Development of a cooperative education program at the University of

Development of a Cooperative Education Program at the. University of Victoria. Alexander McAuley. University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia. ...
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Development of a Cooperative Education Program at the University of Victoria Alexander McAuley University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia. Canada VBW 2Y2 In 19:6/77, fulluuing discusiim n i to possiblr changes in curricula and in teaching merhcds, the Chemistry Ikpartment in conjunrtiun with the 1)epnrtmtnr uf Physics propused thr introductiun of a coopcratlvc. t.ducation model nr the undergraduate level. Following approval by the University Senate, the two-department model began, with 48 students undertaking work terms in the summer of 1977. Other departments quickly joined and there are now established co-op programs in chemistrv. ohvsics. mathematics.... eeoeraohv. ouhlic ad,. . , " min~itratiun,computer icietwe, and other areas. The universirv's ~hilosoohvhas been to give rhe r e s ~ e c t k e departments asmuch of the control of thiprograms a s possible, although there is a central director's office which maintains uniformity in record keeping and serves as a liaison between departments and various governing councils within the university. As the operation has enlarged to its current total of about 80 students, the infrastructure within the department has developed considerably. We currently place 20-30 students in the fall and spring terms, with usually about 40 students in employment over the summer. Work terms are based on a 13-week model, although students often complete 16 weeks of paid employment. The department seeks to provide students with orofessionallv oriented oositions in all asoects of chemistry all parts of danada d u r k g their work terms. Most of the responsibility for the day-to-day organization is assumed hy a Chemistry Co-op Director (a faculty member) and a Chemistry Co-op Coordinator (also a continuing memher of staff). They are assisted by a departmental Co-op Committee of six faculty memhers who assist in reading reDorts. work site visits and, to a lesser extent, negotiations-foFposi: tions. Students attend the ~ ~ n i v ~ r sfor i t yfive years. On completion of their honors ur maior co-op pn,grmn, they h a w fulfillrd a11 the rrquirt:menti uf