Development of Electrochemical Instrumentation - ACS Publications

have begun shortly after the discovery of electricity by Galvani in. 1780 (1). The first distinct ... 0097-6156/89/0390-0236$06.00/0 .... Cybernetic I...
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Chapter 17

Development of Electrochemical Instrumentation H. Gunasingham Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, Singapore 0511 The development of instrumentation for electrochemistry is separated into three periods; the early history, the electronic age and the computer age. Progress in each period is seen in terms of the impact of technology as well as specific innovations brought about by individuals. The Early History The early history of electrochemical instrumentation could be said to have begun shortly after the discovery of electricity by Galvani in 1780 (1). The first distinct record of an electrochemical instrumental technique was probably the use of electrolytic deposition as a qualitative analytical technique by Cruikshank in 1800 (2). In the following years there was much activity on the study and use of electrode potential for identifying a wide range of metals. Quantitative electrochemical analysis was not introduced, however, until 1864, when electrogravimetry was developed by Wolcott Gibbs (3) and C. Luckow (4). The technique was further studied by a number of workers including Alexander Classen who wrote the first book on the subject (1). By 1900, electrogravimetry was accepted as a standard analytical technique and was routinely used to determine many metals. Initially, the major limitation of electrogravimetry was the inability to resolve several metals in a single solution. However, it was soon realized that by controlling the potential, metals could be selectively deposited. By the 1920's, controlled potential electrolysis was widely used as an analytical tool. It also found use in preparative work for both organic and inorganic chemicals. Although it is very accurate, electrogravimetry is a cumbersome technique from a practical standpoint. The alternative approach in analytical determinations is to measure the amount of electricity. However, despite the fact that Faraday's Law was well known 0097-6156/89/0390-0236$06.00/0 © 1989 American Chemical Society

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Development of Electrochemical Instrumentation


coulometric analytical techniques came long after the development of electrogravimetry. An early coulometric method was developed in 1917 by Grower (5). However, coulometry became accepted as a routine analytical technique only in the 1940's, largely because of the work of Somogy (6) Lingane (7) and others. Electrolysis at controlled current was known as early as 1879 (8). However, its practical application to analytical and physical chemistry dates only from the 1950's (8). During the early history of electrochemical instrumentation, much of the work was directed more towards understanding the chemistry involved, rather than the development of instrumentation. By the 1920's, however, scientists confronted by the limitations of existing techniques, particularly the fact that they were manual and required considerable skill to operate, sought to exploit the newly available electromechanical technology. One of the first improvements to arise was instruments that could automatically record an experiment. Potentiometric titrations were one of the techniques that benefitted. Although the concept of electrometric titrations was exploited as early as 1893 by Behrend (9) the first instruments to enable the automatic recording of titration curves were electromechanical systems developed in the early 1920's. Another significant advance that exploited the available electromechanical techonology was the invention of the polarograph, by Heyrovsky and Shikata (10), enabling the automatic recording of polarographic current potential curves. More than any other development, it was the invention of the polarograph and the rapid acceptance of polarography and voltammetry that provided the impetus to modern electroanalytical chemistry. The theory and application of the polarographic technique was developed over the next decade, largely due to the work of Heyrovsky and co-workers (11). Among refinements to the basic technique were improvements in sensitivity and in recording, including derivative and a.c. oscillopolarographic techniques. The Electronic Age The electronic age was marked by the advent of the vacuum tube. This enabled the construction of highly accurate and versatile automatic instruments. Perhaps the first impact was on potentiometric methods, especially to pH measurements using the glass electrode. Although the glass electrode was known as early as 1909 it was only after the development of vacuum tube voltmeters around 1935 that it was used for practical pH measurements (8). The vacuum tube also heralded the development of the first reliable potentiometric autotitrators which became commercially available aroung 1940. In the recording of titration curves the rate of the addition of the of titrant has to be synchronized with the travel of the recorder chart. Furthermore, in order to minimize end point overshoot, the titration rate must be slowed down as the "end point" is approached (8). Such problems are more readily handled by electronic systems than by electromechanical ones.

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The impact of electronics on instrumentation for voltammetry and polarography can be traced along two lines; the generation and control of the perturbing potential waveform and the method of current measurement. In both areas, major developments arose because of specific advances in electronics technology. Table 1 outlines the major developments in electroanalytical techniques along with the concurrent advances in electronics, signal generation and current measurement. Developments in electrochemical instrumentation originate with Heyrovsky's invention of the polarograph in 1922. The electromechanical nature of the polarograph reflected the state of technology at the time of its development. Following enormous enthusiasm and widespread application during the 30's and 40's, by the early 1950's the trace inorganic analytical uses of the technique were losing out to competing instrumental methods such as atomic absorption spectrophotometry which were more sensitive (12). This resulted in the start of a dormant period for electroanalytical chemistry which lasted until the advent of integrated circuit instrumentation in the late 1960's. Classical dc polarography suffers from two major defects. First, sensitivity is limited due to contributions from background charging current and second, the electrode itself is mechanically unstable. A further problem is linked to the use of the original, two electrode technique. Due to the ohmic drop between the micro-cathode and the large anode, measurements in poorly conducting, organic, or aprotic solutions were impractical. Although Hickling's invention of the three electrode potentiostat in 1942 (13) as a means of obviating this problem was well known, most commercially available instruments up to the early 1950's employed the two electrode mode. As a result, the area of electrochemistry in non-aqueous solvents was largely neglected. The advent of low cost operational amplifiers in the late 1950's radically changed this situation, enabling modification of the basic dc polarographic technique to overcome much of the inherent limitations. Perhaps one of the most important consequences was in the construction of simpler and more reliable potentiostats. Figure 1 compares the operational amplifier based circuit for three-electrode potentiostatic control with a two electrode circuit. In the two electrode mode, the effective potential of the working electrode depends upon the electrochemical resistance of the cell system, an effect that is serious when this resistance is not small. In a potentiostatic system, the current flows between the auxiliary and the working electrodes while the third, or reference, electrode operates under essentially zero current conditions and controls the potential of the working electrode through the feedback arrangement of the operational amplifier circuit. With continued improvement in the performance of operational amplifiers, operational characteristics of potentiostats have also advanced. The original vacuum tube op-amps were surpassed by the introduction of solid state devices, first discrete transistor based devices and then by integrated circuits. Increasing the level of integration of electronic circuits has resulted in the



Development of Electrochemical Instrumentation


Table 1

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The Evolution of Instrumentation for Electrochemistry






Advanced Software

Cybernetic Instruments with Inferential Capabilities

Automated Analysis of Voltammetric Data VLSI Technology (microcomputer-based instruments)

Integrated Intelligent Control

On-Line Minicomputers

Software Waveform/DAC


Hybrid AnalogDigital Circuits

Logic Driven Pulse Rechniques

Sampled Current


Integrated Circuit


i/E Conversion

Solid State Transistor

Improved Speed and Accuracy

Vacuum Tube

Operational Amplifier-Based Instrumentation





Motor-Driven Potentiometer



ADC/Software Control


1940 1930


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a) Two electrode and b) control circuits. three electrode potential

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Development of Electrochemical Instrumentation


development of potentiostats with improved speed of response and accuracy. In addition to control of potential, operational amplifiers can also be used for current measurement by means of current to voltage conversion. The high stability and noise immunity of operational amplifiers also allows for dramatic improvements in the analytical sensitivity, which can be varied over a wide dynamic range by simply changing the resistance of the feedback circuit. The other important area of improvement was in the development of new operating modes, which employ a variety of potential excitation waveforms in place of the classical d.c. linear potential input. A major feature of most of these variants is the ability to measure faradaic current while discriminating against the charging current contribution. Pulse techniques, including Tast, d.c. pulse, differential pulse and square wave were the most successful. The circuits that were developed to support these new techniques were hybrid analog-digital systems that employed digital oscillators and logic circuitry for the control of field effect transistor (FET) switches that, in turn, control the operational amplifier circuits. Using these circuits it was possible to synchronise the current sampling protocol with the applied pulse waveform, enabling discrimination against the charging current in the measurement of small faradaic currents. While these instrumental advances soon had an impact on homebuilt instrumentation, it was not until the 1960's that commercial instrumentation employing pulse techniques became available (14). Until the late 1960's, such instruments were inaccessible to the average laboratory; then began what Flato calls the "renaissance" in polarographic and voltammetric instrumentation (14). The PAR 174 polarographic analyser introduced by Princeton Applied Research, was arguably the first low cost, high performance instrument to properly exploit the new electronics technology (14). It is no exaggeration to say that the PAR 174 was a key factor in the popularisation of polarography and voltammetry as a routine technique in the 1970's. A feature of this instrument is the availability of normal pulse and differential pulse modes. After nearly two decades, this instrument is still being sold virtually unchanged. The major operating mode of the PAR 174, differential pulse polarography (DPP) has had a major impact on the use of electrochemical methods in trace analysis. The technique developed from the work of Barker on square wave polarography in the 1950's (15). In differential pulse polarography (DPP) the applied waveform is a symmetrical pulse superimposed on a linear potential ramp. The current is sampled at the beginning and end of each pulse and the difference is recorded. The differential current when plotted against potential yields a peak shaped response. By screening out the bulk of the background charging current contribution, the DPP mode allows much higher sensivities and lower detection limits to be achieved compared with the DC mode. The technique has found wide application; in trace metal analysis, especially in anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV), as well as for



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the analysis of low levels of organics, biological materials and toxic pollutant species. More recently, a new generation of pulse techniques has been developed. The pioneering work in this area has been done by Robert and Janet Osteryoung and their co-workers. These include reverse pulse, differential normal pulse and square wave techniques (16,17). Miniaturisation Since the advent of the vacuum tube, microelectronics technology has been continually driven by the need to increase the performance/cost ratio. The way this has been done is through integration and miniaturisation of electronic circuits. It is evident that production technology for integrated circuits has advanced faster than perhaps any other manufacturing industry. Electrochemical instrumentation has also benefitted from this new technology in several ways. One example is the recent interest in the use of micron sized electrodes, either singly or in arrays. Integrated circuit manufacturing technology such as photolithography and vapor deposition have been employed for making such electrodes. One interesting point to note is that the instrumentation used has gone full circle and reverted to the original two-electrode mode. This is because the faradaic and capacitive currents of microelectrodes are much smaller than those of macro electrodes. Generally, analytical currents in the picoamp to nanoamp range are measured. Also due to the much lower charging currents, high speed cyclic voltammetry with scan rates in excess of lOOOV/sec can also be employed (18). Microelectrodes are also opening up a new world for electrochemists to explore systems where the space and time dimensions are dramatically reduced. Such systems enable the probing of micro-environments, such as in-vivo monitoring of neurotransmitters in human body fluids. Although microelectrodes are still at the research stage, a wide spectrum of practical applications are envisaged. A further aspect of miniaturisation is the possibility of integration of the electrochemical sensor system with the measurement electronics. This has already been accomplished to a limited extent by Hill and co-workers who have integrated an entire amperometric measurement system, including the microprocessor, into a holder of the size of a pen (19). The device has been used in conjunction with disposable enzyme electrodes for glucose measurements. At a higher level of miniaturisation, work has been directed at constructing miniature electrochemical cells for biosensor applications (20). Chemical field effect transistors (CHEMFETs) and ion selective field effect translators (ISFETs) have received a high level of research interest for almost a decade (21) but with little tangible results in terms of commercially available systems. Some recent research has been directed at integration of the sensor and control electronics into a discrete, disposable device (21). Although further development is still required, the



Development of Electrochemical Instrumentation


development of implantable, low cost, disposable electrochemical sensors is almost certainly attainable within the next decade.

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The Computer Age The advent of the Computer for instrumental applications has led to the third major period of development for electrochemical instrumentation. Voltammetry is perhaps one of the earliest techniques to be computerized. Pioneering work was carried out by Smith (22), Osteryoung (23) and Perone (24) in the early 1970's, using minicomputers for generating the voltage waveform and for recording current response. Figure 2 illustrates a typical arrangement for computer controlled electrochemistry. The interface, comprising one or more digital to analog (D/A) converters, an analog to digital (A/D) converter, and timing and synchronisation circuits, provides the two way link between the digital computer and the analog potentiostat. The applied potential waveform is readily constructed using software and translated into the analog waveform input signal via the D/A converter. For the current measurement, digitized data is obtained by A/D conversion which translates the voltage level from the current to voltage converter into digital values. Again, complex current sampling protocols can be devised using software. The major advantage of computer control is the ability to construct entirely flexible input waveforms and current sampling routines with minimal hardware modification requirements. Perhaps the greatest impact of the computer in regard to potential generation and current monitoring is in pulse techniques. The computer has contributed to the development of novel pulse waveforms that would be difficult to implement using dedicated electronic circuits. Of particular interest is the ability to finely adjust pulse frequencies and waveshapes to suit specific experimental conditions. For example, the pulse width can be optimised to ensure discrimination against charging current while maximising the sampling frequency. Robert and Janet Osteryoung have made some of the major contributions to the development of computer aided pulse voltammetric techniques (16,17). Osteryoung square wave voltammetry is a notable example of a technique that is practically feasible only because of the computer. The waveform consists of a large amplitude square wave superimposed on a staircase waveform. The technique affords a much higher sensitivity for both reversible and irreversible systems. It is also faster than any other pulse mode (17). One of the advantages of the computer is the ability to perform electrochemical experiments having short time scales. Previously, the use of storage oscilloscopes was the only means of capturing fast data. For a permanent record the tracing on the oscilloscope had to be photographed and the points read manually from the photograph. Using fairly inexpensive A/D converters having acquisition times of the order of 10 microseconds, computers can be used to record fast experiments in the millisecond scale. For example, fast cyclic voltammograms with scan rates in excess of 1 volt/sec can be obtained, while with the

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Figure 2. Computer-controlled electrochemistry.



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use of special interfacing hardware, such as direct memory access, even faster experiments can be monitored. One early example of this type of application of computers to short time scale data acquisition experiments was reported by Lauer and co-workers (25,26). The work showed the enormous advantages of the computer route over the earlier tedious, less accurate oscilloscope procedure. Micro-Computer Based Systems The trend in the 1980's has shifted towards the development of microcomputer controlled voltammetry. Several reports have appeared in the literature where an inexpensive personal computer has been interfaced to a potentiostat (27). The most significant advantage of the microcomputer is that it has made it possible for researchers to build their own instrumentation hardware, thus dispelling much of the mystery previously associated with minicomputers (28), Also, with decreasing prices it is now considerably more cost effective to use a personal computer in place of dedicated hardware such as potentiometric recorders. This fact has been admirably demonstrated by Bond's group in their development of microcomputer based instrumentation for ac voltammetry (29). Of particular interest is the replacement of hardware functions by software with the tradeoff being flexibility and cost against speed. Also with the decline in the cost of electronic components it is now possible to devise even more sophisticated hardware. For example, the use of multi (micro) processor systems has been proposed for improving the real time response of microcomputers. In multiprocessor systems, various tasks can be distributed among several processors. Thus, data acquisition is handled by one processor while the processing of the data is handled by a another and the experimental control by a third. In the commercial area, work has been concerned with integration of the microcomputer as a component part of the instrument. Already, a few "smart" instruments have appeared in the market. Instruments such as the PARC 273 (Princeton Applied Research Corporation) and BAS 100 (Bioanalytial Systems Inc.) enable the chemist to perform a wide range of techniques using the same instrument. Smart instruments provide the user with the flexibility of software control. However, the software is transparent to the user as experimental procedures are usually invoked using front panel function keys. Computer-Aided Interpretation of Electrochemical Data In general, electrochemical measurements seek to analyse the time-dependent response of the electrochemical cell to an externally applied, perturbing potential waveform. In this context, a major area of activity in computer-aided voltammetry has been the development of software that enables the analysis of voltammetric data to provide analytical, mechanistic and thermodynamic information on the measured electrode process.

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At the rudimentary level, one of the advantages of the computer comes from the ability to handle experimental data in digital form. The benefits are increased accuracy, the ability to store vast amounts of data and the ease of transmission. The computer can also present the results to the experimenter in the form of graphs, charts or tables. However, perhaps the most important benefit is the ability to transform and analyse the computer-stored data after completion of the experiment. Various techniques are also available for enhancing the quality of electrochemical data including digital smoothing, background subtraction, and signal transformations. The application of Fourier transform techniques to the study of electroanalytical chemistry would not hve been feasible without the computer. Smith (30) has been responsible for most of the pioneering work in this area. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) can be used both for data acquisition and for data treatment. For example, the FFT approach in ac impedance measurements has the advantage that a range of frequencies can be superimposed during a single potential scan. Transformation of data from the time to the frequency domain enables noise to be more easily eliminated. The FFT approach also has an advantage over digital smoothing techniques in that the latter introduces distortions in the smoothed signal (31). Another example of a useful transform technique is the work of Soong and Maloy who employed the Riemann Liouville transform to discriminate the faradaic current form the capacitive and adsorptive currents in polarographic measurements (32). The use of this transform technique affords a sensitivity that compares favourably with conventional pulse or differential pulse polarographic techniques. Cybernetic Electrochemistry Perhaps the most striking capability endowed by the computer is the facility to carry out a number of techniques from a single workstation. The Osteryoung group demonstrated this feature early in the development of pulse techniques (16). Recently, Faulkner and co-workers have described the design of a "cybernetic potentiostat" which enables the user to bring to bear a wide range of electrochemical techniques on a single problem (33,34). The electrochemist is now able to explore different experimental strategies without having to make any physical changes to the instrumentation. Moreover, experimental data is automatically transformed and plotted in a useful form. For example, Faulkner and He (34) have reported that up to 50 experiments can be performed in one hour with their cybernetic potentiostat. The advantage of this facility in maximizing the amount of information that can be extracted from several experiments is readily apparent. Less obvious is the profound impact on productivity and on the way the electrochemist actually goes about his work. In Faulkner's cybernetic potentiostat the operator still plays the vital role of directing the experimental work and finally deriving conclusions based on the results. The next stage will be systems that have inferential and decision making

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Development of Electrochemical Instrumentation


capabilities in closed loop interaction with experimental control functions. The key to decision making systems is the availability of software that can correctly interpret electrochemical data. Data interpretation methods invariably rely on a model that can be used as a basis for comparison. Work in this area has been developing steadily. For example, Olsen and Evans have used simulated theoretical cyclic voltammograms to predict mechanisms from experimental results (35); Harrison and Small have also reported on the use of a library of mechanisms (36). Unfortunately, real data from electrochemical experiments are usually confused by noise and experimental artifacts. Although, signal processing techniques, such as Fourier transformation and digital filtering, can be used to improve the quality of the data, there is still a need for techniques that can extract useful information where there is inherent data uncertainty which cannot be removed. Pattern recognition techniques are powerful tools for this purpose (34,37,40). They have been applied to classify electrochemical data on the basis of electrode mechanism (37,38) and chemical structure (39,40). Even with the use of pattern recognition, a single experiment (or even several experiments based on a single technique) is often insufficient. As remarked by He and Faulkner (34), the future of cybernetic electrochemistry will depend on the ability to combine the evidence derived from a number of experiments using different electrochemical techniques. Undoubtedly, use will be made of methodologies drawn from the artificial intelligence area. Of particular interest are expert systems that employ knowledge based search techniques. A start has already been made in this direction. Eklund and Faulkner have designed a system that allows the use of a combination of evidence to derive conclusions on the'n'value of an electrode process, the stability of an electrogenerated product and the existence of adsorption at an electrode (34,41). Generally, the approach to problem solving using expert systems may be defined as a search of a problem space. The key to such intelligent systems will be the availability of diagnostics that can be used to guide the search towards a satisfactory solution. Therdteppitak and Maloy have developed a model for a cybernetic instrument that utilises a computed function serving as a general diagnostic criteria. As an example of its application, the function was successfully used to distinguish between diffusion control and kinetic control (42,43). Often, however, algorithmic approaches to deriving a solution are impractical in cases where the number of possible solutions is large or where an appropriate diagnostic is unavailable or insufficient. In such cases, heuristic techniques can be applied. These are simply rule of thumb approaches based on an expert's experience in the problem domain. Gunasingham has recently addressed this issue (44). Figure 3 shows a schematic of a general design for a cybernetic instrument where the control software is separated into plan, execute, interpret and refine phases. In this view, heuristic methods are used in conjunction with algorithmic, deterministic

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Figure 3. General design for a cybernetic potentiostat.

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Development of Electrochemical Instrumentation


procedures in the interpretation of experimental data. The development of expert systems that combine heuristic and deterministic techniques will require the use of special programming languages. Gunasingham and Wong described the use of Prolog for this purpose (44,45). One of the advantages of Prolog is its declarative style based on first order predicate calculus. As a consequence, heuristics can be added to or deleted from the system without worrying about the order in which they are to be used. This approach is directed to experimental systems that have a learning capability. Automation of Analytical Processes One of the most active areas of electrochemical research and development in the last decade has been the use of electrochemical detectors for flowing stream analysis. Of particular interest is the analysis of complex solutions containing several chemical species. The use of high performance chromatography coupled to electrochemical detection (LCEC) is an important development in this regard. In most applications of conventional LCEC, such as in clinical, biomedical or organic analysis, discrete samples are analysed. Recently there has also been considerable interest in the related area of flow detection in continuous monitoring applications such as process control, environmental monitoring and bio-medical applications. The ability to continuously monitor complex chemical systems demands new and more sophisticated modes, involving the combination of a number of analytical schemes in a single system. Such systems invariably require the use of microcomputer control for accurate timing and sequencing of operations. Also, the computer enables autonomous operation which is usually necessary in real applications. A good example of hybrid systems made possible by the computer is the work of Bond and co-workers in combining ultraviolet absorption and electrochemical detection for the monitoring of heavy metals (46). Another approach to monitoring heavy metals is through the use of continuous monitoring anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV). In anodic stripping voltammetry, the plating and stripping steps can be optimised by the judicious choice of medium (47). Periodic cleaning with a nitric acid wash is needed to limit the contamination of the electrodes. Techniques such as acid digestion and membrane separation can also be used to minimise or eliminate the effects of impurities. Another example of a continuous electrochemical monitoring system is an extracorporeal analyzer system that has been developed for continuously monitoring human blood glucose levels. Figure 4 shows a schematic diagram of the monitoring system, which includes a dialysis chamber, an enzyme reactor and an electrochemical detector. A modified stopped flow technique is employed. A small sample of blood (around 10 ul) is sampled through a double lumen catheter and loaded into the dialyser. The glucose dialyser is then injected through an enzyme reactor and the generated hydrogen peroxide monitored at a platinum electrode. In this system the microcomputer performs a number of

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Figure 4.

Extra-corporeal monitor for blood glucose.


Development of Electrochemical Instrumentation


functions including timing and control of the sampling and analysis sequence, data acquisition, background subtraction, auto calibration, and recording and display of results (48).

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Conclusions The development of electrochemical instrumentation has been shown to be an evolutionary process, progressing as a result of the impact of emerging technologies such as electronics and the advent of the microcomputer. Three distinct periods in this evolution have been identified: the early history and electromechanical systems, the electronic age and finally the computer era. In each period, progress has been punctuated by specific, occasionally revolutionary, contributions by individuals. Often, a single discovery, such as that of polarography has resulted in the transformation of previously accepted practices and techniques. This, of course, is a general feature in the evolution of all branches of science. Electrochemical instrumentation has seen tremendous developments during its 200-year history. These advances have been fuelled in part by the involvement of electrochemical technology in some of the key problem areas of society, including public health, energy generation and conservation and environmental pollution. The development and application of electrochemical instrumentation as evidenced by the volume of published research, the emergence of new journals and level of commercial systems development is clearly a rapidly expanding field. While the advances in microelectronics and solid state sensor devices have far outstripped the development of comparable chemical sensor devices, there is strong evidence that recent developments in electrochemical sensors and associated instrumentation may bridge the gap. Current research and development trends are towards a greater involvement and integration of computers, cybernetics, microelectronics and miniaturisation of measurement devices. With an increasing level of demand by industry for the practical demonstration of these technologies, the future indeed looks very bright. Literature Cited 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8.

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Development of Electrochemical Instrumentation

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