, T. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Chemical Education; Beasley, W. F., Ed.; University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, July 1996; p 170. 4. MacFarlane, D. R. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Chemical Education; Beasley, W. F., Ed.; University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, July 1996; p 171. 5. Report of Seventh Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, August 8–12, 1982. J. Chem. Educ. 1983, 60, 2–3. 6. Hostettler, J. D. J. Chem. Educ. 1983, 60, 1031–1032. 7. Selinger, B. Chemistry in the Market Place, 4th ed.; Harcourt Brace Jovanovich: Orlando, FL, 1989.. 8. Atkins, P. W. CHEMTECH 1992, 22, 390–392. 9. Dunn, J. G.; Phillips, D. N. J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 866–869. 10. Dunn, J. G.; Phillips, D. N.; van Bronswijk, W. J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 1186–1187. 11. Shreeve, J. M.; Renfrew, M. M. J. Chem. Educ. 1980, 57, 435–436. 12. Tomboulian, P.; Brantly, L. J. Chem. Educ. 1980, 57, A43–A45. 13. Lowar, J. F.; Crowe, D. A. CHEMTECH 1986, 16, 224–227.


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Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 75 No. 10 October 1998 •