Development of an industrially oriented BS program in chemistry and

Mar 1, 1976 - Development of an industrially oriented BS program in chemistry and chemical technology. David A. Nelson, Smith L. Holt, Vernon S. Arche...
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Development of an Industrially Oriented BS Program in Chemistry and Chemical Technology David A. Nelson,l Smith L. Holt, Vernon S. Archer, Robert J. Hurtnbise, and Roland E. B a r d e n Uniuersity of Wyoming, Laramie, 82071. A new BS degree program in Chemistry and Chemical Technology was instituted a t the University of Wyoming in the fall semester, 1974. This program is directed toward preparing a student to enter an industrial chemical environment, or other area of applied chemistry, immediately upon graduation. To reach this objective, we have projected a new four-year program involving the development of many new industrially oriented courses. These include courses in analytical, organic and physical chemistry, synthetic methods, separation methods, and industrial problems. There is a significant increase in the number of laboratory courses, which emphasize modern methods of analysis, synthesis, instrumentation, and problem solving. The training is broad hased, and in addition to preparing a student to enter employment in the chemical, pharmaceutical and petroleum industries and analytical laboratories, it is suited for preparing for chemical work or analysis in related areas such as environmental, medical and biological fields. Although designed primarily for the student planning to enter an aonlied area of the chemical profession initiallv with a BS degree, the program includes the necessary preparation for most graduate work. The program presently developed has 128 semester credit hours, with 53-73 in chemistrv. - . and this includes a t least 22 credit hours of laboratory. A summary of the program is given below. Laboratory credit hours are given in parentheses. Electives include 15 hours of humanities and from 14-24 program related electives. Credits obtained in summer co-op work, if elected, can substitute for others in the program.


B.S. Program in Chemistry and Chemical Technology srmrrirr ii

semr*tvr i General 1.hemirfr~




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General(lhemiitry rhemieal Analyer I computer Pn,eramminy Enyllrh rn1cuiur Phrs~calEducation


O r ~ ~ ~ i c C h e m i rI l r r Chemical Synfhpsir I Chemical Analvsiali Ph"sie Calculus Cumpur~rPromammi".

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OrrnnicChrmisrry 11 Chemical Synthesis 11 O m i 4 Methodsol Anal. Physics Glasrblilving Mechanical D r n w i n ~

summer Industrial Cc-npwork llil iciectivei srm,m,i.r


Phrieal rhemirrn.1 ElecfmanniytirslMethdi Chemical Syntbr8s 111 Bioloxical Chemistry Electronics1

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Physiral Chemistry 11 S e p ~ r s m nMethods Bi