Device for Reading “Nesslerized” Ammonia Tubes in Water Analysis

Device for Reading “Nesslerized” Ammonia Tubes in Water Analysis. W. P. Mason. J. Am. Chem. ... WuXi NextCode acquires Irish population database...
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Dez& for Xcndiiig “Nesslerircd” Aiiiiiioriin Tiibcs in Water Aiialysis.-Tlie illnstratioii shown herewith reqiiires but little explanation. Two disks of brass inch thick and 6% inches in diameter arc joined by twelre tubes of brass l’;/lc inch in ?iiside diameter and Q;,< inches i n length. The glass “Nessler” tubes, which are inch i n diameter aiid 8 indies to the jo cc. mark, just fit these tubes and are kept 11-om falling thro’ugh the open bottoms by thc lioles i i i the lower bras: disk,hcinq sliglitlv smaller than the dianieter of the h a s s tubes.
