DFT Calculation on 76 Polybromophenazines: Their Thermodynamic

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J. Chem. Eng. Data 2009, 54, 2404–2410

DFT Calculation on 76 Polybromophenazines: Their Thermodynamic Function and Stability† Ping Sun, Guo Y. Yang, Hong X. Liu, and Zun Y. Wang* School of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Jiaxing University, Jiaxing, 314001, P. R. China

The thermodynamic functions, including enthalpy (HΘ), entropy (SΘ), and Gibbs free energy (GΘ) for 76 polybromophenazines (PBPZs) in the gaseous state at 298.15 K and 101.325 kPa, have been calculated using the density functional theory (the B3LYP/6-31G*) with the Gaussian 03 program. On the basis of these data, the isodesmic reactions were designed to calculate the standard formation heat (∆fHΘ) and standard Gibbs energy of formation (∆fGΘ) of PBPZs. In addition, the dependences of these thermodynamic parameters on the number and positions of bromine substitutes (NPBS) were discussed. It is suggested that ∆fHΘ and ∆fGΘ of PBPZs vary greatly with the substituent positions of bromine, with the influence order being position R > position β, while the SΘ value is increased by 10 J · mol-1 · K-1 by increasing each bromine atom to PBPZs. It was found that when two bromines substitute in the same aromatic ring the ∆fHΘ and ∆fGΘ increase effect is ortho > meta > para. The relative stability order of PBPZ congeners was theoretically proposed based on the relative magnitude of their ∆fGΘ. In addition, the values of molar heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp,m) for PBPZ congeners have been calculated.

Introduction Phenazine (PZ) (the structure and atomic numbering of PZ are illustrated in Figure 1) shows properties with a wide range of significant applications.1 Many phenazine compounds are found in nature and are produced by bacteria such as Pseudomonas spp., Streptomyces spp., and Pantoea agglomerans. These phenazine natural products have been implicated in the virulence and competitive outcome of producing organisms. For example, the phenazine pyocyanin produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa contributes to its ability to colonize the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients. Similarly, phenazine-1-carboxylic acid, produced by a number of Pseudomonas, has been shown to be essential for the biological control activity of certain strains and the quantity increases in soil environments.2,3 Natural and synthetic phenazines have attracted considerable attention because of their interesting biological activities,4 i.e., antibiotic and anticancer agents.5,6 Halosubstituted phenazines are useful as herbicides.7 Because of the remarkable reluctance of phenazines to undergo electrophilic substitution reactions, the displacement of the halogen atoms of chlorophenazines by a variety of nucleophiles can play an important role in the production of a wide variety of phenazine derivatives.8 As the use of chlorophenzines has increased in recent years, their concentrations in the environment have also increased. Using the in vitro bioassay for dioxin-like activity showed that tetrabromophenazine (T4BPZ) has a half-effective dose (ED50) of 10-7 M, which is about 10 000-fold less active than concomitantly tested 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated dibenzop-dioxins.9 The conclusion can be drawn that ploychlorophenzines (PCPZs) also have dioxin-like activity. While polybromophenazines (PBPZs) possess the analogous properties as PCPZs, so we take PBPZs into study. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-0573-83643937. Fax: +86-057383643937. E-mail address: wangzun315cn@ 163.com. † Part of the “William A. Wakeham Festschrift”.

Figure 1. Numbering of the C-atoms of PZ.

Figure 2. Positions for these Br atoms of 1,2,3,6,9-penta-BPZ.

It is important to know the thermodynamic properties of PBPZs for studying their generation, degradation, and environmental risk. So, the purpose of the study was to calculate the thermodynamic properties for 76 PBPZs with the Gaussian 03 program.10 Then, the relations between these thermodynamic properties as mentioned above and positions of bromine substitutes (NPBS) were studied. Finally, by designing isodesmic reactions, the standard enthalpies of formation (∆fHΘ) and the standard Gibbs energies of formation (∆fGΘ) for all PBPZs were also obtained. The molar heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp,m) values of PBPZs were calculated using the statistical thermodynamics calculation program at temperatures of (200 to 1000) K.

10.1021/je8008304 CCC: $40.75  2009 American Chemical Society Published on Web 03/16/2009

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 54, No. 9, 2009 2405 Table 1. Thermodynamic Data Used for Calculating ∆fHΘ and ∆fGΘ of PBPZs number

formula or name

1 2 3 4 5 6 a



(kJ · mol-1)

(kJ · mol-1)


benzene (PhH) bromobenzene (BB) phenazine (PZ) graphite (C) nitrogen (N2) hydrogen (H2)


129.66 138.53a -

82.9 105.0a 237.0a 0 0 0

(kJ · mol-1)

(kJ · mol-1)

(J · mol-1 · K-1)

-609490.285 -7359948.473 -1500278.386 -

-609570.206 -7360045.223 -1500395.543 -

93.916 5.74a 45.77a 130.57a

Data from ref 11 and other data from B3LYP/6-31G* calculations.

Table 2. Thermodynamic Parameters and Experimental Ones of Part Aromatic Hydrocarbon Calculated at the B3LYP/6-31G* Level12 ∆fHΘ (kJ · mol-1)





benzene chlorobenzene 1,2-dichlorobenzene 1,3-dichlorobenzene 1,4-dichlorobenzene 1,1′-biphenyl 2,2′-dichlorobiphenyl 4,4′-dichlorobiphenyl benzenethiol

82.9 54.4 30.0 28.1 24.6 182.1 126.8 120.1 111.5


SΘ (J · mol-1 · K-1) a


40.6 30.0 29.8

10.6 1.9 5.2

143.8 125.6

17 5.5

∆fGΘ (kJ · mol-1) a







269.3 313.5 341.5 343.5 336.7 392.7

268.2 313.3 342.1 343.5 337.7 391.7 461.8 452.5 333.6

-1.1 -0.2 0.6 0.0 1.0 -1.0

129.7 99.2 82.7 78.6 77.2 280.1

0.2 0.0 10.7 3.6 6.7 0.2


129.9 99.2 93.4 82.2 83.9 280.3 270.8 255.5



Taken from ref 13.

Table 3. Experimental Value of Cp,m of Part Aromatic Hydrocarbon Calculated at the B3LYP/6-31G* Level12 Cp,m (J · mol-1 · K-1) 400 K

600 K

800 K

1000 K














aniline phenol benzenethiol m-cresol p-cresol o-cresol biphenyl chlorobenzene 1,2-dichlorobenzene 1,3-dichlorobenzene 1,4-dichlorobenzene perchlorobenzene 1,2-difluorobenzene 1,3-difluorobenzene 1,4-difluorobenzene perfluorobenzene toluene ethylbenzene

142.97 135.77 142.97 162.09 161.71 166.27 221.04 128.11 142.76 143.01 143.26 201.17 137.07 136.90 137.40 183.59 140.08 170.54

145.05 137.60 143.30 168.73 168.79 168.57 228.52 131.21 146.00 146.38 146.32 204.85 140.14 140.80 140.45 187.80 147.27 174.99

2.08 1.83 0.33 6.64 7.08 2.30 7.48 3.10 3.24 3.37 3.06 3.68 3.07 3.90 3.05 4.21 7.19 4.45

192.84 182.17 192.84 218.66 217.99 220.79 307.69 172.21 184.39 184.47 184.77 233.38 181.29 180.46 180.75 219.87 197.48 236.14

195.37 184.84 189.32 225.72 225.73 225.64 314.94 174.64 186.96 187.21 187.14 236.20 182.83 183.32 183.18 222.93 203.08 242.60

2.53 2.67 -3.52 7.06 7.74 4.85 7.25 2.43 2.57 2.74 2.37 2.82 1.54 2.86 2.43 3.06 5.60 6.46

225.06 211.79 225.06 256.35 255.68 257.53 363.67 200.37 210.37 210.41 210.66 249.74 209.70 207.82 207.86 241.08 235.60 280.96

228.21 215.09 219.03 263.67 263.67 263.62 370.33 202.20 212.31 212.44 212.40 252.89 209.42 209.66 209.67 243.30 240.64 288.51

3.15 3.30 -6.03 7.32 7.99 6.09 6.66 1.83 1.94 2.03 1.74 3.15 -0.28 1.84 1.81 2.22 5.04 7.55

247.61 232.17 247.61 286.60 290.70 287.94 401.66 219.58 227.69 227.69 227.86 260.83 228.95 225.64 225.89 253.68 264.93 312.84

251.17 235.90 239.49 290.26 290.28 290.24 408.02 220.90 229.13 229.19 229.17 262.30 227.06 227.12 227.22 255.31 267.07 320.97

3.56 3.73 -8.12 3.66 -0.42 2.30 6.36 1.32 1.44 1.50 1.31 1.47 -1.89 1.48 1.33 1.63 2.14 8.13


Taken from ref 11. b Calculated using the statistical thermodynamics calculation program.

Computational Methods Becke’s three-parameter hybrid function combined with the gradient-correlation functional of Lee, Yang, and Parr (LYP), denoted B3LYP, was employed in the computations using DFT. The all-electron 6-31G* basis set was employed. Geometries were optimized using analytic gradient techniques, that is, the Berny algorithm with redundant internal coordinates. The stationary points on the potential energy surface were characterized by calculations of vibrational frequencies, which were done analytically at DFT levels. Following the geometry optimization, frequencies were calculated using the same method at a stationary point. Throughout this paper, all calculations for PBPZs were carried out at the B3LYP/6-31G* level. The equations used for computing thermochemical data in Gaussian programs are derived from statistical thermodynamics. Two key ideas of statistical thermodynamics are the Boltzmann distribution and the partition function. The

partition function is like a thermodynamic wave function, in the sense that it contains all thermodynamic information about the system, just as the quantum mechanical wave function contains all dynamic information. In this paper, PBPZ congeners with one to eight bromine atoms are represented by the notation as MBPZ (monobromophenazines), DBPZ (dibromophenazines), tri-BPZ (tribromophenazines), TBPZ (tetrabromophenazines), penta-BPZ (pentabromophenazines), hexa-BPZ (hexabromophenazines), hepta-BPZ (heptabromophenazines), and OBPZ (octabromophenazines), respectively. Moreover, the brominated phenazines mentioned above are defined as a general designation PBPZs. In this work, the positions of Br substitution (PBS) consist of the number of the substituting Br atoms on different positions of the parent compound and the number of relative positions of these Br atoms. The numbers of the positions of Br substitution (PBS) are defined as follows: the numbers of bromine atoms at positions 1(4,


Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 54, No. 9, 2009

Table 4. Thermodynamic Parameters by B3LYP/6-31G* for PBPZsa SΘ




J · mol-1 · K-1

kJ · mol-1

kJ · mol-1

kJ · mol-1






433.621 434.262

267.089 261.697

420.462 414.880

1,2-DBPZ 1,3-DBPZ 1,4-DBPZ 1,6-DBPZ 1,7-DBPZ 1,8-DBPZ 1,9-DBPZ 2,3-DBPZ 2,7-DBPZ 2,8-DBPZ

471.993 474.930 473.461 474.035 475.344 474.788 473.671 472.880 475.160 475.892

299.613 294.404 299.043 297.877 292.663 292.870 299.145 296.756 287.202 287.147

445.145 439.062 444.137 442.800 437.195 437.570 444.176 442.023 431.792 431.516

1,2,3-tri-BPZ 1,2,4-tri-BPZ 1,2,6-tri-BPZ 1,2,7-tri-BPZ 1,2,8-tri-BPZ 1,2,9-tri-BPZ 1,3,6-tri-BPZ 1,3,7-tri-BPZ 1,3,8-tri-BPZ 1,3,9-tri-BPZ 1,4,6-tri-BPZ 1,4,7-tri-BPZ 2,3,6-tri-BPZ 2,3,7-tri-BPZ

510.820 512.737 512.394 513.871 513.682 512.841 515.306 516.155 515.829 515.812 514.184 514.155 512.908 515.297

338.306 333.464 330.912 325.672 325.785 332.047 326.297 320.655 320.807 327.126 331.569 325.459 328.358 323.004

475.859 470.445 467.998 462.317 462.488 469.001 462.516 456.620 456.869 463.194 468.122 462.020 465.289 459.224

1,2,3,4-TBPZ 1,2,3,6-TBPZ 1,2,3,7-TBPZ 1,2,3,8-TBPZ 1,2,3,9-TBPZ 1,2,4,6-TBPZ 1,2,4,7-TBPZ 1,2,4,8-TBPZ 1,2,4,9-TBPZ 1,2,6,7-TBPZ 1,2,6,8-TBPZ 1,2,6,9-TBPZ 1,2,7,8-TBPZ 1,2,7,9-TBPZ 1,2,8,9-TBPZ 1,3,6,8-TBPZ 1,3,6,9-TBPZ 1,3,7,8-TBPZ 1,3,7,9-TBPZ 1,4,6,9-TBPZ 1,4,7,8-TBPZ 2,3,7,8-TBPZ

548.698 551.686 552.142 552.828 550.648 552.543 553.146 553.970 552.079 552.288 553.393 553.798 552.108 553.079 552.070 556.526 555.430 554.254 556.376 554.200 553.049 552.418

381.386 370.325 364.738 364.853 371.073 366.610 360.419 360.345 366.426 364.208 359.463 365.040 361.829 360.566 365.255 354.961 360.401 356.874 355.606 365.967 361.742 358.725

511.247 499.295 493.572 493.483 500.354 495.326 488.956 488.636 495.278 492.997 487.924 493.383 490.673 489.119 494.110 482.490 488.255 485.078 483.178 494.189 490.306 487.475

1,2,3,4,6-penta-BPZ 1,2,3,4,7-penta-BPZ 1,2,3,6,7-penta-BPZ 1,2,3,6,8-penta-BPZ 1,2,3,6,9-penta-BPZ 1,2,3,7,8-penta-BPZ 1,2,3,7,9-penta-BPZ 1,2,3,8,9-penta-BPZ 1,2,4,6,7-penta-BPZ 1,2,4,6,8-penta-BPZ 1,2,4,6,9-penta-BPZ 1,2,4,7,8-penta-BPZ 1,2,4,7,9-penta-BPZ 1,2,4,8,9-penta-BPZ

588.714 590.212 589.685 592.279 591.856 590.831 592.371 590.287 592.760 594.400 594.132 592.090 593.852 591.685

414.513 408.391 403.667 399.091 404.670 401.191 399.965 404.665 400.196 395.560 401.079 396.880 395.589 400.123

536.043 529.474 524.908 519.558 525.263 522.089 520.406 525.727 520.521 515.393 520.991 517.405 515.588 520.765

1,2,3,4,6,7-hexa-BPZ 1,2,3,4,6,8-hexa-BPZ 1,2,3,4,6,9-hexa-BPZ 1,2,3,4,7,8-hexa-BPZ 1,2,3,6,7,8-hexa-BPZ

627.512 629.935 629.315 628.186 628.395

448.276 443.776 449.061 445.007 443.539

561.837 556.615 562.084 558.369 556.838

Cp,m/J · (J · mol-1 · K-1) constant

530.894 MBPZ 5.582 542.274 0.000 542.033 DBPZ 13.629 553.845 7.546 553.739 12.621 553.708 11.284 553.671 5.679 553.495 6.054 553.657 12.660 553.720 10.507 553.768 0.276 553.281 0.000 553.250 tri-BPZ 19.240 566.145 13.826 565.616 11.379 565.354 5.697 565.107 5.868 565.198 12.382 565.347 5.897 565.274 0.000 565.027 0.249 565.020 6.574 565.251 11.502 565.172 5.401 565.041 8.669 565.323 2.604 565.100 TBPZ 28.757 578.558 16.806 577.670 11.082 577.457 10.993 577.470 17.864 577.690 12.836 577.257 6.467 576.874 6.146 576.911 12.789 577.107 10.507 577.013 5.435 576.903 10.893 576.937 8.184 577.024 6.629 576.916 11.620 576.972 0.000 576.682 5.766 576.778 2.589 576.832 0.688 576.823 11.699 576.697 7.816 576.783 4.986 576.881 penta-BPZ 20.650 590.238 14.081 589.979 9.515 589.329 4.164 589.214 9.869 589.243 6.695 589.338 5.012 589.279 10.334 589.357 5.128 588.824 0.000 588.716 5.598 588.743 2.011 588.730 0.194 588.643 5.372 588.807 hexa-BPZ 13.461 601.923 8.239 601.888 13.708 601.771 9.993 601.903 8.462 601.785


















25.776 25.694

-1.452 -1.446

1.279 1.271

1 0

0 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

18.903 18.812 19.107 19.047 18.886 18.807 19.041 18.745 18.806 18.793

-1.415 -1.412 -1.417 -1.416 -1.410 -1.411 -1.416 -1.410 -1.405 -1.405

1.233 1.231 1.238 1.235 1.227 1.228 1.236 1.226 1.220 1.219

1 1 2 2 1 1 2 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 2

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

11.587 12.035 12.094 11.974 11.932 12.099 11.999 11.894 11.906 12.008 12.341 12.178 11.908 11.785

-1.379 -1.382 -1.379 -1.373 -1.373 -1.379 -1.377 -1.371 -1.371 -1.376 -1.382 -1.377 -1.375 -1.369

1.189 1.195 1.190 1.181 1.182 1.190 1.188 1.179 1.180 1.188 1.195 1.187 1.182 1.174

1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 0

2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 2 3

2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

4.448 4.781 4.649 4.649 4.781 5.207 5.177 5.136 5.306 5.130 5.078 5.322 4.930 5.101 5.157 5.084 5.301 4.913 4.991 5.657 5.222 4.820

-1.350 -1.344 -1.338 -1.338 -1.344 -1.347 -1.341 -1.340 -1.347 -1.341 -1.340 -1.345 -1.337 -1.340 -1.341 -1.337 -1.342 -1.335 -1.337 -1.348 -1.340 -1.333

1.154 1.146 1.138 1.138 1.146 1.153 1.144 1.144 1.153 1.143 1.142 1.149 1.136 1.142 1.143 1.140 1.147 1.134 1.140 1.155 1.141 1.129

2 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 4 2 0

2 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 3 2 0 2 4

3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 2

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0

0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 0

-2.422 -2.544 -2.139 -2.227 -1.963 -2.374 -2.263 -2.170 -1.706 -1.777 -1.509 -1.845 -1.702 -1.679

-1.315 -1.309 -1.307 -1.305 -1.310 -1.303 -1.305 -1.307 -1.309 -1.307 -1.312 -1.305 -1.307 -1.309

1.112 1.103 1.100 1.098 1.106 1.093 1.098 1.100 1.106 1.104 1.112 1.098 1.105 1.106

3 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 4 2 3 3

2 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 2 2 1 3 2 2

3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 2

2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1

1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 1

1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1

-9.378 -9.493 -9.122 -9.586 -9.541

-1.278 -1.276 -1.281 -1.273 -1.273

1.066 1.064 1.072 1.058 1.057

3 3 4 2 2

3 3 2 4 4

4 3 3 4 4

2 3 2 2 2

1 1 2 1 0

1 1 2 0 0

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 54, No. 9, 2009 2407 Table 4. Continued SΘ




J · mol-1 · K-1

kJ · mol-1

kJ · mol-1

kJ · mol-1

1,2,3,6,7,9-hexa-BPZ 1,2,3,6,8,9-hexa-BPZ 1,2,3,7,8,9-hexa-BPZ 1,2,4,6,7,9-hexa-BPZ 1,2,4,6,8,9-hexa-BPZ

630.248 629.868 628.353 631.110 632.198

439.950 439.872 444.017 436.288 436.212

552.698 552.732 557.326 548.775 548.376

1,2,3,4,6,7,8-hepta-BPZ 1,2,3,4,6,7,9-hepta-BPZ

667.323 669.185

488.150 484.595






Cp,m/J · (J · mol-1 · K-1) 10-3T








4.322 601.282 4.356 601.225 8.950 601.736 0.399 600.674 0.000 600.682 hepta-BPZ

-9.073 -9.033 -9.514 -8.506 -8.545

-1.275 -1.275 -1.273 -1.278 -1.277

1.064 1.064 1.057 1.071 1.070

3 3 2 4 4

3 3 4 2 2

3 3 4 2 2

2 2 2 2 2

1 1 0 2 2

1 1 1 2 2

593.441 589.332

4.109 614.421 0.000 613.811 OBPZ

-16.809 -16.253

-1.243 -1.246

1.023 1.029

3 4

4 3

5 4

3 3

1 2

1 2















S is standard entropy; ∆fH is the standard enthalpy of formation of the compound; ∆fG is the standard Gibbs energy of formation of the Θ compound; and ∆fGRΘ is the relative magnitude of the standard Gibbs energy of formation; Cp,m is molar heat capacity at constant pressure. N is the number of Br atom substitutions, and the subscript PBS indicates the positions. Table 5. Most Stable and Unstable Isomers in Different Isomer Groups for PBPZs compounds

most stable isomer

most unstable isomer

MBPZ DBPZ tri-BPZ TBPZ penta-BPZ hexa-BPZ hepta-BPZ

22,8-; 2,71,3,8-; 1,3,71,3,6,8-; 1,3,7,91,2,4,6,8-; 1,2,4,7,91,2,3,6,8,9-; 1,2,3,6,7,91,2,3,4,6,7,9-

11,21,2,31,2,3,41,2,3,4,61,2,3,4,6,7-; 1,2,3,4,6,91,2,3,4,6,7,8-

6, 9) and 2(3, 7, 8) are defined as NR and Nβ; the pair numbers of bromine at positions 1, 9 or 4, 6 are symbolized as N1,9; and the pair numbers of bromine at ortho, meta, and para positions are symbolized as No, Nm, and Np, respectively. Moreover, the parameters mentioned above are defined as a general designation NPBS. NR, Nβ, No, Nm, and Np for 1,2,3,6,9penta-BPZ equals 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, respectively (see Figure 2).

Θ The same method was used to calculate ∆fGPBPZ , and eq 5 could be obtained

Θ Θ Θ Θ ∆fGPBPZ ) GPBPZ + nGΘbenzene - nGbromobenzene - GPZ Θ Θ + ∆fGPZ (5) n∆fGΘbenzene + n∆fGbromobenzene

Equation 6 was used to calculate ∆fGΘPZ



Θ Θ Θ - SN2 - 12SCΘ - 4SH2 ∆rSΘ ) SPZ


Calculation of ∆fHΘ, ∆fGΘ, and Cp,m. Isodesmic reaction 1 was designed to calculate ∆fHΘ and ∆fGΘ of PBPZs in this study.

Θ Θ Θ - ∆fHN2 - 12∆fHCΘ - 4∆fHH2 ∆rHΘ ) ∆fHPZ


PZ + nbromobenzene ) PBPZ + nbenzene

Θ Θ Θ Θ ) ∆rGPZ ) ∆rHPZ - T∆rSPZ ∆fGPZ




The standard enthalpy change of the reaction (∆rHΘ) is equal to the sum of the standard enthalpies of the products obtained from DFT calculations minus the sum of the standard enthalpies of reactants

∆rHΘ ) [HPBPZ + nHbenzene] - [HPZ + nHbromobenzene] (2) The sum of the enthalpies of formation of the products minus those of the reactants also yields ∆rHΘ Θ ∆rHΘ ) [∆fHPBPZ + n∆fHΘbenzene] Θ Θ + n∆fHbromobenzene ] (3) [∆fHPZ

The value of ∆rHΘ calculated from eq 2 was substituted into eq 3 to yield the ∆fHΘ of PBPZs. Θ Θ Θ Θ ∆fHPBPZ ) HPBPZ + nHΘbenzene - nHbromobenzene - HPZ Θ Θ + ∆fHPZ (4) n∆fHΘbenzene + n∆fHbromobenzene

The experimental and calculated values of ∆fHΘ, ∆fGΘ, H , GΘ, and SΘ for benzene, bromobenzene, phenazine, graphite, nitrogen, and hydrogen are listed in Table 1. To validate the precision of the method, we have calculated some thermodynamic data of halogen aromatic compounds with experimental data using the method (the results are listed in Table 2).12 The results show 2,2′-dichlorobiphenyl, benzenethiol, and 1,2-dichlorobenzene possess the largest discrepancies of ∆fHΘ, SΘ, and ∆fGΘ, respectively, and the values are 17.0 kJ · mol-1, -3.1 J · mol-1 · K-1, and 10.7 kJ · mol-1, respectively. Furthermore, we have found that the relative stabilities from calculated results are in good agreement with the ratio of these isomers measured in the environment when we studied PCDDs,14 which indicated calculation using this method to be a valid procedure. Then, the values of Cp,m were calculated using a statistical thermodynamics calculation program at temperatures (200 to 1000) K based on Gaussian output files. In previous work, we have also calculated Cp,m of 18 aromatic hydrocarbons at the temperatures between (200 to 1000) K and compared them with experimental data (the results are listed in Table 3).12 The results show ethylbenzene possesses the largest deviation 8.13 J · mol-1 · K-1, and the differences between values calculated and those from ref 11 are small for the other Θ


Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 54, No. 9, 2009

Table 6. Molar Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure for (200 to 1000) K Cp,m (J · mol-1 · K-1) T (K) 298.10







1-MBPZ 2-MBPZ DBPZ 1,2-DBPZ 1,3-DBPZ 1,4-DBPZ 1,6-DBPZ 1,7-DBPZ 1,8-DBPZ 1,9-DBPZ 2,3-DBPZ 2,7-DBPZ 2,8-DBPZ

207.58 208.23

141.04 141.51

208.78 209.43

224.36 224.86 223.97 224.12 224.86 224.79 224.05 224.87 225.40 225.51

158.32 158.98 158.17 158.20 158.79 158.70 158.12 158.60 159.14 159.25

225.54 226.04 225.15 225.30 226.04 225.97 225.23 226.05 226.58 226.69

1,2,3-tri-BPZ 1,2,4-tri-BPZ 1,2,6-tri-BPZ 1,2,7-tri-BPZ 1,2,8-tri-BPZ 1,2,9-tri-BPZ 1,3,6-tri-BPZ 1,3,7-tri-BPZ 1,3,8-tri-BPZ 1,3,9-tri-BPZ 1,4,6-tri-BPZ 1,4,7-tri-BPZ 2,3,6-tri-BPZ 2,3,7-tri-BPZ

241.35 240.88 240.93 241.68 241.66 240.95 241.41 242.09 242.07 241.41 240.52 241.15 241.46 242.27

175.86 175.78 175.50 176.10 176.06 175.53 176.15 176.63 176.62 176.14 175.35 175.77 175.78 176.46

242.50 242.03 242.08 242.84 242.81 242.10 242.57 243.24 243.22 242.57 241.68 242.31 242.62 243.42

1,2,3,4-TBPZ 1,2,3,6-TBPZ 1,2,3,7-TBPZ 1,2,3,8-TBPZ 1,2,3,9-TBPZ 1,2,4,6-TBPZ 1,2,4,7-TBPZ 1,2,4,8-TBPZ 1,2,4,9-TBPZ 1,2,6,7-TBPZ 1,2,6,8-TBPZ 1,2,6,9-TBPZ 1,2,7,8-TBPZ 1,2,7,9-TBPZ 1,2,8,9-TBPZ 1,3,6,8-TBPZ 1,3,6,9-TBPZ 1,3,7,8-TBPZ 1,3,7,9-TBPZ 1,4,6,9-TBPZ 1,4,7,8-TBPZ 2,3,7,8-TBPZ

257.66 257.88 258.60 258.59 257.80 257.32 258.03 258.12 257.29 257.87 258.18 257.43 258.38 258.11 257.85 258.61 257.78 258.70 258.61 256.87 257.88 258.78

192.97 193.01 193.53 193.55 192.89 192.82 193.34 193.44 192.78 192.97 193.37 192.78 193.19 193.30 192.92 193.98 193.23 193.66 193.95 192.46 192.93 193.35

258.79 259.01 259.74 259.73 258.93 258.45 259.16 259.25 258.42 259.00 259.31 258.56 259.51 259.25 258.98 259.74 258.90 259.84 259.74 258.00 259.01 259.91

1,2,3,4,6-penta-BPZ 1,2,3,4,7-penta-BPZ 1,2,3,6,7-penta-BPZ 1,2,3,6,8-penta-BPZ 1,2,3,6,9-penta-BPZ 1,2,3,7,8-penta-BPZ 1,2,3,7,9-penta-BPZ 1,2,3,8,9-penta-BPZ 1,2,4,6,7-penta-BPZ 1,2,4,6,8-penta-BPZ 1,2,4,6,9-penta-BPZ 1,2,4,7,8-penta-BPZ 1,2,4,7,9-penta-BPZ 1,2,4,8,9-penta-BPZ

274.14 274.91 274.63 275.10 274.32 275.23 275.10 274.72 274.31 274.70 273.85 274.76 274.57 274.21

210.05 210.63 210.22 210.84 210.17 210.58 210.81 210.32 210.33 210.82 210.11 210.47 210.71 210.20

275.24 276.02 275.74 276.21 275.43 276.34 276.21 275.83 275.42 275.80 274.95 275.87 275.68 275.32

1,2,3,4,6,7-hexa-BPZ 1,2,3,4,6,8-hexa-BPZ 1,2,3,4,6,9-hexa-BPZ 1,2,3,4,7,8-hexa-BPZ

290.97 291.38 290.53 291.54

227.36 227.90 227.20 227.67

292.05 292.46 291.62 292.63






253.08 301.65 MBPZ 268.18 315.24 268.78 315.73








351.52 351.92

379.75 380.05

402.11 402.34

420.13 420.32

434.88 435.03

283.45 328.99 283.84 329.28 283.03 328.61 283.19 328.75 283.86 329.30 283.82 329.27 283.14 328.71 283.95 329.41 284.37 329.72 284.46 329.79 tri-BPZ 298.95 342.96 298.39 342.43 298.49 342.53 299.17 343.08 299.16 343.08 298.50 342.54 298.86 342.81 299.49 343.32 299.46 343.30 298.87 342.81 298.05 342.14 298.64 342.63 299.03 342.99 299.75 343.57 TBPZ 313.81 356.40 313.96 356.48 314.63 357.03 314.62 357.02 313.90 356.44 313.33 355.91 313.97 356.43 314.06 356.50 313.30 355.88 313.90 356.39 314.13 356.57 313.44 355.99 314.43 356.85 314.08 356.53 313.89 356.39 314.45 356.79 313.70 356.18 314.66 357.01 314.47 356.82 312.86 355.48 313.91 356.39 314.83 357.19 penta-BPZ 328.78 369.90 329.49 370.48 329.22 370.23 329.59 370.50 328.87 369.92 329.81 370.73 329.60 370.52 329.30 370.30 328.78 369.81 329.09 370.03 328.30 369.38 329.26 370.21 328.97 369.93 328.71 369.74 hexa-BPZ 344.11 383.71 344.43 383.94 343.64 383.29 344.69 384.19

363.89 364.10 363.57 363.68 364.11 364.10 363.65 364.23 364.44 364.50

390.85 391.01 390.59 390.67 391.01 391.00 390.65 391.12 391.26 391.31

412.06 412.17 411.84 411.91 412.16 412.16 411.89 412.27 412.36 412.39

429.06 429.13 428.87 428.91 429.11 429.11 428.91 429.22 429.26 429.29

442.87 442.92 442.71 442.75 442.90 442.90 442.74 443.00 443.02 443.04

376.46 375.99 376.07 376.51 376.51 376.08 376.28 376.68 376.66 376.28 375.74 376.13 376.44 376.91

402.14 401.74 401.80 402.13 402.14 401.80 401.95 402.26 402.25 401.95 401.52 401.83 402.09 402.46

422.18 421.84 421.88 422.14 422.15 421.89 421.99 422.23 422.22 421.99 421.65 421.89 422.12 422.40

438.12 437.82 437.85 438.05 438.06 437.86 437.92 438.11 438.10 437.92 437.66 437.84 438.04 438.26

450.99 450.73 450.75 450.90 450.91 450.75 450.80 450.94 450.93 450.80 450.59 450.73 450.90 451.08

388.59 388.62 389.06 389.05 388.59 388.13 388.53 388.59 388.10 388.53 388.65 388.19 388.90 388.62 388.52 388.81 388.33 389.00 388.83 387.77 388.51 389.17

413.08 413.07 413.41 413.40 413.04 412.66 412.97 413.01 412.63 412.98 413.06 412.70 413.28 413.04 412.97 413.17 412.79 413.34 413.19 412.36 412.95 413.48

432.03 431.99 432.26 432.25 431.97 431.64 431.88 431.92 431.62 431.90 431.95 431.67 432.15 431.94 431.90 432.02 431.73 432.17 432.04 431.39 431.87 432.30

446.97 446.91 447.12 447.11 446.89 446.62 446.80 446.83 446.60 446.82 446.85 446.63 447.02 446.84 446.82 446.89 446.67 447.02 446.91 446.40 446.79 447.13

458.94 458.86 459.02 459.02 458.85 458.61 458.75 458.78 458.60 458.78 458.79 458.62 458.94 458.79 458.78 458.82 458.64 458.93 458.83 458.43 458.75 459.03

400.75 401.21 400.99 401.19 400.73 401.40 401.20 401.04 400.61 400.78 400.26 400.94 400.69 400.56

424.01 424.37 424.18 424.32 423.96 424.50 424.34 424.23 423.86 423.97 423.57 424.12 423.90 423.82

441.85 442.12 441.96 442.05 441.78 442.21 442.07 442.00 441.68 441.76 441.44 441.89 441.70 441.65

455.77 455.98 455.84 455.90 455.69 456.04 455.92 455.87 455.60 455.65 455.40 455.77 455.60 455.57

466.82 466.99 466.86 466.90 466.74 467.02 466.91 466.89 466.66 466.69 466.49 466.79 466.65 466.64

413.16 413.34 412.81 413.56

435.16 435.29 434.88 435.48

451.84 451.93 451.61 452.09

464.72 464.78 464.53 464.92

474.84 474.87 474.68 475.00

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 54, No. 9, 2009 2409 Table 6. Continued Cp,m (J · mol-1 · K-1) T (K) 298.10








1,2,3,6,7,8-hexa-BPZ 1,2,3,6,7,9-hexa-BPZ 1,2,3,6,8,9-hexa-BPZ 1,2,3,7,8,9-hexa-BPZ 1,2,4,6,7,9-hexa-BPZ 1,2,4,6,8,9-hexa-BPZ

291.58 291.09 291.04 291.56 290.50 290.61

227.70 227.59 227.54 227.66 227.42 227.54

292.67 292.17 292.12 292.64 291.58 291.69

344.71 384.21 344.13 383.67 344.09 383.63 344.69 384.19 343.45 383.04 343.55 383.12 hepta-BPZ


413.56 413.10 413.06 413.55 412.56 412.62

435.48 435.08 435.05 435.46 434.63 434.67

452.09 451.76 451.73 452.07 451.37 451.41

464.91 464.63 464.61 464.90 464.31 464.34

474.99 474.75 474.73 474.98 474.48 474.50

1,2,3,4,6,7,8-hepta-BPZ 1,2,3,4,6,7,9-hepta-BPZ

307.95 307.47

244.88 244.81

309.02 308.53

359.63 397.71 359.05 397.16 OBPZ

425.76 425.29

446.48 446.08

461.99 461.66

473.81 473.53

482.98 482.75











compounds (see Table 3), which indicates the method used in this study possesses high precision.

Results and Discussion Relation of the Number and Position of Bromine Substitutes (NPBS) to SΘ. Up to date, there were no reports on experimental thermodynamic data of PBPZs systematically. The entropy (SΘ) can be directly obtained from the output files of Gaussian programs and is presented in Table 4. Using the multiple linear regression method of the SPSS 12.0 for the Windows program, the relation of the number and position of bromine substitutes to SΘ can be seen in eq 10.

SΘ ) 93.98 + 9.64NR + 9.84Nβ - 0.59No R2 ) 1.000, SD ) 0.12 (10) The squared regression coefficient R2 is 1.000, and the standard deviation SD is 0.12. From eq 10, the number of bromine substitutes has an obvious effect on entropy, but the spatial effect of bromine on the parameter SΘ is minor. This is because SΘ expresses the degree of disorder, and the degree of disorder increases with an increase in the number of bromine substitutes. The SΘ value is increased 10 J · mol-1 · K-1 by increasing each bromine atom to PBPZs. Calculated Results of ∆fHΘ and ∆fGΘ Values. With the design of isodesmic reactions mentioned above (eqs 4 and 5), ∆fHΘ and ∆fGΘ of PBPZs were obtained and also presented in Table 4. Using the same method mentioned above, the correlation expressions of ∆fHΘ and ∆fGΘ to the number and position of bromine substituents were summarized and presented in eq 11 and eq 12, respectively. The correlations of both eq 11 and eq 12 are very well due to the corresponding larger R2 (0.9995 and 0.9991, respectively), both of which clearly represent the influence of the number of bromine position and the position of bromine on the value of ∆fHΘ and ∆fGΘ.

∆fHΘ ) 235.82 + 30.41NR + 26.02Nβ + 1.20N1,9 + 8.88No + 2.83Nm + 1.58Np R ) 0.9995, SD ) 1.30 (11) 2

∆fGΘ ) 397.66 + 21.97NR + 17.34Nβ + 1.15N1,9 + 9.62No + 2.85Nm + 1.63Np R2 ) 0.9991, SD ) 1.34 (12) It is suggested that ∆fHΘ and ∆fGΘ of PBPZs vary greatly with the positions of bromine substitution, with an increasing



order of these parameters being position R > position β. It was also found that ∆fHΘ and ∆fGΘ increase with two bromines replaced at the same aromatic ring, with the following order: ortho > meta > para. Of the PBPZ compounds in each isomer group, the isomers with lower relative standard Gibbs energy of formation are relatively more stable, whereas those with the higher relative standard Gibbs energy of formation are more unstable. To investigate relative Gibbs energies of formation we take the lowest ∆fGΘ of isomers with the same numbers of substituent bromine atoms to be zero, so the relative standard Gibbs energies of formation (∆fGRΘ, the values are listed in Table 4) were obtained, by ∆fGΘ of other isomers minus the lowest ∆fGΘ of isomers with the same substituent numbers. Then, according to the magnitude of ∆fGΘ, the theoretic relative stability orders of the isomers were proposed, the most stable isomer and the most unstable one are listed in Table 5. As can be observed from Table 5, the most unstable isomers in MBPZs, DBPZs, tri-BPZs, TBPZs, penta-BPZs, hexa-BPZs, and hepta-BPZs are all those with bromines being attached at the same aromatic ring and close to each other, while the most stable isomers are all those with bromines replaced at two aromatic rings as possible, so that the bromines can be apart from each other. Temperature Dependence of Cp,m for PBPZs. The values of molar heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp,m) for PBPZ congeners have not been reported. The values of Cp,m [(200 to 1000) K] have been accordingly calculated using a statistical thermodynamics calculation program based on Gaussian output files, and these Cp,m values were listed in Table 6. Using the calculated values of Cp,m of PBPZs at different temperature (T), the relations between Cp,m and temperature were obtained using the least-squares method. Regression coefficients for 10-3T, 105T-1, 107T-2, and constant are listed in Table 4 (the correlation coefficients (R2) are all very close to or equal to 1.0, and all the standard deviations (SD) are low), which shows that the Cp,m values of PBPZs are in direct ratio to T-1 and have an inverse proportion to T-2.

Conclusions 76 PBPZs were fully optimized at the B3LYP/6-31G* level, and thus their HΘ, GΘ, and SΘ were consequently obtained. In addition, the ∆fHΘ and ∆fGΘ of each PBPZ molecule were calculated by isodesmic reactions. The results showed that all these thermodynamic parameters are greatly dependent on NPBS. So, the enthalpies and Gibbs energies of formation for 76 PBPZs should be valuable in further thermodynamic modeling studies. Moreover, it is found that there is a very good relationship between Cp,m and temperature for the PBPZ congeners.


Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 54, No. 9, 2009

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Received for review November 5, 2008. Accepted February 4, 2009. Financially supported by the provincial Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang (2007Y507280).
