Development of a Bench-Scale Fluid Catalytic Cracking Microriser

more traditional standardized micro activity test (MAT) and fluidised bed ..... The trend found in the fuel gas yield plot originating from the MR exp...
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Chapter 24

Development of a Bench-Scale Fluid Catalytic Cracking Microriser M. P. Helmsing, M . Makkee, and J. A. Moulijn

Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on December 18, 2014 | Publication Date: June 6, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0634.ch024

Faculty of Chemical Technology and Materials Science, Delft University of Technology, Julianalaan 136, 2628 BL Delft, Netherlands

Catalyst performance testing procedures for fluid cracking catalysts have been evaluated. A benchscale microriser is described and results are compared with those of a so-called microsimulation test. The two tests result in significant differences in light cycle oil, gasoline and LPG yield. The microriser experiments yielded a higher LPG olefinicity. This is explained by the dilution of the feed with the nitrogen carrier gas, which decreases the amount of bi-molecular hydrogen transfer reactions. Experiments at a very short contact time of 0.7 seconds were carried out. It is striking that the coke yield does not differ significantlyfromthat in experiments performed at a much greater contact time of 5 seconds. This indicates that the majority all the coke formed during reaction is already deposited in the first few tenths of a second.

Catalyst performance testing for fluidised catalytic cracking (FCC) is of major importance for the profitability of a refinery, and it is not suprising that it draws a lot of attention (1,2). New and existing fields of interest for catalyst testing are catalyst development and performance, resid processing, metal (Ni and V) contaminations, and FCC environmental issues (e.g. sulfur transfer agents) (3-6). Due to the small margins and large throughput in an industrial FCC unit, a realistic assessment of test data is an absolute requirement. Adequate downscaling of the characteristics of the process is essential. Several types of FCC testing equipment are described in literature, varyingfromthe more traditional standardized micro activity test (MAT) and fluidised bed reactors to complete riser-regenerator combinations. Also other designs such as a pulse reactor, or a very short contact time reactor have been reported in literature (7-9).

0097-6156/96/0634-0322$15.00/0 © 1996 American Chemical Society

In Deactivation and Testing of Hydrocarbon-Processing Catalysts; O'Connor, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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Development of a Bench-Scale FCC Microriser 323

A newly developed concept in this field is the microriser reactor developed at the Delft University of Technology. This riser reactor is a 'once through' reactor with variable length and well defined conditions matching industrial practice. The quality of the experimental data is not only determined by the choice of reactor, but also by the catalyst pretreatment. A change in either one can lead to a different ranking of catalysts (10). On the other hand, several practical and economical constraints exist, such as the available amount of catalyst (i.e. in catalyst development), manpower needed to operate the testing rig (in the case of a large pilot plant) or experimental time needed for one run. This dilemma between quality demands and practical constraints can be a matter of reactor selection. Aims of this chapter are to discuss (i) reactor selection, and (ii) the essentials for FCC catalyst testing. A case study will be presented concerning these subjects. In this case study, the microriser (MR) is compared with the so-called microsimulation test (MST) developed by Akzo Nobel (77). The discussions will be illustrated with experimental data obtained from the microriser and the microsimulation testing equipment. FCC Catalyst PerformanceTesting The succes of FCC catalyst performance testing is determined by a combination of catalyst pre-treatment, choice of testing reactor, and interpretation of the experimental data collected. The evaluation of the experimental data has to be based on adequate modelling. Depending on the testing objectives different strategies can be chosen. Process optimisation puts different constraints and priorities on the testing equipment than catalyst development. With these backgrounds in mind a discussion will be given concerning reactor selection for FCC catalyst performance testing. Reactor Selection. In the industrial fluidised catalytic cracking process, one aims at maximum gasoline yield, which is achieved by ideal contact of the catalyst with completely vaporised feed, in an adiabatic plug flow riser reactor, under optimal and well defined process conditions. In practice, this idealised goal is only approached. Reasons for this are that imperfections are present in the feed injection, a large residence time distribution of the catalyst exists due to annular core flow, a slip velocity between catalyst and feed is present. Furthermore, every individual industrial FCC riser reactor is different in design and process conditions, resulting in different hydrodynamics of feed and catalyst in the reactor, catalyst age distribution, possible composition of the injected feed, etc. In selecting the reactor and test conditions for catalyst testing, the aim is not to simulate the exact conditions in an actual FCC unit, because these conditions are clearly variable and not well defined. Likewise, a maximum production of gasoline is not required. Instead, the main idea is to scale down properly viz. to subject the catalyst to the right local chemical environment and to obtain intrinsic experimental data in a relevant kinetic regime, i.e. data essentially independent of the reactor used. Prediction of product yields is only possible with test reactors capable of yielding intrinsic kinetic data. Application of a reactor model for the industrial unit then translates the experimental data to an estimated product distribution. A test reactor capable of

In Deactivation and Testing of Hydrocarbon-Processing Catalysts; O'Connor, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on December 18, 2014 | Publication Date: June 6, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0634.ch024



producing intrinsic kinetic data is defined by several conditions. The experimental conditions should be well defined on both reactor and catalyst level. The desired mode of operation for solid and vapour phase in the reactor can be batch or continuous. The hydrodynamics determine the catalyst-feed contacting efficiency and the residence time distribution. As is generally the case, mass- and energy transport limitations should be minimal. The contacting efficiency has to be optimal and the contact time well defined. This sets constraints for the design and dimensions of the equipment. In general, the larger the equipment, the less control there is over the experimental conditions, and imperfections in hydrodynamics and contact efficiency are unavoidable. The residence time distribution of the feed (and catalyst) should unambiguously correspond with a physically correct model, so that true kinetic parameters are determined by the catalyst. In practice, this means that each of the two phases should be represented by either a plug flow or ideally mixed flow model. Reactors behaving according to complex models are not advisable. Even a reactor behaving as a combination of a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) and a plug flow reactor (PFR) can lead to erroneous results. This is illustrated by the classical example of a hypothetical first order series reaction network (see Figures la to If). The E(t) versus t curves in Figures la and lb are the residence time distributions derived for both combinations of reactors. Evidently, they are the same, but the conversion profile of A ( and Id), and the selectivity profile of component B (Figs, le and If) are dependent on the reactor sequence. Although both combinations yield the same final conversion, the final selectivity towards B is different. Obviously, the residence time distribution is not sufficient to characterize the reactor even for these simple combination of linear rate equations. Transient behaviour as occurs in a MAT unit should be avoided. The constantly changing conditions and catalyst properties throughout the reactor during the experiment, result in a badly defined experiment. Of course the MAT unit is popular for a good reason: it is very convenient experimentally. The second level involves the heat fluxes. In order to assure well defined conditions isothermal operation is preferred. Also kinetic studies should be performed with isothermal conditions (1). Because in an industrial unit the hot catalyst is coming from the regenerator, preheating of the catalyst can be a necessity to mimic a correct temperature time history. Along these lines a benchscale reactor for FCC catalyst testing, called the Microriser, has been designed and developed. Experimental Design of the Microriser. The design of the microriser is based on an earlier design by Crosfield Chemicals Ltd (72). Figure 2 shows an outline of the unit. It consists of five sections: a catalyst feeder, a feed supply, a reactor, a separation of catalyst and products, and a condensing section. The catalyst is fed with a sophisticated metering device. The design of the feeder is similar to the design of Horsely et al. (13). It

In Deactivation and Testing of Hydrocarbon-Processing Catalysts; O'Connor, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Development of a Bench-Scale FCC Microriser 325

t(s) 1.0 c)

o | "o

o | 0.8 o

o c g 0.4

o c g w > 0.2 c o O 0.0

A -> B -> C ^ = 1.5 S"


> C






o O 0.0 0.00




= 2.5 s-


A -> B -> C 1

^ = 1.5 sk



= 2.5 s-




i 0.75



t(s) ivity 1 B (mol /mol]

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O Q) B -> C 0.2 1

k = 2.5si i 0.00 0.25 0.50 2


t(s) Figure 1. Reactor behaviour of two different combinations of a plug flow reactor (PFR) and a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). The combinations are denoted in the figure. and b are the corresponding E(t) -curves, Fig. lc and d are the conversion profiles, Fig. le and f are the selectivity profiles along the combination of reactors.

In Deactivation and Testing of Hydrocarbon-Processing Catalysts; O'Connor, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on December 18, 2014 | Publication Date: June 6, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0634.ch024



basically consists of a hopper filled with catalyst and a dosing wheel to control the flow rate. The catalyst flow can be variedfrom2 to 20 g/min. Nitrogen acts as a carrier gas and transports the catalyst particles through the preheater to the reactor. The temperature in the preheater rangesfrom873 to 1023 K. A pulse-free, accurate syringe pump (ISCO 500D) supplies the feed at constant flow, typically between 2 and 5 g/min, to the feed preheater. The temperature of the preheater is dependent on the type of feed, but a typical value would be 573 K. A 1/16" tube is used to inject the feed as a spray perpendicular to the catalyst flow in the reactor. The entrained flow reactor is built in an oven with internal forced convection and a maximum temperature of 833 K. The reactor is a folded tube made of inconel with bends of 180° (bend radius 0.09 m, ID 4 mm) and an adjustable length in steps of 2 meter up to a maximum of 20.6 meters. In FCC catalyst testing a folded tube reactor has been described before (14). Residence times from 0.1 to 5 seconds can be easily realized by varying the tube length and the carrier gas flow. The product mixture and catalyst are separated in a cyclone at typically 773 K. The catalyst is collected in a fluidised bed for post-run stripping with a nitrogen flow varying from 300-600 ml/min. Because of practical reasons the stripping of the hydrocarbons is batchwise, but in the near future the microriser will be modified for continuous stripping. The hydrocarbon vapours coming from the cyclone during the cracking and stripping period are condensed using a stage wise cooling system, consisting of an air cooler, a Liebig cooler and a two stage condenser immersed in a mixture of propanol and dry ice. The non-condensable vapours are collected in a tedlar gas bag with a capacity of 43 1. Operation. The reactor of the microriser (MR) is folded for practical reasons. A cold flow model of the reactor was used to study the flow behaviour of the catalyst in the tubes and especially in the bends. Based on measured residence time distributions and modelling, it can be concluded that the reactor approaches plug flow very well (75). Another feature of the micro riser is its isothermal operation, although catalytic cracking is an endothermic process which would cause a temperature gradient along the reactor. Based on general design rules, there is no limitation of heat transfer to the reaction occurring within the reactor during the cracking operation. This results in a constant reaction temperature, as the catalyst and the oil contact, defined by the oven temperature. During experiments, a steady state can be obtained before the collection of the hydrocarbons has started. In this way, the effects of a start-up and close-down of an experiment are avoided. A process computer controls the necessary actions during an experiment and insures a well defined pre-specified runtime. The Microsimulation test (MST). Modification of the operating procedure and experimental conditions of a convential micro activity test (MAT) has led to the socalled microsimulation test (MST, see Figure 3). Basically, the reactor is a fixed bed with transient operation during the catalyst contact time. A complete description of the operation and design of the MST reactor is given by O'Connor in (11). Table I gives an overview of the main differences between the MR and the MST.

In Deactivation and Testing of Hydrocarbon-Processing Catalysts; O'Connor, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Development of a Bench-Scale FCC Microriser

Disengaging Oven


Feed Preheater

Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on December 18, 2014 | Publication Date: June 6, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0634.ch024

Product Collection

^_ Feed supply for syringe pump

Catalyst Feeding Device

Catalyst Preheater

Syringe Pump

Microriser Reactor

Figure 2. An outline of the microriser setup.

Heated syringe pump




Feed supply for syringe pump

-Furnace • Reactor

{XI—t—OO-* gas sampling Product receiver

ice bath (-92 °C or 0 °C)

Gas collection bottle

Figure 3. An outline of the microsimulation test equipment (Adaptedfromref. 11.)

In Deactivation and Testing of Hydrocarbon-Processing Catalysts; O'Connor, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Table I: Differences between the MR and MST reactor Microriser reactor Microsimulation (MR) test (MST) Type of reactor riser reactor fixed bed reactor Operation steady state transient Catalyst fraction (vol%) 2-5 40-50 Dilution ratio (vol N /vol feed) 0 5 Ratio of Catalyst to oil contact time (s/s) 50-60 1

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Feed and catalysts. A regular Kuwait vacuum gasoil was used as a feed. Its characteristics can be found in Table II. Three commercial cracking catalysts with an increasing rare earth and alumina content, viz. A, B, and C, were tested. All catalyst were presteamed and deactivated to an equilibrium level by its supplier. Larger catalyst particles were removed with a 150 urn sieve. This step is followed by either a calcination or regeneration. Fresh, but pre-steamed catalyst was calcined at 773 K for 1 h, while coked catalyst was regenerated at 873 K for 2 h. Table II: Characteristics of the Kuwait Vacuum gasoil Feedstock characteristics Conradson carbon content Boiling range Contaminations: Sulfur Nitrogen (basic) Nickel Vanadium

0.48 wt% 643 - 835 K 2.93 wt% 275 ppm 1.0 ppm 1.0 ppm

Conditions. The catalyst and oil were preheated to 973 K and 673 K, respectively. The microriser reactor was operated at 833 K. The catalyst and the gaseous products were separated at 773 K. Mass balances were typically within a rangefrom92 to 96 wt%. The difference in mass balance found are mainly attributed to liquid product left behind in the glassware. The same feed and catalysts were also tested in the MST reactor at 833 K by Akzo Nobel. The analysis of the liquid products was done using a simulated destination method. Cutpoints for the HCO, LCO and gasolinefractionare 616 K, 489 K, and 309 K respectively. The components of the gaseous products upto C were analyzed using a GC method. The amount of coke was calculated using the analysis of the gases produced during a bum-off. In FCC, the conversion is usually defined as the yield in gasoline, LPG and fiielgas, but in this study, the conversion of an experiment is defined as the amount of heavy cycle oil (HCO) converted. This was done because the feed consists only of HCO and thus LCO would be a product. The conclusions drawn in this paper are not affected by this definition of conversion. 5

In Deactivation and Testing of Hydrocarbon-Processing Catalysts; O'Connor, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Development of a Bench-Scale FCC Microriser 329

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Different contact times. Three contact times were used in this research, viz. 0.7, 4.1 and 5.0 seconds based on the inlet conditions of the reactor. The residence time at the outlet of the reactor will slightly differfromthe calculated residence time due to the expansion of the hydrocarbonfraction.The experimental settings used are tabulated in Table III. Table IH : Experimental settings for different contact times in the MR Length ofreactor (m) Nitrogen flow Oilflow Calculated residence (g/min) time (s) (ml/min) 20.6 4.0 5.0 993 14.6 850 4.0 4.1 20.6 4.0 4.1 1338 2.6 993 4.0 0.67

Setl Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Results

Experiments with the same conditions were carried out in both the microriser (MR) and the microsimulation test (MST). The experimental results are tabulated in Table IV. The results for catalyst B are displayed in Figure 4a to 4f. The same trends, displayed in Figure 4, were also found for catalyst A and C. Table IV : Experimental results at a conversion of 82.5 wt% Catalyst A Catalyst B Catalyst C MR MST MR MST MR MST 82.5 82.5 82.5 82.5 Conversion 82.5 82.5 3.1 2.6 4.2 2.1 CTO 3.5 3.6 2.5 2.0 Fuel gas 2.7 2.3 2.5 1.7 14.7 15.1 13.0 10.6 LPG 16.7 11.9 Gasoline 49.5 45.6 49.3 44.5 45.1 50.3 19.5 18.7 14.8 17.0 16.9 16.5 LCO 17.5 17.5 17.5 HCO 17.5 17.5 17.5 2.2 2.6 1.1 2.5 Coke 1.6 2.3 Conversion and all productfractionsare given in wt% of the feed. Catalyst-to-oil ratio (CTO) needed for a 82.5 wt% conversion in g catalyst/ g feed. 3



In Figure 4.a the activity data are plotted. In both the MR and the MST the conversion increases with a higher cat-to-oil ratio (CTO). A higher activity was found in the case of the MST. The product yields are shown in figure 4b to 4f. The coke, LCO, gasoline, and LPG plots measured by the MR have the same curvature as the MST data, but there are significant differences, up to 5 wt% in the gasoline yield plot (see Figure 4d). The curves shown in graphs 4c to 4e reveal significantly less secondary cracking in the case of the MR : a combination of a higher gasoline and lower LPG yield was found in comparison

In Deactivation and Testing of Hydrocarbon-Processing Catalysts; O'Connor, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



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Conversion vs. CTO

• °

70 2

Coke vs. conversion

MST data MR data





CTO (g catalyst/g feed) LCO vs. conversion






90 95

100-Wt%HCO Gasoline vs. conversion 52 50 48 > 4 6 »

MR (0.7 s) MR (4.1s) MR (5 s) MST


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2 3 4 5 6 CTO (g catalyst/g feed)










50 60 70 80 Conversion (wt%)


~i 1 1 r 50 60 70 80 Conversion (wt%)



50 60 70 80 Conversion (wt%)


~i 1 1 r 50 60 70 80 Conversion (wt%)



50 60 70 80 Conversion (wt%)








Figure 9. Experimental activity and yield plots for catalyst A determined with different contact times, viz. 0.7,4.1 and 5.0 seconds, respectively.

In Deactivation and Testing of Hydrocarbon-Processing Catalysts; O'Connor, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



very active catalyst and a not properly introduced feed could give the majority of the coke, while only small amounts of coke are formed during the cracking reactions. The fuel gas yield is considerably lower because of the shorter contact time. This is also expressed in a much lower fuel gas/isobutane ratio (see Figure 6). The LPG olefinicity is in the same order of magnitude as other experiments (see Figure 5).

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Conclusions The microriser performs well and is as a riser pilot plant for FCC catalyst testing a very useful tool which provides intrinsic kinetic data. The microriser was compared with the microsimulation test with three catalysts. Significant differences in product distributions were found in the two tests. A higher LPG olefinicity and a larger contribution of thermal cracking were observed in the microriser. The catalyst carrier gas nitrogen is thought to be the main cause for less hydrogen transfer. The ranking of catalysts based on gasoline selectivity was changed with respect to the conclusions obtainedfromMST data. Short contact time experiments revealed deeper insight in the cracking phenomena and a kinetically more relevant timeframewas explored. It is striking that coke yields at a low contact time (0.7 s) were not significantly differentfromthose at higher contact time experiments (4 and 5 s). In fact, after about four seconds no further catalysed reaction takes place. The fuel gas yield was considerably lower. Other product yields corresponded well with trends observed at higher contact times. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Akzo Nobel Amsterdam for the feed, catalysts and analyses. In particular, the microsimulation test data are greatly appreciated and F.Olthof, E.Brevoord and P.O'Connor are thanked for the stimulating discussions. The Netherlands Technology Foundation (STW) is acknowledged for theirfinancialsupport (project ACH99.1894). Literature cited 1 Young,G. In Fluid Catalytic Cracking: Science and Technology; Magee, J.S.; Mitchell, M.M., Eds.; Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1993, Vol. 76, pp. 257 2 Sapre, A.V.; Leib, T.M.; In Fluid Catalytic Cracking II: concepts in Catalyst design; Occelli, M.L., Ed.; ACS symposium series 1991, Vol. 452, pp. 144 3 Occelli, M., In Fluid Catalytic Cracking II: concepts in Catalyst design; Occelli, M.L., Ed.; ACS symposium series 1991, Vol. 452, pp.343 4 Corma,A.; Palomares, A.E.; Rey, F., Appl. Catal. 1994, B 4, pp. 29 5 Elia, M.F.; Iglesias, E.; Martinez, A.; Perez Pascual, M.A., Appl. Catal. 1991, 73, pp. 195

In Deactivation and Testing of Hydrocarbon-Processing Catalysts; O'Connor, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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Development of a Bench-Scale FCC Microriser 339

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In Deactivation and Testing of Hydrocarbon-Processing Catalysts; O'Connor, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.